
485 lines
17 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script is used to update the version of mbed-os used within a specified set of example
# applications. The list of examples to be updated lives in the examples.json file and is
# shared with the examples.py script. Logging is used to provide varying levels of output
# during execution.
# There are two modes that can be used:
# 1) Update the ARMmbed/master branch of the specified example
# This is done by updating a user fork of the example and then raising a pull request
# against ARMmbed/master.
# 2) Update a different ARMmbed branch of the specified example
# A branch to update is specified. If it doesn't already exist then it is first created.
# This branch will be updated and the change automatically pushed.
# Command usage:
# update.py -c <config file> - T <github_token> -l <logging level> -U <github user> -b <branch> <tag>
# Where:
# -c <config file> - Optional path to an examples file.
# If not proved the default is 'examples.json'
# -T <github_token> - GitHub token for secure access (required)
# -l <logging level> - Optional Level for providing logging output. Can be one of,
# If not provided the default is 'INFO'
# -U <github_user> - GitHub user for forked repos
# -b <branch> - Branch to be updated
# NOTE only one of -U or -b can be specified.
# <tag> mbed-os tag to which all examples will be updated
import os
from os.path import dirname, abspath, basename
import sys
import logging
import argparse
import json
import subprocess
import shutil
import stat
import re
from github import Github, GithubException
ROOT = abspath(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__)))))
sys.path.insert(0, ROOT)
import examples_lib as lib
from examples_lib import SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAINS
def run_cmd(command, exit_on_failure=False):
""" Run a system command and return the result status
Passes a command to the system and returns a True/False result, once the
command has been executed, indicating success/failure. Commands are passed
as a list of tokens.
E.g. The command 'git remote -v' would be passed in as ['git', 'remote', '-v']
command - system command as a list of tokens
exit_on_failure - If True exit the program on failure (default = False)
return_code - True/False indicating the success/failure of the command
update_log.debug('[Exec] %s', ' '.join(command))
return_code = subprocess.call(command, shell=True)
if return_code:
update_log.warning("Command '%s' failed with return code: %s",
' '.join(command), return_code)
if exit_on_failure:
return return_code
def run_cmd_with_output(command, exit_on_failure=False):
""" Run a system command and return the result status plus output
Passes a command to the system and returns a True/False result once the
command has been executed, indicating success/failure. If the command was
successful then the output from the command is returned to the caller.
Commands are passed as a list of tokens.
E.g. The command 'git remote -v' would be passed in as ['git', 'remote', '-v']
command - system command as a list of tokens
exit_on_failure - If True exit the program on failure (default = False)
returncode - True/False indicating the success/failure of the command
output - The output of the command if it was successful, else empty string
update_log.debug('[Exec] %s', ' '.join(command))
returncode = 0
output = ""
output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
update_log.warning("Command '%s' failed with return code: %s",
' '.join(command), e.returncode)
returncode = e.returncode
if exit_on_failure:
return returncode, output
def rmtree_readonly(directory):
""" Deletes a readonly directory tree.
directory - tree to delete
def remove_readonly(func, path, _):
os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE)
shutil.rmtree(directory, onerror=remove_readonly)
def find_all_examples(path):
""" Search the path for examples
Searches the path specified for sub-example folders, ie those containing an
mbed-os.lib file. If found adds the path to the sub-example to a list which is
then returned.
path - path to search.
examples - (returned) list of paths to example directories.
examples = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
if 'mbed-os.lib' in files:
examples += [root]
return examples
def upgrade_single_example(example, tag, directory, ref):
""" Update the mbed-os version for a single example
Updates the mbed-os.lib file in the example specified to correspond to the
version specified by the GitHub tag supplied. Also deals with
multiple sub-examples in the GitHub repo, updating them in the same way.
example - json example object containing the GitHub repo to update.
tag - GitHub tag corresponding to a version of mbed-os to upgrade to.
directory - directory path for the example.
ref - SHA corresponding to the supplied tag
returns - True if the upgrade was successful, False otherwise.
