/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 ARM Limited
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef THREAD_H
#define THREAD_H

#include <stdint.h>
#include "cmsis_os2.h"
#include "mbed_rtos1_types.h"
#include "mbed_rtos_storage.h"
#include "platform/Callback.h"
#include "platform/mbed_toolchain.h"
#include "platform/NonCopyable.h"
#include "rtos/Semaphore.h"
#include "rtos/Mutex.h"

namespace rtos {
/** \addtogroup rtos */
/** @{*/
 * \defgroup rtos_Thread Thread class
 * @{

/** The Thread class allow defining, creating, and controlling thread functions in the system.
 *  Example:
 *  @code
 *  #include "mbed.h"
 *  #include "rtos.h"
 *  Thread thread;
 *  DigitalOut led1(LED1);
 *  volatile bool running = true;
 *  // Blink function toggles the led in a long running loop
 *  void blink(DigitalOut *led) {
 *      while (running) {
 *          *led = !*led;
 *          wait(1);
 *      }
 *  }
 *  // Spawns a thread to run blink for 5 seconds
 *  int main() {
 *      thread.start(callback(blink, &led1));
 *      wait(5);
 *      running = false;
 *      thread.join();
 *  }
 *  @endcode
 * @note
 * Memory considerations: The thread control structures will be created on current thread's stack, both for the mbed OS
 * and underlying RTOS objects (static or dynamic RTOS memory pools are not being used).
 * Additionally the stack memory for this thread will be allocated on the heap, if it wasn't supplied to the constructor.
class Thread : private mbed::NonCopyable<Thread> {
    /** Allocate a new thread without starting execution
      @param   priority       initial priority of the thread function. (default: osPriorityNormal).
      @param   stack_size     stack size (in bytes) requirements for the thread function. (default: OS_STACK_SIZE).
      @param   stack_mem      pointer to the stack area to be used by this thread (default: NULL).
      @param   name           name to be used for this thread. It has to stay allocated for the lifetime of the thread (default: NULL)

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    Thread(osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal,
           uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE,
           unsigned char *stack_mem=NULL, const char *name=NULL) {
        constructor(priority, stack_size, stack_mem, name);

    /** Create a new thread, and start it executing the specified function.
      @param   task           function to be executed by this thread.
      @param   priority       initial priority of the thread function. (default: osPriorityNormal).
      @param   stack_size     stack size (in bytes) requirements for the thread function. (default: OS_STACK_SIZE).
      @param   stack_mem      pointer to the stack area to be used by this thread (default: NULL).
        Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. Replaced by thread.start(task).

        Thread thread(priority, stack_size, stack_mem);

        osStatus status = thread.start(task);
        if (status != osOK) {
            error("oh no!");

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
        "Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. "
        "Replaced by thread.start(task).")
    Thread(mbed::Callback<void()> task,
           osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal,
           uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE,
           unsigned char *stack_mem=NULL) {
        constructor(task, priority, stack_size, stack_mem);

    /** Create a new thread, and start it executing the specified function.
      @param   argument       pointer that is passed to the thread function as start argument. (default: NULL).
      @param   task           argument to task.
      @param   priority       initial priority of the thread function. (default: osPriorityNormal).
      @param   stack_size     stack size (in bytes) requirements for the thread function. (default: OS_STACK_SIZE).
      @param   stack_mem      pointer to the stack area to be used by this thread (default: NULL).
        Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. Replaced by thread.start(callback(task, argument)).

        Thread thread(priority, stack_size, stack_mem);

        osStatus status = thread.start(callback(task, argument));
        if (status != osOK) {
            error("oh no!");

        @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    template <typename T>
        "Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. "
        "Replaced by thread.start(callback(task, argument)).")
    Thread(T *argument, void (T::*task)(),
           osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal,
           uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE,
           unsigned char *stack_mem=NULL) {
        constructor(mbed::callback(task, argument),
                    priority, stack_size, stack_mem);

    /** Create a new thread, and start it executing the specified function.
      @param   argument       pointer that is passed to the thread function as start argument. (default: NULL).
      @param   task           argument to task.
      @param   priority       initial priority of the thread function. (default: osPriorityNormal).
      @param   stack_size     stack size (in bytes) requirements for the thread function. (default: OS_STACK_SIZE).
      @param   stack_mem      pointer to the stack area to be used by this thread (default: NULL).
        Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. Replaced by thread.start(callback(task, argument)).

