""" @copyright (c) 2012 ON Semiconductor. All rights reserved. ON Semiconductor is supplying this software for use with ON Semiconductor processor based microcontrollers only. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. ON SEMICONDUCTOR SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import itertools import binascii import intelhex from tools.config import Config FIB_BASE = 0x2000 TRIM_BASE = 0x2800 FLASH_BASE = 0x3000 FLASHA_SIZE = 0x52000 FLASHB_BASE = 0x00102000 FLASHB_SIZE = 0x52000 FW_REV = 0x01000100 def ranges(i): for _, b in itertools.groupby(enumerate(i), lambda x_y: x_y[1] - x_y[0]): b = list(b) yield b[0][1], b[-1][1] def add_fib_at_start(arginput): input_file = arginput + ".hex" file_name_hex = arginput + ".hex" file_name_bin = arginput + ".bin" # Read in hex file input_hex_file = intelhex.IntelHex() input_hex_file.loadhex(input_file) #set padding value to be returned when reading from unspecified address input_hex_file.padding = 0xFF # Create new hex file output_hex_file = intelhex.IntelHex() # Get the starting and ending address addresses = input_hex_file.addresses() addresses.sort() start_end_pairs = list(ranges(addresses)) regions = len(start_end_pairs) if regions == 1: #single range indicating fits within first flash block (<320K) start, end = start_end_pairs[0] print("Memory start 0x%08X, end 0x%08X" % (start, end)) # Compute checksum over the range (don't include data at location of crc) size = end - start + 1 data = input_hex_file.tobinarray(start=start, size=size) crc32 = binascii.crc32(data) & 0xFFFFFFFF else: #multiple ranges indicating requires both flash blocks (>320K) start, end = start_end_pairs[0] start2, end2 = start_end_pairs[1] print("Region 1: memory start 0x%08X, end 0x%08X" % (start, end)) print("Region 2: memory start 0x%08X, end 0x%08X" % (start2, end2)) # Compute checksum over the range (don't include data at location of crc) # replace end with end of flash block A end = FLASHA_SIZE - 1 size = end - start + 1 data = input_hex_file.tobinarray(start=start, size=size) # replace start2 with base of flash block B start2 = FLASHB_BASE size2 = end2 - start2 + 1 data2 = input_hex_file.tobinarray(start=start2, size=size2) #concatenate data and data2 arrays together data.extend(data2) crc32 = binascii.crc32(data) & 0xFFFFFFFF #replace size with sum of two memory region sizes size = size + size2 assert start >= FLASH_BASE, ("Error - start 0x%x less than begining of user\ flash area" %start) assert regions <= 2, ("Error - more than 2 memory regions found") fw_rev = FW_REV checksum = (start + size + crc32 + fw_rev) & 0xFFFFFFFF print("Writing FIB: base 0x%08X, size 0x%08X, crc32 0x%08X, fw rev 0x%08X,\ checksum 0x%08X" % (start, size, crc32, fw_rev, checksum)) #expected initial values used by daplink to validate that it is a valid bin #file added as dummy values in this file because the fib area preceeds the #application area the bootloader will ignore these dummy values # 00 is stack pointer (RAM address) # 04 is Reset vector (FLASH address) # 08 NMI_Handler (FLASH address) # 0C HardFault_Handler(FLASH address) # 10 dummy dummy_sp = 0x3FFFFC00 dummy_reset_vector = 0x00003625 dummy_nmi_handler = 0x00003761 dummy_hardfault_handler = 0x00003691 dummy_blank = 0x00000000 #expected fib structure #typedef struct fib{ #uint32_t base; /**< Base offset of firmware, indicating what flash the # firmware is in. (will never be 0x11111111) */ #uint32_t size; /**< Size of the firmware */ #uint32_t crc; /**< CRC32 for firmware correctness check */ #uint32_t rev; /**< Revision number */ #uint32_t checksum; /**< Check-sum of information block */ #}fib_t, *fib_pt; fib_start = FIB_BASE dummy_fib_size = 20 fib_size = 20 trim_size = 24 user_code_start = FLASH_BASE trim_area_start = TRIM_BASE # Write FIB to the file in little endian output_hex_file[fib_start + 0] = (dummy_sp >> 0) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 1] = (dummy_sp >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 2] = (dummy_sp >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 3] = (dummy_sp >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 4] = (dummy_reset_vector >> 0) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 5] = (dummy_reset_vector >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 6] = (dummy_reset_vector >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 7] = (dummy_reset_vector >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 8] = (dummy_nmi_handler >> 0) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 9] = (dummy_nmi_handler >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 10] = (dummy_nmi_handler >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 11] = (dummy_nmi_handler >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 12] = (dummy_hardfault_handler >> 0) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 13] = (dummy_hardfault_handler >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 14] = (dummy_hardfault_handler >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 15] = (dummy_hardfault_handler >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 16] = (dummy_blank >> 0) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 17] = (dummy_blank >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 18] = (dummy_blank >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 19] = (dummy_blank >> 24) & 0xFF # Write FIB to the file in little endian output_hex_file[fib_start + 20] = (start >> 0) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 21] = (start >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 22] = (start >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 23] = (start >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 24] = (size >> 0) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 25] = (size >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 26] = (size >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 27] = (size >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 28] = (crc32 >> 0) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 29] = (crc32 >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 30] = (crc32 >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 31] = (crc32 >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 32] = (fw_rev >> 0) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 33] = (fw_rev >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 34] = (fw_rev >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 35] = (fw_rev >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 36] = (checksum >> 0) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 37] = (checksum >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 38] = (checksum >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[fib_start + 39] = (checksum >> 24) & 0xFF #pad the rest of the file for i in range(fib_start + dummy_fib_size + fib_size, trim_area_start): output_hex_file[i] = 0xFF # Read in configuration data from the config parameter in targets.json configData = Config('NCS36510') paramData = configData.get_target_config_data() for v in paramData.values(): if (v.name == "target.mac-addr-high"): mac_addr_high = int(v.value, 16) elif (v.name == "target.mac-addr-low"): mac_addr_low = int(v.value,16) elif (v.name == "target.32KHz-clk-trim"): clk_32k_trim = int(v.value,16) elif (v.name == "target.32MHz-clk-trim"): clk_32m_trim = int(v.value,16) elif (v.name == "target.rssi-trim"): rssi = int(v.value,16) elif (v.name == "target.txtune-trim"): txtune = int(v.value,16) else: print("Not a valid param") output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 0] = mac_addr_low & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 1] = (mac_addr_low >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 2] = (mac_addr_low >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 3] = (mac_addr_low >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 4] = mac_addr_high & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 5] = (mac_addr_high >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 6] = (mac_addr_high >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 7] = (mac_addr_high >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 8] = clk_32k_trim & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 9] = (clk_32k_trim >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 10] = (clk_32k_trim >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 11] = (clk_32k_trim >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 12] = clk_32m_trim & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 13] = (clk_32m_trim >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 14] = (clk_32m_trim >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 15] = (clk_32m_trim >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 16] = rssi & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 17] = (rssi >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 18] = (rssi >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 19] = (rssi >> 24) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 20] = txtune & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 21] = (txtune >> 8) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 22] = (txtune >> 16) & 0xFF output_hex_file[trim_area_start + 23] = (txtune >> 24) & 0xFF # pad the rest of the area with 0xFF for i in range(trim_area_start + trim_size, user_code_start): output_hex_file[i] = 0xFF #merge two hex files output_hex_file.merge(input_hex_file, overlap='error') # Write out file(s) output_hex_file.tofile(file_name_hex, 'hex')