mirror of https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os.git
282 lines
9.8 KiB
282 lines
9.8 KiB
echo "Start to build"
properties ([
artifactNumToKeepStr: '10',
numToKeepStr: '100'
// List of targets to compile
def morpheusTargets = [
// Map morpheus toolchains to compiler labels on Jenkins
def toolchains = [
ARM: "armcc",
IAR: "iar_arm",
GCC_ARM: "arm-none-eabi-gcc"
// yotta target includes toolchain
def yottaTargets = [
"frdm-k64f-gcc": "gcc",
"frdm-k64f-armcc": "armcc",
"nrf51dk-gcc": "gcc",
"stm32f429i-disco-gcc": "gcc",
"x86-linux-native": "linux && astyle"
// Initial maps for parallel build steps
def stepsForParallel = [:]
// Jenkins pipeline does not support map.each, we need to use oldschool for loop
for (int i = 0; i < morpheusTargets.size(); i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < toolchains.size(); j++) {
def target = morpheusTargets.get(i)
def toolchain = toolchains.keySet().asList().get(j)
def compilerLabel = toolchains.get(toolchain)
def stepName = "mbed-os5-${target} ${toolchain}"
stepsForParallel[stepName] = morpheusBuildStep(target, compilerLabel, toolchain)
// map yotta steps
for (int i = 0; i < yottaTargets.size(); i++) {
def target = yottaTargets.keySet().asList().get(i)
def compilerLabel = yottaTargets.get(target)
def stepName = "mbed-os3-${target}"
stepsForParallel[stepName] = yottaBuildStep(target, compilerLabel)
/* Jenkins does not allow stages inside parallel execution,
* https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-26107 will solve this by adding labeled blocks
// Actually run the steps in parallel - parallel takes a map as an argument, hence the above.
timestamps {
timeout(time: 30, unit: "MINUTES") {
parallel stepsForParallel
def execute(cmd) {
if(isUnix()) {
sh "${cmd}"
} else {
bat "${cmd}"
//Create morpheus build steps for parallel execution
def morpheusBuildStep(target, compilerLabel, toolchain) {
return {
node ("${compilerLabel}") {
dir("mbed-trace") {
String buildName = "mbed-os5-${target}-${toolchain}"
def scmVars = checkout scm
setBuildStatus('PENDING', "build ${buildName}", 'build starts')
stage ("build:${buildName}") {
execute("mbed --version")
execute("echo https://github.com/armmbed/mbed-os/#6a0a86538c0b9b2bfcc4583b1e2b7fea8f4e71e9 > mbed-os.lib")
execute("mbed deploy")
execute("rm -rf ./mbed-os/features/frameworks/mbed-trace")
execute("mbed compile -m ${target} -t ${toolchain} --library")
setBuildStatus('SUCCESS', "build ${buildName}", "build done")
} catch (err) {
echo "Caught exception: ${err}"
setBuildStatus('FAILURE', "build ${buildName}", "build failed")
throw err
stage("build:example:${buildName}") {
execute("mkdir ../example-mbed-os-5 || true")
execute("cp -R example/mbed-os-5 ../example-mbed-os-5")
dir("../example-mbed-os-5") {
def exampleName = "example-${buildName}"
setBuildStatus('PENDING', "build ${exampleName}", 'build starts')
try {
execute("echo \"https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/#6a0a86538c0b9b2bfcc4583b1e2b7fea8f4e71e9\" > mbed-os.lib")
execute("echo \"https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-trace#${env.GIT_COMMIT_HASH}\" > mbed-trace.lib")
execute("mbed new .")
