# Copyright (c) 2020 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # This is the boilerplate for Mbed OS cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.19.0 FATAL_ERROR) include(${MBED_CONFIG_PATH}/mbed_config.cmake) include(tools/cmake/set_linker_script.cmake) add_library(mbed-core INTERFACE) add_library(mbed-os INTERFACE) target_link_libraries(mbed-os INTERFACE mbed-rtos mbed-core ) add_library(mbed-baremetal INTERFACE) target_link_libraries(mbed-baremetal INTERFACE mbed-core ) # Validate selected C library type # The C library type selected has to match the library that the target can support if(${MBED_C_LIB} STREQUAL "small") if(NOT "small" IN_LIST MBED_TARGET_SUPPORTED_C_LIBS) if("std" IN_LIST MBED_TARGET_SUPPORTED_C_LIBS) message(WARNING "We noticed that target.c_lib is set to `${MBED_C_LIB}`." " As the ${MBED_TARGET} target does not support a small C library for the ${MBED_TOOLCHAIN} toolchain," " we are using the standard C library instead." ) set(MBED_C_LIB "std" CACHE STRING "") endif() endif() elseif(NOT ${MBED_C_LIB} IN_LIST MBED_TARGET_SUPPORTED_C_LIBS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid `target.c_lib` ('${MBED_C_LIB}') for '${MBED_TARGET}' target." "\nPossible value(s): ${MBED_TARGET_SUPPORTED_C_LIBS}" ) endif() # Validate selected printf library set(MBED_PRINTF_LIB_TYPES std minimal-printf) if(NOT ${MBED_PRINTF_LIB} IN_LIST MBED_PRINTF_LIB_TYPES) message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid printf library type '${MBED_PRINTF_LIB}'. Possible values:\n ${MBED_PRINTF_LIB_TYPES}" ) endif() mbed_set_cpu_core_definitions(mbed-core) if(${MBED_TOOLCHAIN_FILE_USED}) mbed_set_profile_options(mbed-core ${MBED_TOOLCHAIN}) mbed_set_c_lib(mbed-core ${MBED_C_LIB}) mbed_set_printf_lib(mbed-core ${MBED_PRINTF_LIB}) target_compile_features(mbed-core INTERFACE c_std_11 cxx_std_14 ) endif() target_compile_definitions(mbed-core INTERFACE ${MBED_TARGET_DEFINITIONS} ${MBED_CONFIG_DEFINITIONS} ) # Add compile definitions for backward compatibility with the toolchain # supported. New source files should instead check for __GNUC__ and __clang__ # for the GCC_ARM and ARM toolchains respectively. if(${MBED_TOOLCHAIN} STREQUAL "GCC_ARM") target_compile_definitions(mbed-core INTERFACE TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM TOOLCHAIN_GCC ) elseif(${MBED_TOOLCHAIN} STREQUAL "ARM") target_compile_definitions(mbed-core INTERFACE TOOLCHAIN_ARM ) endif() # Include mbed.h and config from generate folder target_include_directories(mbed-core INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) # These targets are made visible here so their source files which # are spread in different directories can be referenced and can be linked against # by libraries that depend on them. # TODO CMake: Should the source files be moved? add_library(mbed-device_key INTERFACE) add_library(mbed-rtos INTERFACE) add_subdirectory(cmsis) add_subdirectory(drivers) add_subdirectory(hal) add_subdirectory(platform) add_subdirectory(rtos) add_subdirectory(targets) # The directories below contain optional target libraries add_subdirectory(events EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory(connectivity EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory(storage EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory(drivers/device_key EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory(drivers/usb EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory(features EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory(cmsis/CMSIS_5/CMSIS/RTOS2 EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory(cmsis/device/rtos EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # This is a temporary workaround to prevent the build from failing for MBED_TARGETS that # haven't been converted to build system targets yet. # The refactored MBED_TARGETS set the linker script and forward it to the build system as a # usage requirement. The 'old' mechanism was to set the linker script on the top level mbed-core # target. This was needed because MBED_TARGETS were not registered as buildsystem targets, # preventing CMake from working its usage requirements magic and forcing us to set the linker # script globally. # # Ensure the words that make up the Mbed target name are separated with a hyphen, lowercase, and with the `mbed-` prefix. string(TOLOWER ${MBED_TARGET} MBED_TARGET_CONVERTED) string(REPLACE "_" "-" MBED_TARGET_CONVERTED ${MBED_TARGET_CONVERTED}) string(PREPEND MBED_TARGET_CONVERTED "mbed-") # TODO: Remove when all MBED_TARGETS have been converted