
530 lines
23 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2019, Nuvoton Technology Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cmsis.h>
#include "M2351.h"
/* Suppress warning messages */
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
// Suppress warning message: extended constant initializer used
#pragma diag_suppress 1296
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
// Suppress warning message Pe1665
#pragma diag_suppress=Pe1665
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* Macro Definitions */
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
#define WEAK __attribute__ ((weak))
#define ALIAS(f) __attribute__ ((weak, alias(#f)))
void FUN(void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias(#FUN_ALIAS)));
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
//#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
//#define _STRINGIFY(x) STRINGIFY(x)
void FUN(void); \
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define WEAK __attribute__ ((weak))
#define ALIAS(f) __attribute__ ((weak, alias(#f)))
void FUN(void) __attribute__ ((weak, alias(#FUN_ALIAS)));
/* Initialize segments */
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U) && (TFM_LVL > 0)
extern uint32_t Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK_MSP$$ZI$$Limit;
extern uint32_t Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit;
extern uint32_t Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit;
extern void __main(void);
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U) && (TFM_LVL > 0)
extern uint32_t Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK_MSP$$ZI$$Limit;
extern uint32_t Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit;
extern uint32_t CSTACK_MSP$$Limit;
extern uint32_t CSTACK$$Limit;
extern uint32_t Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit;
extern uint32_t CSTACK$$Limit;
void __iar_program_start(void);
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U) && (TFM_LVL > 0)
extern uint32_t Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK_MSP$$ZI$$Limit;
extern uint32_t Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit;
extern uint32_t Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit;
extern uint32_t __StackTop;
extern uint32_t __copy_table_start__;
extern uint32_t __copy_table_end__;
extern uint32_t __zero_table_start__;
extern uint32_t __zero_table_end__;
#if defined(TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM)
extern void _start(void);
#error("For GCC toolchain, only support GNU ARM Embedded")
/* SCU handler */
void SCU_IRQHandler(void);
/* Default empty handler */
void Default_Handler(void);
/* Reset handler */
void Reset_Handler(void);
/* Cortex-M0+ core handlers */
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(NMI_Handler, Default_Handler)
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(HardFault_Handler, Default_Handler)
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SVC_Handler, Default_Handler)
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(PendSV_Handler, Default_Handler)
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SysTick_Handler, Default_Handler)
/* Peripherals handlers */
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(BOD_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 0: Brown Out detection
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(IRC_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 1: Internal RC
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(PWRWU_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 2: Power down wake up
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SRAM_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 3: SRAM
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(CLKFAIL_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 4: Clock detection fail
// 5: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(RTC_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 6: Real Time Clock
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(TAMPER_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 7: Tamper detection
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(WDT_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 8: Watchdog timer
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(WWDT_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 9: Window watchdog timer
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EINT0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 10: External Input 0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EINT1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 11: External Input 1
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EINT2_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 12: External Input 2
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EINT3_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 13: External Input 3
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EINT4_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 14: External Input 4
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EINT5_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 15: External Input 5
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(GPA_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 16: GPIO Port A
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(GPB_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 17: GPIO Port B
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(GPC_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 18: GPIO Port C
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(GPD_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 19: GPIO Port D
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(GPE_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 20: GPIO Port E
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(GPF_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 21: GPIO Port F
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(QSPI0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 22: QSPI0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SPI0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 23: SPI0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(BRAKE0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 24: BRAKE0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EPWM0_P0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 25: EPWM0P0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EPWM0_P1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 26: EPWM0P1
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EPWM0_P2_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 27: EPWM0P2