cwd = os.getcwd()
return_code = False
if os.path.isfile("mbed-os.lib"):
# Rename command will fail on some OS's if the target file already exist,
# so ensure if it does, it is deleted first.
if os.path.isfile("mbed-os.lib_bak"):
os.rename("mbed-os.lib", "mbed-os.lib_bak")
update_log.error("Failed to backup mbed-os.lib prior to updating.")
return False
# mbed-os.lib file contains one line with the following format
# e.g. https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/#0789928ee7f2db08a419fa4a032fffd9bd477aa7
lib_re = re.compile('https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/#[A-Za-z0-9]+')
updated = False
# Scan through mbed-os.lib line by line
with open('mbed-os.lib_bak', 'r') as ip, open('mbed-os.lib', 'w') as op:
for line in ip:
opline = line
regexp = lib_re.match(line)
if regexp:
opline = 'https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/#' + ref
updated = True
if updated:
# Setup and run the git add command
cmd = ['git', 'add', 'mbed-os.lib']
return_code = run_cmd(cmd)
return not return_code
def prepare_fork(arm_example):
""" Synchronises a cloned fork to ensure it is up to date with the original.
This function sets a fork of an ARMmbed repo to be up to date with the
repo it was forked from. It does this by hard resetting to the ARMmbed
master branch.
arm_example - Full GitHub repo path for original example
ret - True if the fork was synchronised successfully, False otherwise
logstr = "In: " + os.getcwd()
for cmd in [['git', 'remote', 'add', 'armmbed', arm_example],
['git', 'fetch', 'armmbed'],
['git', 'reset', '--hard', 'armmbed/master'],
['git', 'push', '-f', 'origin']]:
if run_cmd(cmd):
update_log.error("Fork preparation failed")
return False
return True
def prepare_branch(branch):
""" Set up at branch ready for use in updating examples
This function checks whether or not the supplied branch exists.
If it does not, the branch is created and pushed to the origin.
The branch is then switched to.
arm_example - Full GitHub repo path for original example
ret - True if the fork was synchronised successfully, False otherwise
update_log.debug("Preparing branch: %s", branch)
# Check if branch already exists or not.
cmd = ['git', 'branch']
return_code, output = run_cmd_with_output(cmd)
if not branch in output:
# OOB branch does not exist thus create it and then check it out
cmd = ['git', 'checkout', '-b', branch]
return_code = run_cmd(cmd)
if not return_code:
# Push new branch upstream
cmd = ['git', 'push', '-u', 'origin', branch]
return_code = run_cmd(cmd)
cmd = ['git', 'checkout', branch]
return_code = run_cmd(cmd)
if return_code:
update_log.error("Failed to prepare branch: %s", branch)
return False
return True
def upgrade_example(github, example, tag, ref,
user='ARMmbed', branch='master'):
""" Upgrade all versions of mbed-os.lib found in the specified example repo
Clone a version of the example specified and upgrade all versions of
mbed-os.lib found within its tree. The version cloned and how it
is upgraded depends on the user and branch specified. Only two options
are valid:
1) ARMmbed + non master branch
This option will update the branch directly in the ARMmbed repo. If the
branch does not exist it will be first created.
2) alternative user + master branch
This option assumes that a fork of the repo exists in the specified user's
account. The fork will first be updated so that it is up to date with the
upstream version , then the fork will be updated and a PR raised against
the upstream ie ARMmbed repo.
github - GitHub instance to allow internal git commands to be run
example - json example object containing the GitHub repo to update.
tag - GitHub tag corresponding to a version of mbed-os to upgrade to.