to build system targets. if(TARGET ${MBED_TARGET_CONVERTED}) target_link_libraries(mbed-core INTERFACE ${MBED_TARGET_CONVERTED}) else() get_property(LINKER_SCRIPT GLOBAL PROPERTY MBED_TARGET_LINKER_FILE) mbed_set_linker_script(mbed-core ${LINKER_SCRIPT}) endif() # # Configures the application # Note, this function will be removed in the next revisions # function(mbed_configure_app_target target) # We need to generate a "response file" to pass to the C preprocessor because of path length # limitations on Windows. We set the response file and bind the path to a global property here. # We query this global property when we set the linker script for the MBED_TARGET being built. # # TODO: Remove this and find a more idiomatic way of passing compile definitions to CPP without # using global properties. mbed_generate_options_for_linker(${target} LINKER_PREPROCESS_DEFINITIONS) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFS_RESPONSE_FILE ${LINKER_PREPROCESS_DEFINITIONS}) # Gcc Arm requires memap to be set with app name, equally to ARMClang # TODO: move this to toolchain and set properly if(MBED_TOOLCHAIN STREQUAL "GCC_ARM") message(${target}) target_link_options(mbed-core INTERFACE "-Wl,-Map=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}.map" ) endif() endfunction() # # Converts output file of `target` to binary file and to Intel HEX file. # function(mbed_generate_bin_hex target) get_property(elf_to_bin GLOBAL PROPERTY ELF2BIN) if(MBED_TOOLCHAIN STREQUAL "GCC_ARM") set(CMAKE_POST_BUILD_COMMAND COMMAND ${elf_to_bin} -O binary $ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.bin COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "-- built: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.bin" COMMAND ${elf_to_bin} -O ihex $ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.hex COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "-- built: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.hex" ) elseif(MBED_TOOLCHAIN STREQUAL "ARM") get_property(mbed_studio_arm_compiler GLOBAL PROPERTY MBED_STUDIO_ARM_COMPILER) set(CMAKE_POST_BUILD_COMMAND COMMAND ${elf_to_bin} ${mbed_studio_arm_compiler} --bin -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.bin $ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "-- built: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.bin" COMMAND ${elf_to_bin} ${mbed_studio_arm_compiler} --i32combined -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.hex $ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "-- built: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.hex" ) endif() add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD ${CMAKE_POST_BUILD_COMMAND} COMMENT "executable:" VERBATIM ) if(TARGET mbed-post-build-bin) add_custom_target(mbed-post-build ALL DEPENDS mbed-post-build-bin ) endif() endfunction() # # Parse toolchain generated map file of `target` and display a readable table format. # function(mbed_generate_map_file target) add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${Python3_EXECUTABLE} ${MBED_PATH}/tools/memap.py -t ${MBED_TOOLCHAIN} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}.map WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} COMMENT "Displaying memory map for ${target}" ) endfunction() # # Validate selected application profile. # function(mbed_validate_application_profile target) get_target_property(app_link_libraries ${target} LINK_LIBRARIES) string(FIND "${app_link_libraries}" "mbed-baremetal" string_found_position) if(${string_found_position} GREATER_EQUAL 0) if(NOT "bare-metal" IN_LIST MBED_TARGET_SUPPORTED_APPLICATION_PROFILES) message(FATAL_ERROR "Use full profile as baremetal profile is not supported for this Mbed target") endif() elseif(NOT "full" IN_LIST MBED_TARGET_SUPPORTED_APPLICATION_PROFILES) message(FATAL_ERROR "The full profile is not supported for this Mbed target") endif() endfunction() # # Set post build operations # function(mbed_set_post_build target) mbed_validate_application_profile(${target}) mbed_generate_bin_hex(${target}) if(HAVE_MEMAP_DEPS) mbed_generate_map_file(${target}) endif() endfunction() # Ninja requires to be forced for response files if ("${CMAKE_GENERATOR}" MATCHES "Ninja") # known issue ARMClang and Ninja with response files for windows # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/21093 if(NOT (CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows" AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "ARMClang")) set(CMAKE_NINJA_FORCE_RESPONSE_FILE 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() endif()