/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "mbed.h" #include "ns_types.h" #include #include "common_functions.h" #include "randLIB.h" #include "platform/arm_hal_interrupt.h" #include "platform/arm_hal_phy.h" #include "NanostackRfPhyNcs36510.h" extern "C" { #include "TARGET_NCS36510/memory_map.h" #include "TARGET_NCS36510/clock.h" #include "TARGET_NCS36510/ticker.h" #include "TARGET_NCS36510/rfAna.h" } #define RF_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 1024 #define SIGNAL_COUNT_RADIO 1 static void rf_thread_loop(); Thread rf_thread(osPriorityRealtime, RF_THREAD_STACK_SIZE); #define PHY_MTU_SIZE 127 #define CRC_LENGTH 0 #define PHY_HEADER_LENGTH 0 /** * MAC status code bit definition */ #define MAC_STATUS_SUCCESS (0x0) /**< Success */ #define MAC_STATUS_TIMEOUT (0x1) /**< Time out */ #define MAC_STATUS_BUSY (0x2) /**< Channel Busy */ #define MAC_STATUS_CRCFAIL (0x3) /**< CRC Failed */ #define MAC_STATUS_NOACK (0x5) /**< No ACK */ #define MAC_STATUS_UNLOCK (0x6) /**< PLL unlocked */ #define MAC_STATUS_BADSTART (0x7) /**< Bad Start */ #define MAC_STATUS_RXACK_PENDING (0x8) /**< ACK frame was received with the Pending bit set */ #define MAC_STATUS_TXACK_PENDING (0x9) /**< ACK frame was transmitted with the Pending bit set */ #define MAC_STATUS_FAIL_FILTER (0xA) /**< One or more frame filtering tests has failed */ #define MAC_STATUS_PANID_CONFLICT (0xB) /**< A PANID conflict has been detected */ #define MAC_STATUS_NOTCOMPLETE (0xF) /**< Not complete */ /** * MAC sequence modes */ #define MAC_SEQUENCE_NOP (0x0) /**< NOP */ #define MAC_SEQUENCE_RX (0x3) /**< RX */ #define MAC_SEQUENCE_TX (0x4) /**< TX */ #define MAC_SEQUENCE_ED (0x5) /**< ED */ #define MAC_SEQUENCE_CCA (0x6) /**< CCA */ /** * MAC Interrupt enable / disable */ #define MAC_IRQ_NONE (0x0) /**< No IRQ */ #define MAC_IRQ_COMPLETE (0x1) /**< Event-complete IRQ */ #define MAC_IRQ_EVENT_STARTED (0x2) /**< Event-started IRQ */ #define MAC_IRQ_DATA (0x4) /**< Data-arrived IRQ */ #define MAC_IRQ_FRAME_STARTED (0x8) /**< Frame-started IRQ */ #define MAC_IRQ_PACKET_FAIL (0x10) /**< Failed-packet IRQ */ #define MAC_IRQ_FRAME_MATCH (0x20) /**< Frame-match IRQ (indicating matching process is done) */ #define MAC_IRQ_ALL (0x3F) /**< All IRQs */ #define MAC_RSSI_TO_ED 0 #define MAC_RSSI_TO_LQI 1 #define MAC_RF_TRX_OFF 0 #define MAC_RF_RX_ON 1 #define MAC_RF_TX_ON 2 #define MAC_RF_ED_SCAN 3 static int8_t rf_radio_driver_id = -1; static int8_t rf_interface_state_control(phy_interface_state_e new_state, uint8_t rf_channel); static int8_t rf_start_cca(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint16_t data_length, uint8_t tx_handle, data_protocol_e data_protocol); static int8_t rf_address_write(phy_address_type_e address_type, uint8_t *address_ptr); static int8_t rf_extension(phy_extension_type_e extension_type, uint8_t *data_ptr); static void rf_mac_hw_init(void); static void rf_mac_timers_disable_trig_event(void); static void rf_mac_reset(void); static void rf_mac_rx_enable(void); static void rf_mac_ed_state_enable(void); static uint8_t rf_mac_convert_rssi(uint8_t scale); static int8_t rf_mac_get_rssi(void); static void rf_mac_set_rx_on_state(bool enable); static void