ref - SHA corresponding to the tag
user - GitHub user name (defaults to 'ARMmbed' if not supplied)
branch - branch to update (defaults to 'master' if not supplied)
returns True if the upgrade was successful, False otherwise
ret = False
update_log.info("Updating example '%s'", example['name'])
update_log.debug("User: %s", user)
update_log.debug("Branch: %s", branch)
# First check validity of user/branch combination
if ((user == 'ARMmbed' and branch == 'master') or
(user != 'ARMmbed' and branch != 'master')):
update_log.error("Invalid user/branch combination")
return False
cwd = os.getcwd()
upstream_repo = 'ARMmbed/'+ example['name']
update_repo = "https://github.com/" + user + '/' + example['name']
update_log.debug("Upstream repository: %s", upstream_repo)
update_log.debug("Update repository: %s", update_repo)
# Check access to mbed-os repo
repo = github.get_repo(upstream_repo, False)
update_log.error("Upstream repo: %s, does not exist - skipping", upstream_repo)
return False
# Clone the example repo
clone_cmd = ['git', 'clone', update_repo]
return_code = run_cmd(clone_cmd)
if not return_code:
# Find all examples
example_directories = find_all_examples(example['name'])
# If the user is not the default, then a fork will be used. Thus
# synchronise the user fork with the upstream
if user != 'ARMmbed':
if branch != 'master':
for example_directory in example_directories:
if not upgrade_single_example(example, tag, os.path.relpath(example_directory, example['name']), ref):
return False
# Setup the default commit message
commit_message = 'Updating mbed-os to ' + tag
# Setup and run the commit command
commit_cmd = ['git', 'commit', '-m', commit_message]
return_code = run_cmd(commit_cmd)
if not return_code:
# Setup and run the push command
push_cmd = ['git', 'push', 'origin']
return_code = run_cmd(push_cmd)
if not return_code:
if user != 'ARMmbed':
body = "Please test/merge this PR and then tag Master with " + tag
# Raise a PR from release-candidate to master
user_fork = user + ':master'
pr = repo.create_pull(title='Updating mbed-os to ' + tag, head=user_fork, base='master', body=body)
ret = True
except GithubException as e:
# Default to False
update_log.error("Pull request creation failed with error: %s", e)
ret = True
update_log.error("Git push command failed.")
update_log.error("Git commit command failed.")
update_log.error("Git clone %s failed", update_repo)
return ret
def create_work_directory(path):
""" Create a new directory specified in 'path', overwrite if the directory already
path - directory path to be created.
if os.path.exists(path):
update_log.info("'%s' directory already exists. Deleting...", path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
parser.add_argument('tag', help="mbed-os tag to which all examples will be updated")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_file', help="Path to the configuration file (default is 'examples.json')", default='examples.json')
parser.add_argument('-T', '--github_token', help="GitHub token for secure access")
parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-level',
help="Level for providing logging output",
exclusive = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
exclusive.add_argument('-U', '--github_user', help="GitHub user for forked repos, mutually exclusive to branch option")
exclusive.add_argument('-b', '--branch', help="Branch to be updated, mutually exclusive to user option")
args = parser.parse_args()
default = getattr(logging, 'INFO')
level = getattr(logging, args.log_level.upper(), default)
# Set logging level
update_log = logging.getLogger("Update")
# Load the config file
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), args.config_file)) as config:
if not config:
update_log.error("Failed to load config file '%s'", args.config_file)
json_data = json.load(config)
# Create working directory
github = Github(args.github_token)
# Get the github sha corresponding to the specified mbed-os tag
cmd = ['git', 'rev-list', '-1', args.tag]
return_code, ref = run_cmd_with_output(cmd)
if return_code:
update_log.error("Could not obtain SHA for tag: %s", args.tag)
# Loop through the examples
failures = []
successes = []
results = {}
for example in json_data['examples']:
# Determine if this example should be updated and if so update any found
# mbed-os.lib files.
# Only user or branch can be specified on the command line
if args.github_user:
result = upgrade_example(github, example, args.tag, ref, user=args.github_user)
result = upgrade_example(github, example, args.tag, ref, branch=args.branch)
if result:
successes += [example['name']]
failures += [example['name']]
# Finish the script and report the results
update_log.info("Finished updating examples")
if successes:
for success in successes:
update_log.info(" SUCCEEDED: %s", success)
if failures:
for fail in failures:
update_log.info(" FAILED: %s", fail)