
148 lines
10 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
* \file ezi2c.cypersonality
* \version 1.0
* \brief
* EZI2C personality description file.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2018-2019 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<Personality id="mxs40ezi2c" name="EZI2C" version="1.0" path="Communications" xmlns="http://cypress.com/xsd/cyhwpersonality_v1">
<IpBlock name="mxscb">
<Param name="I2C" value="1" />
<Param name="I2C_S" value="1" />
<Resource name="scb" used="true" />
<ExposedMembers />
<!-- PDL documentation -->
<ParamDoc id="pdlDoc" name="Configuration Help" group="Peripheral Documentation" default="file:///`${cy_libs_path()}`/docs/pdl_api_reference_manual/html/group__group__scb__ezi2c.html" linkText="Open EZI2C (SCB) Documentation" visible="true" desc="Opens the Peripheral Driver Library Documentation" />
<ParamChoice id="DataRate" name="Data Rate (kbps)" group="General" default="100" visible="true" editable="true" desc="Data rate that EZI2C operates.">
<Entry name="100" value="100" visible="true" />
<Entry name="400" value="400" visible="true" />
<Entry name="1000" value="1000" visible="true" />
<ParamChoice id="NumOfAddr" name="Number of Addresses" group="General" default="CY_SCB_EZI2C_ONE_ADDRESS" visible="true" editable="true" desc="This parameter specifies whether 1 or 2 independent I2C slave addresses are recognized.">
<Entry name="1" value="CY_SCB_EZI2C_ONE_ADDRESS" visible="true" />
<Entry name="2" value="CY_SCB_EZI2C_TWO_ADDRESSES" visible="true" />
<ParamRange id="SlaveAddress1" name="Primary Slave Address (7-bit)" group="General" default="8" min="8" max="120" resolution="1" visible="true" editable="true" desc="This parameter specifies the 7-bit right justified primary slave address. The range: 0x08-0x78." />
<ParamRange id="SlaveAddress2" name="Secondary Slave Address (7-bit)" group="General" default="9" min="8" max="120" resolution="1" visible="`${NumOfAddr eq CY_SCB_EZI2C_TWO_ADDRESSES}`" editable="true" desc="This parameter specifies the 7-bit right justified secondary slave address. The range: 0x08-0x78." />
<ParamChoice id="SubAddrSize" name="Sub-Address Size" group="General" default="CY_SCB_EZI2C_SUB_ADDR8_BITS" visible="true" editable="true" desc="This option determines what range in the slave buffer can be accessed by the master. For a sub-address size of 8 bits, the master can only access a buffer in the range between 0 and 255. Whereas for 16 bits, the master can access a buffer in the range between 0 and 65,535.">
<Entry name="8 bits" value="CY_SCB_EZI2C_SUB_ADDR8_BITS" visible="true" />
<Entry name="16 bits" value="CY_SCB_EZI2C_SUB_ADDR16_BITS" visible="true" />
<ParamBool id="EnableWakeup" name="Enable Wakeup from Deep Sleep Mode" group="General" default="false" visible="`${DEEPSLEEP eq 1}`" editable="true" desc="This parameter enables the EZI2C slave to wake the system from Deep Sleep when a slave address match occurs." />
<!-- SCB I2C Slave clock constraints -->
<ParamString id="ScbClkMinMHz" name="ScbClkMinMHz" group="Internal" default="`${(DataRate eq 100) ? 1.55 : (DataRate eq 400) ? 7.82 : 15.84}`" visible="false" editable="false" desc="Minimum clock frequency to operate with desired data rate." />
<ParamString id="ScbClkMaxMHz" name="ScbClkMaxMHz" group="Internal" default="`${(DataRate eq 100) ? 12.8 : (DataRate eq 400) ? 15.38 : 89.0}`" visible="false" editable="false" desc="Maximum clock frequency to operate with desired data rate." />
<!-- Connections -->
<ParamSignal port="clock[0]" name="Clock" group="Connections" visible="true" desc="Clock that operates this block." canBeEmpty="false" >
<Constraint type="REQUIRE" targetLocation="peri\[\d+\]\.div_.*" valid="true" >
<Parameter id="intDivider" severity="ERROR" reason="The clock frequency must be within the range `${ScbClkMinMHz}` - `${ScbClkMaxMHz}` MHz to operate with Data Rate `${DataRate}` kbps." valid="true">
min="`${ceil(getExposedMember(&quot;REF_LOCATION&quot;, &quot;frequency&quot;) * getExposedMember(&quot;REF_LOCATION&quot;, &quot;divider&quot;) / (ScbClkMaxMHz * 1000000))}`"
max="`${floor(getExposedMember(&quot;REF_LOCATION&quot;, &quot;frequency&quot;) * getExposedMember(&quot;REF_LOCATION&quot;, &quot;divider&quot;) / (ScbClkMinMHz * 1000000))}`" />
<Constraint type="ACCEPT" targetLocation="peri\[\d+\]\.div_(16.5|24.5).*" valid="true" >
<Parameter id="fracDivider" severity="ERROR" reason="Fractional divider must be 0 for I2C interface.">
