/** ******************************************************************************* * @file system_TMPM066.c * @brief CMSIS Cortex-M0 Device Peripheral Access Layer Source File for the * TOSHIBA 'TMPM066' Device Series * @version V2.0.2.1 * @date 2015/10/22 * * (C)Copyright TOSHIBA CORPORATION 2015 All rights reserved ******************************************************************************* */ #include "TMPM066.h" /*-------- <<< Start of configuration section >>> ----------------------------*/ /* Watchdog Timer (WD) Configuration */ #define WD_SETUP (1U) #define WDMOD_Val (0x00000000UL) #define WDCR_Val (0x000000B1UL) /* Clock Generator (CG) Configuration */ #define CLOCK_SETUP (1U) #define SYSCR_Val (0x00000000UL) #define OSCCR_Val (0x00000102UL) /* OSCCR = 1, OSCCR = 01 */ #define STBYCR_Val (0x00000000UL) #define CG_8M_MUL_12_FPLL (0x00C60B00UL<<8U) #define CG_10M_MUL_8_FPLL (0x00C60700UL<<8U) #define CG_12M_MUL_8_FPLL (0x00C60700UL<<8U) #define CG_16M_MUL_6_FPLL (0x00C60500UL<<8U) #define CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0ON_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0ON_CLEAR ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFE) #define CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0SEL_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0ST_MASK ((uint32_t)0x00000004) #define CG_OSCCR_IOSCEN_CLEAR ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFE) #define CG_OSCCR_EOSCEN_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define CG_OSCCR_OSCSEL_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000100) #define CG_OSCCR_OSCF_MASK ((uint32_t)0x00000200) #define CG_WUON_START_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000001) #define CG_WUEF_VALUE_MASK ((uint32_t)0x00000002) #define CG_WUPHCR_WUCLK_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000100) #define WD_MOD_WDTE_SET ((uint32_t)0x00000080) #define PLLSEL_Ready CG_12M_MUL_8_FPLL #define PLLSEL_Val (PLLSEL_Ready|0x00000003UL) #define PLLSEL_MASK (0xFFFFFF00UL) /*-------- <<< End of configuration section >>> ------------------------------*/ /*-------- DEFINES -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Define clocks */ #define OSC_8M ( 8000000UL) #define OSC_10M (10000000UL) #define OSC_12M (12000000UL) #define OSC_16M (16000000UL) #define EXTALH OSC_12M /* External high-speed oscillator freq */ #define XTALH OSC_10M /* Internal high-speed oscillator freq */ /* Configure Warm-up time */ #define HZ_1M (1000000UL) #define WU_TIME_EXT (5000UL) /* warm-up time for EXT is 5ms */ #define WU_TIME_PLL (100UL) /* warm-up time for PLL is 100us */ #define WUPHCR_WUPT_MASK (0x000FFFFFUL) #define WUPHCR_WUPT_EXT ((uint32_t)(((uint64_t)WU_TIME_EXT * EXTALH / HZ_1M / 16UL) << 20U)) /* WUPHCR = warm-up time(us) * EXTALH / 16 */ #define WUPHCR_WUPT_PLL ((WU_TIME_PLL * EXTALH / HZ_1M /16UL) << 20U) #if (CLOCK_SETUP) /* Clock(external) Setup */ /* Determine core clock frequency according to settings */ /* System clock is high-speed clock*/ #if (OSCCR_Val & (1U<<8U)) #define CORE_TALH (EXTALH) #else #define CORE_TALH (XTALH) #endif #if ((PLLSEL_Val & (1U<<1U)) && (PLLSEL_Val & (1U<<0U))) /* If PLL selected and enabled */ #if (CORE_TALH == OSC_8M) /* If input is 8MHz */ #if ((PLLSEL_Val & PLLSEL_MASK) == (CG_8M_MUL_12_FPLL)) #define __CORE_CLK ((CORE_TALH * 12U) / 4U) /* output clock is 24MHz */ #else /* fc -> reserved */ #define __CORE_CLK (0U) #endif /* End input is 8MHz */ #elif (CORE_TALH == OSC_10M) /* If input is 10MHz */ #if ((PLLSEL_Val & PLLSEL_MASK) == (CG_10M_MUL_8_FPLL)) #define __CORE_CLK ((CORE_TALH * 8U) / 4U) /* output clock is 20MHz */ #else /* fc -> reserved */ #define __CORE_CLK (0U) #endif /* End input is 10MHz */ #elif (CORE_TALH == OSC_12M) /* If input is 12MHz */ #if ((PLLSEL_Val & PLLSEL_MASK) == CG_12M_MUL_8_FPLL) #define __CORE_CLK ((CORE_TALH * 8U) / 4U) /* output clock is 24MHz */ #else /* fc -> reserved */ #define __CORE_CLK (0U) #endif /* End input is 12MHz */ #elif (CORE_TALH == OSC_16M) /* If input is 16MHz */ #if ((PLLSEL_Val & PLLSEL_MASK) == CG_16M_MUL_6_FPLL) #define __CORE_CLK ((CORE_TALH * 6U) / 4U) /* output clock is 24MHz */ #else /* fc -> reserved */ #define __CORE_CLK (0U) #endif /* End input is 16MHz */ #else /* input clock not known */ #define __CORE_CLK (0U) #error "Core Oscillator Frequency invalid!" #endif /* End switch input clock */ #else #define __CORE_CLK (CORE_TALH) #endif #if ((SYSCR_Val & 7U) == 0U) /* Gear -> fc */ #define __CORE_SYS (__CORE_CLK) #elif ((SYSCR_Val & 7U) == 1U) /* Gear -> fc/2 */ #define __CORE_SYS (__CORE_CLK / 2U) #elif ((SYSCR_Val & 7U) == 2U) /* Gear -> fc/4 */ #define __CORE_SYS (__CORE_CLK / 4U) #elif ((SYSCR_Val & 7U) == 3U) /* Gear -> fc/8 */ #define __CORE_SYS (__CORE_CLK / 8U) #elif ((SYSCR_Val & 7U) == 4U) /* Gear -> fc/16 */ #define __CORE_SYS (__CORE_CLK / 16U) #else /* Gear -> reserved */ #define __CORE_SYS (0U) #endif #else #define __CORE_SYS (XTALH) #endif /* clock Setup */ /* Clock Variable definitions */ uint32_t SystemCoreClock = __CORE_SYS; /*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */ /** * Initialize the system * * @param none * @return none * * @brief Update SystemCoreClock according register values. */ void SystemCoreClockUpdate(void) { /* Get Core Clock Frequency */ uint32_t CoreClock = 0U; uint32_t CoreClockInput = 0U; uint32_t regval = 0U; uint32_t oscsel = 0U; uint32_t pllsel = 0U; uint32_t pllon = 0U; /* Determine clock frequency according to clock register values */ /* System clock is high-speed clock */ regval = TSB_CG->OSCCR; oscsel = regval & CG_OSCCR_OSCSEL_SET; if (oscsel) { /* If system clock is External high-speed oscillator freq */ CoreClock = EXTALH; } else { /* If system clock is Internal high-speed oscillator freq */ CoreClock = XTALH; } regval = TSB_CG->PLL0SEL; pllsel = regval & CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0SEL_SET; pllon = regval & CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0ON_SET; if (pllsel && pllon) { /* If PLL enabled */ if (CoreClock == OSC_8M) { /* If input is 8MHz */ if ((TSB_CG->PLL0SEL & PLLSEL_MASK) == CG_8M_MUL_12_FPLL) { CoreClockInput = (CoreClock * 12U) / 4U; /* output clock is 24MHz */ } else { CoreClockInput = 0U; /* fc -> reserved */ } } else if (CoreClock == OSC_10M) { /* If input is 10MHz */ if ((TSB_CG->PLL0SEL & PLLSEL_MASK) == CG_10M_MUL_8_FPLL) { CoreClockInput = (CoreClock * 8U) / 4U; /* output clock is 20MHz */ } else { CoreClockInput = 0U; /* fc -> reserved */ } } else