/* mbed Microcontroller Library * Copyright (c) 2019 ARM Limited * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef MSTD_MUTEX_ #define MSTD_MUTEX_ /* * * - includes toolchain's (if any) * - For toolchains not providing them, local implementation of C++11/14 equivalent features: * - mstd::defer_lock etc * - mstd::lock_guard * - mstd::unique_lock * - mstd::lock * - mstd::try_lock * - If not available, local version of: * - mstd::scoped_lock (C++17) * - For all toolchains, local implementations: * - mstd::call_once, mstd::once_flag * - mstd::mutex, mstd::recursive_mutex * * Toolchains will vary greatly in how much is in namespace std, depending on retargetting. */ #if !defined __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ #include #endif #if MBED_CONF_RTOS_PRESENT #include "platform/SingletonPtr.h" #include "rtos/Mutex.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "mbed_atomic.h" #include "mbed_assert.h" extern "C" int __cxa_guard_acquire(int *guard_object_p); extern "C" void __cxa_guard_release(int *guard_object_p); // IAR does not provide at all - it errors on inclusion // ARMC6 provides it, but it is empty unless _ARM_LIBCPP_EXTERNAL_THREADS is defined // GCC has it, and only the actual `mutex` types are conditional on _GLIBCXX_HAS_GTHREADS // So pick up std stuff, unless ICC, or ARMC6-without-threads namespace mstd { #if !defined __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ && !defined _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS using std::defer_lock; using std::defer_lock_t; using std::try_to_lock; using std::try_to_lock_t; using std::adopt_lock; using std::adopt_lock_t; using std::lock_guard; using std::unique_lock; using std::try_lock; using std::lock; #else // [thread.lock] struct defer_lock_t { }; struct try_to_lock_t { }; struct adopt_lock_t { }; constexpr defer_lock_t defer_lock; constexpr try_to_lock_t try_to_lock; constexpr adopt_lock_t adopt_lock; // [thread.lock.guard] template class lock_guard { Mutex ± public: using mutex_type = Mutex; explicit lock_guard(Mutex &m) : pm(m) { m.lock(); } lock_guard(Mutex &m, adopt_lock_t) noexcept : pm(m) { } ~lock_guard() { pm.unlock(); } lock_guard(const lock_guard &) = delete; lock_guard &operator=(const lock_guard &) = delete; }; // [thread.lock.unique] template class unique_lock { public: using mutex_type = Mutex; unique_lock() noexcept : pm(nullptr), owns(false) { } explicit unique_lock(mutex_type &m) : pm(&m), owns(true) { m.lock(); } unique_lock(mutex_type &m, defer_lock_t) noexcept : pm(&m), owns(false) { } unique_lock(mutex_type &m, try_to_lock_t) : pm(&m), owns(m.try_lock()) { } unique_lock(mutex_type &m, adopt_lock_t) : pm(&m), owns(true) { } template unique_lock(mutex_type &m, const std::chrono::time_point &abs_time) : pm(&m), owns(m.try_lock_until(abs_time)) { } template unique_lock(mutex_type &m, const std::chrono::duration &rel_time) : pm(&m), owns(m.try_lock_for(rel_time)) { } ~unique_lock() { if (owns) pm->unlock(); } unique_lock(const unique_lock &) = delete; unique_lock &operator=(const unique_lock &) = delete; unique_lock(unique_lock &&u) noexcept : pm(u.pm), owns(u.owns) { u.pm = nullptr; u.owns = false; } unique_lock &operator=(unique_lock &&u) noexcept { if (owns) { pm->unlock(); } pm = mstd::exchange(u.pm, nullptr); owns = mstd::exchange(u.owns, false); return *this; } void lock() { MBED_ASSERT(!owns); pm->lock(); owns = true; } bool try_lock() { MBED_ASSERT(!owns); return owns = pm->try_lock(); } template bool try_lock_until(const std::chrono::time_point &abs_time) { MBED_ASSERT(!owns); return owns = pm->try_lock_until(abs_time); } template bool try_lock_for(const std::chrono::duration &rel_time) { MBED_ASSERT(!owns); return owns = pm->try_lock_for(rel_time); } void unlock() { MBED_ASSERT(owns); pm->unlock(); owns = false; } void swap(unique_lock &u) noexcept { mstd::swap(pm, u.pm); mstd::swap(owns, u.owns); } mutex_type *release() noexcept { owns = false; return mstd::exchange(pm, nullptr); } bool owns_lock() const noexcept { return owns; } explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return owns; } mutex_type *mutex() const noexcept { return pm; } private: mutex_type *pm; bool owns; }; template void swap(unique_lock &x, unique_lock &y) noexcept { x.swap(y); } // [thread.lock.algorithm] template int try_lock(L1 &l1, L2 &l2) { unique_lock u1(l1, try_to_lock); if (!u1) { return 0; } if (l2.try_lock()) { u1.release(); return -1; } else { return 1; } } template int try_lock(L1 &l1, L2 &l2, L3 &l3, LN &... ln) { unique_lock u1(l1, try_to_lock); if (!u1) { return 0; } int result = mstd::try_lock(l2, l3, ln...); if (result == -1) { u1.release(); // make u1 release l1 so it remains locked when we return return -1; } else { return result + 1; // u1 unlocks l1 when we return } } // Howard Hinnant's "smart" algorithm from // http://howardhinnant.github.io/dining_philosophers.html // // 1) Lock a mutex // 2) Try-lock all the rest // 3) If try-lock fails, retry, but starting with the mutex whose try-lock failed // (so we expect to block on that lock) // // Do not bother with the "polite" yield, as it adds an OS dependency and we // want to optimise for space, not speed. // Use of unique_lock is necessary to make the code correct in case of exceptions; // we don't strictly require this, but stick with the RAII form nevertheless - // overhead of unique_lock should be minimal with optimisation enabled. template void lock(L1 &l1, L2 &l2) { for (;;) { { unique_lock u1(l1); if (l2.try_lock()) { u1.release(); // make u1 release l1 so it remains locked when we return return; } } // u1 unlocks l1 when we leave scope { unique_lock u2(l2); if (l1.try_lock()) { u2.release(); return; } } // u2 unlocks l2 when we leave scope } } namespace impl { template void lock_from(int first, L1 &l1, L2 &l2, L3 &l3, LN &... ln) { for (;;) { switch (first) { case 1: { unique_lock u1(l1); first = mstd::try_lock(l2, l3, ln...); if (first == -1) { u1.release(); return; } } first += 2; break; case 2: { unique_lock u2(l2); first = mstd::try_lock(l3, ln..., l1); if (first == -1) { u2.release(); return; } } first += 3; if (first > 3 + sizeof...(LN)) { first = 1; } break; default: return impl::lock_from(first - 2, l3, ln..., l1, l2); } } } } template void lock(L1 &l1, L2 &l2, L3 &l3, LN &... ln) { impl::lock_from(1, l1, l2, l3, ln...); } #endif #if __cpp_lib_scoped_lock >= 201703 using std::scoped_lock; #else // [thread.lock.scoped] // 2+ locks - use std::lock template class scoped_lock { mstd::tuple pm; static void ignore(...) { } public: explicit scoped_lock(MutexTypes &... m) : pm(tie(m...)) { mstd::lock(m...); } explicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t, MutexTypes &... m) noexcept : pm(mstd::tie(m...)) { } ~scoped_lock() { mstd::apply([](MutexTypes &... m) { ignore( (void(m.unlock()),0) ...); }, pm); } scoped_lock(const scoped_lock &) = delete; scoped_lock &operator=(const scoped_lock &) = delete; }; // 0 locks - no-op template <> class scoped_lock<> { public: explicit scoped_lock() = default; explicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t) noexcept { } ~scoped_lock() = default; scoped_lock(const scoped_lock &) = delete; scoped_lock &operator=(const scoped_lock &) = delete; }; // 1 lock - simple lock, equivalent to lock_guard template class scoped_lock { Mutex ± public: using mutex_type = Mutex; explicit scoped_lock(Mutex &m) : pm(m) { m.lock(); } explicit scoped_lock(adopt_lock_t, Mutex &m) noexcept : pm(m) { } ~scoped_lock() { pm.unlock(); } scoped_lock(const scoped_lock &) = delete; scoped_lock &operator=(const scoped_lock &) = delete; }; #endif // [thread.once.onceflag] // Always local implementation - need to investigate GCC + ARMC6 retargetting struct once_flag { constexpr once_flag() noexcept : __guard() { } once_flag(const once_flag &) = delete; once_flag &operator=(const once_flag &) = delete; ~once_flag() = default; private: template friend void call_once(once_flag &flag, Callable&& f, Args&&... args); int __guard; }; // [thread.once.callonce] template void call_once(once_flag &flag, Callable&& f, Args&&... args) { if (!(core_util_atomic_load_explicit((uint8_t *)&flag.__guard, mbed_memory_order_acquire) & 1)) { if (__cxa_guard_acquire(&flag.__guard)) { mstd::invoke(mstd::forward(f), mstd::forward(args)...); __cxa_guard_release(&flag.__guard); } } } // [thread.mutex.class] // Always local implementation - need to investigate GCC + ARMC6 retargetting #if MBED_CONF_RTOS_PRESENT class _Mutex_base { // Constructor must be constexpr - we are required to initialise on first use // not in our constructor. (So that mutex use in static constructors is safe). SingletonPtr _pm; public: constexpr _Mutex_base() noexcept = default; ~_Mutex_base(); _Mutex_base(const _Mutex_base &) = delete; _Mutex_base &operator=(const _Mutex_base &) = delete; void lock(); bool try_lock(); void unlock(); }; #else class _Mutex_base { public: constexpr _Mutex_base() noexcept = default; ~_Mutex_base() = default; _Mutex_base(const _Mutex_base &) = delete; _Mutex_base &operator=(const _Mutex_base &) = delete; void lock() { } bool try_lock() { return true; } void unlock() { } }; #endif // We don't currently distinguish implementations (and aren't required to - // current thread not owning a non-recursive one is a precondition, we don't // have to take any special action). class mutex : public _Mutex_base { }; // [thread.mutex.recursive] class recursive_mutex : public _Mutex_base { }; } // namespace mstd #endif // MSTD_MUTEX_