/* mbed Microcontroller Library * Copyright (c) 2013 Nordic Semiconductor * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "us_ticker_api.h" #include "cmsis.h" #include "PeripheralNames.h" #include "nrf_delay.h" #include "mbed_toolchain.h" #include "mbed_critical.h" /* * Note: The micro-second timer API on the nRF51 platform is implemented using * the RTC counter run at 32kHz (sourced from an external oscillator). This is * a trade-off between precision and power. Running a normal 32-bit MCU counter * at high frequency causes the average power consumption to rise to a few * hundred micro-amps, which is prohibitive for typical low-power BLE * applications. * A 32kHz clock doesn't offer the precision needed for keeping u-second time, * but we're assuming that this will not be a problem for the average user. */ #define MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL 0x00FFFFFF /**< Maximum value of the RTC counter. */ #define RTC_CLOCK_FREQ (uint32_t)(32768) #define RTC1_IRQ_PRI 3 /**< Priority of the RTC1 interrupt (used * for checking for timeouts and executing * timeout handlers). This must be the same * as APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOW; taken from the * Nordic SDK. */ #define MAX_RTC_TASKS_DELAY 47 /**< Maximum delay until an RTC task is executed. */ #define FUZZY_RTC_TICKS 2 /* RTC COMPARE occurs when a CC register is N and the RTC * COUNTER value transitions from N-1 to N. If we're trying to * setup a callback for a time which will arrive very shortly, * there are limits to how short the callback interval may be for us * to rely upon the RTC Compare trigger. If the COUNTER is N, * writing N+2 to a CC register is guaranteed to trigger a COMPARE * event at N+2. */ #define RTC_UNITS_TO_MICROSECONDS(RTC_UNITS) (((RTC_UNITS) * (uint64_t)1000000) / RTC_CLOCK_FREQ) #define MICROSECONDS_TO_RTC_UNITS(MICROS) ((((uint64_t)(MICROS) * RTC_CLOCK_FREQ) + 999999) / 1000000) #define US_TICKER_SW_IRQ_MASK 0x1 static bool us_ticker_inited = false; static volatile uint32_t overflowCount; /**< The number of times the 24-bit RTC counter has overflowed. */ static volatile bool us_ticker_callbackPending = false; static uint32_t us_ticker_callbackTimestamp; static bool os_tick_started = false; /**< flag indicating if the os_tick has started */ /** * The value previously set in the capture compare register of channel 1 */ static uint32_t previous_tick_cc_value = 0; // us ticker fire interrupt flag for IRQ handler volatile uint8_t m_common_sw_irq_flag = 0; /* RTX provide the following definitions which are used by the tick code: * os_trv: The number (minus 1) of clock cycle between two tick. * os_clockrate: Time duration between two ticks (in us). * OS_Tick_Handler: The function which handle a tick event. This function is special because it never returns. Those definitions are used by the code which handle the os tick. To allow compilation of us_ticker programs without RTOS, those symbols are exported from this module as weak ones. */ MBED_WEAK uint32_t const os_trv; MBED_WEAK uint32_t const os_clockrate; MBED_WEAK void OS_Tick_Handler() { } static inline void rtc1_enableCompareInterrupt(void) { NRF_RTC1->EVTENCLR = RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE0_Msk; NRF_RTC1->INTENSET = RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Msk; } static inline void rtc1_disableCompareInterrupt(void) { NRF_RTC1->INTENCLR = RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Msk; NRF_RTC1->EVTENCLR = RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE0_Msk; } static inline void rtc1_enableOverflowInterrupt(void) { NRF_RTC1->EVTENCLR = RTC_EVTEN_OVRFLW_Msk; NRF_RTC1->INTENSET = RTC_INTENSET_OVRFLW_Msk; } static inline void rtc1_disableOverflowInterrupt(void) { NRF_RTC1->INTENCLR = RTC_INTENSET_OVRFLW_Msk; NRF_RTC1->EVTENCLR = RTC_EVTEN_OVRFLW_Msk; } static inline