"""The generic interface for all exporters.
# mbed SDK
# Copyright (c) 2011-2016 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import sys
from os.path import join, abspath, dirname, exists, isfile
from os.path import basename, relpath, normpath, splitext
from os import makedirs, walk
import copy
from shutil import rmtree, copyfile
import zipfile
from ..resources import Resources, FileType, FileRef
from ..config import ALLOWED_FEATURES
from ..build_api import prepare_toolchain
from ..targets import TARGET_NAMES
from . import (lpcxpresso, ds5_5, iar, makefile, embitz, coide, kds, simplicity,
atmelstudio, mcuxpresso, sw4stm32, e2studio, zip, cmsis, uvision,
cdt, vscode, gnuarmeclipse, qtcreator, cmake, nb, cces, codeblocks)
u'uvision5': uvision.Uvision,
u'make_gcc_arm': makefile.GccArm,
u'make_armc5': makefile.Armc5,
u'make_armc6': makefile.Armc6,
u'make_iar': makefile.IAR,
u'ds5_5': ds5_5.DS5_5,
u'iar': iar.IAR,
u'embitz' : embitz.EmBitz,
u'sw4stm32' : sw4stm32.Sw4STM32,
u'e2studio' : e2studio.E2Studio,
u'eclipse_gcc_arm' : cdt.EclipseGcc,
u'eclipse_iar' : cdt.EclipseIAR,
u'eclipse_armc5' : cdt.EclipseArmc5,
u'gnuarmeclipse': gnuarmeclipse.GNUARMEclipse,
u'mcuxpresso': mcuxpresso.MCUXpresso,
u'netbeans': nb.GNUARMNetbeans,
u'qtcreator': qtcreator.QtCreator,
u'vscode_gcc_arm' : vscode.VSCodeGcc,
u'vscode_iar' : vscode.VSCodeIAR,
u'vscode_armc5' : vscode.VSCodeArmc5,
u'cmake_gcc_arm': cmake.GccArm,
u'cces' : cces.CCES,
u'codeblocks': codeblocks.CodeBlocks
Sorry, the target %s is not currently supported on the %s toolchain.
Please refer to Exporting to offline toolchains for more information.
To export this project please import the export version of the mbed library.
def mcu_ide_list():
"""Shows list of exportable ides
supported_ides = sorted(EXPORTERS.keys())
return "\n".join(supported_ides)
def mcu_ide_matrix(verbose_html=False):
"""Shows target map using prettytable
Keyword argumets:
verbose_html - print the matrix in html format
supported_ides = sorted(EXPORTERS.keys())
# Only use it in this function so building works without extra modules
from prettytable import PrettyTable, ALL
# All tests status table print
table_printer = PrettyTable(["Platform"] + supported_ides)
# Align table
for col in supported_ides:
table_printer.align[col] = "c"
table_printer.align["Platform"] = "l"
perm_counter = 0
for target in sorted(TARGET_NAMES):
row = [target] # First column is platform name
for ide in supported_ides:
text = "-"
if EXPORTERS[ide].is_target_supported(target):
if verbose_html:
text = "✓"
text = "x"
perm_counter += 1
table_printer.border = True
table_printer.vrules = ALL
table_printer.hrules = ALL
# creates a html page in a shorter format suitable for readme.md
if verbose_html:
result = table_printer.get_html_string()
result = table_printer.get_string()
result += "\n"
result += "Total IDEs: %d\n"% (len(supported_ides))
if verbose_html:
result += "
result += "Total platforms: %d\n"% (len(TARGET_NAMES))
if verbose_html:
result += "
result += "Total permutations: %d"% (perm_counter)
if verbose_html:
result = result.replace("&", "&")
return result
def get_exporter_toolchain(ide):
""" Return the exporter class and the toolchain string as a tuple
Positional arguments:
ide - the ide name of an exporter
def generate_project_files(resources, export_path, target, name, toolchain, ide,
"""Generate the project files for a project
Positional arguments:
resources - a Resources object containing all of the files needed to build
this project
export_path - location to place project files
name - name of the project
toolchain - a toolchain class that corresponds to the toolchain used by the
IDE or makefile
ide - IDE name to export to
Optional arguments:
macros - additional macros that should be defined within the exported
exporter_cls, _ = get_exporter_toolchain(ide)
exporter = exporter_cls(target, export_path, name, toolchain,
extra_symbols=macros, resources=resources)
files = exporter.generated_files
return files, exporter
def _inner_zip_export(resources, prj_files, inc_repos):
to_zip = sum((resources.get_file_refs(ftype) for ftype
in Resources.ALL_FILE_TYPES),
to_zip.extend(FileRef(basename(pfile), pfile) for pfile in prj_files)
for dest, source in resources.get_file_refs(FileType.BLD_REF):
target_dir, _ = splitext(dest)
dest = join(target_dir, ".bld", "bldrc")
to_zip.append(FileRef(dest, source))
if inc_repos:
for dest, source in resources.get_file_refs(FileType.REPO_DIRS):
for root, _, files in walk(source):
for repo_file in files:
file_source = join(root, repo_file)
file_dest = join(dest, relpath(file_source, source))
to_zip.append(FileRef(file_dest, file_source))
return to_zip
def zip_export(file_name, prefix, resources, project_files, inc_repos, notify):
"""Create a zip file from an exported project.