rf_mac_write(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t length); static void rf_mac_set_pending(uint8_t status); static void rf_mac_set_shortAddress(uint8_t* valueAddress); static void rf_mac_set_panId(uint8_t* valueAddress); static void rf_mac_set_mac64(const uint8_t* valueAddress); static void rf_mac_get_mac64(uint8_t* valueAddress); static int8_t set_channel(uint8_t channel); static void handle_IRQ_events(void); static uint8_t MAC64_addr_default[8] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; static uint8_t MAC64_addr[8]; static uint8_t rf_mac_state = MAC_RF_TRX_OFF; static bool rf_ack_pending_state = false; static bool rf_mac_ack_requsted = false; static uint8_t rf_mac_handle; volatile uint8_t rf_ed_value = 0; static NanostackRfPhyNcs36510 *rf = NULL; #define MAC_PACKET_SIZE 127 //MAX MAC payload is 127 bytes static uint8_t PHYPAYLOAD[MAC_PACKET_SIZE]; //TODO: verify these values const phy_rf_channel_configuration_s phy_2_4ghz = {2405000000U, 5000000U, 250000U, 16U, M_OQPSK}; const phy_device_channel_page_s phy_channel_pages[] = { {CHANNEL_PAGE_0, &phy_2_4ghz}, {CHANNEL_PAGE_0, NULL} }; static phy_device_driver_s device_driver = { PHY_LINK_15_4_2_4GHZ_TYPE, PHY_LAYER_PAYLOAD_DATA_FLOW, MAC64_addr, PHY_MTU_SIZE, (char*)"ON Semi ncs36510", CRC_LENGTH, PHY_HEADER_LENGTH, &rf_interface_state_control, &rf_start_cca, &rf_address_write, &rf_extension, phy_channel_pages, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; static void rf_thread_loop() { for (;;) { uint32_t flags = ThisThread::flags_wait_any(0x7FFFFFFF); platform_enter_critical(); if (flags & SIGNAL_COUNT_RADIO) { handle_IRQ_events(); } platform_exit_critical(); NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(MacHw_IRQn); NVIC_EnableIRQ(MacHw_IRQn); } } static int8_t rf_device_register(void) { if( rf_radio_driver_id < 0 ) { rf_mac_hw_init(); /** * Read factory stored Mac address to RAM */ common_write_32_bit(MACHWREG->LONG_ADDRESS_HIGH, MAC64_addr); common_write_32_bit(MACHWREG->LONG_ADDRESS_LOW, MAC64_addr + 4); rf_radio_driver_id = arm_net_phy_register(&device_driver); } return rf_radio_driver_id; } static void rf_device_unregister(void) { arm_net_phy_unregister(rf_radio_driver_id); } void rf_read_mac_address(uint8_t *address_ptr) { platform_enter_critical(); rf_mac_get_mac64(address_ptr); platform_exit_critical(); } int8_t rf_read_random(void) { //TODO: Read random from randomizer return 1; } void rf_set_mac_address(const uint8_t *ptr) { platform_enter_critical(); rf_mac_set_mac64(ptr); platform_exit_critical(); } static void rf_mac_set_pending(uint8_t status) { if (status) { MACHWREG->OPTIONS.BITS.TFPO = 0; MACHWREG->OPTIONS.BITS.TFP = 1; rf_ack_pending_state = true; } else { rf_ack_pending_state = false; MACHWREG->OPTIONS.BITS.TFPO = 0; MACHWREG->OPTIONS.BITS.TFP = 0; } } static int8_t rf_interface_state_control(phy_interface_state_e new_state, uint8_t rf_channel) { platform_enter_critical(); switch(new_state){ case PHY_INTERFACE_RESET: { /**< Reset PHY driver and set to idle. */ rf_mac_set_rx_on_state(false); break; } case PHY_INTERFACE_DOWN: { /**< Disable PHY interface driver (RF radio disable). */ rf_mac_set_rx_on_state(false); break; } case