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* @file stm32wbxx_hal_ipcc.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief IPCC HAL module driver.
* This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
* functionalities of the Inter-Processor communication controller
* peripherals (IPCC).
* + Initialization and de-initialization functions
* + Configuration, notification and interrupts handling
* + Peripheral State and Error functions
##### How to use this driver #####
The IPCC HAL driver can be used as follows:
(#) Declare a IPCC_HandleTypeDef handle structure, for example: IPCC_HandleTypeDef hipcc;
(#) Initialize the IPCC low level resources by implementing the HAL_IPCC_MspInit() API:
(##) Enable the IPCC interface clock
(##) NVIC configuration if you need to use interrupt process
(+++) Configure the IPCC interrupt priority
(+++) Enable the NVIC IPCC IRQ
(#) Initialize the IPCC registers by calling the HAL_IPCC_Init() API which trig
(#) Implement the interrupt callbacks for transmission and reception to use the driver in interrupt mode
(#) Associate those callback to the corresponding channel and direction using HAL_IPCC_ConfigChannel().
This is the interrupt mode.
If no callback are configured for a given channel and direction, it is up to the user to poll the
status of the communication (polling mode).
(#) Notify the other MCU when a message is available in a chosen channel
or when a message has been retrieved from a chosen channel by calling
the HAL_IPCC_NotifyCPU() API.
* @attention
* <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32wbxx_hal.h"
/** @addtogroup STM32WBxx_HAL_Driver
* @{
/** @addtogroup IPCC
* @{
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup IPCC_Private_Constants IPCC Private Constants
* @{
#define IPCC_ALL_RX_BUF 0x0000003FU /*!< Mask for all RX buffers. */
#define IPCC_ALL_TX_BUF 0x003F0000U /*!< Mask for all TX buffers. */
#define CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk 0x0000000FU /*!< Mask the channel index to avoid overflow */
* @}
/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup IPCC_Private_Functions IPCC Private Functions
* @{
void IPCC_MaskInterrupt(uint32_t ChannelIndex, IPCC_CHANNELDirTypeDef ChannelDir);
void IPCC_UnmaskInterrupt(uint32_t ChannelIndex, IPCC_CHANNELDirTypeDef ChannelDir);
void IPCC_SetDefaultCallbacks(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *hipcc);
void IPCC_Reset_Register(IPCC_CommonTypeDef *Instance);
* @}
/** @addtogroup IPCC_Exported_Functions
* @{
/** @addtogroup IPCC_Exported_Functions_Group1
* @brief Initialization and de-initialization functions
##### Initialization and de-initialization functions #####
[..] This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to initialize and
deinitialize the IPCC peripheral:
(+) User must Implement HAL_IPCC_MspInit() function in which he configures
all related peripherals resources (CLOCK and NVIC ).
(+) Call the function HAL_IPCC_Init() to configure the IPCC register.
(+) Call the function HAL_PKA_DeInit() to restore the default configuration
of the selected IPCC peripheral.
* @{
* @brief Initialize the IPCC peripheral.
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IPCC_Init(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *hipcc)
HAL_StatusTypeDef err = HAL_OK;
/* Check the IPCC handle allocation */
if (hipcc != NULL)
/* Check the parameters */
IPCC_CommonTypeDef *currentInstance = IPCC_C1;
if (hipcc->State == HAL_IPCC_STATE_RESET)
/* Init the low level hardware : CLOCK, NVIC */
/* Reset all registers of the current cpu to default state */
/* Activate the interrupts */
currentInstance->CR |= (IPCC_CR_RXOIE | IPCC_CR_TXFIE);
/* Clear callback pointers */
/* Reset all callback notification request */
hipcc->callbackRequest = 0;
hipcc->State = HAL_IPCC_STATE_READY;
err = HAL_ERROR;
return err;
* @brief DeInitialize the IPCC peripheral.
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IPCC_DeInit(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *hipcc)
HAL_StatusTypeDef err = HAL_OK;
/* Check the IPCC handle allocation */
if (hipcc != NULL)
IPCC_CommonTypeDef *currentInstance = IPCC_C1;
/* Set the state to busy */
hipcc->State = HAL_IPCC_STATE_BUSY;
/* Reset all registers of the current cpu to default state */
/* Clear callback pointers */
/* Reset all callback notification request */
hipcc->callbackRequest = 0;
/* DeInit the low level hardware : CLOCK, NVIC */
hipcc->State = HAL_IPCC_STATE_RESET;
err = HAL_ERROR;
return err;
* @brief Initialize the IPCC MSP.
