""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import re import sys from os import stat, walk, getcwd, sep, remove from copy import copy from time import time, sleep from types import ListType from shutil import copyfile from os.path import join, splitext, exists, relpath, dirname, basename, split, abspath, isfile, isdir from inspect import getmro from copy import deepcopy from tools.config import Config from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from distutils.spawn import find_executable from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count from tools.utils import run_cmd, mkdir, rel_path, ToolException, NotSupportedException, split_path, compile_worker from tools.settings import MBED_ORG_USER import tools.hooks as hooks from tools.memap import MemapParser from hashlib import md5 import fnmatch #Disables multiprocessing if set to higher number than the host machine CPUs CPU_COUNT_MIN = 1 CPU_COEF = 1 class Resources: def __init__(self, base_path=None): self.base_path = base_path self.file_basepath = {} self.inc_dirs = [] self.headers = [] self.s_sources = [] self.c_sources = [] self.cpp_sources = [] self.lib_dirs = set([]) self.objects = [] self.libraries = [] # mbed special files self.lib_builds = [] self.lib_refs = [] self.repo_dirs = [] self.repo_files = [] self.linker_script = None # Other files self.hex_files = [] self.bin_files = [] self.json_files = [] # Features self.features = {} def __add__(self, resources): if resources is None: return self else: return self.add(resources) def __radd__(self, resources): if resources is None: return self else: return self.add(resources) def add(self, resources): for f,p in resources.file_basepath.items(): self.file_basepath[f] = p self.inc_dirs += resources.inc_dirs self.headers += resources.headers self.s_sources += resources.s_sources self.c_sources += resources.c_sources self.cpp_sources += resources.cpp_sources self.lib_dirs |= resources.lib_dirs self.objects += resources.objects self.libraries += resources.libraries self.lib_builds += resources.lib_builds self.lib_refs += resources.lib_refs self.repo_dirs += resources.repo_dirs self.repo_files += resources.repo_files if resources.linker_script is not None: self.linker_script = resources.linker_script self.hex_files += resources.hex_files self.bin_files += resources.bin_files self.json_files += resources.json_files self.features.update(resources.features) return self def _collect_duplicates(self, dupe_dict, dupe_headers): for filename in self.s_sources + self.c_sources + self.cpp_sources: objname, _ = splitext(basename(filename)) dupe_dict.setdefault(objname, set()) dupe_dict[objname] |= set([filename]) for filename in self.headers: headername = basename(filename) dupe_headers.setdefault(headername, set()) dupe_headers[headername] |= set([headername]) for res in self.features.values(): res._collect_duplicates(dupe_dict, dupe_headers) return dupe_dict, dupe_headers def detect_duplicates(self, toolchain): """Detect all potential ambiguities in filenames and report them with a toolchain notification Positional Arguments: toolchain - used for notifications """ count = 0 dupe_dict, dupe_headers = self._collect_duplicates(dict(), dict()) for objname, filenames in dupe_dict.iteritems(): if len(filenames) > 1: count+=1 toolchain.tool_error( "Object file %s.o is not unique! It could be made from: %s"\ % (objname, " ".join(filenames))) for headername, locations in dupe_headers.iteritems(): if len(locations) > 1: count+=1 toolchain.tool_error( "Header file %s is not unique! It could be: %s" %\ (headername, " ".join(locations))) return count def relative_to(self, base, dot=False): for field in ['inc_dirs', 'headers', 's_sources', 'c_sources', 'cpp_sources', 'lib_dirs', 'objects', 'libraries', 'lib_builds', 'lib_refs', 'repo_dirs', 'repo_files', 'hex_files', 'bin_files', 'json_files']: v = [rel_path(f, base, dot) for f in getattr(self, field)] setattr(self, field, v) self.features = {k: f.relative_to(base, dot) for k, f in self.features.iteritems() if f} if self.linker_script is not None: self.linker_script = rel_path(self.linker_script, base, dot) def win_to_unix(self): for field in ['inc_dirs', 'headers', 's_sources', 'c_sources', 'cpp_sources', 'lib_dirs', 'objects', 'libraries', 'lib_builds', 'lib_refs', 'repo_dirs', 'repo_files', 'hex_files', 'bin_files', 'json_files']: v = [f.replace('\\', '/') for f in getattr(self, field)] setattr(self, field, v) self.features = {k: f.win_to_unix() for k, f in self.features.iteritems() if f} if self.linker_script is not None: self.linker_script = self.linker_script.replace('\\', '/') def __str__(self): s = [] for (label, resources) in ( ('Include Directories', self.inc_dirs), ('Headers', self.headers), ('Assembly sources', self.s_sources), ('C sources', self.c_sources), ('C++ sources', self.cpp_sources), ('Library directories', self.lib_dirs), ('Objects', self.objects), ('Libraries', self.libraries), ('Hex files', self.hex_files), ('Bin files', self.bin_files), ('Features', self.features), ): if resources: s.append('%s:\n ' % label + '\n '.join(resources)) if self.linker_script: s.append('Linker Script: ' + self.linker_script) return '\n'.join(s) # Support legacy build conventions: the original mbed build system did not have # standard labels for the "TARGET_" and "TOOLCHAIN_" specific directories, but # had the knowledge of a list of these directories to be ignored. LEGACY_IGNORE_DIRS = set([ 'LPC11U24', 