<Fixed value= "0" />
<!-- Clock Frequency -->
<ParamString id="sourceClock" name="sourceClock" group="Internal" default="`${getBlockFromSignal(&quot;clock[0]&quot;)}`" visible="false" editable="false" desc="Source Clock Resource" />
<ParamRange id="scbClkHz" name="scbClkHz" group="Internal" default="`${getExposedMember(sourceClock, &quot;frequency&quot;)}`" min="1" max="200000000" resolution="1" visible="false" editable="false" desc="SCB clock frequency in kHz" />
<ParamString id="ClkFreq" name="Clock Frequency" group="Connections" default="`${(scbClkHz &lt; 1000000) ? (scbClkHz / 1000.0) . &quot; kHz&quot; : (scbClkHz / 1000000.0) . &quot; MHz&quot;}`" visible="true" editable="false" desc="Frequency of the connected clock" />
<ParamSignal port="i2c_scl[0]" name="SCL" group="Connections" visible="true" desc="Serial clock (SCL) is the master-generated I2C clock." canBeEmpty="false">
<Constraint type="ACCEPT" targetLocation="ioss\[\d+\]\.port\[\d+\]\.pin.*" valid="true" >
<Parameter id="DriveModes" severity="DEFAULT" reason="">
<Fixed value="CY_GPIO_DM_OD_DRIVESLOW" />
<Constraint type="ACCEPT" targetLocation="ioss\[\d+\]\.port\[\d+\]\.pin.*" valid="true" >
<Parameter id="DriveModes" severity="INFO" reason="The pin Drive Mode parameter does not match expected.">
<Fixed value="CY_GPIO_DM_OD_DRIVESLOW" />
<Constraint type="ACCEPT" targetLocation=".*" valid="true" />
<ParamSignal port="i2c_sda[0]" name="SDA" group="Connections" visible="true" desc="Serial data (SDA) is the I2C data signal." canBeEmpty="false">
<Constraint type="ACCEPT" targetLocation="ioss\[\d+\]\.port\[\d+\]\.pin.*" valid="true" >
<Parameter id="DriveModes" severity="DEFAULT" reason="">
<Fixed value="CY_GPIO_DM_OD_DRIVESLOW" />
<Constraint type="ACCEPT" targetLocation="ioss\[\d+\]\.port\[\d+\]\.pin.*" valid="true" >
<Parameter id="DriveModes" severity="INFO" reason="The pin Drive Mode parameter does not match expected.">
<Fixed value="CY_GPIO_DM_OD_DRIVESLOW" />
<Constraint type="ACCEPT" targetLocation=".*" valid="true" />
<!-- Advanced -->
<ParamBool id="inFlash" name="Store Config in Flash" group="Advanced" default="true" visible="true" editable="true" desc="Controls whether the configuration structure is stored in flash (const, true) or SRAM (not const, false)." />
<!-- SCB instance number -->
<ParamString id="InstNumber" name="InstNumber" group="Internal" default="`${getInstNumber(&quot;scb&quot;)}`" visible="false" editable="false" desc="SCB Instance name number." />
<!-- Peripheral clock divider connection -->
<ParamBool id="pclkOk" name="PCLK Valid" group="Internal" default="`${hasConnection(&quot;clock&quot;, 0) &amp;&amp; isBlockUsed(sourceClock)}`" visible="false" editable="false" desc="Checks whether there is a PCLK connected and enabled." />
<ParamString id="pclkDst" name="PCLK Destination" group="Internal" default="PCLK_SCB`${InstNumber}`_CLOCK" visible="false" editable="false" desc="Generates PCLK connection define." />
<ConfigInclude value="cy_scb_ezi2c.h" include="true" />
<ConfigInclude value="cy_sysclk.h" include="`${pclkOk}`" />
<ConfigInclude value="cyhal_hwmgr.h" include="true" guard="defined (CY_USING_HAL)" />
<ConfigDefine name="`${INST_NAME}`_HW" value="SCB`${InstNumber}`" public="true" include="true" />
<ConfigDefine name="`${INST_NAME}`_IRQ" value="scb_`${InstNumber}`_interrupt_IRQn" public="true" include="true" />
<ConfigStruct name="`${INST_NAME}`_config" type="cy_stc_scb_ezi2c_config_t" const="`${inFlash}`" public="true" include="true">
<Member name="numberOfAddresses" value="`${NumOfAddr}`" />
<Member name="slaveAddress1" value="`${SlaveAddress1}`U" />
<Member name="slaveAddress2" value="`${(NumOfAddr ne CY_SCB_EZI2C_ONE_ADDRESS) ? SlaveAddress2 : &quot;0&quot;}`U" />
<Member name="subAddressSize" value="`${SubAddrSize}`" />
<Member name="enableWakeFromSleep" value="`${EnableWakeup ? &quot;true&quot; : &quot;false&quot;}`" />
<ConfigStruct name="`${INST_NAME}`_obj" type="cyhal_resource_inst_t" const="true" public="true" include="true" guard="defined (CY_USING_HAL)">
<Member name="type" value="CYHAL_RSC_SCB" />
<Member name="block_num" value="`${getInstNumber(&quot;scb&quot;)}`U" />
<Member name="channel_num" value="0U" />
<ConfigInstruction value="Cy_SysClk_PeriphAssignDivider(`${pclkDst}`, `${getExposedMember(sourceClock, &quot;clockSel&quot;)}`);" include="`${pclkOk}`" />
<ConfigInstruction value="cyhal_hwmgr_reserve(&amp;`${INST_NAME}`_obj);" include="true" guard="defined (CY_USING_HAL)" />