mirror of https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os.git
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712 lines
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mbed SDK
Copyright (c) 2011-2016 ARM Limited
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Title: MCUXpresso exporter.
Description: Creates a managed build project that can be imported by
the MCUXpresso IDE from NXP
Based on GNU ARM Eclipse Exporter from Liviu Ionescu <ilg@livius.net>
modified for MCUXpresso by Johannes Stratmann <jojos62@online.de>
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import str
import copy
import tempfile
import shutil
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from os import getcwd, remove
from os.path import splitext, basename, exists
from random import randint
from tools.export.gnuarmeclipse import GNUARMEclipse, UID
from tools.export.exporters import apply_supported_whitelist
from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
from tools.utils import NotSupportedException
from tools.build_api import prepare_toolchain
class MCUXpresso(GNUARMEclipse):
NAME = 'MCUXpresso'
def is_target_supported(cls, target_name):
# target is supported when *_cproject.tmpl template file exists
if exists(cls.TEMPLATE_DIR + '/mcuxpresso/' + target_name + '_cproject.tmpl'):
target = TARGET_MAP[target_name]
return apply_supported_whitelist(
return False
# override
def generate(self):
Generate the .project and .cproject files.
if not self.resources.linker_script:
raise NotSupportedException("No linker script found.")
# TODO: use some logger to display additional info if verbose
libraries = []
# print 'libraries'
# print self.resources.libraries
for lib in self.libraries:
l, _ = splitext(basename(lib))
self.libraries = libraries
self.system_libraries = [
'stdc++', 'supc++', 'm', 'c', 'gcc', 'nosys'
# Read in all profiles, we'll extract compiler options.
profiles = self.get_all_profiles()
profile_ids = [s.lower() for s in profiles]
# TODO: get the list from existing .cproject
build_folders = [s.capitalize() for s in profile_ids]
# print build_folders
objects = [self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.objects]
for bf in build_folders:
objects = [o for o in objects if not o.startswith(bf + '/')]
# print 'objects'
# print objects
self.include_path = [
self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.inc_dirs]
self.as_defines = self.toolchain.get_symbols(True)
self.c_defines = self.toolchain.get_symbols()
self.cpp_defines = self.c_defines
self.ld_script = self.filter_dot(
self.options = {}
for id in profile_ids:
# There are 4 categories of options, a category common too
# all tools and a specific category for each of the tools.
opts = {}
opts['common'] = {}
opts['as'] = {}
opts['c'] = {}
opts['cpp'] = {}
opts['ld'] = {}
opts['id'] = id
opts['name'] = opts['id'].capitalize()
profile = profiles[id]
# A small hack, do not bother with src_path again,
# pass an empty string to avoid crashing.
src_paths = ['']
target_name = self.toolchain.target.name
toolchain = prepare_toolchain(
src_paths, "", target_name, self.TOOLCHAIN, build_profile=[profile])
# Hack to fill in build_dir
toolchain.build_dir = self.toolchain.build_dir
flags = self.toolchain_flags(toolchain)
# Most GNU ARM Eclipse options have a parent,
# either debug or release.
if '-O0' in flags['common_flags'] or '-Og' in flags['common_flags']:
opts['parent_id'] = 'debug'
opts['parent_id'] = 'release'
self.process_options(opts, flags)
opts['as']['defines'] = self.as_defines
opts['c']['defines'] = self.c_defines
opts['cpp']['defines'] = self.cpp_defines
opts['common']['include_paths'] = self.include_path
opts['common']['excluded_folders'] = '|'.join(
self.excluded_folders = [item.replace("\\", "/") for item in self.excluded_folders]
opts['ld']['library_paths'] = [
self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.lib_dirs]
opts['ld']['object_files'] = objects
opts['ld']['user_libraries'] = self.libraries
opts['ld']['system_libraries'] = self.system_libraries
opts['ld']['script'] = "linker-script-%s.ld" % id
opts['cpp_cmd'] = " ".join(toolchain.preproc)