        Thread thread(priority, stack_size, stack_mem);

        osStatus status = thread.start(callback(task, argument));
        if (status != osOK) {
            error("oh no!");

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    template <typename T>
        "Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. "
        "Replaced by thread.start(callback(task, argument)).")
    Thread(T *argument, void (*task)(T *),
           osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal,
           uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE,
           unsigned char *stack_mem=NULL) {
        constructor(mbed::callback(task, argument),
                    priority, stack_size, stack_mem);

    /** Create a new thread, and start it executing the specified function.
        Provided for backwards compatibility
      @param   task           function to be executed by this thread.
      @param   argument       pointer that is passed to the thread function as start argument. (default: NULL).
      @param   priority       initial priority of the thread function. (default: osPriorityNormal).
      @param   stack_size     stack size (in bytes) requirements for the thread function. (default: OS_STACK_SIZE).
      @param   stack_mem      pointer to the stack area to be used by this thread (default: NULL).
        Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. Replaced by thread.start(callback(task, argument)).

        Thread thread(priority, stack_size, stack_mem);

        osStatus status = thread.start(callback(task, argument));
        if (status != osOK) {
            error("oh no!");

        @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
        "Thread-spawning constructors hide errors. "
        "Replaced by thread.start(callback(task, argument)).")
    Thread(void (*task)(void const *argument), void *argument=NULL,
           osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal,
           uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE,
           unsigned char *stack_mem=NULL) {
        constructor(mbed::callback((void (*)(void *))task, argument),
                    priority, stack_size, stack_mem);

    /** Starts a thread executing the specified function.
      @param   task           function to be executed by this thread.
      @return  status code that indicates the execution status of the function.
      @note a thread can only be started once

      @note You cannot call this function ISR context.
    osStatus start(mbed::Callback<void()> task);

    /** Starts a thread executing the specified function.
      @param   obj            argument to task
      @param   method         function to be executed by this thread.
      @return  status code that indicates the execution status of the function.
          The start function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by start(callback(obj, method)).

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    template <typename T, typename M>
        "The start function does not support cv-qualifiers. "
        "Replaced by thread.start(callback(obj, method)).")
    osStatus start(T *obj, M method) {
        return start(mbed::callback(obj, method));

    /** Wait for thread to terminate
      @return  status code that indicates the execution status of the function.
      @note not callable from interrupt

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    osStatus join();

    /** Terminate execution of a thread and remove it from Active Threads
      @return  status code that indicates the execution status of the function.

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    osStatus terminate();

    /** Set priority of an active thread
      @param   priority  new priority value for the thread function.
      @return  status code that indicates the execution status of the function.

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    osStatus set_priority(osPriority priority);

    /** Get priority of an active thread
      @return  current priority value of the thread function.

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    osPriority get_priority();

    /** Set the specified Thread Flags for the thread.
      @param   signals  specifies the signal flags of the thread that should be set.
      @return  signal flags after setting or osFlagsError in case of incorrect parameters.

      @note You may call this function from ISR context.
    int32_t signal_set(int32_t signals);

    /** State of the Thread */
    enum State {
        Inactive,           /**< NOT USED */
        Ready,              /**< Ready to run */
        Running,            /**< Running */
        WaitingDelay,       /**< Waiting for a delay to occur */
        WaitingJoin,        /**< Waiting for thread to join. Only happens when using RTX directly. */
        WaitingThreadFlag,  /**< Waiting for a thread flag to be set */
        WaitingEventFlag,   /**< Waiting for a event flag to be set */
        WaitingMutex,       /**< Waiting for a mutex event to occur */
        WaitingSemaphore,   /**< Waiting for a semaphore event to occur */
        WaitingMemoryPool,  /**< Waiting for a memory pool */
        WaitingMessageGet,  /**< Waiting for message to arrive */
        WaitingMessagePut,  /**< Waiting for message to be send */
        WaitingInterval,    /**< NOT USED */
        WaitingOr,          /**< NOT USED */
        WaitingAnd,         /**< NOT USED */
        WaitingMailbox,     /**< NOT USED (Mail is implemented as MemoryPool and Queue) */