execute("mbed deploy")
execute("rm -rf ./mbed-os/features/frameworks/mbed-trace")
execute("rm -rf ./mbed-trace/example")
execute("rm -rf ./mbed-trace/test")
execute("mbed compile -t ${toolchain} -m ${target}")
setBuildStatus('SUCCESS', "build ${exampleName}", "build done")
} catch(err) {
echo "Caught exception: ${err}"
setBuildStatus('FAILURE', "build ${exampleName}", "build failed")
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
} finally {
// clean up
postBuild(buildName, false)
step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
//Create yotta build steps for parallel execution
def yottaBuildStep(target, compilerLabel) {
return {
String buildName = "mbed-os3-${target}"
node ("${compilerLabel}") {
dir("mbed-trace") {
def scmVars = checkout scm
def isTest = target == "x86-linux-native" // tests are valid only in linux target
stage ("build:${buildName}") {
setBuildStatus('PENDING', "build ${buildName}", 'build starts')
execute("yotta --version")
execute("yotta target $target")
execute("yotta --plain build mbed-trace")
setBuildStatus('SUCCESS', "build ${buildName}", "build done")
} catch (err) {
echo "Caught exception: ${err}"
setBuildStatus('FAILURE', "build ${buildName}", "build failed")
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
} // stage
if (isTest) {
stage("test:${buildName}") {
setBuildStatus('PENDING', "test ${buildName}", 'test starts')
try {
execute("yotta test mbed_trace_test")
execute("lcov --base-directory . --directory . --capture --output-file coverage.info")
execute("genhtml -o ./test_coverage coverage.info")
execute("gcovr -x -o junit.xml")
execute("cppcheck --enable=all --std=c99 --inline-suppr --template=\"{file},{line},{severity},{id},{message}\" source 2> cppcheck.txt")
// check if astyle is correct
execute("astyle --options=.astylerc source/*.c mbed-trace/*.h")
// check differency
execute("git diff-index -p --exit-code HEAD")
setBuildStatus('SUCCESS', "test ${buildName}", "test done")
} catch(err) {
echo "Caught exception: ${err}"
setBuildStatus('FAILURE', "test ${buildName}", "test failed")
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
} // stage
stage("example:${buildName}") {
dir("example/linux") {
def exampleName = "example-linux"
setBuildStatus('PENDING', "build ${exampleName}", 'build starts')
try {
setBuildStatus('SUCCESS', "build ${exampleName}", "build done")
} catch(err) {
echo "Caught exception: ${err}"
setBuildStatus('FAILURE', "build ${exampleName}", "build failed")
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
} // stage
stage("leak-check:${buildName}") {
dir("example/linux") {
def stageName = "leak-check"
setBuildStatus('PENDING', "test ${stageName}", 'test starts')
try {
setBuildStatus('SUCCESS', "test ${stageName}", "test done")
} catch(err) {
echo "Caught exception: ${err}"
setBuildStatus('FAILURE', "test ${stageName}", "test failed")
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
} // stage
} // if linux
postBuild(buildName, isTest)
step([$class: 'WsCleanup'])
} // dir
def postBuild(buildName, isTest) {
// move files to target+toolchain specific folder
execute("mkdir -p output/${buildName}")
execute("find . -name 'libmbed-trace.a' -exec mv {} 'output/${buildName}' \\;")
execute("find . -name 'mbed-trace.ar' -exec mv {} 'output/${buildName}' \\;")
execute("find ../example-mbed-os-5 -name 'example-mbed-os-5.bin' -exec mv {} 'output/${buildName}/example-mbed-os-5.bin' \\; || true")
// Archive artifacts
$class: 'ArtifactArchiver',
artifacts: "cppcheck.txt,output/**",
fingerprint: true,
allowEmptyArchive: true
if (isTest) {
// Publish cobertura
$class: 'CoberturaPublisher',
coberturaReportFile: 'junit.xml'
// Publish compiler warnings
$class: 'WarningsPublisher',
parserConfigurations: [[
parserName: 'GNU Make + GNU C Compiler (gcc)',
pattern: 'mbed-trace/*.h,source/*.c,test/*.cpp'
unstableTotalAll: '0',
useDeltaValues: true,
usePreviousBuildAsReference: true
// Publish HTML reports
publishHTML(target: [
alwayLinkToLastBuild: false,
keepAll: true,
reportDir: "test_coverage",
reportFiles: "index.html",
reportName: "Build HTML Report"
// helper function to set build status to github PR
def setBuildStatus(String state, String context, String message) {
$class: "GitHubCommitStatusSetter",
reposSource: [
$class: "ManuallyEnteredRepositorySource",
url: "https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-trace.git"
contextSource: [
$class: "ManuallyEnteredCommitContextSource",
context: context
errorHandlers: [[
$class: "ChangingBuildStatusErrorHandler",
result: "UNSTABLE"
commitShaSource: [
$class: "ManuallyEnteredShaSource",
statusResultSource: [
$class: 'ConditionalStatusResultSource',
results: [
$class: 'AnyBuildResult',
message: message,
state: state