# Unique IDs used in multiple places.
# Those used only once are implemented with {{u.id}}.
u = UID()
uid = {}
uid['config'] = u.id
uid['tool_c_compiler'] = u.id
uid['tool_c_compiler_input'] = u.id
uid['tool_cpp_compiler'] = u.id
uid['tool_cpp_compiler_input'] = u.id
opts['uid'] = uid
self.options[id] = opts
jinja_ctx = {
'name': self.project_name,
'ld_script': self.ld_script,
# Compiler & linker command line options
'options': self.options,
# Must be an object with an `id` property, which
# will be called repeatedly, to generate multiple UIDs.
'u': u,
self.gen_file('mcuxpresso/.project.tmpl', jinja_ctx,
'.project', trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
self.gen_file('mcuxpresso/{0}_cproject.tmpl'.format(target_name), jinja_ctx,
'.cproject', trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
self.gen_file('mcuxpresso/makefile.targets.tmpl', jinja_ctx,
'makefile.targets', trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
self.gen_file_nonoverwrite('mcuxpresso/mbedignore.tmpl', jinja_ctx,
print('Done. Import the \'{0}\' project in MCUXpresso.'.format(
def clean(_):
if exists('Debug'):
if exists('Release'):
if exists('makefile.targets'):
# override
def build(project_name, log_name="build_log.txt", cleanup=True):
Headless build an Eclipse project.
The following steps are performed:
- a temporary workspace is created,
- the project is imported,
- a clean build of all configurations is performed and
- the temporary workspace is removed.
The build results are in the Debug & Release folders.
All executables (eclipse & toolchain) must be in the PATH.
The general method to start a headless Eclipse build is:
$ eclipse \
--launcher.suppressErrors \
-nosplash \
-application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild \
-data /path/to/workspace \
-import /path/to/project \
-cleanBuild "project[/configuration] | all"
# TODO: possibly use the log file.
# Create a temporary folder for the workspace.
tmp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
cmd = [
'-application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild',
'-data', tmp_folder,
'-import', getcwd(),
'-cleanBuild', project_name
p = Popen(' '.join(cmd), shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
ret_code = p.returncode
stdout_string = "=" * 10 + "STDOUT" + "=" * 10 + "\n"
err_string = "=" * 10 + "STDERR" + "=" * 10 + "\n"
err_string += err
success = any(l.startswith("Finished building target:") for l in out.split("\n"))
if success:
ret_string = "SUCCESS\n"
ret_string = "FAILURE: build returned %s \n" % ret_code
print("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (stdout_string, out, err_string, ret_string))
if log_name:
# Write the output to the log file
with open(log_name, 'w+') as f:
# Cleanup the exported and built files
if cleanup:
if exists(log_name):
# Always remove the temporary folder.
if exists(tmp_folder):
return not(success)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def process_options(self, opts, flags_in):
CDT managed projects store lots of build options in separate
variables, with separate IDs in the .cproject file.
When the CDT build is started, all these options are brought
together to compose the compiler and linker command lines.
Here the process is reversed, from the compiler and linker
command lines, the options are identified and various flags are
set to control the template generation process.
Once identified, the options are removed from the command lines.
The options that were not identified are options that do not
have CDT equivalents and will be passed in the 'Other options'
Although this process does not have a very complicated logic,
given the large number of explicit configuration options
used by the GNU ARM Eclipse managed build plug-in, it is tedious...
# Make a copy of the flags, to be one by one removed after processing.
flags = copy.deepcopy(flags_in)
# Initialise the 'last resort' options where all unrecognised
# options will be collected.
opts['as']['other'] = ''
opts['c']['other'] = ''
opts['cpp']['other'] = ''
opts['ld']['other'] = ''
'Cortex-M0': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m0', 'fpu_unit': None},
'Cortex-M0+': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m0plus', 'fpu_unit': None},
'Cortex-M1': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m1', 'fpu_unit': None},
'Cortex-M3': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m3', 'fpu_unit': None},
'Cortex-M4': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m4', 'fpu_unit': None},
'Cortex-M4F': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m4', 'fpu_unit': 'fpv4spd16'},
'Cortex-M7': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m7', 'fpu_unit': None},
'Cortex-M7F': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m7', 'fpu_unit': 'fpv4spd16'},
'Cortex-M7FD': {'mcpu': 'cortex-m7', 'fpu_unit': 'fpv5d16'},
'Cortex-A9': {'mcpu': 'cortex-a9', 'fpu_unit': 'vfpv3'}
'cortex-m7' : 'cm7',
'cortex-m4' : 'cm4',
'cortex-m3' : 'cm3',
'cortex-m1' : 'cm1',
'cortex-m0' : 'cm0',
'cortex-m0.small-multiply' : 'cm0.smallmul',
'cortex-m0plus' : 'cm0plus',
'cortex-m0plus.small-multiply' : 'cm0plus.smallmul'
# Remove options that are supplied by CDT
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-c')
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-MMD')
