""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ """ How to use: make.py -m LPC1768 -t ARM -d E:\ -n NET_14 udp_link_layer_auto.py -p COM20 -d E:\ -t 10 """ import re import uuid import socket try: # Python 3 import _thread as thread except ImportError: # Python 2 import thread from sys import stdout from time import time, sleep from .host_test import DefaultTest try: from SocketServer import BaseRequestHandler, UDPServer except ImportError: from socketserver import BaseRequestHandler, UDPServer # Received datagrams (with time) dict_udp_recv_datagrams = dict() # Sent datagrams (with time) dict_udp_sent_datagrams = dict() class UDPEchoClient_Handler(BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): """ One handle per connection """ _data, _socket = self.request # Process received datagram data_str = repr(_data)[1:-1] dict_udp_recv_datagrams[data_str] = time() def udp_packet_recv(threadName, server_ip, server_port): """ This function will receive packet stream from mbed device """ server = UDPServer((server_ip, server_port), UDPEchoClient_Handler) print("[UDP_COUNTER] Listening for connections... %s:%d"% (server_ip, server_port)) server.serve_forever() class UDPEchoServerTest(DefaultTest): ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS = "" # UDP IP of datagram bursts ECHO_PORT = 0 # UDP port for datagram bursts CONTROL_PORT = 23 # TCP port used to get stats from mbed device, e.g. counters s = None # Socket TEST_PACKET_COUNT = 1000 # how many packets should be send TEST_STRESS_FACTOR = 0.001 # stress factor: 10 ms PACKET_SATURATION_RATIO = 29.9 # Acceptable packet transmission in % PATTERN_SERVER_IP = "Server IP Address is (\d+).(\d+).(\d+).(\d+):(\d+)" re_detect_server_ip = re.compile(PATTERN_SERVER_IP) def get_control_data(self, command="stat\n"): BUFFER_SIZE = 256 try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((self.ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS, self.CONTROL_PORT)) except Exception as e: data = None s.send(command) data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) s.close() return data def test(self): serial_ip_msg = self.mbed.serial_readline() if serial_ip_msg is None: return self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL stdout.write(serial_ip_msg) stdout.flush() # Searching for IP address and port prompted by server m = self.re_detect_server_ip.search(serial_ip_msg) if m and len(m.groups()): self.ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS = ".".join(m.groups()[:4]) self.ECHO_PORT = int(m.groups()[4]) # must be integer for socket.connect method self.notify("HOST: UDP Server found at: " + self.ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS + ":" + str(self.ECHO_PORT)) # Open client socket to burst datagrams to UDP server in mbed try: self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) except Exception as e: self.s = None self.notify("HOST: Error: %s"% e) return self.RESULT_ERROR # UDP replied receiver works in background to get echoed datagrams SERVER_IP = str(socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn())) SERVER_PORT = self.ECHO_PORT + 1 thread.start_new_thread(udp_packet_recv, ("Thread-udp-recv", SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT)) sleep(0.5) # Burst part for no in range(self.TEST_PACKET_COUNT): TEST_STRING = str(uuid.uuid4()) payload = str(no) + "__" + TEST_STRING self.s.sendto(payload, (self.ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS, self.ECHO_PORT)) dict_udp_sent_datagrams[payload] = time() sleep(self.TEST_STRESS_FACTOR) if self.s is not None: self.s.close() # Wait 5 seconds for packets to come result = True self.notify("HOST: Test Summary:") for d in range(5): sleep(1.0) summary_datagram_success = (float(len(dict_udp_recv_datagrams)) / float(self.TEST_PACKET_COUNT)) * 100.0 self.notify("HOST: Datagrams received after +%d sec: %.3f%% (%d / %d), stress=%.3f ms"% (d, summary_datagram_success, len(dict_udp_recv_datagrams), self.TEST_PACKET_COUNT, self.TEST_STRESS_FACTOR)) result = result and (summary_datagram_success >= self.PACKET_SATURATION_RATIO) stdout.flush() # Getting control data from test self.notify("...") self.notify("HOST: Mbed Summary:") mbed_stats = self.get_control_data() self.notify(mbed_stats) return self.RESULT_SUCCESS if result else self.RESULT_FAILURE if __name__ == '__main__': UDPEchoServerTest().run()