        /* Not in sync with RTX below here */
        Deleted,            /**< The task has been deleted or not started */

    /** State of this Thread
      @return  the State of this Thread

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    State get_state();
    /** Get the total stack memory size for this Thread
      @return  the total stack memory size in bytes

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    uint32_t stack_size();
    /** Get the currently unused stack memory for this Thread
      @return  the currently unused stack memory in bytes

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    uint32_t free_stack();
    /** Get the currently used stack memory for this Thread
      @return  the currently used stack memory in bytes

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    uint32_t used_stack();
    /** Get the maximum stack memory usage to date for this Thread
      @return  the maximum stack memory usage to date in bytes

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    uint32_t max_stack();

    /** Get thread name
      @return  thread name or NULL if the name was not set.

      @note You may call this function from ISR context.
    const char *get_name();

    /** Clears the specified Thread Flags of the currently running thread.
      @param   signals  specifies the signal flags of the thread that should be cleared.
      @return  signal flags before clearing or osFlagsError in case of incorrect parameters.

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    static int32_t signal_clr(int32_t signals);

    /** Wait for one or more Thread Flags to become signaled for the current RUNNING thread.
      @param   signals   wait until all specified signal flags are set or 0 for any single signal flag.
      @param   millisec  timeout value or 0 in case of no time-out. (default: osWaitForever).
      @return  event flag information or error code. @note if @a millisec is set to 0 and flag is no set the event carries osOK value.

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    static osEvent signal_wait(int32_t signals, uint32_t millisec=osWaitForever);

    /** Wait for a specified time period in milliseconds
      Being tick-based, the delay will be up to the specified time - eg for
      a value of 1 the system waits until the next millisecond tick occurs,
      leading to a delay of 0-1 milliseconds.
      @param   millisec  time delay value
      @return  status code that indicates the execution status of the function.

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    static osStatus wait(uint32_t millisec);

    /** Wait until a specified time in millisec
      The specified time is according to Kernel::get_ms_count().
      @param   millisec absolute time in millisec
      @return  status code that indicates the execution status of the function.
      @note not callable from interrupt
      @note if millisec is equal to or lower than the current tick count, this
            returns immediately, either with an error or "osOK".
      @note the underlying RTOS may have a limit to the maximum wait time
            due to internal 32-bit computations, but this is guaranteed to work if the
            delay is <= 0x7fffffff milliseconds (~24 days). If the limit is exceeded,
            it may return with an immediate error, or wait for the maximum delay.

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    static osStatus wait_until(uint64_t millisec);

    /** Pass control to next thread that is in state READY.
      @return  status code that indicates the execution status of the function.

      @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    static osStatus yield();

    /** Get the thread id of the current running thread.
      @return  thread ID for reference by other functions or NULL in case of error.

      @note You may call this function from ISR context.
    static osThreadId gettid();

    /** Attach a function to be called by the RTOS idle task
      @param   fptr  pointer to the function to be called

      @note You may call this function from ISR context.
    static void attach_idle_hook(void (*fptr)(void));

    /** Attach a function to be called when a task is killed
      @param   fptr  pointer to the function to be called

      @note You may call this function from ISR context.
    static void attach_terminate_hook(void (*fptr)(osThreadId id));

    /** Thread destructor
     * @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
    virtual ~Thread();

    // Required to share definitions without
    // delegated constructors
    void constructor(osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal,
                     uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE,
                     unsigned char *stack_mem=NULL,
                     const char *name=NULL);
    void constructor(mbed::Callback<void()> task,
                     osPriority priority=osPriorityNormal,
                     uint32_t stack_size=OS_STACK_SIZE,
                     unsigned char *stack_mem=NULL,
                     const char *name=NULL);
    static void _thunk(void * thread_ptr);

    mbed::Callback<void()>     _task;
    osThreadId_t               _tid;
    osThreadAttr_t             _attr;
    bool                       _dynamic_stack;
    Semaphore                  _join_sem;
    Mutex                      _mutex;
    mbed_rtos_storage_thread_t _obj_mem;
    bool                       _finished;
/** @}*/
/** @}*/