# As 'plan B', get the CPU from the target definition.
core = self.toolchain.target.core
opts['common']['arm.target.family'] = None
# cortex-m0, cortex-m0-small-multiply, cortex-m0plus,
# cortex-m0plus-small-multiply, cortex-m1, cortex-m1-small-multiply,
# cortex-m3, cortex-m4, cortex-m7.
str = self.find_options(flags['common_flags'], '-mcpu=')
if str != None:
opts['common']['arm.target.family'] = str[len('-mcpu='):]
opts['common']['arm.target.family_nxp'] = MCPU_NXP[str[len('-mcpu='):]]
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], str)
self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], str)
if core not in MCPUS:
raise NotSupportedException(
'Target core {0} not supported.'.format(core))
opts['common']['arm.target.family'] = MCPUS[core]['mcpu']
opts['common']['arm.target.arch'] = 'none'
str = self.find_options(flags['common_flags'], '-march=')
arch = str[len('-march='):]
archs = {'armv6-m': 'armv6-m', 'armv7-m': 'armv7-m', 'armv7-a': 'armv7-a'}
if arch in archs:
opts['common']['arm.target.arch'] = archs[arch]
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], str)
opts['common']['arm.target.instructionset'] = 'thumb'
if '-mthumb' in flags['common_flags']:
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-mthumb')
self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], '-mthumb')
elif '-marm' in flags['common_flags']:
opts['common']['arm.target.instructionset'] = 'arm'
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-marm')
self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], '-marm')
opts['common']['arm.target.thumbinterwork'] = False
if '-mthumb-interwork' in flags['common_flags']:
opts['common']['arm.target.thumbinterwork'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-mthumb-interwork')
opts['common']['arm.target.endianness'] = None
if '-mlittle-endian' in flags['common_flags']:
opts['common']['arm.target.endianness'] = 'little'
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-mlittle-endian')
elif '-mbig-endian' in flags['common_flags']:
opts['common']['arm.target.endianness'] = 'big'
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-mbig-endian')
opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit'] = None
opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit_nxp'] = None
# default, fpv4spd16, fpv5d16, fpv5spd16
str = self.find_options(flags['common_flags'], '-mfpu=')
if str != None:
fpu = str[len('-mfpu='):]
fpus = {
'fpv4-sp-d16': 'fpv4spd16',
'fpv5-d16': 'fpv5d16',
'fpv5-sp-d16': 'fpv5spd16'
fpus_nxp = {
'fpv4-sp-d16': 'fpv4',
'fpv5-d16': 'fpv5dp',
'fpv5-sp-d16': 'fpv5sp'
if fpu in fpus:
opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit'] = fpus[fpu]
opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit_nxp'] = fpus_nxp[fpu]
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], str)
self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], str)
if opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit'] == None:
if core not in MCPUS:
raise NotSupportedException(
'Target core {0} not supported.'.format(core))
if MCPUS[core]['fpu_unit']:
'arm.target.fpu.unit'] = MCPUS[core]['fpu_unit']
# soft, softfp, hard.
str = self.find_options(flags['common_flags'], '-mfloat-abi=')
if str != None:
opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.abi'] = str[
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], str)
self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], str)
if opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.abi'] == 'hard':
opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit_nxp'] += '.hard'
# Default optimisation level for Release.
opts['common']['optimization.level'] = '-Os'
