""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from __future__ import print_function import re import os, shutil from os.path import join from time import sleep from .host_test_plugins import HostTestPluginBase class HostTestPluginCopyMethod_MPS2(HostTestPluginBase): # MPS2 specific flashing / binary setup funcitons def mps2_set_board_image_file(self, disk, images_cfg_path, image0file_path, image_name='images.txt'): """ This function will alter image cfg file. Main goal of this function is to change number of images to 1, comment all existing image entries and append at the end of file new entry with test path. @return True when all steps succeed. """ MBED_SDK_TEST_STAMP = 'test suite entry' image_path = join(disk, images_cfg_path, image_name) new_file_lines = [] # New configuration file lines (entries) # Check each line of the image configuration file try: with open(image_path, 'r') as file: for line in file: if re.search('^TOTALIMAGES', line): # Check number of total images, should be 1 new_file_lines.append(re.sub('^TOTALIMAGES:[\t ]*[\d]+', 'TOTALIMAGES: 1', line)) elif re.search('; - %s[\n\r]*$'% MBED_SDK_TEST_STAMP, line): # Look for test suite entries and remove them pass # Omit all test suite entries elif re.search('^IMAGE[\d]+FILE', line): # Check all image entries and mark the ';' new_file_lines.append(';' + line) # Comment non test suite lines else: # Append line to new file new_file_lines.append(line) except IOError as e: return False # Add new image entry with proper commented stamp new_file_lines.append('IMAGE0FILE: %s ; - %s\r\n'% (image0file_path, MBED_SDK_TEST_STAMP)) # Write all lines to file try: with open(image_path, 'w') as file: for line in new_file_lines: file.write(line), except IOError: return False return True def mps2_select_core(self, disk, mobo_config_name=""): """ Function selects actual core """ # TODO: implement core selection pass def mps2_switch_usb_auto_mounting_after_restart(self, disk, usb_config_name=""): """ Function alters configuration to allow USB MSD to be mounted after restarts """ # TODO: implement USB MSD restart detection pass def copy_file(self, file, disk): if not file: return _, ext = os.path.splitext(file) ext = ext.lower() dfile = disk + "/SOFTWARE/mbed" + ext if os.path.isfile(dfile): print('Remove old binary %s' % dfile) os.remove(dfile) shutil.copy(file, dfile) return True def touch_file(self, file): """ Touch file and set timestamp to items """ tfile = file+'.tmp' fhandle = open(tfile, 'a') try: fhandle.close() finally: os.rename(tfile, file) return True # Plugin interface name = 'HostTestPluginCopyMethod_MPS2' type = 'CopyMethod' capabilities = ['mps2-copy'] required_parameters = ['image_path', 'destination_disk'] def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Configure plugin, this function should be called before plugin execute() method is used. """ return True def execute(self, capabilitity, *args, **kwargs): """ Executes capability by name. Each capability may directly just call some command line program or execute building pythonic function """ result = False if self.check_parameters(capabilitity, *args, **kwargs) is True: file = kwargs['image_path'] disk = kwargs['destination_disk'] """ Add a delay in case there a test just finished Prevents interface firmware hiccups """ sleep(20) if capabilitity == 'mps2-copy' and self.copy_file(file, disk): sleep(3) if self.touch_file(disk + 'reboot.txt'): """ Add a delay after the board was rebooted. The actual reboot time is 20 seconds, but using 15 seconds allows us to open the COM port and save a board reset. This also prevents interface firmware hiccups. """ sleep(7) result = True return result def load_plugin(): """ Returns plugin available in this module """ return HostTestPluginCopyMethod_MPS2()