'LPC1768', 'LPC4088', 'LPC812', 'KL25Z', 'ARM', 'uARM', 'IAR', 'GCC_ARM', 'GCC_CS', 'GCC_CR', 'GCC_CW', 'GCC_CW_EWL', 'GCC_CW_NEWLIB', ]) LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES = { 'ARM_STD':'ARM', 'ARM_MICRO': 'uARM', 'GCC_ARM': 'GCC_ARM', 'GCC_CR': 'GCC_CR', 'IAR': 'IAR', } class mbedToolchain: # Verbose logging VERBOSE = True # Compile C files as CPP COMPILE_C_AS_CPP = False # Response files for compiling, includes, linking and archiving. # Not needed on posix systems where the typical arg limit is 2 megabytes RESPONSE_FILES = True CORTEX_SYMBOLS = { "Cortex-M0" : ["__CORTEX_M0", "ARM_MATH_CM0", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"], "Cortex-M0+": ["__CORTEX_M0PLUS", "ARM_MATH_CM0PLUS", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"], "Cortex-M1" : ["__CORTEX_M3", "ARM_MATH_CM1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"], "Cortex-M3" : ["__CORTEX_M3", "ARM_MATH_CM3", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"], "Cortex-M4" : ["__CORTEX_M4", "ARM_MATH_CM4", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"], "Cortex-M4F" : ["__CORTEX_M4", "ARM_MATH_CM4", "__FPU_PRESENT=1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"], "Cortex-M7" : ["__CORTEX_M7", "ARM_MATH_CM7", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"], "Cortex-M7F" : ["__CORTEX_M7", "ARM_MATH_CM7", "__FPU_PRESENT=1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"], "Cortex-M7FD" : ["__CORTEX_M7", "ARM_MATH_CM7", "__FPU_PRESENT=1", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM"], "Cortex-A9" : ["__CORTEX_A9", "ARM_MATH_CA9", "__FPU_PRESENT", "__CMSIS_RTOS", "__EVAL", "__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CA9"], } MBED_CONFIG_FILE_NAME="mbed_config.h" PROFILE_FILE_NAME = ".profile" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta profile_template = {'common':[], 'c':[], 'cxx':[], 'asm':[], 'ld':[]} def __init__(self, target, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, extra_verbose=False, build_profile=None, build_dir=None): self.target = target self.name = self.__class__.__name__ # compile/assemble/link/binary hooks self.hook = hooks.Hook(target, self) # Toolchain flags self.flags = deepcopy(build_profile or self.profile_template) # System libraries provided by the toolchain self.sys_libs = [] # User-defined macros self.macros = macros or [] # Macros generated from toolchain and target rules/features self.asm_symbols = None self.cxx_symbols = None # Labels generated from toolchain and target rules/features (used for selective build) self.labels = None # This will hold the initialized config object self.config = None # This will hold the configuration data (as returned by Config.get_config_data()) self.config_data = None # This will hold the location of the configuration file or None if there's no configuration available self.config_file = None # Call guard for "get_config_data" (see the comments of get_config_data for details) self.config_processed = False # Non-incremental compile self.build_all = False # Build output dir self.build_dir = build_dir self.timestamp = time() # Number of concurrent build jobs. 0 means auto (based on host system cores) self.jobs = 0 # Ignore patterns from .mbedignore files self.ignore_patterns = [] # Pre-mbed 2.0 ignore dirs self.legacy_ignore_dirs = (LEGACY_IGNORE_DIRS | TOOLCHAINS) - set([target.name, LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES[self.name]]) # Output notify function # This function is passed all events, and expected to handle notification of the # user, emit the events to a log, etc. # The API for all notify methods passed into the notify parameter is as follows: # def notify(Event, Silent) # Where *Event* is a dict representing the toolchain event that was generated # e.g.: a compile succeeded, or a warning was emitted by the compiler # or an application was linked # *Silent* is a boolean if notify: self.notify_fun = notify elif extra_verbose: self.notify_fun = self.print_notify_verbose else: self.notify_fun = self.print_notify # Silent builds (no output) self.silent = silent # Print output buffer self.output = str() self.map_outputs = list() # Place to store memmap scan results in JSON like data structures # uVisor spepcific rules if 'UVISOR' in self.target.features and 'UVISOR_SUPPORTED' in self.target.extra_labels: self.target.core = re.sub(r"F$", '', self.target.core) # Stats cache is used to reduce the amount of IO requests to stat # header files during dependency change. See need_update() self.stat_cache = {} # Used by the mbed Online Build System to build in chrooted environment self.CHROOT = None # Call post __init__() hooks before the ARM/GCC_ARM/IAR toolchain __init__() takes over self.init() # Used for post __init__() hooks # THIS METHOD IS BEING OVERRIDDEN BY THE MBED ONLINE BUILD SYSTEM # ANY CHANGE OF PARAMETERS OR RETURN VALUES WILL BREAK COMPATIBILITY def init(self): return True def get_output(self): return self.output def print_notify(self, event, silent=False): """ Default command line notification """ msg = None if not self.VERBOSE and event['type'] == 'tool_error': msg = event['message'] elif event['type'] in ['info', 'debug']: msg = event['message'] elif event['type'] == 'cc': event['severity'] = event['severity'].title() event['file'] = basename(event['file']) msg = '[%(severity)s] %(file)s@%(line)s,%(col)s: %(message)s' % event elif event['type'] == 'progress': if 'percent' in event: msg = '{} [{:>5.1f}%]: {}'.format(event['action'].title(), event['percent'], basename(event['file'])) else: msg = '{}: {}'.format(event['action'].title(), basename(event['file'])) if msg: if not silent: print msg self.output += msg + "\n" def print_notify_verbose(self, event, silent=False): """ Default command line notification with more verbose mode """ if event['type'] in ['info', 'debug']: self.print_notify(event, silent=silent) # standard handle elif event['type'] == 'cc': event['severity'] = event['severity'].title() event['file'] = basename(event['file']) event['mcu_name'] = "None" event['target_name'] = event['target_name'].upper() if event['target_name'] else "Unknown" event['toolchain_name'] = event['toolchain_name'].upper() if event['toolchain_name'] else "Unknown" msg = '[%(severity)s] %(target_name)s::%(toolchain_name)s::%(file)s@%(line)s: %(message)s' % event if not silent: print msg self.output += msg + "\n" elif event['type'] == 'progress': self.print_notify(event) # standard handle # THIS METHOD IS BEING OVERRIDDEN BY THE MBED ONLINE BUILD SYSTEM # ANY CHANGE OF PARAMETERS OR RETURN VALUES WILL BREAK COMPATIBILITY def notify(self, event): """ Little closure for notify functions """ event['toolchain'] = self return self.notify_fun(event, self.silent) def get_symbols(self, for_asm=False): if for_asm: if self.asm_symbols is None: self.asm_symbols = [] # Cortex CPU symbols if self.target.core in mbedToolchain.CORTEX_SYMBOLS: self.asm_symbols.extend(mbedToolchain.CORTEX_SYMBOLS[self.target.core]) # Add target's symbols self.asm_symbols += self.target.macros # Add extra symbols passed via 'macros' parameter self.asm_symbols += self.macros return list(set(self.asm_symbols)) # Return only unique symbols else: if self.cxx_symbols is None: # Target and Toolchain symbols labels = self.get_labels() self.cxx_symbols = ["TARGET_%s" % t for t in labels['TARGET']] self.cxx_symbols.extend(["TOOLCHAIN_%s" % t for t in labels['TOOLCHAIN']]) # Cortex CPU symbols if self.target.core in mbedToolchain.CORTEX_SYMBOLS: self.cxx_symbols.extend(mbedToolchain.CORTEX_SYMBOLS[self.target.core]) # Symbols defined by the on-line build.system self.cxx_symbols.extend(['MBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=%s' % self.timestamp, 'TARGET_LIKE_MBED', '__MBED__=1']) if MBED_ORG_USER: self.cxx_symbols.append('MBED_USERNAME=' + MBED_ORG_USER) # Add target's symbols self.cxx_symbols += self.target.macros # Add target's hardware self.cxx_symbols += ["DEVICE_" + data + "=1" for data in self.target.device_has] # Add target's features self.cxx_symbols += ["FEATURE_" + data + "=1" for data in self.target.features] # Add extra symbols passed via 'macros' parameter self.cxx_symbols += self.macros # Form factor variables if hasattr(self.target, 'supported_form_factors'): self.cxx_symbols.extend(["TARGET_FF_%s" % t for t in self.target.supported_form_factors]) return list(set(self.cxx_symbols)) # Return only unique symbols # Extend the internal list of macros def add_macros(self, new_macros): self.macros.extend(new_macros) def get_labels(self): if self.labels is None: toolchain_labels = [c.__name__ for c in getmro(self.__class__)] toolchain_labels.remove('mbedToolchain') self.labels = { 'TARGET': self.target.labels, 'FEATURE': self.target.features, 'TOOLCHAIN': toolchain_labels } # This is a policy decision and it should /really/ be in the config system # ATM it's here for backward compatibility if ((("-g" in self.flags['common'] or "-g3" in self.flags['common']) and "-O0" in self.flags['common']) or ("-r" in self.flags['common'] and "-On" in self.flags['common'])): self.labels['TARGET'].append("DEBUG") else: self.labels['TARGET'].append("RELEASE") return self.labels # Determine whether a source file needs updating/compiling def need_update(self, target, dependencies): if self.build_all: return True if not exists(target): return True target_mod_time = stat(target).st_mtime for d in dependencies: # Some objects are not provided with full path and here we do not have # information about the library paths. Safe option: assume an update if not d or not exists(d): return True if not self.stat_cache.has_key(d): self.stat_cache[d] = stat(d).st_mtime if self.stat_cache[d] >= target_mod_time: return True return False def is_ignored(self, file_path): """Check if file path is ignored by any .mbedignore thus far""" for pattern in self.ignore_patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(file_path, pattern): return True return False def add_ignore_patterns(self, root, base_path, patterns): """Add a series of patterns to the ignored paths Positional arguments: root - the directory containing the ignore file base_path - the location that the scan started from patterns - the list of patterns we will ignore in the future """ real_base = relpath(root, base_path) if real_base == ".": self.ignore_patterns.extend(patterns) else: self.ignore_patterns.extend(join(real_base, pat) for pat in patterns) # Create a Resources object from the path pointed to by *path* by either traversing a # a directory structure, when *path* is a directory, or adding *path* to the resources, # when *path* is a file. # The parameter *base_path* is used to set the base_path attribute of the Resources # object and the parameter *exclude_paths* is used by the directory traversal to # exclude certain paths from the traversal. def scan_resources(self, path, exclude_paths=None, base_path=None): self.progress("scan", path) resources = Resources(path) if not base_path: if isfile(path): base_path = dirname(path) else: base_path = path resources.base_path = base_path if isfile(path): self._add_file(path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=exclude_paths) else: self._add_dir(path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=exclude_paths) return resources # A helper function for scan_resources. _add_dir traverses *path* (assumed to be a # directory) and heeds the ".mbedignore" files along the way. _add_dir calls _add_file # on every file it considers adding to the resources object. def _add_dir(self, path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=None): """ os.walk(top[, topdown=True[, onerror=None[, followlinks=False]]]) When topdown is True, the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place (perhaps using del or slice assignment), and walk() will only recurse into the subdirectories whose names remain in dirnames; this can be used to prune the search, impose a specific order of visiting, or even to inform walk() about directories the caller creates or renames before it resumes walk() again. Modifying dirnames when topdown is False is ineffective, because in bottom-up mode the directories in dirnames are generated before dirpath itself is generated. """ labels = self.get_labels() for root, dirs, files in walk(path, followlinks=True): # Check if folder contains .mbedignore if ".mbedignore" in files: with open (join(root,".mbedignore"), "r") as f: lines=f.readlines() lines = [l.strip() for l in lines] # Strip whitespaces lines = [l for l in lines if l != ""] # Strip empty lines lines = [l for l in lines if not re.match("^#",l)] # Strip comment lines # Append root path to glob patterns and append patterns to ignore_patterns self.add_ignore_patterns(root, base_path, lines) # Skip the whole folder if ignored, e.g. .mbedignore containing '*' if (self.is_ignored(join(relpath(root, base_path),"")) or self.build_dir == join(relpath(root, base_path))): dirs[:] = [] continue for d in copy(dirs): dir_path = join(root, d) # Add internal repo folders/files. This is needed for exporters if d == '.hg' or d == '.git': resources.repo_dirs.append(dir_path) if ((d.startswith('.') or d in self.legacy_ignore_dirs) or # Ignore targets that do not match the TARGET in extra_labels list (d.startswith('TARGET_') and d[7:] not in labels['TARGET']) or # Ignore toolchain that do not match the current TOOLCHAIN (d.startswith('TOOLCHAIN_') and d[10:] not in labels['TOOLCHAIN']) or # Ignore .mbedignore files self.is_ignored(join(relpath(root, base_path), d,"")) or # Ignore TESTS dir (d == 'TESTS')): dirs.remove(d) elif d.startswith('FEATURE_'): # Recursively scan features but ignore them in the current scan. # These are dynamically added by the config system if the conditions are matched resources.features[d[8:]] = self.scan_resources(dir_path, base_path=base_path) dirs.remove(d) elif exclude_paths: for exclude_path in exclude_paths: rel_path = relpath(dir_path, exclude_path) if not (rel_path.startswith('..')): dirs.remove(d) break # Add root to include paths root = root.rstrip("/") resources.inc_dirs.append(root) resources.file_basepath[root] = base_path for file in files: file_path = join(root, file) self._add_file(file_path, resources, base_path) # A helper function for both scan_resources and _add_dir. _add_file adds one file # (*file_path*) to the resources object based on the file type. def _add_file(self, file_path, resources, base_path, exclude_paths=None): resources.file_basepath[file_path] = base_path if self.is_ignored(relpath(file_path, base_path)): return _, ext = splitext(file_path) ext = ext.lower() if ext == '.s': resources.s_sources.append(file_path) elif ext == '.c': resources.c_sources.append(file_path) elif ext == '.cpp': resources.cpp_sources.append(file_path) elif ext == '.h' or ext == '.hpp': resources.headers.append(file_path) elif ext == '.o': resources.objects.append(file_path) elif ext == self.LIBRARY_EXT: resources.libraries.append(file_path) resources.lib_dirs.add(dirname(file_path)) elif ext == self.LINKER_EXT: if resources.linker_script is not None: self.info("Warning: Multiple linker scripts detected: %s -> %s" % (resources.linker_script, file_path)) resources.linker_script = file_path elif ext == '.lib': resources.lib_refs.append(file_path) elif ext == '.bld': resources.lib_builds.append(file_path) elif basename(file_path) == '.hgignore': resources.repo_files.append(file_path) elif basename(file_path) == '.gitignore': resources.repo_files.append(file_path) elif ext == '.hex': resources.hex_files.append(file_path) elif ext == '.bin': resources.bin_files.append(file_path) elif ext == '.json': resources.json_files.append(file_path) def scan_repository(self, path): resources = [] for root, dirs, files in walk(path): # Remove ignored directories for d in copy(dirs): if d == '.' or d == '..': dirs.remove(d) for file in files: file_path = join(root, file) resources.append(file_path) return resources def copy_files(self, files_paths, trg_path, resources=None, rel_path=None): # Handle a single file if type(files_paths) != ListType: files_paths = [files_paths] for source in files_paths: if source is None: files_paths.remove(source) for source in files_paths: if resources is not None and resources.file_basepath.has_key(source): relative_path = relpath(source, resources.file_basepath[source]) elif rel_path is not None: relative_path = relpath(source, rel_path) else: _, relative_path = split(source) target = join(trg_path, relative_path) if (target != source) and (self.need_update(target, [source])): self.progress("copy", relative_path) mkdir(dirname(target)) copyfile(source, target) # THIS METHOD IS BEING OVERRIDDEN BY THE MBED ONLINE BUILD SYSTEM # ANY CHANGE OF PARAMETERS OR RETURN VALUES WILL BREAK COMPATIBILITY def relative_object_path(self, build_path, base_dir, source): source_dir, name, _ = split_path(source) obj_dir = join(build_path, relpath(source_dir, base_dir)) if obj_dir is not self.prev_dir: self.prev_dir = obj_dir mkdir(obj_dir) return join(obj_dir, name + '.o') # Generate response file for all includes. # ARM, GCC, IAR cross compatible def get_inc_file(self, includes): include_file = join(self.build_dir, ".includes_%s.txt" % self.inc_md5) if not exists(include_file): with open(include_file, "wb") as f: cmd_list = [] for c in includes: if c: c = c.replace("\\", "/") if self.CHROOT: c = c.replace(self.CHROOT, '') cmd_list.append('-I%s' % c) string = " ".join(cmd_list) f.write(string) return include_file # Generate response file for all objects when linking. # ARM, GCC, IAR cross compatible def get_link_file(self, cmd): link_file = join(self.build_dir, ".link_files.txt") with open(link_file, "wb") as f: cmd_list = [] for c in cmd: if c: c = c.replace("\\", "/") if self.CHROOT: c = c.replace(self.CHROOT, '') cmd_list.append(('"%s"' % c) if not c.startswith('-') else c) string = " ".join(cmd_list) f.write(string) return link_file # Generate response file for all objects when archiving. # ARM, GCC, IAR cross compatible def get_arch_file(self, objects): archive_file = join(self.build_dir, ".archive_files.txt") with open(archive_file, "wb") as f: o_list = [] for o in objects: o_list.append('"%s"' % o) string = " ".join(o_list).replace("\\", "/") f.write(string) return archive_file # THIS METHOD IS BEING CALLED BY THE MBED ONLINE BUILD SYSTEM # ANY CHANGE OF PARAMETERS OR RETURN VALUES WILL BREAK COMPATIBILITY def compile_sources(self, resources, inc_dirs=None): # Web IDE progress bar for project build files_to_compile = resources.s_sources + resources.c_sources + resources.cpp_sources self.to_be_compiled = len(files_to_compile) self.compiled = 0 self.cc_verbose("Macros: "+' '.join(['-D%s' % s for s in self.get_symbols()])) inc_paths = resources.inc_dirs if inc_dirs is not None: inc_paths.extend(inc_dirs) # De-duplicate include paths inc_paths = set(inc_paths) # Sort include paths for consistency inc_paths = sorted(set(inc_paths)) # Unique id of all include paths self.inc_md5 = md5(' '.join(inc_paths)).hexdigest() objects = [] queue = [] work_dir = getcwd() self.prev_dir = None # Generate configuration header (this will update self.build_all if needed) self.get_config_header() self.dump_build_profile() # Sort compile queue for consistency files_to_compile.sort() for source in files_to_compile: object = self.relative_object_path( self.build_dir, resources.file_basepath[source], source) # Queue mode (multiprocessing) commands = self.compile_command(source, object, inc_paths) if commands is not None: queue.append({ 'source': source, 'object': object, 'commands': commands, 'work_dir': work_dir, 'chroot': self.CHROOT }) else: self.compiled += 1 objects.append(object) # Use queues/multiprocessing if cpu count is higher than setting jobs = self.jobs if self.jobs else cpu_count() if jobs > CPU_COUNT_MIN and len(queue) > jobs: return self.compile_queue(queue, objects) else: return self.compile_seq(queue, objects) # Compile source files queue in sequential order def compile_seq(self, queue, objects): for item in queue: result = compile_worker(item) self.compiled += 1 self.progress("compile", item['source'], build_update=True) for res in result['results']: self.cc_verbose("Compile: %s" % ' '.join(res['command']), result['source']) self.compile_output([ res['code'], res['output'], res['command'] ]) objects.append(result['object']) return objects # Compile source files queue in parallel by creating pool of worker threads def compile_queue(self, queue, objects): jobs_count = int(self.jobs if self.jobs else cpu_count() * CPU_COEF) p = Pool(processes=jobs_count) results = [] for i in range(len(queue)): results.append(p.apply_async(compile_worker, [queue[i]])) p.close() itr = 0 while len(results): itr += 1 if itr > 180000: p.terminate() p.join() raise ToolException("Compile did not finish in 5 minutes") sleep(0.01) pending = 0 for r in results: if r._ready is True: try: result = r.get() results.remove(r) self.compiled += 1 self.progress("compile", result['source'], build_update=True) for res in result['results']: self.cc_verbose("Compile: %s" % ' '.join(res['command']), result['source']) self.compile_output([ res['code'], res['output'], res['command'] ]) objects.append(result['object']) except ToolException, err: if p._taskqueue.queue: p._taskqueue.queue.clear() sleep(0.5) p.terminate() p.join() raise ToolException(err) else: pending += 1 if pending >= jobs_count: break results = None p.join() return objects # Determine the compile command based on type of source file def compile_command(self, source, object, includes): # Check dependencies _, ext = splitext(source) ext = ext.lower() if ext == '.c' or ext == '.cpp': base, _ = splitext(object) dep_path = base + '.d' try: deps = self.parse_dependencies(dep_path) if (exists(dep_path)) else [] except IOError, IndexError: deps = [] config_file = ([self.config.app_config_location] if