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @retval None
__weak void HAL_IPCC_MspInit(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *hipcc)
/* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
/* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed
the HAL_IPCC_MspInit should be implemented in the user file
* @brief IPCC MSP DeInit
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @retval None
__weak void HAL_IPCC_MspDeInit(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *hipcc)
/* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
/* NOTE : This function should not be modified. When the callback is needed
the HAL_IPCC_MspDeInit should be implemented in the user file
* @}
/** @addtogroup IPCC_Exported_Functions_Group2
* @brief Configuration, notification and Irq handling functions.
##### IO operation functions #####
[..] This section provides functions to allow two MCU to communicate.
(#) For a given channel (from 0 to IPCC_CHANNEL_NUMBER), for a given direction
IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX or IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_RX, you can choose to communicate
in polling mode or in interrupt mode using IPCC.
By default, the IPCC HAL driver handle the communication in polling mode.
By setting a callback for a channel/direction, this communication use
the interrupt mode.
(#) Polling mode:
(++) To transmit information, use HAL_IPCC_NotifyCPU() with
IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX. To know when the other processor has handled
the notification, poll the communication using HAL_IPCC_NotifyCPU
(++) To receive information, poll the status of the communication with
HAL_IPCC_GetChannelStatus with IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_RX. To notify the other
processor that the information has been received, use HAL_IPCC_NotifyCPU
(#) Interrupt mode:
(++) Configure a callback for the channel and the direction using HAL_IPCC_ConfigChannel().
This callback will be triggered under interrupt.
(++) To transmit information, use HAL_IPCC_NotifyCPU() with
IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX. The callback configured with HAL_IPCC_ConfigChannel() and
IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX will be triggered once the communication has been handled by the
other processor.
(++) To receive information, the callback configured with HAL_IPCC_ConfigChannel() and
IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_RX will be triggered on reception of a communication.To notify the other
processor that the information has been received, use HAL_IPCC_NotifyCPU
(++) HAL_IPCC_TX_IRQHandler must be added to the IPCC TX IRQHandler
(++) HAL_IPCC_RX_IRQHandler must be added to the IPCC RX IRQHandler
* @{
* @brief Activate the callback notification on receive/transmit interrupt
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @param ChannelIndex Channel number
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_1: IPCC Channel 1
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_2: IPCC Channel 2
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_3: IPCC Channel 3
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_4: IPCC Channel 4
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_5: IPCC Channel 5
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_6: IPCC Channel 6
* @param ChannelDir Channel direction
* @param cb Interrupt callback
* @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IPCC_ActivateNotification(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *hipcc, uint32_t ChannelIndex, IPCC_CHANNELDirTypeDef ChannelDir, ChannelCb cb)
HAL_StatusTypeDef err = HAL_OK;
/* Check the IPCC handle allocation */
if (hipcc != NULL)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Check IPCC state */
if (hipcc->State == HAL_IPCC_STATE_READY)
/* Set callback and register masking information */
if (ChannelDir == IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX)
hipcc->ChannelCallbackTx[ChannelIndex] = cb;
hipcc->callbackRequest |= (IPCC_MR_CH1FM_Msk << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
hipcc->ChannelCallbackRx[ChannelIndex] = cb;
hipcc->callbackRequest |= (IPCC_MR_CH1OM_Msk << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
/* Unmask only the channels in reception (Transmission channel mask/unmask is done in HAL_IPCC_NotifyCPU) */
if (ChannelDir == IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_RX)
IPCC_UnmaskInterrupt(ChannelIndex, ChannelDir);
err = HAL_ERROR;
err = HAL_ERROR;
return err;
* @brief Remove the callback notification on receive/transmit interrupt
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @param ChannelIndex Channel number
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_1: IPCC Channel 1
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_2: IPCC Channel 2
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_3: IPCC Channel 3
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_4: IPCC Channel 4
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_5: IPCC Channel 5
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_6: IPCC Channel 6
