/* mbed Microcontroller Library * Copyright (c) 2006-2016 ARM Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "cmsis_compiler.h" #include "rtx_os.h" #include "rtx_evr.h" #include "mbed_rtx.h" #include "mbed_error.h" #include "mbed_interface.h" #include "RTX_Config.h" #ifdef RTE_Compiler_EventRecorder #include "EventRecorder.h" // Keil::Compiler:Event Recorder // Used from rtx_evr.c #define EvtRtxThreadExit EventID(EventLevelAPI, 0xF2U, 0x19U) #define EvtRtxThreadTerminate EventID(EventLevelAPI, 0xF2U, 0x1AU) #endif extern void rtos_idle_loop(void); extern void thread_terminate_hook(osThreadId_t id); __NO_RETURN void osRtxIdleThread (void *argument) { for (;;) { rtos_idle_loop(); } } __NO_RETURN uint32_t osRtxErrorNotify (uint32_t code, void *object_id) { osThreadId_t tid = osThreadGetId(); switch (code) { case osRtxErrorStackUnderflow: // Stack underflow detected for thread (thread_id=object_id) // Note: "overflow" is printed instead of "underflow" due to end user familiarity with overflow errors MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_KERNEL, MBED_ERROR_CODE_STACK_OVERFLOW), "CMSIS-RTOS error: Stack overflow", code); break; case osRtxErrorISRQueueOverflow: // ISR Queue overflow detected when inserting object (object_id) MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_KERNEL, MBED_ERROR_CODE_ISR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW), "CMSIS-RTOS error: ISR Queue overflow", code); break; case osRtxErrorTimerQueueOverflow: // User Timer Callback Queue overflow detected for timer (timer_id=object_id) MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_KERNEL, MBED_ERROR_CODE_TIMER_QUEUE_OVERFLOW), "CMSIS-RTOS error: User Timer Callback Queue overflow", code); break; case osRtxErrorClibSpace: // Standard C/C++ library libspace not available: increase OS_THREAD_LIBSPACE_NUM MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_KERNEL, MBED_ERROR_CODE_CLIB_SPACE_UNAVAILABLE), "CMSIS-RTOS error: STD C/C++ library libspace not available", code); break; case osRtxErrorClibMutex: // Standard C/C++ library mutex initialization failed MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_KERNEL, MBED_ERROR_CODE_CLIB_MUTEX_INIT_FAILURE), "CMSIS-RTOS error: STD C/C++ library mutex initialization failed", code); break; default: //Unknown error flagged from kernel MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_KERNEL, MBED_ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN), "CMSIS-RTOS error: Unknown", code); break; } /* That shouldn't be reached */ for (;;) {} } #if defined(MBED_TRAP_ERRORS_ENABLED) && MBED_TRAP_ERRORS_ENABLED static const char* error_msg(int32_t status) { switch (status) { case osError: return "Unspecified RTOS error"; case osErrorTimeout: return "Operation not completed within the timeout period"; case osErrorResource: return "Resource not available"; case osErrorParameter: return "Parameter error"; case osErrorNoMemory: return "System is out of memory"; case osErrorISR: return "Not allowed in ISR context"; default: return "Unknown"; } } void EvrRtxKernelError (int32_t status) { MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_PLATFORM, MBED_ERROR_CODE_RTOS_EVENT), error_msg(status), status); } void EvrRtxThreadError (osThreadId_t thread_id, int32_t status) { MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_PLATFORM, MBED_ERROR_CODE_RTOS_THREAD_EVENT), error_msg(status), thread_id); } void EvrRtxTimerError (osTimerId_t timer_id, int32_t status) { MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_PLATFORM, MBED_ERROR_CODE_RTOS_TIMER_EVENT), error_msg(status), timer_id); } void EvrRtxEventFlagsError (osEventFlagsId_t ef_id, int32_t status) { MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_PLATFORM, MBED_ERROR_CODE_RTOS_EVENT_FLAGS_EVENT), error_msg(status), ef_id); } void EvrRtxMutexError (osMutexId_t mutex_id, int32_t status) { MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_PLATFORM, MBED_ERROR_CODE_RTOS_MUTEX_EVENT), error_msg(status), mutex_id); } void EvrRtxSemaphoreError (osSemaphoreId_t semaphore_id, int32_t status) { // Ignore semaphore overflow, the count will saturate with a returned error if (status == osRtxErrorSemaphoreCountLimit) { return; } MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_PLATFORM, MBED_ERROR_CODE_RTOS_SEMAPHORE_EVENT), error_msg(status), semaphore_id); } void EvrRtxMemoryPoolError (osMemoryPoolId_t mp_id, int32_t status) { MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_PLATFORM, MBED_ERROR_CODE_RTOS_MEMORY_POOL_EVENT), error_msg(status), mp_id); } void EvrRtxMessageQueueError (osMessageQueueId_t mq_id, int32_t status) { MBED_ERROR1(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_PLATFORM, MBED_ERROR_CODE_RTOS_MESSAGE_QUEUE_EVENT), error_msg(status), mq_id); } #endif // RTX hook which gets called when a thread terminates, using the event function to call hook void EvrRtxThreadExit (void) { osThreadId_t thread_id = osThreadGetId(); thread_terminate_hook(thread_id); #if (!defined(EVR_RTX_DISABLE) && (OS_EVR_THREAD != 0) && !defined(EVR_RTX_THREAD_EXIT_DISABLE) && defined(RTE_Compiler_EventRecorder)) EventRecord2(EvtRtxThreadExit, 0U, 0U); #endif } void EvrRtxThreadTerminate (osThreadId_t thread_id) { thread_terminate_hook(thread_id); #if (!defined(EVR_RTX_DISABLE) && (OS_EVR_THREAD != 0) && !defined(EVR_RTX_THREAD_TERMINATE_DISABLE) && defined(RTE_Compiler_EventRecorder)) EventRecord2(EvtRtxThreadTerminate, (uint32_t)thread_id, 0U); #endif }