mirror of https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os.git
189 lines
6.4 KiB
189 lines
6.4 KiB
import os
from os.path import sep, join, exists
from collections import namedtuple
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import shutil
import re
import sys
from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, TargetNotSupportedException
import json
from tools.export.cmsis import DeviceCMSIS
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
class IAR(Exporter):
NAME = 'iar'
#iar_definitions.json location
def_loc = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', '..',
'tools','export', 'iar', 'iar_definitions.json')
#create a dictionary of the definitions
with open(def_loc, 'r') as f:
IAR_DEFS = json.load(f)
def _iar_support(tgt, iar_targets):
if "IAR" not in tgt.supported_toolchains:
return False
if hasattr(tgt, 'device_name') and tgt.device_name in iar_targets:
return True
if tgt.name in iar_targets:
return True
return False
#supported targets have a name or device_name which maps to a definition
#in iar_definitions.json
TARGETS = [target for target, obj in TARGET_MAP.iteritems() if
_iar_support(obj, IAR_DEFS.keys())]
def iar_groups(self, grouped_src):
"""Return a namedtuple of group info
Positional Arguments:
grouped_src: dictionary mapping a group(str) to sources
within it (list of file names)
Relevant part of IAR template
{% for group in groups %}
{% for file in group.files %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
IARgroup = namedtuple('IARgroup', ['name','files'])
groups = []
for name, files in grouped_src.items():
return groups
def iar_device(self):
"""Retrieve info from iar_definitions.json"""
tgt = TARGET_MAP[self.target]
device_name = (tgt.device_name if hasattr(tgt, "device_name") else
device_info = self.IAR_DEFS[device_name]
iar_defaults ={
"OGChipSelectEditMenu": "",
"CoreVariant": '',
"GFPUCoreSlave": '',
"GFPUCoreSlave2": 40,
"GBECoreSlave": 35,
"GBECoreSlave2": '',
"FPU2": 0,
"NrRegs": 0,
"NEON": '',
IARdevice = namedtuple('IARdevice', iar_defaults.keys())
return IARdevice(**iar_defaults)
def format_file(self, file):
"""Make IAR compatible path"""
return join('$PROJ_DIR$',file)
def format_src(self, srcs):
"""Group source files"""
grouped = self.group_project_files(srcs)
for group, files in grouped.items():
grouped[group] = [self.format_file(src) for src in files]
return grouped
def generate(self):
"""Generate the .eww, .ewd, and .ewp files"""
srcs = self.resources.headers + self.resources.s_sources + \
self.resources.c_sources + self.resources.cpp_sources + \
self.resources.objects + self.resources.libraries
flags = self.flags
c_flags = list(set(flags['common_flags']
+ flags['c_flags']
+ flags['cxx_flags']))
# Flags set in template to be set by user in IDE
template = ["--vla", "--no_static_destruction"]
# Flag invalid if set in template
# Optimizations are also set in template
invalid_flag = lambda x: x in template or re.match("-O(\d|time|n)", x)
flags['c_flags'] = [flag for flag in c_flags if not invalid_flag(flag)]
debugger = DeviceCMSIS(self.target).debug.replace('-','').upper()
except TargetNotSupportedException:
debugger = "CMSISDAP"
ctx = {
'name': self.project_name,
'groups': self.iar_groups(self.format_src(srcs)),
'linker_script': self.format_file(self.resources.linker_script),
'include_paths': [self.format_file(src) for src in self.resources.inc_dirs],
'device': self.iar_device(),
'ewp': sep+self.project_name + ".ewp",
'debugger': debugger
self.gen_file('iar/eww.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name + ".eww")
self.gen_file('iar/ewd.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name + ".ewd")
self.gen_file('iar/ewp.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name + ".ewp")
def build(project_name, log_name="build_log.txt", cleanup=True):
""" Build IAR project """
# > IarBuild [project_path] -build [project_name]
proj_file = project_name + ".ewp"
cmd = ["IarBuild", proj_file, '-build', project_name]
# IAR does not support a '0' option to automatically use all
# available CPUs, so we use Python's multiprocessing library
# to detect the number of CPUs available
cpus_available = cpu_count()
jobs = cpus_available if cpus_available else None
# Only add the parallel flag if we're using more than one CPU
if jobs:
cmd += ['-parallel', str(jobs)]
# Build the project
p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
ret_code = p.returncode
out_string = "=" * 10 + "STDOUT" + "=" * 10 + "\n"
out_string += out
out_string += "=" * 10 + "STDERR" + "=" * 10 + "\n"
out_string += err
if ret_code == 0:
out_string += "SUCCESS"
out_string += "FAILURE"
print out_string
if log_name:
# Write the output to the log file
with open(log_name, 'w+') as f:
# Cleanup the exported and built files
if cleanup:
os.remove(project_name + ".ewp")
os.remove(project_name + ".ewd")
os.remove(project_name + ".eww")
# legacy output file location
if exists('.build'):
if exists('BUILD'):
if ret_code !=0:
# Seems like something went wrong.
return -1
return 0