""" The CLI entry point for exporting projects from the mbed tools to any of the supported IDEs or project structures. """ import sys from os.path import join, abspath, dirname, exists, basename ROOT = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "..")) sys.path.insert(0, ROOT) from shutil import move, rmtree from argparse import ArgumentParser from os.path import normpath, realpath from tools.paths import EXPORT_DIR, MBED_BASE, MBED_LIBRARIES from tools.export import EXPORTERS, mcu_ide_matrix from tools.tests import TESTS, TEST_MAP from tools.tests import test_known, test_name_known, Test from tools.targets import TARGET_NAMES from tools.utils import argparse_filestring_type, argparse_many, args_error from tools.utils import argparse_force_lowercase_type from tools.utils import argparse_force_uppercase_type from tools.project_api import export_project def setup_project(ide, target, program=None, source_dir=None, build=None, export_path=None): """Generate a name, if not provided, and find dependencies Positional arguments: ide - IDE or project structure that will soon be exported to target - MCU that the project will build for Keyword arguments: program - the index of a test program source_dir - the directory, or directories that contain all of the sources build - a directory that will contain the result of the export """ # Some libraries have extra macros (called by exporter symbols) to we need # to pass them to maintain compilation macros integrity between compiled # library and header files we might use with it if source_dir: # --source is used to generate IDE files to toolchain directly # in the source tree and doesn't generate zip file project_dir = export_path or source_dir[0] if program: project_name = TESTS[program] else: project_name = basename(normpath(realpath(source_dir[0]))) src_paths = source_dir lib_paths = None else: test = Test(program) if not build: # Substitute the mbed library builds with their sources if MBED_LIBRARIES in test.dependencies: test.dependencies.remove(MBED_LIBRARIES) test.dependencies.append(MBED_BASE) src_paths = [test.source_dir] lib_paths = test.dependencies project_name = "_".join([test.id, ide, target]) project_dir = join(EXPORT_DIR, project_name) return project_dir, project_name, src_paths, lib_paths def export(target, ide, build=None, src=None, macros=None, project_id=None, clean=False, zip_proj=False, options=None, export_path=None, silent=False): """Do an export of a project. Positional arguments: target - MCU that the project will compile for ide - the IDE or project structure to export to Keyword arguments: build - to use the compiled mbed libraries or not src - directory or directories that contain the source to export macros - extra macros to add to the project project_id - the name of the project clean - start from a clean state before exporting zip_proj - create a zip file or not Returns an object of type Exporter (tools/exports/exporters.py) """ project_dir, name, src, lib = setup_project(ide, target, program=project_id, source_dir=src, build=build, export_path=export_path) zip_name = name+".zip" if zip_proj else None return export_project(src, project_dir, target, ide, clean=clean, name=name, macros=macros, libraries_paths=lib, zip_proj=zip_name, options=options, silent=silent) def main(): """Entry point""" # Parse Options parser = ArgumentParser() targetnames = TARGET_NAMES targetnames.sort() toolchainlist = EXPORTERS.keys() toolchainlist.sort() parser.add_argument("-m", "--mcu", metavar="MCU", default='LPC1768', type=argparse_force_uppercase_type(targetnames, "MCU"), help="generate project for the given MCU ({})".format( ', '.join(targetnames))) parser.add_argument("-i", dest="ide", default='uvision', type=argparse_force_lowercase_type( toolchainlist, "toolchain"), help="The target IDE: %s"% str(toolchainlist)) parser.add_argument("-c", "--clean", action="store_true", default=False, help="clean the export directory") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) group.add_argument( "-p", type=test_known, dest="program", help="The index of the desired test program: [0-%s]"% (len(TESTS)-1)) group.add_argument("-n", type=test_name_known, dest="program", help="The name of the desired test program") parser.add_argument("-b", dest="build", default=False, action="store_true", help="use the mbed library build, instead of the sources") group.add_argument("-L", "--list-tests", action="store_true", dest="list_tests", default=False, help="list available programs in order and exit") group.add_argument("-S", "--list-matrix", action="store_true", dest="supported_ides", default=False, help="displays supported matrix of MCUs and IDEs") parser.add_argument("-E", action="store_true", dest="supported_ides_html", default=False, help="writes tools/export/README.md") parser.add_argument("--source", action="append", type=argparse_filestring_type, dest="source_dir", default=[], help="The source (input) directory") parser.add_argument("-D", action="append", dest="macros", help="Add a macro definition") parser.add_argument("-o", type=argparse_many(str), dest="opts", default=["debug-info"], help="Toolchain options") options = parser.parse_args() # Print available tests in order and exit if options.list_tests is True: print '\n'.join([str(test) for test in sorted(TEST_MAP.values())]) sys.exit() # Only prints matrix of supported IDEs if options.supported_ides: print mcu_ide_matrix() exit(0) # Only prints matrix of supported IDEs if options.supported_ides_html: html = mcu_ide_matrix(verbose_html=True) try: with open("./export/README.md", "w") as readme: readme.write("Exporter IDE/Platform Support\n") readme.write("-----------------------------------\n") readme.write("\n") readme.write(html) except IOError as exc: print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(exc.errno, exc.strerror) except: print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] raise exit(0) # Clean Export Directory if options.clean: if exists(EXPORT_DIR): rmtree(EXPORT_DIR) for mcu in options.mcu: zip_proj = not bool(options.source_dir) # Target if not options.mcu: args_error(parser, "argument -m/--mcu is required") # Toolchain if not options.ide: args_error(parser, "argument -i is required") if (options.program is None) and (not options.source_dir): args_error(parser, "one of -p, -n, or --source is required") # Export to selected toolchain export(options.mcu, options.ide, build=options.build, src=options.source_dir, macros=options.macros, project_id=options.program, clean=options.clean, zip_proj=zip_proj, options=options.opts) if __name__ == "__main__": main()