self.config.app_config_location else []) deps.extend(config_file) if ext == '.cpp' or self.COMPILE_C_AS_CPP: deps.append(join(self.build_dir, self.PROFILE_FILE_NAME + "-cxx")) else: deps.append(join(self.build_dir, self.PROFILE_FILE_NAME + "-c")) if len(deps) == 0 or self.need_update(object, deps): if ext == '.cpp' or self.COMPILE_C_AS_CPP: return self.compile_cpp(source, object, includes) else: return self.compile_c(source, object, includes) elif ext == '.s': deps = [source] deps.append(join(self.build_dir, self.PROFILE_FILE_NAME + "-asm")) if self.need_update(object, deps): return self.assemble(source, object, includes) else: return False return None @abstractmethod def parse_dependencies(self, dep_path): """Parse the dependency information generated by the compiler. Positional arguments: dep_path -- the path to a file generated by a previous run of the compiler Return value: A list of all source files that the dependency file indicated were dependencies Side effects: None """ raise NotImplemented def is_not_supported_error(self, output): return "#error directive: [NOT_SUPPORTED]" in output @abstractmethod def parse_output(self, output): """Take in compiler output and extract sinlge line warnings and errors from it. Positional arguments: output -- a string of all the messages emitted by a run of the compiler Return value: None Side effects: call self.cc_info or self.notify with a description of the event generated by the compiler """ raise NotImplemented def compile_output(self, output=[]): _rc = output[0] _stderr = output[1].decode("utf-8") command = output[2] # Parse output for Warnings and Errors self.parse_output(_stderr) self.debug("Return: %s"% _rc) for error_line in _stderr.splitlines(): self.debug("Output: %s"% error_line) # Check return code if _rc != 0: if self.is_not_supported_error(_stderr): raise NotSupportedException(_stderr) else: raise ToolException(_stderr) def build_library(self, objects, dir, name): needed_update = False lib = self.STD_LIB_NAME % name fout = join(dir, lib) if self.need_update(fout, objects): self.info("Library: %s" % lib) self.archive(objects, fout) needed_update = True return needed_update def link_program(self, r, tmp_path, name): needed_update = False ext = 'bin' if hasattr(self.target, 'OUTPUT_EXT'): ext = self.target.OUTPUT_EXT if hasattr(self.target, 'OUTPUT_NAMING'): self.var("binary_naming", self.target.OUTPUT_NAMING) if self.target.OUTPUT_NAMING == "8.3": name = name[0:8] ext = ext[0:3] # Create destination directory head, tail = split(name) new_path = join(tmp_path, head) mkdir(new_path) filename = name+'.'+ext elf = join(tmp_path, name + '.elf') bin = None if ext is 'elf' else join(tmp_path, filename) map = join(tmp_path, name + '.map') r.objects = sorted(set(r.objects)) config_file = ([self.config.app_config_location] if self.config.app_config_location else []) dependencies = r.objects + r.libraries + [r.linker_script] + config_file dependencies.append(join(self.build_dir, self.PROFILE_FILE_NAME + "-ld")) if self.need_update(elf, dependencies): needed_update = True self.progress("link", name) self.link(elf, r.objects, r.libraries, r.lib_dirs, r.linker_script) if bin and self.need_update(bin, [elf]): needed_update = True self.progress("elf2bin", name) self.binary(r, elf, bin) self.map_outputs = self.mem_stats(map) self.var("compile_succeded", True) self.var("binary", filename) return bin, needed_update # THIS METHOD IS BEING OVERRIDDEN BY THE MBED ONLINE BUILD SYSTEM # ANY CHANGE OF PARAMETERS OR RETURN VALUES WILL BREAK COMPATIBILITY def default_cmd(self, command): _stdout, _stderr, _rc = run_cmd(command, work_dir=getcwd(), chroot=self.CHROOT) self.debug("Return: %s"% _rc) for output_line in _stdout.splitlines(): self.debug("Output: %s"% output_line) for error_line in _stderr.splitlines(): self.debug("Errors: %s"% error_line) if _rc != 0: for line in _stderr.splitlines(): self.tool_error(line) raise ToolException(_stderr) ### NOTIFICATIONS ### def info(self, message): self.notify({'type': 'info', 'message': message}) # THIS METHOD IS BEING OVERRIDDEN BY THE MBED ONLINE BUILD SYSTEM # ANY CHANGE OF PARAMETERS OR RETURN VALUES WILL BREAK COMPATIBILITY def debug(self, message): if self.VERBOSE: if type(message) is ListType: message = ' '.join(message) message = "[DEBUG] " + message self.notify({'type': 'debug', 'message': message}) # THIS METHOD IS BEING OVERRIDDEN BY THE MBED ONLINE BUILD SYSTEM # ANY CHANGE OF PARAMETERS OR RETURN VALUES WILL BREAK COMPATIBILITY def cc_info(self, info=None): if info is not None: info['type'] = 'cc' self.notify(info) # THIS METHOD IS BEING OVERRIDDEN BY THE MBED ONLINE BUILD SYSTEM # ANY CHANGE OF PARAMETERS OR RETURN VALUES WILL BREAK COMPATIBILITY def cc_verbose(self, message, file=""): self.debug(message) def progress(self, action, file, build_update=False): msg = {'type': 'progress', 'action': action, 'file': file} if build_update: msg['percent'] = 100. * float(self.compiled) / float(self.to_be_compiled) self.notify(msg) def tool_error(self, message): self.notify({'type': 'tool_error', 'message': message}) def var(self, key, value): self.notify({'type': 'var', 'key': key, 'val': value}) # THIS METHOD IS BEING OVERRIDDEN BY THE MBED ONLINE BUILD SYSTEM # ANY CHANGE OF PARAMETERS OR RETURN VALUES WILL BREAK COMPATIBILITY def mem_stats(self, map): """! Creates parser object @param map Path to linker map file to parse and decode @return Memory summary structure with memory usage statistics None if map file can't be opened and processed """ toolchain = self.