# If the project defines an optimisation level, it is used
# only for the Release configuration, the Debug one used '-Og'.
str = self.find_options(flags['common_flags'], '-O')
if str != None:
levels = {
'-O0': 'none', '-O1': 'optimize', '-O2': 'more',
'-O3': 'most', '-Os': 'size', '-Og': 'debug'
if str in levels:
opts['common']['optimization.level'] = levels[str]
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], str)
include_files = []
for all_flags in [flags['common_flags'], flags['c_flags'], flags['cxx_flags']]:
while '-include' in all_flags:
ix = all_flags.index('-include')
str = all_flags[ix + 1]
if str not in include_files:
self.remove_option(all_flags, '-include')
self.remove_option(all_flags, str)
opts['common']['include_files'] = include_files
if '-ansi' in flags['c_flags']:
opts['c']['compiler.std'] = '-ansi'
self.remove_option(flags['c_flags'], str)
str = self.find_options(flags['c_flags'], '-std')
std = str[len('-std='):]
c_std = {
'c90': 'c90', 'c89': 'c90', 'gnu90': 'gnu90', 'gnu89': 'gnu90',
'c99': 'c99', 'c9x': 'c99', 'gnu99': 'gnu99', 'gnu9x': 'gnu98',
'c11': 'c11', 'c1x': 'c11', 'gnu11': 'gnu11', 'gnu1x': 'gnu11'
if std in c_std:
opts['c']['compiler.std'] = c_std[std]
self.remove_option(flags['c_flags'], str)
if '-ansi' in flags['cxx_flags']:
opts['cpp']['compiler.std'] = '-ansi'
self.remove_option(flags['cxx_flags'], str)
str = self.find_options(flags['cxx_flags'], '-std')
std = str[len('-std='):]
cpp_std = {
'c++98': 'cpp98', 'c++03': 'cpp03',
'gnu++98': 'gnupp98', 'gnu++03': 'gnupp03',
'c++0x': 'cpp03', 'gnu++0x': 'gnupp03',
'c++11': 'cpp11', 'gnu++11': 'gnupp11',
'c++1y': 'cpp11', 'gnu++1y': 'gnupp11',
'c++14': 'cpp14', 'gnu++14': 'gnupp14',
'c++1z': 'cpp1z', 'gnu++1z': 'gnupp1z',
if std in cpp_std:
opts['cpp']['compiler.std'] = cpp_std[std]
self.remove_option(flags['cxx_flags'], str)
# Common optimisation options.
optimization_options = {
'-flto': 'optimization.lto',
'--ffat-lto-objects': 'optimization.lto_objects'
for option in optimization_options:
opts['common'][optimization_options[option]] = False
if option in flags['common_flags']:
opts['common'][optimization_options[option]] = True
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], option)
# Common warning options.
warning_options = {
'-fsyntax-only': 'warnings.syntaxonly',
'-pedantic': 'warnings.pedantic',
'-pedantic-errors': 'warnings.pedanticerrors',
'-w': 'warnings.nowarn',
'-Wall': 'warnings.allwarn',
'-Wextra': 'warnings.extrawarn',
'-Wconversion': 'warnings.conversion',
'-Werror': 'warnings.toerrors',
for option in warning_options:
opts['common'][warning_options[option]] = False
if option in flags['common_flags']:
opts['common'][warning_options[option]] = True
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], option)
# Common debug options.
debug_levels = {
'-g': 'default',
'-g1': 'minimal',
'-g3': 'max',
opts['common']['debugging.level'] = 'none'
for option in debug_levels:
if option in flags['common_flags']:
'debugging.level'] = debug_levels[option]
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], option)
opts['common']['debugging.prof'] = False
if '-p' in flags['common_flags']:
opts['common']['debugging.prof'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-p')
opts['common']['debugging.gprof'] = False
if '-pg' in flags['common_flags']:
opts['common']['debugging.gprof'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['common_flags'], '-gp')
# Assembler options.
opts['as']['usepreprocessor'] = False
while '-x' in flags['asm_flags']:
ix = flags['asm_flags'].index('-x')
str = flags['asm_flags'][ix + 1]
if str == 'assembler-with-cpp':
opts['as']['usepreprocessor'] = True
# Collect all other assembler options.
opts['as']['other'] += ' -x ' + str
self.remove_option(flags['asm_flags'], '-x')
self.remove_option(flags['asm_flags'], 'assembler-with-cpp')
opts['as']['nostdinc'] = False
if '-nostdinc' in flags['asm_flags']:
opts['as']['nostdinc'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['asm_flags'], '-nostdinc')
opts['as']['verbose'] = False
if '-v' in flags['asm_flags']:
opts['as']['verbose'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['asm_flags'], '-v')