Positional Parameters:
file_name - the file name of the resulting zip file
prefix - a directory name that will prefix the entire zip file's contents
resources - a resources object with files that must be included in the zip
project_files - a list of extra files to be added to the root of the prefix
to_zip_list = sorted(set(_inner_zip_export(
resources, project_files, inc_repos)))
total_files = len(to_zip_list)
zipped = 0
with zipfile.ZipFile(file_name, "w") as zip_file:
for dest, source in to_zip_list:
if source and isfile(source):
zip_file.write(source, join(prefix, dest))
zipped += 1
notify.progress("Zipping", source,
100 * (zipped / total_files))
zipped += 1
def export_project(src_paths, export_path, target, ide, libraries_paths=None,
linker_script=None, notify=None, name=None, inc_dirs=None,
jobs=1, config=None, macros=None, zip_proj=None,
inc_repos=False, build_profile=None, app_config=None,
"""Generates a project file and creates a zip archive if specified
Positional Arguments:
src_paths - a list of paths from which to find source files
export_path - a path specifying the location of generated project files
target - the mbed board/mcu for which to generate the executable
ide - the ide for which to generate the project fields
Keyword Arguments:
libraries_paths - paths to additional libraries
linker_script - path to the linker script for the specified target
notify - function is passed all events, and expected to handle notification
of the user, emit the events to a log, etc.
name - project name
inc_dirs - additional include directories
jobs - number of threads
config - toolchain's config object
macros - User-defined macros
zip_proj - string name of the zip archive you wish to creat (exclude arg
if you do not wish to create an archive
ignore - list of paths to add to mbedignore
# Convert src_path to a list if needed
if isinstance(src_paths, dict):
paths = sum(src_paths.values(), [])
elif isinstance(src_paths, list):
paths = src_paths[:]
paths = [src_paths]
# Extend src_paths wit libraries_paths
if libraries_paths is not None:
if not isinstance(src_paths, dict):
src_paths = {"": paths}
# Export Directory
if not exists(export_path):
_, toolchain_name = get_exporter_toolchain(ide)
# Pass all params to the unified prepare_resources()
toolchain = prepare_toolchain(
paths, "", target, toolchain_name, macros=macros, jobs=jobs,
notify=notify, config=config, build_profile=build_profile,
app_config=app_config, ignore=ignore)
toolchain.RESPONSE_FILES = False
if name is None:
name = basename(normpath(abspath(src_paths[0])))
resources = Resources(notify, collect_ignores=True)
for loc, path in src_paths.items():
for p in path:
resources.add_directory(p, into_path=loc)
toolchain.build_dir = export_path
config_header = toolchain.get_config_header()
resources.add_file_ref(FileType.HEADER, basename(config_header), config_header)
# Change linker script if specified
if linker_script is not None:
resources.linker_script = linker_script
files, exporter = generate_project_files(resources, export_path,
target, name, toolchain, ide,
if zip_proj:
if isinstance(zip_proj, basestring):
zip_export(join(export_path, zip_proj), name, resources,
files + list(exporter.static_files), inc_repos, notify)
zip_export(zip_proj, name, resources,
files + list(exporter.static_files), inc_repos, notify)
for static_file in exporter.static_files:
if not exists(join(export_path, basename(static_file))):
copyfile(static_file, join(export_path, basename(static_file)))
return exporter