# # Makefile for combined CoAP Service library # # Define compiler toolchain with CC or PLATFORM variables # Example (GCC toolchains, default $CC and $AR are used) # make # # OR (Cross-compile GCC toolchain) # make PLATFORM=arm-linux-gnueabi- # # OR (armcc/Keil) # make CC=armcc AR=ArmAR # # OR (IAR-ARM) # make CC=iccarm # # External sources from libService # SERVLIB_DIR := ../libService override CFLAGS += -I$(SERVLIB_DIR)/libService/ NANOSTACK_DIR := ../nanostack override CFLAGS += -I$(NANOSTACK_DIR)/nanostack/ COAP_DIR := ../mbed-coap override CFLAGS += -I$(COAP_DIR)/ EVENTLOOP_DIR := ../event-loop override CFLAGS += -I$(EVENTLOOP_DIR)/nanostack-event-loop/ COAPSERVICE_DIR := ../coap-service override CFLAGS += -I$(COAPSERVICE_DIR)/coap-service/ override CFLAGS += -I$(COAPSERVICE_DIR)/source/include/ LIB = libcoap-service.a SRCS := \ source/coap_connection_handler.c \ source/coap_message_handler.c \ source/coap_security_handler.c \ source/coap_service_api.c \ override CFLAGS += -DVERSION='"$(VERSION)"' include ../libService/toolchain_rules.mk $(eval $(call generate_rules,$(LIB),$(SRCS))) .PHONY: release release: 7z a coap-service_$(VERSION).zip *.a *.lib include .PHONY: deploy_to deploy_to: all tar --transform 's,^,coap-service/,' --append -f $(TO) *.a