mirror of https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os.git
150 lines
5.7 KiB
150 lines
5.7 KiB
from os.path import join, exists, basename
from shutil import rmtree
from types import ListType
from workspace_tools.utils import mkdir
from workspace_tools.toolchains import TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES, Resources
from workspace_tools.paths import VENDOR_PATH, MBED_LIBRARIES, MBED_API, MBED_HAL, MBED_COMMON
from workspace_tools.libraries import Library
def build_project(src_path, build_path, target, toolchain_name,
libraries_paths=None, linker_script=None,
clean=False, notify=None, verbose=False, name=None):
# Toolchain instance
toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name](target, notify)
toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose
toolchain.build_all = clean
if name is None:
name = basename(src_path)
toolchain.info("\n>>> BUILD PROJECT: %s (%s, %s)" % (name.upper(), target.name, toolchain_name))
# Scan src_path and libraries_paths for resources
resources = toolchain.scan_resources(src_path)
if libraries_paths is not None:
for path in libraries_paths:
if linker_script is not None:
resources.linker_script = linker_script
# Build Directory
if clean:
if exists(build_path):
# Build Program
return toolchain.build_program(resources, build_path, name)
src_path: the path of the source directory
build_path: the path of the build directory
target: ['LPC1768', 'LPC11U24', 'LPC2368']
toolchain: ['ARM', 'uARM', 'GCC_ARM', 'GCC_CS', 'GCC_CR']
library_paths: List of paths to additional libraries
clean: Rebuild everything if True
notify: Notify function for logs
verbose: Write the actual tools command lines if True
def build_library(src_paths, build_path, target, toolchain_name,
dependencies_paths=None, name=None, clean=False, notify=None, verbose=False):
if type(src_paths) != ListType: src_paths = [src_paths]
for src_path in src_paths:
if not exists(src_path):
raise Exception("The library source folder does not exist: %s", src_path)
# Toolchain instance
toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name](target, notify)
toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose
toolchain.build_all = clean
# The first path will give the name to the library
name = basename(src_paths[0])
toolchain.info("\n>>> BUILD LIBRARY %s (%s, %s)" % (name.upper(), target.name, toolchain_name))
# Scan Resources
resources = []
for src_path in src_paths:
# Dependencies Include Paths
dependencies = Resources()
if dependencies_paths is not None:
for path in dependencies_paths:
# Create the desired build directory structure
bin_path = join(build_path, toolchain.obj_path)
tmp_path = join(build_path, '.temp', toolchain.obj_path)
# Copy Headers
for resource in resources:
toolchain.copy_files(resource.base_path, build_path, resource.headers)
# Compile Sources
objects = []
for resource in resources:
objects.extend(toolchain.compile_sources(resource, tmp_path, dependencies.inc_dirs))
toolchain.build_library(objects, bin_path, name)
def build_lib(lib_id, target, toolchain, verbose=False):
lib = Library(lib_id)
if lib.is_supported(target, toolchain):
build_library(lib.source_dir, lib.build_dir, target, toolchain, lib.dependencies, verbose=verbose)
print '\n\nLibrary "%s" is not yet supported on target %s with toolchain %s' % (lib_id, target.name, toolchain)
# We do have unique legacy conventions about how we build and package the mbed library
def build_mbed_libs(target, toolchain_name, verbose=False):
# Check toolchain support
if toolchain_name not in target.supported_toolchains:
print '\n%s target is not yet supported by toolchain %s' % (target.name, toolchain_name)
# Toolchain
toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name](target)
toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose
# Source and Build Paths
TARGET_SRC = join(VENDOR_PATH, target.vendor, target.name)
BUILD_TARGET = join(MBED_LIBRARIES, target.name)
BUILD_TOOLCHAIN = join(BUILD_TARGET, toolchain_name)
TMP_PATH = join(MBED_LIBRARIES, '.temp', toolchain.obj_path)
toolchain.info("\n>>> BUILD LIBRARY %s (%s, %s)" % ('CMSIS', target.name, toolchain_name))
cmsis_src = join(TARGET_SRC, "cmsis")
resources = toolchain.scan_resources(cmsis_src)
toolchain.copy_files(cmsis_src, BUILD_TARGET, resources.headers + [resources.linker_script])
objects = toolchain.compile_sources(resources, TMP_PATH, resources.inc_dirs)
toolchain.copy_files(TMP_PATH, BUILD_TOOLCHAIN, objects)
# mbed
toolchain.info("\n>>> BUILD LIBRARY %s (%s, %s)" % ('MBED', target.name, toolchain_name))
HAL_SRC = join(TARGET_SRC, "hal")
hal_implementation = toolchain.scan_resources(HAL_SRC)
mbed_resources = toolchain.scan_resources(MBED_COMMON)
toolchain.copy_files(MBED_API, MBED_LIBRARIES, toolchain.scan_resources(MBED_API).headers)
toolchain.copy_files(MBED_HAL, MBED_LIBRARIES, toolchain.scan_resources(MBED_HAL).headers)
toolchain.copy_files(HAL_SRC, BUILD_TARGET, hal_implementation.headers)
includes = mbed_resources.inc_dirs + [MBED_LIBRARIES, BUILD_TARGET]
objects = toolchain.compile_sources(mbed_resources, TMP_PATH, includes)
toolchain.build_library(objects, BUILD_TOOLCHAIN, "mbed")