PHY_INTERFACE_UP: { /**< Enable PHY interface driver (RF radio receiver ON). */ set_channel(rf_channel); rf_mac_set_rx_on_state(true); break; } case PHY_INTERFACE_RX_ENERGY_STATE: { /**< Enable wirless interface ED scan mode. */ rf_ed_value = 0; set_channel(rf_channel); rf_mac_set_rx_on_state(false); rf_mac_ed_state_enable(); break; } case PHY_INTERFACE_SNIFFER_STATE: { set_channel(rf_channel); rf_mac_set_rx_on_state(true); break; } } platform_exit_critical(); return 0; } static int8_t rf_start_cca(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint16_t data_length, uint8_t tx_handle, data_protocol_e data_protocol) { platform_enter_critical(); (void)data_protocol; rf_mac_handle = tx_handle; rf_mac_write(data_ptr, data_length); platform_exit_critical(); return 0; } static int8_t rf_address_write(phy_address_type_e address_type, uint8_t *address_ptr) { int ret_value = 0; platform_enter_critical(); switch (address_type) { case PHY_MAC_64BIT: /**< RF/PLC link layer address. */ rf_mac_set_mac64(address_ptr); break; case PHY_MAC_16BIT: /**< RF interface short address. */ rf_mac_set_shortAddress(address_ptr); break; case PHY_MAC_PANID: /**< RF interface 16-Bit PAN-ID. */ rf_mac_set_panId(address_ptr); break; default: ret_value = -1; } platform_exit_critical(); return ret_value; } static int8_t rf_extension(phy_extension_type_e extension_type, uint8_t *data_ptr) { int ret_value = 0; platform_enter_critical(); switch (extension_type) { case PHY_EXTENSION_CTRL_PENDING_BIT: /**< Control MAC pending bit for indirect data. */ rf_mac_set_pending(*data_ptr); break; case PHY_EXTENSION_READ_LAST_ACK_PENDING_STATUS: /**< Read status if the last ACK is still pending. */ *data_ptr = rf_ack_pending_state; break; case PHY_EXTENSION_SET_CHANNEL: /**< Net library channel set. */ return set_channel(*data_ptr); case PHY_EXTENSION_READ_CHANNEL_ENERGY: /**< RF interface ED scan energy read. */ *data_ptr = rf_ed_value; break; case PHY_EXTENSION_READ_LINK_STATUS: /**< Net library could read link status. */ case PHY_EXTENSION_CONVERT_SIGNAL_INFO: /**< Convert signal info. */ default: ret_value = -1; } platform_exit_critical(); return ret_value; } static int8_t set_channel(uint8_t channel) { if( channel > 10 && channel < 27 ){ fRfAnaIoctl(SET_RF_CHANNEL, &channel); return 0; } return -1; } /** * SET MAC 16 address to Register */ static void rf_mac_set_shortAddress(uint8_t* valueAddress) { MACHWREG->SHORT_ADDRESS = common_read_16_bit(valueAddress); } /** * SET PAN-ID to Register */ static void rf_mac_set_panId(uint8_t* valueAddress) { MACHWREG->PANID = common_read_16_bit(valueAddress); } /** * SET MAC64 address to register */ static void rf_mac_set_mac64(const uint8_t* valueAddress) { MACHWREG->LONG_ADDRESS_HIGH = common_read_32_bit(valueAddress); valueAddress += 4; MACHWREG->LONG_ADDRESS_LOW = common_read_32_bit(valueAddress); } static void rf_mac_get_mac64(uint8_t* valueAddress) { valueAddress = common_write_32_bit(MACHWREG->LONG_ADDRESS_HIGH, valueAddress); common_write_32_bit(MACHWREG->LONG_ADDRESS_LOW, valueAddress); } static void rf_mac_timers_disable_trig_event(void) { MACHWREG->TIMER_DISABLE.BITS.START = true; MACHWREG->TIMER_DISABLE.BITS.STOP = true; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.NOW = true; } /** * Call this only One time */ static void rf_mac_hw_init(void) { uint32_t periphClockfrequency; uint8_t lutIndex; volatile uint8_t *pMatchReg = MACMATCHREG; /** Initialize rf peripheral */ fRfAnaInit(); /** Enable mac clock */ CLOCK_ENABLE(CLOCK_MACHW); /** Disable and clear IRQs */ MACHWREG->MASK_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_NONE; MACHWREG->CLEAR_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_ALL; NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(MacHw_IRQn); /** Set sequence options */ MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.MODE = 0x1; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.NOACK = false; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.NOW = true; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.PRM = false; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.ACK_ENABLE = false; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.RES_ENABLE = false; /** Set clocks */ periphClockfrequency = fClockGetPeriphClockfrequency(); MACHWREG->DIVIDER.BITS.BIT_CLOCK_DIVIDER = (periphClockfrequency / 250000) - 1; MACHWREG->DIVIDER.BITS.SYSTEM_CLOCK_DIVIDER = (periphClockfrequency / 1000000) - 1; MACHWREG->DIVIDER.BITS.CHIP_CLOCK_DIVIDER = (periphClockfrequency / 2000000) - 1; /** Set miscellaneous */ /** This value should be tuned tuned to hit tx sw ack window (192us-204us) */ MACHWREG->RX_TX_WARMPUPS.BITS.TRANSMIT_WARMPUP = 0x16; /** This value is selected to allocate 1 bit margin between tr sw ack and tx sw ack */ MACHWREG->RX_TX_WARMPUPS.BITS.RECEIVE_WARMPUP = 0x15; MACHWREG->TXCCA = 0x30; MACHWREG->CCA.BITS.CCA_LENGTH = 0x43; MACHWREG->CCA.BITS.CCA_DELAY = 0x26; MACHWREG->TX_ACK_DELAY = 0x21; MACHWREG->ACK_STOP.BITS.RXACK_END = 0xA8; MACHWREG->SLOT_OFFSET.WORD = 0x00070007; MACHWREG->TX_LENGTH.BITS.TX_PRE_CHIPS = 0x6; MACHWREG->TX_FLUSH = 0x00000008; /** Transmit flush duration (8 x 4us = 32 us) */ /** Set AGC */ MACHWREG->AGC_CONTROL.WORD = 0x00000007; // AGC enabled / AGC freeze enabled / Preamble detection mode /** It is unclear from design specification if a 16MHz is mandatory for AGC operations or only to build * settle and measurements delays */ if (periphClockfrequency == CPU_CLOCK_ROOT_HZ) { /** AGC time unit = T(PCLK) x 2 = 16MHz period */ MACHWREG->AGC_SETTINGS.BITS.DIVIDER = 1; /** settle delay = (value + 1) * AGC time unit = 500ns targeted */ MACHWREG->AGC_SETTINGS.BITS.SETTLE_DELAY = 7; /** measurement delay = (value + 1) * AGC time unit = 1500ns targeted */ MACHWREG->AGC_SETTINGS.BITS.MEASURE_DELAY = 0x17; } else { /** AGC time unit is T(PCLK) */ MACHWREG->AGC_SETTINGS.BITS.DIVIDER = 0; /** settle delay = (value + 1) * AGC time unit = 500ns targeted */ MACHWREG->AGC_SETTINGS.BITS.SETTLE_DELAY = (16 / CPU_CLOCK_DIV) - 1; /** measurement delay = (value + 1) * AGC time unit = 1500ns targeted */ MACHWREG->AGC_SETTINGS.BITS.MEASURE_DELAY = (48 / CPU_CLOCK_DIV) - 1; } /** AGC high threshold: 3dB below the clipping level */ MACHWREG->AGC_SETTINGS.BITS.HIGH_THRESHOLD = 1; /** AGC low threshold: 9dB below the high threshold */ MACHWREG->AGC_SETTINGS.BITS.LOW_THRESHOLD = 0; /** Set Demodulator */ DMDREG->DMD_CONTROL0.WORD = 0x7FFF0004; MACHWREG->SHORT_ADDRESS = 0x0000ffff; MACHWREG->PANID = 0x0000ffff; /** Reset macHw peripheral */ rf_mac_reset(); /** Initialise LUT RAM */ for (lutIndex=0;lutIndex<96;lutIndex++) { *(pMatchReg + lutIndex) = 0xFF; } osStatus status = rf_thread.start(mbed::callback(rf_thread_loop)); MBED_ASSERT(status == osOK); /** Clear and enable MAC IRQ at task level, when scheduler is on. */ NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(MacHw_IRQn); NVIC_EnableIRQ(MacHw_IRQn); } static void rf_mac_set_rx_on_state(bool enable) { /** Abort ongoing sequence */ rf_mac_reset(); /** Start rx if requested */ if (enable) { /** Set requested filtering */ MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.BEA_ENABLE = true; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.DATA_ENABLE = true; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.CMD_ENABLE = true; /** Start receiver */ rf_mac_rx_enable(); } } static void rf_mac_write(uint8_t *data_ptr, uint8_t length) { uint8_t i; volatile uint8_t *txRam = MACTXREG; /* This is not make sense but... */ rf_mac_reset(); /* Set tx state */ rf_mac_state = MAC_RF_TX_ON; if (*data_ptr & 0x20) { MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.ACK_ENABLE = true; } else { MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.ACK_ENABLE = false; } rf_mac_ack_requsted = MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.ACK_ENABLE; /* Set data length */ MACHWREG->TX_LENGTH.BITS.TXLENGTH = length + 2; *txRam++ = *data_ptr++; *txRam++ = *data_ptr++; *txRam++ = *data_ptr; //RR: Retransmission for Data request should have same DSN MACHWREG->TX_SEQ_NUMBER = *data_ptr++; for (i = 3; i < length; i++) { *txRam++ = *data_ptr++; } MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.PRM = 0; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.NOACK = false; rf_mac_state = MAC_RF_TX_ON; /* Start CCA immediately */ rf_mac_timers_disable_trig_event(); while (MACHWREG->TIMER != 0x0) MACHWREG->TIMER = 0x0; // HW ISSUE: field is not set immediately /* Enable tx irq, reset protocol timer and start tx sequence */ MACHWREG->MASK_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_COMPLETE; MACHWREG->SEQUENCER = MAC_SEQUENCE_TX; } static void rf_mac_ed_state_enable(void) { rf_mac_state = MAC_RF_ED_SCAN; /** Enable Energy scan state and event complete interrupt */ MACHWREG->CLEAR_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_COMPLETE; MACHWREG->MASK_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_COMPLETE; MACHWREG->SEQUENCER = MAC_SEQUENCE_ED; } static void rf_mac_rx_enable(void) { rf_mac_state = MAC_RF_RX_ON; /** Enable rx irqs, reset protocol timer and start rx sequence */ MACHWREG->MASK_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_COMPLETE | MAC_IRQ_FRAME_MATCH | MAC_IRQ_DATA; while (MACHWREG->TIMER != 0x0) MACHWREG->TIMER = 0x0; // HW ISSUE: field is not set immediately MACHWREG->SEQUENCER = MAC_SEQUENCE_RX; return; } static void rf_mac_reset(void) { uint32_t macHwDivider; /** Recommended abort sequence (with synchronous reset) */ /** 1. Set clock divider to minimum (for single clock response) */ macHwDivider = MACHWREG->DIVIDER.WORD; /** (to cope with protocol timer and ed REVB