void invokeCallback(void) { us_ticker_callbackPending = false; rtc1_disableCompareInterrupt(); us_ticker_irq_handler(); } /** * @brief Function for starting the RTC1 timer. The RTC timer is expected to * keep running--some interrupts may be disabled temporarily. */ static void rtc1_start() { NRF_RTC1->PRESCALER = 0; /* for no pre-scaling. */ rtc1_enableOverflowInterrupt(); NVIC_SetPriority(RTC1_IRQn, RTC1_IRQ_PRI); NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(RTC1_IRQn); NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC1_IRQn); NRF_RTC1->TASKS_START = 1; nrf_delay_us(MAX_RTC_TASKS_DELAY); } /** * @brief Function for stopping the RTC1 timer. We don't expect to call this. */ void rtc1_stop(void) { // If the os tick has been started, RTC1 shouldn't be stopped // In that case, us ticker and overflow interrupt are disabled. if (os_tick_started) { rtc1_disableCompareInterrupt(); rtc1_disableOverflowInterrupt(); } else { NVIC_DisableIRQ(RTC1_IRQn); rtc1_disableCompareInterrupt(); rtc1_disableOverflowInterrupt(); NRF_RTC1->TASKS_STOP = 1; nrf_delay_us(MAX_RTC_TASKS_DELAY); NRF_RTC1->TASKS_CLEAR = 1; nrf_delay_us(MAX_RTC_TASKS_DELAY); } } /** * @brief Function for returning the current value of the RTC1 counter. * * @return Current RTC1 counter as a 64-bit value with 56-bit precision (even * though the underlying counter is 24-bit) */ static inline uint64_t rtc1_getCounter64(void) { if (NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_OVRFLW) { overflowCount++; NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_OVRFLW = 0; NRF_RTC1->EVTENCLR = RTC_EVTEN_OVRFLW_Msk; } return ((uint64_t)overflowCount << 24) | NRF_RTC1->COUNTER; } /** * @brief Function for returning the current value of the RTC1 counter. * * @return Current RTC1 counter as a 32-bit value (even though the underlying counter is 24-bit) */ static inline uint32_t rtc1_getCounter(void) { return rtc1_getCounter64(); } /** * @brief Function for handling the RTC1 interrupt for us ticker (capture compare channel 0 and overflow). * * @details Checks for timeouts, and executes timeout handlers for expired timers. */ void us_ticker_handler(void) { if (m_common_sw_irq_flag & US_TICKER_SW_IRQ_MASK) { m_common_sw_irq_flag &= ~US_TICKER_SW_IRQ_MASK; us_ticker_irq_handler(); } if (NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_OVRFLW) { overflowCount++; NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_OVRFLW = 0; NRF_RTC1->EVTENCLR = RTC_EVTEN_OVRFLW_Msk; } if (NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_COMPARE[0]) { NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_COMPARE[0] = 0; NRF_RTC1->EVTENCLR = RTC_EVTEN_COMPARE0_Msk; if (us_ticker_callbackPending && ((int)(us_ticker_callbackTimestamp - rtc1_getCounter()) <= 0)) invokeCallback(); } } void us_ticker_init(void) { if (us_ticker_inited) { return; } rtc1_start(); us_ticker_inited = true; } uint32_t us_ticker_read() { if (!us_ticker_inited) { us_ticker_init(); } /* Return a pseudo microsecond counter value. This is only as precise as the * 32khz low-freq clock source, but could be adequate.*/ return RTC_UNITS_TO_MICROSECONDS(rtc1_getCounter64()); } /** * Setup the us_ticker callback interrupt to go at the given timestamp. * * @Note: Only one callback is pending at any time. * * @Note: If a callback is pending, and this function is called again, the new * callback-time overrides the existing callback setting. It is the caller's * responsibility to ensure that this function is called to setup a callback for * the earliest timeout. * * @Note: If this function is used to setup an interrupt which is immediately * pending--such as for 'now' or a time in the past,--then the callback is * invoked a few ticks later. */ void us_ticker_set_interrupt(timestamp_t timestamp) { if (!us_ticker_inited) { us_ticker_init(); } /* * The argument to this function is a 