__class__.__name__ # Create memap object memap = MemapParser() # Parse and decode a map file if memap.parse(abspath(map), toolchain) is False: self.info("Unknown toolchain for memory statistics %s" % toolchain) return None # Store the memap instance for later use self.memap_instance = memap # Here we return memory statistics structure (constructed after # call to generate_output) which contains raw data in bytes # about sections + summary return memap.mem_report # Set the configuration data def set_config_data(self, config_data): self.config_data = config_data # Creates the configuration header if needed: # - if there is no configuration data, "mbed_config.h" is not create (or deleted if it exists). # - if there is configuration data and "mbed_config.h" does not exist, it is created. # - if there is configuration data similar to the previous configuration data, # "mbed_config.h" is left untouched. # - if there is new configuration data, "mbed_config.h" is overriden. # The function needs to be called exactly once for the lifetime of this toolchain instance. # The "config_processed" variable (below) ensures this behaviour. # The function returns the location of the configuration file, or None if there is no # configuration data available (and thus no configuration file) def get_config_header(self): if self.config_processed: # this function was already called, return its result return self.config_file # The config file is located in the build directory self.config_file = join(self.build_dir, self.MBED_CONFIG_FILE_NAME) # If the file exists, read its current content in prev_data if exists(self.config_file): with open(self.config_file, "rt") as f: prev_data = f.read() else: prev_data = None # Get the current configuration data crt_data = Config.config_to_header(self.config_data) if self.config_data else None # "changed" indicates if a configuration change was detected changed = False if prev_data is not None: # a previous mbed_config.h exists if crt_data is None: # no configuration data, so "mbed_config.h" needs to be removed remove(self.config_file) self.config_file = None # this means "config file not present" changed = True elif crt_data != prev_data: # different content of config file with open(self.config_file, "wt") as f: f.write(crt_data) changed = True else: # a previous mbed_config.h does not exist if crt_data is not None: # there's configuration data available with open(self.config_file, "wt") as f: f.write(crt_data) changed = True else: self.config_file = None # this means "config file not present" # If there was a change in configuration, rebuild everything self.build_all = changed # Make sure that this function will only return the location of the configuration # file for subsequent calls, without trying to manipulate its content in any way. self.config_processed = True return self.config_file def dump_build_profile(self): """Dump the current build profile and macros into the `.profile` file in the build directory""" for key in ["cxx", "c", "asm", "ld"]: to_dump = (str(self.flags[key]) + str(sorted(self.macros))) if key in ["cxx", "c"]: to_dump += str(self.flags['common']) where = join(self.build_dir, self.PROFILE_FILE_NAME + "-" + key) self._overwrite_when_not_equal(where, to_dump) @staticmethod def _overwrite_when_not_equal(filename, content): if not exists(filename) or content != open(filename).read(): with open(filename, "wb") as out: out.write(content) @staticmethod def generic_check_executable(tool_key, executable_name, levels_up, nested_dir=None): """ Positional args: tool_key: the key to index TOOLCHAIN_PATHS executable_name: the toolchain's named executable (ex. armcc) levels_up: each toolchain joins the toolchain_path, some variable directories (bin, include), and the executable name, so the TOOLCHAIN_PATH value must be appropriately distanced Keyword args: nested_dir: the directory within TOOLCHAIN_PATHS where the executable is found (ex: 'bin' for ARM\bin\armcc (necessary to check for path that will be used by toolchain's compile) Returns True if the executable location specified by the user exists and is valid OR the executable can be found on the PATH. Returns False otherwise. """ # Search PATH if user did not specify a path or specified path doesn't # exist. if not TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key] or not exists(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key]): exe = find_executable(executable_name) if not exe: return False for level in range(levels_up): # move up the specified number of directories exe = dirname(exe) TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key] = exe if nested_dir: subdir = join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key], nested_dir, executable_name) else: subdir = join(TOOLCHAIN_PATHS[tool_key],executable_name) # User could have specified a path that exists but does not contain exe return exists(subdir) or exists(subdir +'.exe') @abstractmethod def check_executable(self): """Returns True if the executable (armcc) location specified by the user exists OR the executable can be found on the PATH. Returns False otherwise.""" raise NotImplemented @abstractmethod def get_config_option(self, config_header): """Generate the compiler option that forces the inclusion of the configuration header file. Positional arguments: config_header -- The configuration header that will be included within all source