silicon issues it is required * to set protocol timer to 1 and not to 0 as suggested in macHw specification) */ /* PK !!!MAC_REVD RevB -> RevD change list Item 25: protocol timer */ MACHWREG->DIVIDER.WORD = 1; /** 2. Disable interrupts */ MACHWREG->MASK_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_NONE; /** 3. Clear interrupts */ MACHWREG->CLEAR_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_ALL; NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(MacHw_IRQn); /** 4. Clear previous sequence type (write no-op sequence) */ MACHWREG->SEQUENCER = MAC_SEQUENCE_NOP; /** 5. Move all MAC state machines to idle state (on, with synchronous reset) */ MACHWREG->CONTROL.WORD = 0x00000003; /** 6. Release reset */ MACHWREG->CONTROL.WORD = 0x00000002; /** 7. Disable start, stop timers */ rf_mac_timers_disable_trig_event(); /** 8. Return clock dividers to original value */ MACHWREG->DIVIDER.WORD = macHwDivider; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.BEA_ENABLE = False; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.DATA_ENABLE = False; MACHWREG->SEQ_OPTIONS.BITS.CMD_ENABLE = False; /** Set MAC_HW state */ rf_mac_state = MAC_RF_TRX_OFF; } static uint8_t rf_mac_convert_rssi(uint8_t scale) { /* RSSI Value: The value is captured at the end of packet reception or at the end of ED/CCA * measurements and is interpreted in dBm as follows: * 1xxxxxxx: not used * 01111111: 0 dBm (or above) * 01111110: -1 dBm * 01111101: -2 dBm * - * 00000010: -125 dBm * 00000001: -126 dBm * 00000000: -127 dBm (or below) */ /* check rssi is well in spec range */ //ASSERT ((DMDREG->DMD_STATUS.BITS.RSSI_VALUE & 0x80) != 0x80); if (DMDREG->DMD_STATUS.BITS.RSSI_VALUE & 0x80) { return 0; } /* convert rssi in sign char: translate 01111111 into 0 and following alike, make negative */ signed char rssi_value = -1 * (DMDREG->DMD_STATUS.BITS.RSSI_VALUE ^ 0x7F); if (scale == MAC_RSSI_TO_ED ) { /** * For ED (IEEE 6.9.7) "The ED result shall be reported to the MLME as an 8 bit integer * ranging from 0x00 to 0xff. The minimum ED value (zero) shall indicate received power less than 10 dB * above the specified receiver sensitivity (see and, and the range of received power spanned by * the ED values shall be at least 40 dB. Within this range, the mapping from the received power in decibels to * ED value shall be linear with an accuracy of � 6 dB." * (-85dBm receiver sensitivity will be targeted => zero ED value is associated to -75dBm) * (span will have 51dBm range from 0x0=-75dBm to 0xff=-24dBm) */ /* Clip maximal and minimal rssi value reported by ED */ if (rssi_value < -75) rssi_value = -75; if (rssi_value > -24) rssi_value = -24; /* scale the span -75dBm --> -24dBm to 0x00 --> 0xFF * Attention: This scaling implies that granularity of the result is changing from 1dBm per unit to 1/5 dBm per unit * 0xFF: -24 dBm (or above) * 0xFE - 0xFB: (impossible code) * 0xFA: -25 dBm * 0xF9 - 0xF6: (impossible code) * 0xF5: -26 dBm * ... * 0x05: -74 dBm * 0x01 - 0x04: (impossible code) * 0x00: -75 dBm (or below) */ return (rssi_value + 75) * 5; } else { /** * For LQI: (IEEE 6.9.7) "The LQI measurement shall be performed for each received packet, and the result shall be reported