{ "name": "atmel-rf", "config": { "full-spi-speed": { "help": "Maximum SPI clock speed (Hz), as long as sufficient inter-byte spacing", "value": 7500000 }, "full-spi-speed-byte-spacing": { "help": "Required byte spacing in nanoseconds if full SPI speed is in use", "value": 250 }, "low-spi-speed": { "help": "Maximum SPI clock speed (Hz) if no inter-byte spacing", "value": 3750000 }, "use-spi-spacing-api": { "help": "Use SPI spacing API proposed in https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/pull/5353 to ensure spacing between bytes - either run at full speed with spacing, or low with no spacing", "value": false }, "assume-spaced-spi": { "help": "If not using SPI spacing API, assume platform has widely-spaced bytes in bursts, so use full clock speed rather than low.", "value": false }, "provide-default": { "help": "Provide default NanostackRfpy. [true/false]", "value": false }, "irq-thread-stack-size": { "help": "The stack size of the Thread serving the Atmel RF interrupts", "value": 1024 } }, "target_overrides": { "STM": { "assume-spaced-spi": true } } }