files Return value: A list of the command line arguments that will force the inclusion the specified header Side effects: None """ raise NotImplemented @abstractmethod def assemble(self, source, object, includes): """Generate the command line that assembles. Positional arguments: source -- a file path that is the file to assemble object -- a file path that is the destination object includes -- a list of all directories where header files may be found Return value: The complete command line, as a list, that would invoke the assembler on the source file, include all the include paths, and generate the specified object file. Side effects: None Note: This method should be decorated with @hook_tool. """ raise NotImplemented @abstractmethod def compile_c(self, source, object, includes): """Generate the command line that compiles a C source file. Positional arguments: source -- the C source file to compile object -- the destination object file includes -- a list of all the directories where header files may be found Return value: The complete command line, as a list, that would invoke the C compiler on the source file, include all the include paths, and generate the specified object file. Side effects: None Note: This method should be decorated with @hook_tool. """ raise NotImplemented @abstractmethod def compile_cpp(self, source, object, includes): """Generate the command line that compiles a C++ source file. Positional arguments: source -- the C++ source file to compile object -- the destination object file includes -- a list of all the directories where header files may be found Return value: The complete command line, as a list, that would invoke the C++ compiler on the source file, include all the include paths, and generate the specified object file. Side effects: None Note: This method should be decorated with @hook_tool. """ raise NotImplemented @abstractmethod def link(self, output, objects, libraries, lib_dirs, mem_map): """Run the linker to create an executable and memory map. Positional arguments: output -- the file name to place the executable in objects -- all of the object files to link libraries -- all of the required libraries lib_dirs -- where the required libraries are located mem_map -- the location where the memory map file should be stored Return value: None Side effect: Runs the linker to produce the executable. Note: This method should be decorated with @hook_tool. """ raise NotImplemented @abstractmethod def archive(self, objects, lib_path): """Run the command line that creates an archive. Positional arguhments: objects -- a list of all the object files that should be archived lib_path -- the file name of the resulting library file Return value: None Side effect: Runs the archiving tool to produce the library file. Note: This method should be decorated with @hook_tool. """ raise NotImplemented @abstractmethod def binary(self, resources, elf, bin): """Run the command line that will Extract a simplified binary file. Positional arguments: resources -- A resources object (Is not used in any of the toolchains) elf -- the executable file that is to be converted bin -- the file name of the to be created simplified binary file Return value: None Side effect: Runs the elf2bin tool to produce the simplified binary file. Note: This method should be decorated with @hook_tool. """ raise NotImplemented @staticmethod @abstractmethod def name_mangle(name): """Mangle a name based on the conventional name mangling of this toolchain Positional arguments: name -- the name to mangle Return: the mangled name as a string """ raise NotImplemented @staticmethod @abstractmethod def make_ld_define(name, value): """Create an argument to the linker that would define a symbol Positional arguments: name -- the symbol to define value -- the value to give the symbol Return: The linker flag as a string """ raise NotImplemented @staticmethod @abstractmethod def redirect_symbol(source, sync, build_dir): """Redirect a symbol at link time to point at somewhere else Positional arguments: source -- the symbol doing the pointing sync -- the symbol being pointed to build_dir -- the directory to put "response files" if needed by the toolchain Side Effects: Possibly create a file in the build directory Return: The linker flag to redirect the symbol, as a string """ raise NotImplemented # Return the list of macros geenrated by the build system def get_config_macros(self): return Config.config_to_macros(self.config_data) if self.config_data else [] @property def report(self): to_ret = {} to_ret['c_compiler'] = {'flags': copy(self.flags['c']), 'symbols': self.get_symbols()} to_ret['cxx_compiler'] = {'flags': copy(self.flags['cxx']), 'symbols': self.get_symbols()} to_ret['assembler'] = {'flags': copy(self.flags['asm']), 'symbols': self.get_symbols(True)} to_ret['linker'] = {'flags': copy(self.flags['ld'])} to_ret.update(self.config.report) return to_ret from tools.settings import ARM_PATH from tools.settings import GCC_ARM_PATH from tools.settings import IAR_PATH TOOLCHAIN_PATHS = { 'ARM': ARM_PATH, 'uARM': ARM_PATH, 'GCC_ARM': GCC_ARM_PATH, 'IAR': IAR_PATH } from tools.toolchains.arm import ARM_STD, ARM_MICRO from tools.toolchains.gcc import GCC_ARM from tools.toolchains.iar import IAR TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES = { 'ARM': ARM_STD, 'uARM': ARM_MICRO, 'GCC_ARM': GCC_ARM, 'IAR': IAR } TOOLCHAINS = set(TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.keys())