to the * MAC sublayer using PD-DATA.indication (see as an integer ranging from 0x00 to 0xff. The * minimum and maximum LQI values (0x00 and 0xff) should be associated with the lowest and highest * quality compliant signals detectable by the receiver, and LQI values in between should be uniformly * distributed between these two limits. At least eight unique values of LQI shall be used." * (-85dBm sensitivity will be targeted => zero LQI value will be associated to -85dBm) * (span will have 64dBm range from 0x0=-85dBm to 0xff=-21dBm) */ /* Clip maximal and minimal rssi value reported by LQI */ if (rssi_value < -85) rssi_value = -85; if (rssi_value > -21) rssi_value = -21; /* scale the span -85dBm --> -21,25dBm to 0x00 --> 0xFF * Attention: This scaling implies that granularity of the result is changing from 1dBm per unit to 1/4 dBm per unit * 0xFF: -21,25 dBm (or above) * 0xFE: (impossible code) * 0xFD: (impossible code) * 0xFC: -22 dBm * 0xFB: (impossible code) * 0xFA: (impossible code) * 0xF9: (impossible code) * 0xF8: -23 dBm * ... * 0x05: (impossible code) * 0x04: - 84dBm * 0x03: (impossible code) * 0x02: (impossible code) * 0x01: (impossible code) * 0x00: - 85dBm */ if (rssi_value == -21) return ((rssi_value + 85) * 4) - 1; else return (rssi_value + 85) * 4; } } static int8_t rf_mac_get_rssi(void) { int8_t rssi_value = -1 * (DMDREG->DMD_STATUS.BITS.RSSI_VALUE ^ 0x7F); return rssi_value; } static void rf_rx_ed_scan_interrupt() { MACHWREG->CLEAR_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_COMPLETE; if (MACHWREG->STATUS.BITS.CODE == MAC_STATUS_SUCCESS) { uint8_t ed = rf_mac_convert_rssi(MAC_RSSI_TO_ED); if (ed) { if (ed > rf_ed_value) { rf_ed_value = ed; } } } MACHWREG->MASK_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_COMPLETE; MACHWREG->SEQUENCER = MAC_SEQUENCE_ED; } static void rf_rx_interrupt() { // Frame match is used for association and data frames uint8_t seqSts = MACHWREG->STATUS.BITS.CODE; if (MACHWREG->IRQ_STATUS.BITS.FM) { if (!rf_ack_pending_state) { MACHWREG->OPTIONS.BITS.TFP = 0; MACHWREG->OPTIONS.BITS.TFPO = 1; } else { MACHWREG->OPTIONS.BITS.TFP = 1; MACHWREG->OPTIONS.BITS.TFPO = 1; } MACHWREG->CLEAR_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_FRAME_MATCH; return; } /** RR: Process the event complete IRQ */ if (MACHWREG->IRQ_STATUS.BITS.EC || MACHWREG->IRQ_STATUS.BITS.DATA) { /** Clear the event */ if (MACHWREG->IRQ_STATUS.BITS.EC) { MACHWREG->CLEAR_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_COMPLETE; } if (MACHWREG->IRQ_STATUS.BITS.DATA) { MACHWREG->CLEAR_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_DATA; } /** Build frame (containing received frame or timeout) */ volatile uint8_t *rxRam = MACRXREG; uint8_t length; int8_t rssi; uint8_t lqi; /** Return directly in case of timeout */ if (seqSts == MAC_STATUS_TIMEOUT) { /* Initialize frame status */ return; } length = *rxRam++; if (length < 5){ rf_mac_rx_enable(); return; } length -= 2; //Cut CRC OUT /* Initialize frame status */ for (uint8_t i=0; i < length; i++) { PHYPAYLOAD[i] = *rxRam++; } lqi = rf_mac_convert_rssi(MAC_RSSI_TO_LQI); rssi = rf_mac_get_rssi(); rf_mac_rx_enable(); //Call ARM API if( device_driver.phy_rx_cb ){ device_driver.phy_rx_cb(PHYPAYLOAD, length, lqi, rssi, rf_radio_driver_id); } } } static void rf_mac_tx_interrupt(void) { phy_link_tx_status_e status; /** Clear the event complete IRQ */ MACHWREG->CLEAR_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_COMPLETE; /* This IRQ means that Data Request is complete; check the status */ uint8_t sharedSeqSts = MACHWREG->STATUS.BITS.CODE; rf_mac_set_rx_on_state(true); switch (sharedSeqSts) { case MAC_STATUS_SUCCESS: /* Positive */ //SET Success if (rf_mac_ack_requsted) { status = PHY_LINK_TX_DONE; } else { status = PHY_LINK_TX_SUCCESS; } break; case MAC_STATUS_RXACK_PENDING: /* Positive for broadcast */ status = PHY_LINK_TX_DONE_PENDING; break; case MAC_STATUS_BUSY: status = PHY_LINK_CCA_FAIL; break; default: status = PHY_LINK_TX_FAIL; break; } rf_mac_ack_requsted = false; //Call RX TX complete if( device_driver.phy_tx_done_cb ) { device_driver.phy_tx_done_cb(rf_radio_driver_id, rf_mac_handle, status, 1, 1); } } /** * RF MAC Interrupt handler */ extern "C" void fIrqMacHwHandler(void) { NVIC_DisableIRQ(MacHw_IRQn); rf_thread.flags_set(SIGNAL_COUNT_RADIO); } static void handle_IRQ_events(void) { /** Set MAC timers to initial state */ MACHWREG->TIMER_ENABLE.BITS.START = false; MACHWREG->TIMER_ENABLE.BITS.STOP = false; MACHWREG->TIMER_DISABLE.BITS.START = false; MACHWREG->TIMER_DISABLE.BITS.STOP = false; /** Disarm start/stop timers, disable and clear irq (event_complete) */ rf_mac_timers_disable_trig_event(); /** REVD changes to sequence tracking register. Sequence register can be used instead of rf_mac_state */ if (rf_mac_state == MAC_RF_RX_ON) { rf_rx_interrupt(); } else if(rf_mac_state == MAC_RF_TX_ON) { rf_mac_tx_interrupt(); } else if (rf_mac_state == MAC_RF_ED_SCAN){ rf_rx_ed_scan_interrupt(); } else { /** Clear the event complete IRQ */ MACHWREG->CLEAR_IRQ.WORD = MAC_IRQ_COMPLETE; uint8_t sharedSeqSts = MACHWREG->STATUS.BITS.CODE; } } NanostackRfPhyNcs36510::NanostackRfPhyNcs36510() { memcpy(MAC64_addr, MAC64_addr_default, sizeof(MAC64_addr)); } NanostackRfPhyNcs36510::~NanostackRfPhyNcs36510() { // Do nothing } int8_t NanostackRfPhyNcs36510::rf_register() { platform_enter_critical(); if (rf != NULL) { platform_exit_critical(); error("Multiple registrations of NanostackRfPhyNcs36510 not supported"); return -1; } rf = this; int8_t radio_id = rf_device_register(); if (radio_id < 0) { rf = NULL; } platform_exit_critical(); return radio_id; } void NanostackRfPhyNcs36510::rf_unregister() { platform_enter_critical(); if (rf != this) { platform_exit_critical(); return; } rf_device_unregister(); rf = NULL; platform_exit_critical(); } void NanostackRfPhyNcs36510::get_mac_address(uint8_t *mac) { platform_enter_critical(); memcpy((void*)mac, (void*)MAC64_addr, sizeof(MAC64_addr)); platform_exit_critical(); } void NanostackRfPhyNcs36510::set_mac_address(uint8_t *mac) { platform_enter_critical(); if (NULL != rf) { error("NanostackRfPhyNcs36510 cannot change mac address when running"); platform_exit_critical(); return; } memcpy((void*)MAC64_addr, (void*)mac, sizeof(MAC64_addr)); platform_exit_critical(); } NanostackRfPhy &NanostackRfPhy::get_default_instance() { static NanostackRfPhyNcs36510 rf_phy; return rf_phy; }