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(BRAKE1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 28: BRAKE1
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EPWM1_P0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 29: EPWM1P0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EPWM1_P1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 30: EPWM1P1
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EPWM1_P2_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 31: EPWM1P2
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(TMR0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 32: Timer 0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(TMR1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 33: Timer 1
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(TMR2_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 34: Timer 2
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(TMR3_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 35: Timer 3
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(UART0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 36: UART0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(UART1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 37: UART1
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(I2C0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 38: I2C0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(I2C1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 39: I2C1
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(PDMA0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 40: Peripheral DMA 0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(DAC_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 41: DAC
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EADC0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 42: EADC Source 0
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EADC1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 43: EADC Source 1
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(ACMP01_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 44: ACMP0 and ACMP1
// 45: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EADC2_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 46: EADC Source 2
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EADC3_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 47: EADC Source 3
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(UART2_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 48: UART2
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(UART3_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 49: UART3
// 50: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SPI1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 51: SPI1
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SPI2_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 52: SPI2
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(USBD_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 53: USB device
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(USBH_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 54: USB host
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(USBOTG_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 55: USB OTG
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(CAN0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 56: CAN0
// 57: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SC0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 58:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SC1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 59:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SC2_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 60:
// 61:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SPI3_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 62:
// 63: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(SDH0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 64:
// 65 ~67: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(I2S0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 68:
// 69: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(OPA0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 70:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(CRPT_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 71:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(GPG_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 72:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EINT6_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 73:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(UART4_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 74:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(UART5_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 75:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(USCI0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 76:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(USCI1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 77:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(BPWM0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 78:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(BPWM1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 79:
// 80~81: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(I2C2_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 82:
// 83: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(QEI0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 84:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(QEI1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 85:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(ECAP0_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 86:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(ECAP1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 87:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(GPH_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 88:
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(EINT7_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 89:
// 90~97: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(PDMA1_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 98: Peripheral DMA 1
// 99:
// 100: Reserved
WEAK_ALIAS_FUNC(TRNG_IRQHandler, Default_Handler) // 101:
/* Vector table */
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
__attribute__ ((section("RESET"), used))
const uint32_t __vector_handlers[] = {
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
const uint32_t __vector_table[] @ ".intvec" = {
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
__attribute__ ((section(".vector_table")))
const uint32_t __vector_handlers[] = {