32-bit microsecond timestamp for when * a callback should be invoked. On the nRF51, we use an RTC timer running * at 32kHz to implement a low-power us-ticker. This results in a problem * based on the fact that 1000000 is not a multiple of 32768. * * Going from a micro-second based timestamp to a 32kHz based RTC-time is a * linear mapping; but this mapping doesn't preserve wraparounds--i.e. when * the 32-bit micro-second timestamp wraps around unfortunately the * underlying RTC counter doesn't. The result is that timestamp expiry * checks on micro-second timestamps don't yield the same result when * applied on the corresponding RTC timestamp values. * * One solution is to translate the incoming 32-bit timestamp into a virtual * 64-bit timestamp based on the knowledge of system-uptime, and then use * this wraparound-free 64-bit value to do a linear mapping to RTC time. * System uptime on an nRF is maintained using the 24-bit RTC counter. We * track the overflow count to extend the 24-bit hardware counter by an * additional 32 bits. RTC_UNITS_TO_MICROSECONDS() converts this into * microsecond units (in 64-bits). */ const uint64_t currentTime64 = RTC_UNITS_TO_MICROSECONDS(rtc1_getCounter64()); uint64_t timestamp64 = (currentTime64 & ~(uint64_t)0xFFFFFFFFULL) + timestamp; if (((uint32_t)currentTime64 > 0x80000000) && (timestamp < 0x80000000)) { timestamp64 += (uint64_t)0x100000000ULL; } uint32_t newCallbackTime = MICROSECONDS_TO_RTC_UNITS(timestamp64); /* Check for repeat setup of an existing callback. This is actually not * important; the following code should work even without this check. */ if (us_ticker_callbackPending && (newCallbackTime == us_ticker_callbackTimestamp)) { return; } /* Check for callbacks which are immediately (or will *very* shortly become) pending. * Even if they are immediately pending, they are scheduled to trigger a few * ticks later. This keeps things simple by invoking the callback from an * independent interrupt context. */ if ((int)(newCallbackTime - rtc1_getCounter()) <= (int)FUZZY_RTC_TICKS) { newCallbackTime = rtc1_getCounter() + FUZZY_RTC_TICKS; } NRF_RTC1->CC[0] = newCallbackTime & MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL; us_ticker_callbackTimestamp = newCallbackTime; if (!us_ticker_callbackPending) { us_ticker_callbackPending = true; rtc1_enableCompareInterrupt(); } } void us_ticker_fire_interrupt(void) { core_util_critical_section_enter(); m_common_sw_irq_flag |= US_TICKER_SW_IRQ_MASK; NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(RTC1_IRQn); core_util_critical_section_exit(); } void us_ticker_disable_interrupt(void) { if (us_ticker_callbackPending) { rtc1_disableCompareInterrupt(); us_ticker_callbackPending = false; } } void us_ticker_clear_interrupt(void) { NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_OVRFLW = 0; NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_COMPARE[0] = 0; } void us_ticker_free(void) { } #if defined (__CC_ARM) /* ARMCC Compiler */ __asm void RTC1_IRQHandler(void) { IMPORT OS_Tick_Handler IMPORT us_ticker_handler /** * Chanel 1 of RTC1 is used by RTX as a systick. * If the compare event on channel 1 is set, then branch to OS_Tick_Handler. * Otherwise, just execute us_ticker_handler. * This function has to be written in assembly and tagged as naked because OS_Tick_Handler * will never return. * A c function would put lr on the stack before calling OS_Tick_Handler and this value * would never been dequeued. * * \code * void RTC1_IRQHandler(void) { if(NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_COMPARE[1]) { // never return... OS_Tick_Handler(); } else { us_ticker_handler(); } } * \endcode */ ldr r0,=0x40011144 ldr r1, [r0, #0] cmp r1, #0 beq US_TICKER_HANDLER bl OS_Tick_Handler US_TICKER_HANDLER push {r3, lr} bl us_ticker_handler pop {r3, pc} nop /* padding */ } #elif defined (__GNUC__) /* GNU