* @param ChannelDir Channel direction
* @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IPCC_DeActivateNotification(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *hipcc, uint32_t ChannelIndex, IPCC_CHANNELDirTypeDef ChannelDir)
HAL_StatusTypeDef err = HAL_OK;
/* Check the IPCC handle allocation */
if (hipcc != NULL)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Check IPCC state */
if (hipcc->State == HAL_IPCC_STATE_READY)
/* Set default callback and register masking information */
if (ChannelDir == IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX)
hipcc->ChannelCallbackTx[ChannelIndex] = HAL_IPCC_TxCallback;
hipcc->callbackRequest &= ~(IPCC_MR_CH1FM_Msk << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
hipcc->ChannelCallbackRx[ChannelIndex] = HAL_IPCC_RxCallback;
hipcc->callbackRequest &= ~(IPCC_MR_CH1OM_Msk << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
/* Mask the interrupt */
IPCC_MaskInterrupt(ChannelIndex, ChannelDir);
err = HAL_ERROR;
err = HAL_ERROR;
return err;
* @brief Get state of IPCC channel
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @param ChannelIndex Channel number
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_1: IPCC Channel 1
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_2: IPCC Channel 2
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_3: IPCC Channel 3
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_4: IPCC Channel 4
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_5: IPCC Channel 5
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_6: IPCC Channel 6
* @param ChannelDir Channel direction
* @retval Channel status
IPCC_CHANNELStatusTypeDef HAL_IPCC_GetChannelStatus(IPCC_HandleTypeDef const *const hipcc, uint32_t ChannelIndex, IPCC_CHANNELDirTypeDef ChannelDir)
uint32_t channel_state;
IPCC_CommonTypeDef *currentInstance = IPCC_C1;
IPCC_CommonTypeDef *otherInstance = IPCC_C2;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Read corresponding channel depending of the MCU and the direction */
if (ChannelDir == IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX)
channel_state = (currentInstance->SR) & (IPCC_SR_CH1F_Msk << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
channel_state = (otherInstance->SR) & (IPCC_SR_CH1F_Msk << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
* @brief Notify remote processor
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @param ChannelIndex Channel number
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_1: IPCC Channel 1
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_2: IPCC Channel 2
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_3: IPCC Channel 3
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_4: IPCC Channel 4
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_5: IPCC Channel 5
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_6: IPCC Channel 6
* @param ChannelDir Channel direction
* @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IPCC_NotifyCPU(IPCC_HandleTypeDef const *const hipcc, uint32_t ChannelIndex, IPCC_CHANNELDirTypeDef ChannelDir)
HAL_StatusTypeDef err = HAL_OK;
uint32_t mask;
IPCC_CommonTypeDef *currentInstance = IPCC_C1;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Check if IPCC is initiliased */
if (hipcc->State == HAL_IPCC_STATE_READY)
/* For IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX, set the status. For IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_RX, clear the status */
currentInstance->SCR |= ((ChannelDir == IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX) ? IPCC_SCR_CH1S : IPCC_SCR_CH1C) << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk) ;
/* Unmask interrupt if the callback is requested */
mask = ((ChannelDir == IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX) ? IPCC_MR_CH1FM_Msk : IPCC_MR_CH1OM_Msk) << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk) ;
if ((hipcc->callbackRequest & mask) == mask)
IPCC_UnmaskInterrupt(ChannelIndex, ChannelDir);
err = HAL_ERROR;
return err;
* @}
/** @addtogroup IPCC_IRQ_Handler_and_Callbacks
* @{
* @brief This function handles IPCC Tx Free interrupt request.
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @retval None
void HAL_IPCC_TX_IRQHandler(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *const hipcc)
uint32_t irqmask;
uint32_t bit_pos;
uint32_t ch_count = 0U;
IPCC_CommonTypeDef *currentInstance = IPCC_C1;
/* check the Tx free channels which are not masked */
irqmask = ~(currentInstance->MR) & IPCC_ALL_TX_BUF;
irqmask = irqmask & ~(currentInstance->SR << IPCC_MR_CH1FM_Pos);
while (irqmask != 0UL) /* if several bits are set, it loops to serve all of them */
bit_pos = 1UL << (IPCC_MR_CH1FM_Pos + (ch_count & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
if ((irqmask & bit_pos) != 0U)
/* mask the channel Free interrupt */
currentInstance->MR |= bit_pos;
if (hipcc->ChannelCallbackTx[ch_count] != NULL)
hipcc->ChannelCallbackTx[ch_count](hipcc, ch_count, IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX);
irqmask = irqmask & ~(bit_pos);
* @brief This function handles IPCC Rx Occupied interrupt request.