/* Configure Initial Stack Pointer, using linker-generated symbols */
#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U) && (TFM_LVL > 0)
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
(uint32_t) &Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK_MSP$$ZI$$Limit,
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
(uint32_t) &CSTACK_MSP$$Limit,
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
(uint32_t) &__StackTop,
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
(uint32_t) &Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit,
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
(uint32_t) &CSTACK$$Limit,
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
(uint32_t) &__StackTop,
(uint32_t) Reset_Handler, // Reset Handler
(uint32_t) NMI_Handler, // NMI Handler
(uint32_t) HardFault_Handler, // Hard Fault Handler
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
(uint32_t) SVC_Handler, // SVCall Handler
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
(uint32_t) PendSV_Handler, // PendSV Handler
(uint32_t) SysTick_Handler, // SysTick Handler
/* External Interrupts */
(uint32_t) BOD_IRQHandler, // 0: Brown Out detection
(uint32_t) IRC_IRQHandler, // 1: Internal RC
(uint32_t) PWRWU_IRQHandler, // 2: Power down wake up
(uint32_t) SRAM_IRQHandler, // 3:
(uint32_t) CLKFAIL_IRQHandler, // 4: Clock detection fail
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 5: Reserved
(uint32_t) RTC_IRQHandler, // 6: Real Time Clock
(uint32_t) TAMPER_IRQHandler, // 7: Tamper detection
(uint32_t) WDT_IRQHandler, // 8: Watchdog timer
(uint32_t) WWDT_IRQHandler, // 9: Window watchdog timer
(uint32_t) EINT0_IRQHandler, // 10: External Input 0
(uint32_t) EINT1_IRQHandler, // 11: External Input 1
(uint32_t) EINT2_IRQHandler, // 12: External Input 2
(uint32_t) EINT3_IRQHandler, // 13: External Input 3
(uint32_t) EINT4_IRQHandler, // 14: External Input 4
(uint32_t) EINT5_IRQHandler, // 15: External Input 5
(uint32_t) GPA_IRQHandler, // 16: GPIO Port A
(uint32_t) GPB_IRQHandler, // 17: GPIO Port B
(uint32_t) GPC_IRQHandler, // 18: GPIO Port C
(uint32_t) GPD_IRQHandler, // 19: GPIO Port D
(uint32_t) GPE_IRQHandler, // 20: GPIO Port E
(uint32_t) GPF_IRQHandler, // 21: GPIO Port F
(uint32_t) QSPI0_IRQHandler, // 22: QSPI0
(uint32_t) SPI0_IRQHandler, // 23: SPI0
(uint32_t) BRAKE0_IRQHandler, // 24:
(uint32_t) EPWM0_P0_IRQHandler, // 25:
(uint32_t) EPWM0_P1_IRQHandler, // 26:
(uint32_t) EPWM0_P2_IRQHandler, // 27:
(uint32_t) BRAKE1_IRQHandler, // 28:
(uint32_t) EPWM1_P0_IRQHandler, // 29:
(uint32_t) EPWM1_P1_IRQHandler, // 30:
(uint32_t) EPWM1_P2_IRQHandler, // 31:
(uint32_t) TMR0_IRQHandler, // 32: Timer 0
(uint32_t) TMR1_IRQHandler, // 33: Timer 1
(uint32_t) TMR2_IRQHandler, // 34: Timer 2
(uint32_t) TMR3_IRQHandler, // 35: Timer 3
(uint32_t) UART0_IRQHandler, // 36: UART0
(uint32_t) UART1_IRQHandler, // 37: UART1
(uint32_t) I2C0_IRQHandler, // 38: I2C0
(uint32_t) I2C1_IRQHandler, // 39: I2C1
(uint32_t) PDMA0_IRQHandler, // 40: Peripheral DMA 0
(uint32_t) DAC_IRQHandler, // 41: DAC
(uint32_t) EADC0_IRQHandler, // 42: EADC source 0
(uint32_t) EADC1_IRQHandler, // 43: EADC source 1
(uint32_t) ACMP01_IRQHandler, // 44: ACMP0 and ACMP1
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 45: Reserved
(uint32_t) EADC2_IRQHandler, // 46: EADC source 2
(uint32_t) EADC3_IRQHandler, // 47: EADC source 3
(uint32_t) UART2_IRQHandler, // 48: UART2
(uint32_t) UART3_IRQHandler, // 49: UART3
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 50: Reserved
(uint32_t) SPI1_IRQHandler, // 51: SPI1
(uint32_t) SPI2_IRQHandler, // 52: SPI2
(uint32_t) USBD_IRQHandler, // 53: USB device
(uint32_t) USBH_IRQHandler, // 54: USB host
(uint32_t) USBOTG_IRQHandler, // 55: USB OTG
(uint32_t) CAN0_IRQHandler, // 56: CAN0
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 57: Reserved
(uint32_t) SC0_IRQHandler, // 58:
(uint32_t) SC1_IRQHandler, // 59:
(uint32_t) SC2_IRQHandler, // 60:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 61: Reserved.
(uint32_t) SPI3_IRQHandler, // 62:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 63:
(uint32_t) SDH0_IRQHandler, // 64:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 65:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 66:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 67:
(uint32_t) I2S0_IRQHandler, // 68:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 69:
(uint32_t) OPA0_IRQHandler, // 70:
(uint32_t) CRPT_IRQHandler, // 71:
(uint32_t) GPG_IRQHandler, // 72:
(uint32_t) EINT6_IRQHandler, // 73:
(uint32_t) UART4_IRQHandler, // 74:
(uint32_t) UART5_IRQHandler, // 75:
(uint32_t) USCI0_IRQHandler, // 76:
(uint32_t) USCI1_IRQHandler, // 77:
(uint32_t) BPWM0_IRQHandler, // 78:
(uint32_t) BPWM1_IRQHandler, // 79:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 80:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 81:
(uint32_t) I2C2_IRQHandler, // 82:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 83:
(uint32_t) QEI0_IRQHandler, // 84:
(uint32_t) QEI1_IRQHandler, // 85:
(uint32_t) ECAP0_IRQHandler, // 86:
(uint32_t) ECAP1_IRQHandler, // 87:
(uint32_t) GPH_IRQHandler, // 88:
(uint32_t) EINT7_IRQHandler, // 89:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 90:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 91:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 92:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 93:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 94:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 95:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 96:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 97:
(uint32_t) PDMA1_IRQHandler, // 98: Peripheral DMA 1
(uint32_t) SCU_IRQHandler, // 99:
(uint32_t) Default_Handler, // 100:
(uint32_t) TRNG_IRQHandler, // 101:
/* Some reset handler code cannot implement in pure C. Implement it in inline/embedded assembly.
* Reset_Handler:
* For non-secure PSA/non-secure non-PSA/secure non-PSA, jump directly to Reset_Handler_1
* For secure PSA, switch from MSP to PSP, then jump to Reset_Handler_1
* Reset_Handler_1:
* Platform initialization
* C/C++ runtime initialization
/* Forward declaration */
#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U) && (TFM_LVL > 0)
/* Limited by inline assembly syntax, esp. on IAR, we cannot get stack limit
* for PSP just from external symbol. To avoid re-write in assembly, We make up
* a function here to get this value indirectly. */
uint32_t StackLimit_PSP(void);
void Reset_Handler_1(void);
/* Add '__attribute__((naked))' here to make sure compiler does not generate prologue and
* epilogue sequences for Reset_Handler. We don't want MSP is updated by compiler-generated
* code during stack switch.
