
508 lines
16 KiB

* @file usbd.h
* @brief NANO100 series USB driver header file
* @version 2.0.0
* @date 20, September, 2014
* @note
* Copyright (C) 2014 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __USBD_H__
#define __USBD_H__
/** @addtogroup NANO100_Device_Driver NANO100 Device Driver
/** @addtogroup NANO100_USBD_Driver USBD Driver
/** @addtogroup NANO100_USBD_EXPORTED_STRUCTS USBD Exported Structs
typedef struct s_usbd_info {
uint8_t *gu8DevDesc; /*!< Device descriptor */
uint8_t *gu8ConfigDesc; /*!< Config descriptor */
uint8_t **gu8StringDesc; /*!< Pointer for USB String Descriptor pointers */
uint8_t **gu8HidReportDesc; /*!< Pointer for HID Report descriptor */
uint32_t *gu32HidReportSize; /*!< Pointer for HID Report descriptor Size */
uint32_t *gu32ConfigHidDescIdx; /*!< Pointer for HID Descriptor start index */
extern S_USBD_INFO_T gsInfo;
/// @endcond /* HIDDEN_SYMBOLS */
/*@}*/ /* end of group NANO100_USBD_EXPORTED_STRUCTS */
/** @addtogroup NANO100_USBD_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS USBD Exported Constants
#define USBD_BUF_BASE (USBD_BASE+0x100)
#define USBD_MAX_EP 8
#define EP0 0 /*!< Endpoint 0 */
#define EP1 1 /*!< Endpoint 1 */
#define EP2 2 /*!< Endpoint 2 */
#define EP3 3 /*!< Endpoint 3 */
#define EP4 4 /*!< Endpoint 4 */
#define EP5 5 /*!< Endpoint 5 */
#define EP6 6 /*!< Endpoint 6 */
#define EP7 7 /*!< Endpoint 7 */
extern volatile uint32_t g_usbd_UsbConfig;
/*!<USB Request Type */
#define REQ_STANDARD 0x00
#define REQ_CLASS 0x20
#define REQ_VENDOR 0x40
/*!<USB Standard Request */
#define GET_STATUS 0x00
#define CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01
#define SET_FEATURE 0x03
#define SET_ADDRESS 0x05
#define GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06
#define SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07
#define GET_INTERFACE 0x0A
#define SET_INTERFACE 0x0B
#define SYNC_FRAME 0x0C
/*!<USB Descriptor Type */
#define DESC_DEVICE 0x01
#define DESC_CONFIG 0x02
#define DESC_STRING 0x03
#define DESC_INTERFACE 0x04
#define DESC_ENDPOINT 0x05
#define DESC_QUALIFIER 0x06
#define DESC_OTHERSPEED 0x07
/*!<USB HID Descriptor Type */
#define DESC_HID 0x21
#define DESC_HID_RPT 0x22
/*!<USB Descriptor Length */
#define LEN_DEVICE 18
#define LEN_CONFIG 9
#define LEN_ENDPOINT 7
#define LEN_HID 9
#define LEN_CCID 0x36
/*!<USB Endpoint Type */
#define EP_ISO 0x01
#define EP_BULK 0x02
#define EP_INT 0x03
#define EP_INPUT 0x80
#define EP_OUTPUT 0x00
/*!<USB Feature Selector */
/// @endcond
#define USBD_WAKEUP_EN USBD_CTL_WAKEUP_EN_Msk /*!< USB Wake-up Enable */
#define USBD_DRVSE0 USBD_CTL_DRVSE0_Msk /*!< Drive SE0 */
#define USBD_DPPU_EN USBD_CTL_DPPU_EN_Msk /*!< USB D+ Pull-up Enable */
#define USBD_PWRDN USBD_CTL_PWRDB_Msk /*!< PHY Turn-On */
#define USBD_PHY_EN USBD_CTL_PHY_EN_Msk /*!< PHY Enable */