# C options.
opts['c']['nostdinc'] = False
if '-nostdinc' in flags['c_flags']:
opts['c']['nostdinc'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['c_flags'], '-nostdinc')
opts['c']['verbose'] = False
if '-v' in flags['c_flags']:
opts['c']['verbose'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['c_flags'], '-v')
# C++ options.
opts['cpp']['nostdinc'] = False
if '-nostdinc' in flags['cxx_flags']:
opts['cpp']['nostdinc'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['cxx_flags'], '-nostdinc')
opts['cpp']['nostdincpp'] = False
if '-nostdinc++' in flags['cxx_flags']:
opts['cpp']['nostdincpp'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['cxx_flags'], '-nostdinc++')
optimization_options = {
'-fno-exceptions': 'optimization.noexceptions',
'-fno-rtti': 'optimization.nortti',
'-fno-use-cxa-atexit': 'optimization.nousecxaatexit',
'-fno-threadsafe-statics': 'optimization.nothreadsafestatics',
for option in optimization_options:
opts['cpp'][optimization_options[option]] = False
if option in flags['cxx_flags']:
opts['cpp'][optimization_options[option]] = True
if option in flags['common_flags']:
opts['cpp'][optimization_options[option]] = True
opts['cpp']['verbose'] = False
if '-v' in flags['cxx_flags']:
opts['cpp']['verbose'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['cxx_flags'], '-v')
# Linker options.
linker_options = {
'-nostartfiles': 'nostart',
'-nodefaultlibs': 'nodeflibs',
'-nostdlib': 'nostdlibs',
for option in linker_options:
opts['ld'][linker_options[option]] = False
if option in flags['ld_flags']:
opts['ld'][linker_options[option]] = True
self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], option)
opts['ld']['gcsections'] = False
if '-Wl,--gc-sections' in flags['ld_flags']:
opts['ld']['gcsections'] = True
self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], '-Wl,--gc-sections')
opts['ld']['flags'] = []
to_remove = []
for opt in flags['ld_flags']:
if opt.startswith('-Wl,--wrap,'):
'--wrap=' + opt[len('-Wl,--wrap,'):])
for opt in to_remove:
self.remove_option(flags['ld_flags'], opt)
# Other tool remaining options are separated by category.
opts['as']['otherwarnings'] = self.find_options(
flags['asm_flags'], '-W')
opts['c']['otherwarnings'] = self.find_options(
flags['c_flags'], '-W')
opts['c']['otheroptimizations'] = self.find_options(flags[
'c_flags'], '-f')
opts['cpp']['otherwarnings'] = self.find_options(
flags['cxx_flags'], '-W')
opts['cpp']['otheroptimizations'] = self.find_options(
flags['cxx_flags'], '-f')
# Other common remaining options are separated by category.
opts['common']['optimization.other'] = self.find_options(
flags['common_flags'], '-f')
opts['common']['warnings.other'] = self.find_options(
flags['common_flags'], '-W')
# Remaining common flags are added to each tool.
opts['as']['other'] += ' ' + \
' '.join(flags['common_flags']) + ' ' + \
' '.join(flags['asm_flags'])
opts['c']['other'] += ' ' + \
' '.join(flags['common_flags']) + ' ' + ' '.join(flags['c_flags'])
opts['cpp']['other'] += ' ' + \
' '.join(flags['common_flags']) + ' ' + \
' '.join(flags['cxx_flags'])
opts['ld']['other'] += ' ' + \
' '.join(flags['common_flags']) + ' ' + ' '.join(flags['ld_flags'])
if len(self.system_libraries) > 0:
opts['ld']['other'] += ' -Wl,--start-group '
'other'] += ' '.join('-l' + s for s in self.system_libraries) + ' '
'other'] += ' '.join('-l' + s for s in self.libraries)
opts['ld']['other'] += ' -Wl,--end-group '
# Strip all 'other' flags, since they might have leading spaces.
opts['as']['other'] = opts['as']['other'].strip()
opts['c']['other'] = opts['c']['other'].strip()
opts['cpp']['other'] = opts['cpp']['other'].strip()
opts['ld']['other'] = opts['ld']['other'].strip()