mirror of https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os.git
74 lines
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74 lines
2.1 KiB
from numpy import sin, arange, pi
from scipy.signal import lfilter, firwin
from pylab import figure, plot, grid, show
# Create a signal for demonstration.
# 320 samples of (1000Hz + 15000 Hz) at 48 kHz
sample_rate = 48000.
nsamples = 320
F_1KHz = 1000.
A_1KHz = 1.0
F_15KHz = 15000.
A_15KHz = 0.5
t = arange(nsamples) / sample_rate
signal = A_1KHz * sin(2*pi*F_1KHz*t) + A_15KHz*sin(2*pi*F_15KHz*t)
# Create a FIR filter and apply it to signal.
# The Nyquist rate of the signal.
nyq_rate = sample_rate / 2.
# The cutoff frequency of the filter: 6KHz
cutoff_hz = 6000.0
# Length of the filter (number of coefficients, i.e. the filter order + 1)
numtaps = 29
# Use firwin to create a lowpass FIR filter
fir_coeff = firwin(numtaps, cutoff_hz/nyq_rate)
# Use lfilter to filter the signal with the FIR filter
filtered_signal = lfilter(fir_coeff, 1.0, signal)
# Plot the original and filtered signals.
# The first N-1 samples are "corrupted" by the initial conditions
warmup = numtaps - 1
# The phase delay of the filtered signal
delay = (warmup / 2) / sample_rate
# Plot the original signal
plot(t, signal)
# Plot the filtered signal, shifted to compensate for the phase delay
plot(t-delay, filtered_signal, 'r-')
# Plot just the "good" part of the filtered signal. The first N-1
# samples are "corrupted" by the initial conditions.
plot(t[warmup:]-delay, filtered_signal[warmup:], 'g', linewidth=4)
# Print values
def print_values(label, values):
var = "float32_t %s[%d]" % (label, len(values))
print "%-30s = {%s}" % (var, ', '.join(["%+.10f" % x for x in values]))
print_values('signal', signal)
print_values('fir_coeff', fir_coeff)
print_values('filtered_signal', filtered_signal)