#define USBD_USB_EN USBD_CTL_USB_EN_Msk /*!< USB Enable */
#define USBD_INT_BUS USBD_INTEN_BUSEVT_IE_Msk /*!< USB Bus Event Interrupt */
#define USBD_INT_USB USBD_INTEN_USBEVT_IE_Msk /*!< USB usb Event Interrupt */
#define USBD_INT_FLDET USBD_INTEN_FLDET_IE_Msk /*!< USB Float Detect Interrupt */
#define USBD_INT_WAKEUP USBD_INTEN_WAKEUP_IE_Msk /*!< USB Wake-up Interrupt */
#define USBD_INTSTS_WAKEUP USBD_INTSTS_WKEUP_STS_Msk /*!< USB Wakeup Interrupt Status */
#define USBD_INTSTS_FLDET USBD_INTSTS_FLD_STS_Msk /*!< USB Float Detect Interrupt Status */
#define USBD_INTSTS_BUS USBD_INTSTS_BUS_STS_Msk /*!< USB Bus Event Interrupt Status */
#define USBD_INTSTS_USB USBD_INTSTS_USB_STS_Msk /*!< USB usb Event Interrupt Status */
#define USBD_INTSTS_EP0 USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT0_Msk /*!< USB Endpoint 0 Event */
#define USBD_INTSTS_EP1 USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT1_Msk /*!< USB Endpoint 1 Event */
#define USBD_INTSTS_EP2 USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT2_Msk /*!< USB Endpoint 2 Event */
#define USBD_INTSTS_EP3 USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT3_Msk /*!< USB Endpoint 3 Event */
#define USBD_INTSTS_EP4 USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT4_Msk /*!< USB Endpoint 4 Event */
#define USBD_INTSTS_EP5 USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT5_Msk /*!< USB Endpoint 5 Event */
#define USBD_INTSTS_EP6 USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT6_Msk /*!< USB Endpoint 6 Event */
#define USBD_INTSTS_EP7 USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT7_Msk /*!< USB Endpoint 7 Event */
#define USBD_CFG_SSTALL USBD_CFG_SSTALL_Msk /*!< Set Stall */
#define USBD_CFG_CSTALL USBD_CFG_CSTALL_Msk /*!< Clear Stall */
#define USBD_CFG_EPMODE_DISABLE (0ul << USBD_CFG_EPMODE_Pos)/*!< Endpoint Disable */
#define USBD_CFG_EPMODE_OUT (1ul << USBD_CFG_EPMODE_Pos)/*!< Out Endpoint */
#define USBD_CFG_EPMODE_IN (2ul << USBD_CFG_EPMODE_Pos)/*!< In Endpoint */
#define USBD_CFG_TYPE_ISO (1ul << USBD_CFG_ISOCH_Pos) /*!< Isochronous */
/*@}*/ /* end of group NANO100_USBD_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
/** @addtogroup NANO100_USBD_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS USBD Exported Functions
* @brief Compare two input numbers and return maximum one.
* @param[in] a First number to be compared.
* @param[in] b Second number to be compared.
* @return Maximum value between a and b.
* @details If a > b, then return a. Otherwise, return b.
#define Maximum(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b))
* @brief Compare two input numbers and return minimum one
* @param[in] a First number to be compared
* @param[in] b Second number to be compared
* @return Minimum value between a and b
* @details If a < b, then return a. Otherwise, return b.