Compiler */ __attribute__((naked)) void RTC1_IRQHandler(void) { /** * Chanel 1 of RTC1 is used by RTX as a systick. * If the compare event on channel 1 is set, then branch to OS_Tick_Handler. * Otherwise, just execute us_ticker_handler. * This function has to be written in assembly and tagged as naked because OS_Tick_Handler * will never return. * A c function would put lr on the stack before calling OS_Tick_Handler and this value * would never been dequeued. * * \code * void RTC1_IRQHandler(void) { if(NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_COMPARE[1]) { // never return... OS_Tick_Handler(); } else { us_ticker_handler(); } } * \endcode */ __asm__ ( "ldr r0,=0x40011144\n" "ldr r1, [r0, #0]\n" "cmp r1, #0\n" "beq US_TICKER_HANDLER\n" "bl OS_Tick_Handler\n" "US_TICKER_HANDLER:\n" "push {r3, lr}\n" "bl us_ticker_handler\n" "pop {r3, pc}\n" "nop" ); } #else #error Compiler not supported. #error Provide a definition of RTC1_IRQHandler. /* * Chanel 1 of RTC1 is used by RTX as a systick. * If the compare event on channel 1 is set, then branch to OS_Tick_Handler. * Otherwise, just execute us_ticker_handler. * This function has to be written in assembly and tagged as naked because OS_Tick_Handler * will never return. * A c function would put lr on the stack before calling OS_Tick_Handler and this value * will never been dequeued. After a certain time a stack overflow will happen. * * \code * void RTC1_IRQHandler(void) { if(NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_COMPARE[1]) { // never return... OS_Tick_Handler(); } else { us_ticker_handler(); } } * \endcode */ #endif /** * Return the next number of clock cycle needed for the next tick. * @note This function has been carrefuly optimized for a systick occuring every 1000us. */ static uint32_t get_next_tick_cc_delta() { uint32_t delta = 0; if (os_clockrate != 1000) { // In RTX, by default SYSTICK is is used. // A tick event is generated every os_trv + 1 clock cycles of the system timer. delta = os_trv + 1; } else { // If the clockrate is set to 1000us then 1000 tick should happen every second. // Unfortunatelly, when clockrate is set to 1000, os_trv is equal to 31. // If (os_trv + 1) is used as the delta value between two ticks, 1000 ticks will be // generated in 32000 clock cycle instead of 32768 clock cycles. // As a result, if a user schedule an OS timer to start in 100s, the timer will start // instead after 97.656s // The code below fix this issue, a clock rate of 1000s will generate 1000 ticks in 32768 // clock cycles. // The strategy is simple, for 1000 ticks: // * 768 ticks will occur 33 clock cycles after the previous tick // * 232 ticks will occur 32 clock cycles after the previous tick // By default every delta is equal to 33. // Every five ticks (20%, 200 delta in one second), the delta is equal to 32 // The remaining (32) deltas equal to 32 are distributed using primes numbers. static uint32_t counter = 0; if ((counter % 5) == 0 || (counter % 31) == 0 || (counter % 139) == 0 || (counter == 503)) { delta = 32; } else { delta = 33; } ++counter; if (counter == 1000) { counter = 0; } } return delta; } static inline void clear_tick_interrupt() { NRF_RTC1->EVENTS_COMPARE[1] = 0; NRF_RTC1->EVTENCLR = (1 << 17); } /** * Indicate if a value is included in a range which can be wrapped. * @param begin start of the range * @param end end of the range * @param val value to check * @return true if the value is included in the range and false otherwise. */ static inline bool is_in_wrapped_range(uint32_t begin, uint32_t end, uint32_t val) { // regular case, begin < end // return true if begin <= val < end if (begin < end) { if (begin <= val && val < end) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { // In this case end < begin because it has wrap around the limits // return false if end < val < begin if (end < val && val < begin) { return false; } else { return true; } } } /** * Register the next tick. */ static void register_next_tick() { previous_tick_cc_value = NRF_RTC1->CC[1]; uint32_t delta = get_next_tick_cc_delta(); uint32_t new_compare_value = (previous_tick_cc_value + delta) & MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL; // Disable irq directly for few cycles, // Validation of the new CC value against the COUNTER, // Setting the new CC value and enabling CC IRQ should be an atomic operation // Otherwise, there is a possibility to set an invalid CC value because // the RTC1 keeps running. // This code is very short 20-38 cycles in the worst case, it shouldn't // disturb softdevice. __disable_irq(); uint32_t current_counter = NRF_RTC1->COUNTER; // If an overflow occur, set the next tick in COUNTER + delta clock cycles if (is_in_wrapped_range(previous_tick_cc_value, new_compare_value, current_counter) == false) { new_compare_value = current_counter + delta; } NRF_RTC1->CC[1] = new_compare_value; // set the interrupt of CC channel 1 and reenable IRQs NRF_RTC1->INTENSET = RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE1_Msk; __enable_irq(); } /** * Initialize alternative hardware timer as RTX kernel timer * This function is directly called by RTX. * @note this function shouldn't be called directly. * @return IRQ number of the alternative hardware timer */ int os_tick_init (void) { // their is no need to start the LF clock, it is already started by SystemInit. NVIC_SetPriority(RTC1_IRQn, RTC1_IRQ_PRI); NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(RTC1_IRQn); NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC1_IRQn); NRF_RTC1->TASKS_START = 1; nrf_delay_us(MAX_RTC_TASKS_DELAY); NRF_RTC1->CC[1] = 0; clear_tick_interrupt(); register_next_tick(); os_tick_started = true; return RTC1_IRQn; } /** * Acknowledge the tick interrupt. * This function is called by the function OS_Tick_Handler of RTX. * @note this function shouldn't be called directly. */ void os_tick_irqack(void) { clear_tick_interrupt(); register_next_tick(); } /** * Returns the overflow flag of the alternative hardware timer. * @note This function is exposed by RTX kernel. * @return 1 if the timer has overflowed and 0 otherwise. */ uint32_t os_tick_ovf(void) { uint32_t current_counter = NRF_RTC1->COUNTER; uint32_t next_tick_cc_value = NRF_RTC1->CC[1]; return is_in_wrapped_range(previous_tick_cc_value, next_tick_cc_value, current_counter) ? 0 : 1; } /** * Return the value of the alternative hardware timer. * @note The documentation is not very clear about what is expected as a result, * is it an ascending counter, a descending one ? * None of this is specified. * The default systick is a descending counter and this function return values in * descending order, even if the internal counter used is an ascending one. * @return the value of the alternative hardware timer. */ uint32_t os_tick_val(void) { uint32_t current_counter = NRF_RTC1->COUNTER; uint32_t next_tick_cc_value = NRF_RTC1->CC[1]; // do not use os_tick_ovf because its counter value can be different if(is_in_wrapped_range(previous_tick_cc_value, next_tick_cc_value, current_counter)) { if (next_tick_cc_value > previous_tick_cc_value) { return next_tick_cc_value - current_counter; } else if(current_counter <= next_tick_cc_value) { return next_tick_cc_value - current_counter; } else { return next_tick_cc_value + (MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL - current_counter); } } else { // use (os_trv + 1) has the base step, can be totally inacurate ... uint32_t clock_cycles_by_tick = os_trv + 1; // if current counter has wrap arround, add the limit to it. if (current_counter < next_tick_cc_value) { current_counter = current_counter + MAX_RTC_COUNTER_VAL; } return clock_cycles_by_tick - ((current_counter - next_tick_cc_value) % clock_cycles_by_tick); } }