if (CoreClock == OSC_12M) { /* If input is 12MHz */ if ((TSB_CG->PLL0SEL & PLLSEL_MASK) == CG_12M_MUL_8_FPLL) { CoreClockInput = (CoreClock * 8U) / 4U; /* output clock is 24MHz */ } else { CoreClockInput = 0U; /* fc -> reserved */ } } else if (CoreClock == OSC_16M) { /* If input is 16MHz */ if ((TSB_CG->PLL0SEL & PLLSEL_MASK) == CG_16M_MUL_6_FPLL) { CoreClockInput = (CoreClock * 6U) / 4U; /* output clock is 24MHz */ } else { CoreClockInput = 0U; /* fc -> reserved */ } } else { CoreClockInput = 0U; } } else { CoreClockInput = CoreClock; } switch (TSB_CG->SYSCR & 7U) { case 0U: SystemCoreClock = CoreClockInput; /* Gear -> fc */ break; case 1U: /* Gear -> fc/2 */ SystemCoreClock = CoreClockInput / 2U; break; case 2U: /* Gear -> fc/4 */ SystemCoreClock = CoreClockInput / 4U; break; case 3U: /* Gear -> fc/8 */ SystemCoreClock = CoreClockInput / 8U; break; case 4U: /* Gear -> fc/16 */ if (CoreClockInput >= OSC_16M) { SystemCoreClock = CoreClockInput / 16U; } else { SystemCoreClock = 0U; } break; default: SystemCoreClock = 0U; break; } } /** * Initialize the system * * @param none * @return none * * @brief Setup the microcontroller system. * Initialize the System. */ void SystemInit(void) { uint32_t regval = 0U; volatile uint32_t pllst = 0U; volatile uint32_t wuef = 0U; volatile uint32_t oscf = 0U; uint32_t wdte = 0U; #if (WD_SETUP) /* Watchdog Setup */ while (TSB_WD->FLG != 0U) { } /* When writing to WDMOD or WDCR, confirm "0" of WDFLG. */ TSB_WD->MOD = WDMOD_Val; regval = TSB_WD->MOD; wdte = regval & WD_MOD_WDTE_SET; if (!wdte) { /* If watchdog is to be disabled */ TSB_WD->CR = WDCR_Val; } else { /*Do nothing*/ } #endif #if (CLOCK_SETUP) /* Clock(external) Setup */ TSB_CG->SYSCR = SYSCR_Val; TSB_CG->WUPHCR &= WUPHCR_WUPT_MASK; TSB_CG->WUPHCR |= WUPHCR_WUPT_EXT; TSB_CG->OSCCR |= CG_OSCCR_EOSCEN_SET; TSB_CG->WUPHCR |= CG_WUPHCR_WUCLK_SET; TSB_CG->WUPHCR |= CG_WUON_START_SET; wuef = TSB_CG->WUPHCR & CG_WUEF_VALUE_MASK; while (wuef) { wuef = TSB_CG->WUPHCR & CG_WUEF_VALUE_MASK; } /* Warm-up */ TSB_CG->OSCCR |= CG_OSCCR_OSCSEL_SET; oscf = TSB_CG->OSCCR & CG_OSCCR_OSCF_MASK; while (oscf != CG_OSCCR_OSCF_MASK) { oscf = TSB_CG->OSCCR & CG_OSCCR_OSCF_MASK; } /* Confirm CGOSCCR="1" */ TSB_CG->WUPHCR &= WUPHCR_WUPT_MASK; TSB_CG->WUPHCR |= WUPHCR_WUPT_PLL; TSB_CG->PLL0SEL &= CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0ON_CLEAR; TSB_CG->PLL0SEL = PLLSEL_Ready; TSB_CG->WUPHCR |= CG_WUON_START_SET; wuef = TSB_CG->WUPHCR & CG_WUEF_VALUE_MASK; while (wuef) { wuef = TSB_CG->WUPHCR & CG_WUEF_VALUE_MASK; } /* Warm-up */ TSB_CG->WUPHCR &= WUPHCR_WUPT_MASK; TSB_CG->WUPHCR |= WUPHCR_WUPT_PLL; TSB_CG->PLL0SEL |= CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0ON_SET; /* PLL enabled */ TSB_CG->STBYCR = STBYCR_Val; TSB_CG->WUPHCR |= CG_WUON_START_SET; wuef = TSB_CG->WUPHCR & CG_WUEF_VALUE_MASK; while (wuef) { wuef = TSB_CG->WUPHCR & CG_WUEF_VALUE_MASK; } /* Warm-up */ TSB_CG->PLL0SEL |= CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0SEL_SET; pllst = TSB_CG->PLL0SEL & CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0ST_MASK; while (pllst != CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0ST_MASK) { pllst = TSB_CG->PLL0SEL & CG_PLL0SEL_PLL0ST_MASK; } /*Confirm CGPLLSEL = "1" */ #endif }