#define Minimum(a,b) ((a)<(b) ? (a) : (b))
* @brief Enable USBD engine
* @param None
* @retval None
#define USBD_ENABLE_USB() ((uint32_t)(USBD->CTL |= 0xF))
* @brief Disable USBD engine
* @param None
* @retval None
#define USBD_DISABLE_USB() ((uint32_t)(USBD->CTL &= ~USBD_USB_EN))
* @brief Enable USBD PHY
* @param None
* @retval None
#define USBD_ENABLE_PHY() ((uint32_t)(USBD->CTL |= USBD_PHY_EN))
* @brief Disable USBD PHY
* @param None
* @retval None
#define USBD_DISABLE_PHY() ((uint32_t)(USBD->CTL &= ~USBD_PHY_EN))
* @brief Force USB PHY Transceiver to Drive SE0
* @param None
* @retval None
#define USBD_SET_SE0() ((uint32_t)(USBD->CTL |= USBD_DRVSE0))
* @brief Release SE0
* @param None
* @retval None
#define USBD_CLR_SE0() ((uint32_t)(USBD->CTL &= ~USBD_DRVSE0))
* @brief Set USBD address
* @param[in] addr host assign address number
* @retval None
#define USBD_SET_ADDR(addr) (USBD->FADDR = (addr))
* @brief Get USBD address
* @param None
* @retval USBD address
#define USBD_GET_ADDR() ((uint32_t)(USBD->FADDR))
* @brief Enable USBD interrupt
* @param[in] intr interrupt mask
* @retval None
#define USBD_ENABLE_INT(intr) (USBD->INTEN |= (intr))
* @brief Get USBD interrupt flag
* @param None
* @retval interrupt status
#define USBD_GET_INT_FLAG() ((uint32_t)(USBD->INTSTS))
* @brief Clear USBD interrupt
* @param[in] flag interrupt flag
* @retval None
#define USBD_CLR_INT_FLAG(flag) (USBD->INTSTS = flag)
* @brief Get USBD Endpoint status
* @param None
* @retval endpoint status
#define USBD_GET_EP_FLAG() ((uint32_t)(USBD->EPSTS))
* @brief Get USBD bus state
* @param None
* @retval bus status
#define USBD_GET_BUS_STATE() ((uint32_t)(USBD->BUSSTS & 0xf))
* @brief check cable connect state
* @param None
* @retval connect / disconnect
* @brief Stop USB endpoint transaction
* @param[in] ep endpoint
* @retval None
#define USBD_STOP_TRANSACTION(ep) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFG_CLRRDY_Msk)
* @brief Set USB data1 token
* @param[in] ep endpoint
* @retval None
#define USBD_SET_DATA1(ep) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFG_DSQ_SYNC_Msk)
* @brief Set USB data0 token
* @param[in] ep endpoint
* @retval None
#define USBD_SET_DATA0(ep) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) &= (~USBD_CFG_DSQ_SYNC_Msk))
* @brief Set USB payload size (IN data)
* @param[in] ep endpoint
* @param[in] size IN transfer length
* @retval None
#define USBD_SET_PAYLOAD_LEN(ep, size) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].MXPLD + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) = (size))
* @brief Get USB payload size (OUT data)
* @param[in] ep endpoint
* @retval received data length
#define USBD_GET_PAYLOAD_LEN(ep) ((uint32_t)*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].MXPLD + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))))
* @brief config endpoint
* @param[in] ep endpoint
* @param[in] config config value
* @retval None
#define USBD_CONFIG_EP(ep, config) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) = (config))
* @brief Set buffer for USB endpoint
* @param[in] ep endpoint
* @param[in] offset buffer offset
* @retval None
#define USBD_SET_EP_BUF_ADDR(ep, offset) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].BUFSEG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) = (offset))
* @brief Get buffer for USB endpoint
* @param[in] ep endpoint
* @retval buffer offset
#define USBD_GET_EP_BUF_ADDR(ep) ((uint32_t)*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].BUFSEG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))))
* @brief Set USB endpoint stall state
* @param[in] ep The USB endpoint ID.
* @return None
* @details Set USB endpoint stall state for the specified endpoint ID. Endpoint will respond STALL token automatically.
#define USBD_SET_EP_STALL(ep) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) |= USBD_CFG_SSTALL_Msk)
* @brief Clear USB endpoint stall state
* @param[in] ep The USB endpoint ID.
* @return None
* @details Clear USB endpoint stall state for the specified endpoint ID. Endpoint will respond ACK/NAK token.
#define USBD_CLR_EP_STALL(ep) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) &= ~USBD_CFG_SSTALL_Msk)
* @brief Get USB endpoint stall state
* @param[in] ep The USB endpoint ID.
* @retval 0 USB endpoint is not stalled.
* @retval Others USB endpoint is stalled.
* @details Get USB endpoint stall state of the specified endpoint ID.