* Don't allow extended assembly in naked functions:
* The compiler only supports basic __asm statements in __attribute__((naked))
* functions. Using extended assembly, parameter references or mixing C code with
* __asm statements might not work reliably.
__attribute__((naked)) void Reset_Handler(void)
#if defined(__GNUC__)
__asm(".syntax unified \n");
/* Secure TFM requires PSP as boot stack */
#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U) && (TFM_LVL > 0)
/* Get stack limit for PSP */
#if !defined(__ICCARM__)
__asm("movw r0, #:lower16:StackLimit_PSP \n");
__asm("movt r0, #:upper16:StackLimit_PSP \n");
__asm("mov32 r0, StackLimit_PSP \n");
__asm("blx r0 \n");
/* Switch from MSP to PSP */
__asm("msr psp, r0 \n");
__asm("mrs r0, control \n");
__asm("movs r1, #2 \n");
__asm("orrs r0, r1 \n");
__asm("msr control, r0 \n");
/* Jump to Reset_Handler_1 */
#if !defined(__ICCARM__)
__asm("movw r0, #:lower16:Reset_Handler_1 \n");
__asm("movt r0, #:upper16:Reset_Handler_1 \n");
__asm("mov32 r0, Reset_Handler_1 \n");
__asm("bx r0 \n");
#if defined (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U) && (TFM_LVL > 0)
/* Return stack limit for PSP */
uint32_t StackLimit_PSP(void)
uint32_t stacklimit_psp;
__asm volatile (
#if defined(__GNUC__)
".syntax unified \n"
"mov %[Rd], %[Rn] \n"
: [Rd] "=r" (stacklimit_psp) /* comma-separated list of output operands */
: [Rn] "r" (&Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit) /* comma-separated list of input operands */
: "cc" /* comma-separated list of clobbered resources */
return stacklimit_psp;
void Reset_Handler_1(void)
#if defined(__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE) && (__ARM_FEATURE_CMSE == 3U)
/* Disable register write-protection function */
/* Disable Power-on Reset function */
/* Enable register write-protection function */
/* SystemInit() must be called at the very start. */
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* Move (multiple) .data section(s) from ROM to RAM */
/* Struct of copy table entry which must match linker script */
typedef struct copy_table_entry_ {
uint32_t src; // Address to copy from
uint32_t dst; // Address to copy to
uint32_t size; // Copy size in bytes
} copy_table_entry;
copy_table_entry *copy_table_ind = (copy_table_entry *) &__copy_table_start__;
copy_table_entry *copy_table_end = (copy_table_entry *) &__copy_table_end__;
for (; copy_table_ind != copy_table_end; copy_table_ind ++) {
uint32_t *src_ind = (uint32_t *) copy_table_ind->src;
uint32_t *src_end = (uint32_t *) (copy_table_ind->src + copy_table_ind->size);
uint32_t *dst_ind = (uint32_t *) copy_table_ind->dst;
if (src_ind != dst_ind) {
for (; src_ind < src_end;) {
*dst_ind ++ = *src_ind ++;
/* Initialize (multiple) .bss sections to zero */
/* Struct of zero table entry which must match linker script */
typedef struct zero_table_entry_ {
uint32_t start; // Address to start zero'ing
uint32_t size; // Zero size in bytes
} zero_table_entry;
zero_table_entry *zero_table_ind = (zero_table_entry *) &__zero_table_start__;
zero_table_entry *zero_table_end = (zero_table_entry *) &__zero_table_end__;
for (; zero_table_ind != zero_table_end; zero_table_ind ++) {
uint32_t *dst_ind = (uint32_t *) zero_table_ind->start;
uint32_t *dst_end = (uint32_t *) (zero_table_ind->start + zero_table_ind->size);
for (; dst_ind < dst_end; ) {
*dst_ind ++ = 0;
/* Infinite loop */
while (1);
* \brief Default interrupt handler for unused IRQs.
void Default_Handler(void)
while (1);