/** ****************************************************************************** * @file spi_ipc7207_map.h * @brief SPI IPC 7207 HW register map * @internal * @author ON Semiconductor * $Rev: 2110 $ * $Date: 2013-07-16 20:13:03 +0530 (Tue, 16 Jul 2013) $ ****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2016 Semiconductor Components Industries LLC (d/b/a “ON Semiconductor”). * All rights reserved. This software and/or documentation is licensed by ON Semiconductor * under limited terms and conditions. The terms and conditions pertaining to the software * and/or documentation are available at http://www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/ONSEMI_T&C.pdf * (“ON Semiconductor Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, Section 8 Software”) and * if applicable the software license agreement. Do not use this software and/or * documentation unless you have carefully read and you agree to the limited terms and * conditions. By using this software and/or documentation, you agree to the limited * terms and conditions. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * ON SEMICONDUCTOR SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, * INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * @endinternal * * @ingroup spi_ipc7207 * * @details *

* SPI HW register map description *

* *

Reference document(s)


* * IPC7207 APB SPI Design Specification v1.2 *

*/ #ifndef SPI_IPC7207_MAP_H_ #define SPI_IPC7207_MAP_H_ #include "architecture.h" /** SPI HW Structure Overlay */ typedef struct { __O uint32_t TX_DATA; __I uint32_t RX_DATA; __IO uint32_t FDIV; union { struct { __IO uint32_t ENABLE :1; /**< SPI port enable: 0 = disable , 1 = enable */ __IO uint32_t SAMPLING_EDGE :1; /**< SDI sampling edge: 0 = opposite to SDO edge / 1 = same as SDO edge */ __IO uint32_t ENDIAN :1; /**< Bits endianness: 0 = LSB first (little-endian) / 1 = MSB first (big-endian) */ __IO uint32_t CPHA :1; /**< Clock phase: 0 = SDO set before first SCLK edge / 1 = SDO set after first SCLK edge */ __IO uint32_t CPOL :1; /**< Clock polarity: 0 = active high / 1 = active low */ __IO uint32_t MODE :1; /**< Device mode: 0 = slave mode / 1 = master mode */ __IO uint32_t WORD_WIDTH :2; /**< Word width: 0 = 8b / 1 = 16b / 2 = 32b / 3 = reserved */ } BITS; __IO uint32_t WORD; } CONTROL; union { struct { __I uint32_t XFER_IP :1; /**< Transfer in progress: 0 = No transfer in progress / 1 = transfer in progress */ __I uint32_t XFER_ERROR :1;/**< Transfer error: 0 = no error / 1 = SPI Overflow or Underflow */ __I uint32_t TX_EMPTY :1; /**< Transmit FIFO/buffer empty flag: 0 = not empty / 1 = empty */ __I uint32_t TX_HALF :1; /**< Transmit FIFO/buffer "half full" flag: 0 = (< half full) / 1 = (>= half full) */ __I uint32_t TX_FULL :1; /**< Transmit FIFO/buffer full flag: 0 = not full / 1 = full */ __I uint32_t RX_EMPTY :1; /**< Receive FIFO/buffer empty flag: 0 = not empty / 1 = empty */ __I uint32_t RX_HALF :1; /**< Receive FIFO/buffer "half full" flag: 0 = (< half full) / 1 = (>= half full) */ __I uint32_t RX_FULL :1; /**< Receive FIFO/buffer full flag: 0 = not full / 1 = full */ } BITS; __I uint32_t WORD; } STATUS; union { struct { __IO uint32_t SS_ENABLE :4; /**< Slave Select (x4): 0 = disable / 1 = enable */ __IO uint32_t SS_BURST :1; /**< Slave Select burst mode (maintain SS active if TXFIFO not empty) */ } BITS; __IO uint32_t WORD; } SLAVE_SELECT; __IO uint32_t SLAVE_SELECT_POLARITY; /**< Slave Select polarity for up to 4 slaves:0 = active low / 1 = active high */ __IO uint32_t IRQ_ENABLE; /**< IRQ (x8) enable: 0 = disable / 1 = enable */ __I uint32_t IRQ_STATUS; /**< IRQ (x8) status: 0 = no IRQ occurred / 1 = IRQ occurred */ __O uint32_t IRQ_CLEAR; /**< IRQ (x8) clearing: write 1 to clear IRQ */ __IO uint32_t TX_WATERMARK; /**< Transmit FIFO Watermark: Defines level of RX Half Full Flag */ __IO uint32_t RX_WATERMARK; /**< Receive FIFO Watermark: Defines level of TX Half Full Flag */ __I uint32_t TX_FIFO_LEVEL; /**< Transmit FIFO Level: Indicates actual fill level of TX FIFO. */ __I uint32_t RX_FIFO_LEVEL; /**< Transmit FIFO Level: Indicates actual fill level of RX FIFO. */ } SpiIpc7207Reg_t, *SpiIpc7207Reg_pt; #endif /* SPI_IPC7207_MAP_H_ */