#define USBD_GET_EP_STALL(ep) (*((__IO uint32_t *) ((uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG + (uint32_t)((ep) << 4))) & USBD_CFG_SSTALL_Msk)
* @brief To support byte access between USB SRAM and system SRAM
* @param[in] dest Destination pointer.
* @param[in] src Source pointer.
* @param[in] size Byte count.
* @return None
* @details This function will copy the number of data specified by size and src parameters to the address specified by dest parameter.
static __INLINE void USBD_MemCopy(uint8_t *dest, uint8_t *src, int32_t size)
while (size--) *dest++ = *src++;
* @brief Set USB endpoint stall state
* @param[in] epnum USB endpoint number
* @return None
* @details Set USB endpoint stall state, endpoint will return STALL token.
static __INLINE void USBD_SetStall(uint8_t epnum)
uint32_t u32CfgAddr;
uint32_t u32Cfg;
int i;
for (i=0; i<USBD_MAX_EP; i++) {
u32CfgAddr = (uint32_t)(i << 4) + (uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG; /* USBD_CFG0 */
u32Cfg = *((__IO uint32_t *) (u32CfgAddr));
if((u32Cfg & 0xf) == epnum) {
*((__IO uint32_t *) (u32CfgAddr)) = (u32Cfg | USBD_CFG_SSTALL);
* @brief Clear USB endpoint stall state
* @param[in] epnum USB endpoint number
* @return None
* @details Clear USB endpoint stall state, endpoint will return ACK/NAK token.
static __INLINE void USBD_ClearStall(uint8_t epnum)
uint32_t u32CfgAddr;
uint32_t u32Cfg;
int i;
for (i=0; i<USBD_MAX_EP; i++) {
u32CfgAddr = (uint32_t)(i << 4) + (uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG; /* USBD_CFG0 */
u32Cfg = *((__IO uint32_t *) (u32CfgAddr));
if((u32Cfg & 0xf) == epnum) {
*((__IO uint32_t *) (u32CfgAddr)) = (u32Cfg & ~USBD_CFG_SSTALL);
* @brief Get USB endpoint stall state
* @param[in] epnum USB endpoint number
* @retval 0 USB endpoint is not stalled.
* @retval non-0 USB endpoint is stalled.
* @details Get USB endpoint stall state.
static __INLINE uint32_t USBD_GetStall(uint8_t epnum)
uint32_t u32CfgAddr;
uint32_t u32Cfg;
int i;
for (i=0; i<USBD_MAX_EP; i++) {
u32CfgAddr = (uint32_t)(i << 4) + (uint32_t)&USBD->EP[0].CFG; /* USBD_CFG0 */
u32Cfg = *((__IO uint32_t *) (u32CfgAddr));
if((u32Cfg & 0xf) == epnum)
return (u32Cfg & USBD_CFG_SSTALL);
extern volatile uint8_t g_usbd_RemoteWakeupEn;
typedef void (*VENDOR_REQ)(void); /*!<USB Vendor request callback function */
typedef void (*CLASS_REQ)(void); /*!<USB Class request callback function */
typedef void (*SET_INTERFACE_REQ)(uint32_t u32AltInterface); /*!<USB Standard request "Set Interface" callback function */
void USBD_Open(S_USBD_INFO_T *param, CLASS_REQ pfnClassReq, SET_INTERFACE_REQ pfnSetInterface);
void USBD_Start(void);
void USBD_GetSetupPacket(uint8_t *buf);
void USBD_ProcessSetupPacket(void);
void USBD_StandardRequest(void);
void USBD_PrepareCtrlIn(uint8_t *pu8Buf, uint32_t u32Size);
void USBD_CtrlIn(void);
void USBD_PrepareCtrlOut(uint8_t *pu8Buf, uint32_t u32Size);
void USBD_CtrlOut(void);
void USBD_SwReset(void);
void USBD_SetVendorRequest(VENDOR_REQ pfnVendorReq);
void USBD_LockEpStall(uint32_t u32EpBitmap);
/*@}*/ /* end of group NANO100_USBD_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
/*@}*/ /* end of group NANO100_USBD_Driver */
/*@}*/ /* end of group NANO100_Device_Driver */
#endif //__USBD_H__
/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2013~2014 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/