""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2017 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import os import json import pytest from mock import patch from os.path import join, isfile, dirname, abspath from tools.build_api import get_config from tools.targets import set_targets_json_location from tools.config import ( ConfigException, Config, ConfigParameter, ConfigMacro, ROM_ALL_MEMORIES ) from tools.resources import Resources NOT_CONFIG = [ "expected_macros", "expected_features", "included_source", "excluded_source", ] def compare_config(cfg, expected): """Compare the output of config against a dictionary of known good results :param cfg: the configuration to check :param expected: what to expect in that config """ try: for k in cfg: if cfg[k].value != expected[k]: return "'%s': expected '%s', got '%s'" % (k, expected[k], cfg[k].value) except KeyError: return "Unexpected key '%s' in configuration data" % k for k in expected: if k not in NOT_CONFIG + list(cfg.keys()): return "Expected key '%s' was not found in configuration data" % k return "" def data_path(path): """The expected data file for a particular test :param path: the path to the test """ return join(path, "test_data.json") def is_test(path): """Does a directory represent a test? :param path: the path to the test """ return isfile(data_path(path)) root_dir = abspath(dirname(__file__)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", filter(lambda d: is_test(join(root_dir, d)), os.listdir(root_dir))) def test_config(name): """Run a particular configuration test :param name: test name (same as directory name) """ test_dir = join(root_dir, name) test_data = json.load(open(data_path(test_dir))) targets_json = os.path.join(test_dir, "targets.json") set_targets_json_location(targets_json if isfile(targets_json) else None) for target, expected in test_data.items(): try: cfg, macros, features, resources = get_config(test_dir, target, "GCC_ARM") res = compare_config(cfg, expected) assert not(res), res expected_macros = expected.get("expected_macros", None) expected_features = expected.get("expected_features", None) if expected_macros is not None: macros = Config.config_macros_to_macros(macros) assert sorted(expected_macros) == sorted(macros) if expected_features is not None: assert sorted(expected_features) == sorted(features) included_source = [ join(test_dir, src) for src in expected.get("included_source", []) ] excluded_source = [ join(test_dir, src) for src in expected.get("excluded_source", []) ] for typ in Resources.ALL_FILE_TYPES: for _, path in resources.get_file_refs(typ): if included_source and path in included_source: included_source.remove(path) if excluded_source: assert(path not in excluded_source) assert(not included_source) if included_source: assert(False) except ConfigException as e: err_msg = str(e) if "exception_msg" not in expected: assert not(err_msg), "Unexpected Error: %s" % e else: assert expected["exception_msg"] in err_msg @pytest.mark.parametrize("target", ["K64F"]) def test_init_app_config(target): """ Test that the initialisation correctly uses app_config :param target: The target to use """ set_targets_json_location() with patch.object(Config, '_process_config_and_overrides'),\ patch('tools.config.json_file_to_dict') as mock_json_file_to_dict: app_config = "app_config" mock_return = {'config': {'test': False}} mock_json_file_to_dict.return_value = mock_return config = Config(target, app_config=app_config) mock_json_file_to_dict.assert_any_call("app_config") assert config.app_config_data == mock_return @pytest.mark.parametrize("target", ["K64F"]) def test_init_no_app_config(target): """ Test that the initialisation works without app config :param target: The target to use """ set_targets_json_location() with patch.object(Config, '_process_config_and_overrides'),\ patch('tools.config.json_file_to_dict') as mock_json_file_to_dict: config = Config(target) mock_json_file_to_dict.assert_not_called() assert config.app_config_data == {} @pytest.mark.parametrize("target", ["K64F"]) def test_init_no_app_config_with_dir(target): """ Test that the initialisation works without app config and with a specified top level directory :param target: The target to use """ set_targets_json_location() with patch.object(Config, '_process_config_and_overrides'),\ patch('os.path.isfile') as mock_isfile, \ patch('tools.config.json_file_to_dict') as mock_json_file_to_dict: directory = '.' path = os.path.join('.', 'mbed_app.json') mock_return = {'config': {'test': False}} mock_json_file_to_dict.return_value = mock_return mock_isfile.return_value = True config = Config(target, [directory]) mock_isfile.assert_called_with(path) mock_json_file_to_dict.assert_any_call(path) assert config.app_config_data == mock_return @pytest.mark.parametrize("target", ["K64F"]) def test_init_override_app_config(target): """ Test that the initialisation uses app_config instead of top_level_dir when both are specified :param target: The target to use """ set_targets_json_location() with patch.object(Config, '_process_config_and_overrides'),\ patch('tools.config.json_file_to_dict') as mock_json_file_to_dict: app_config = "app_config" directory = '.' mock_return = {'config': {'test': False}} mock_json_file_to_dict.return_value = mock_return config = Config(target, [directory], app_config=app_config) mock_json_file_to_dict.assert_any_call(app_config) assert config.app_config_data == mock_return @pytest.mark.parametrize("target", ["K64F", "UBLOX_EVK_ODIN_W2"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("overrides", [ {}, {"restrict_size": "0x200"}, {"mbed_app_start": "0x200"} ]) def test_basic_regions(target, overrides): """ Test that the region lists are sane with various configurations """ set_targets_json_location() config = Config(target) for o, v in overrides.items(): setattr(config.target, o, v) try: if config.has_regions: regions = list(config.regions) for r in regions: assert r.size >= 0 except ConfigException: pass def test_parameters_and_config_macros_to_macros(): """ Test that checks that parameter-generated macros override set macros """ params = { "test_lib.parameter_with_macro": ConfigParameter( "parameter_with_macro", { "macro_name": "CUSTOM_MACRO_NAME", "value": 1 }, "test_lib", "library" ) } macros = { "CUSTOM_MACRO_NAME": ConfigMacro( "CUSTOM_MACRO_NAME=2", "dummy", "application" ) } macro_list = Config._parameters_and_config_macros_to_macros(params, macros) assert macro_list == ["CUSTOM_MACRO_NAME=1"] @pytest.mark.parametrize("target_start_size", [ ("FUTURE_SEQUANA_PSA", 0x10080000, 0x78000), ("FUTURE_SEQUANA_M0_PSA", 0x10000000, 0x80000) ]) def test_PSA_overrides(target_start_size): target, start, size = target_start_size set_targets_json_location() config = Config(target) roms = config.get_all_active_memories(ROM_ALL_MEMORIES) assert("ROM" in roms) assert(roms["ROM"] == [start, size])