* @param hipcc : IPCC handle
* @retval None
void HAL_IPCC_RX_IRQHandler(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *const hipcc)
uint32_t irqmask;
uint32_t bit_pos;
uint32_t ch_count = 0U;
IPCC_CommonTypeDef *currentInstance = IPCC_C1;
IPCC_CommonTypeDef *otherInstance = IPCC_C2;
/* check the Rx occupied channels which are not masked */
irqmask = ~(currentInstance->MR) & IPCC_ALL_RX_BUF;
irqmask = irqmask & otherInstance->SR;
while (irqmask != 0UL) /* if several bits are set, it loops to serve all of them */
bit_pos = 1UL << (ch_count & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk);
if ((irqmask & bit_pos) != 0U)
/* mask the channel occupied interrupt */
currentInstance->MR |= bit_pos;
if (hipcc->ChannelCallbackRx[ch_count] != NULL)
hipcc->ChannelCallbackRx[ch_count](hipcc, ch_count, IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_RX);
irqmask = irqmask & ~(bit_pos);
* @brief Rx occupied callback
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @param ChannelIndex Channel number
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_1: IPCC Channel 1
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_2: IPCC Channel 2
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_3: IPCC Channel 3
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_4: IPCC Channel 4
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_5: IPCC Channel 5
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_6: IPCC Channel 6
* @param ChannelDir Channel direction
__weak void HAL_IPCC_RxCallback(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *hipcc, uint32_t ChannelIndex, IPCC_CHANNELDirTypeDef ChannelDir)
/* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
/* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
the HAL_IPCC_RxCallback can be implemented in the user file
* @brief Tx free callback
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @param ChannelIndex Channel number
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_1: IPCC Channel 1
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_2: IPCC Channel 2
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_3: IPCC Channel 3
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_4: IPCC Channel 4
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_5: IPCC Channel 5
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_6: IPCC Channel 6
* @param ChannelDir Channel direction
__weak void HAL_IPCC_TxCallback(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *hipcc, uint32_t ChannelIndex, IPCC_CHANNELDirTypeDef ChannelDir)
/* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
/* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
the HAL_IPCC_TxCallback can be implemented in the user file
* @}
/** @addtogroup IPCC_Exported_Functions_Group3
* @brief IPCC Peripheral State and Error functions
##### Peripheral State and Error functions #####
This subsection permit to get in run-time the status of the peripheral
and the data flow.
* @{
* @brief Return the IPCC handle state.
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
* @retval IPCC handle state
HAL_IPCC_StateTypeDef HAL_IPCC_GetState(IPCC_HandleTypeDef const *const hipcc)
return hipcc->State;
* @}
* @}
/** @addtogroup IPCC_Private_Functions
* @{
* @brief Mask IPCC interrupts.
* @param ChannelIndex Channel number
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_1: IPCC Channel 1
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_2: IPCC Channel 2
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_3: IPCC Channel 3
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_4: IPCC Channel 4
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_5: IPCC Channel 5
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_6: IPCC Channel 6
* @param ChannelDir Channel direction
void IPCC_MaskInterrupt(uint32_t ChannelIndex, IPCC_CHANNELDirTypeDef ChannelDir)
IPCC_CommonTypeDef *currentInstance = IPCC_C1;
if (ChannelDir == IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX)
/* Mask interrupt */
currentInstance->MR |= (IPCC_MR_CH1FM_Msk << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
/* Mask interrupt */
currentInstance->MR |= (IPCC_MR_CH1OM_Msk << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
* @brief Unmask IPCC interrupts.
* @param ChannelIndex Channel number
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_1: IPCC Channel 1
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_2: IPCC Channel 2
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_3: IPCC Channel 3
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_4: IPCC Channel 4
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_5: IPCC Channel 5
* @arg IPCC_CHANNEL_6: IPCC Channel 6
* @param ChannelDir Channel direction
void IPCC_UnmaskInterrupt(uint32_t ChannelIndex, IPCC_CHANNELDirTypeDef ChannelDir)
IPCC_CommonTypeDef *currentInstance = IPCC_C1;
if (ChannelDir == IPCC_CHANNEL_DIR_TX)
/* Unmask interrupt */
currentInstance->MR &= ~(IPCC_MR_CH1FM_Msk << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
/* Unmask interrupt */
currentInstance->MR &= ~(IPCC_MR_CH1OM_Msk << (ChannelIndex & CHANNEL_INDEX_Msk));
* @brief Reset all callbacks of the handle to NULL.
* @param hipcc IPCC handle
void IPCC_SetDefaultCallbacks(IPCC_HandleTypeDef *hipcc)
uint32_t i;
/* Set all callbacks to default */
for (i = 0; i < IPCC_CHANNEL_NUMBER; i++)
hipcc->ChannelCallbackRx[i] = HAL_IPCC_RxCallback;
hipcc->ChannelCallbackTx[i] = HAL_IPCC_TxCallback;
* @brief Reset IPCC register to default value for the concerned instance.
* @param Instance pointer to register
void IPCC_Reset_Register(IPCC_CommonTypeDef *Instance)
/* Disable RX and TX interrupts */
Instance->CR = 0x00000000U;
/* Mask RX and TX interrupts */
/* Clear RX status */
Instance->SCR = IPCC_ALL_RX_BUF;
* @}
* @}
* @}
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/