script: # make sure example can at least compile - sed -n '/``` c/,/```/{/```/d; p;}' > test.c && CFLAGS=' -Duser_provided_block_device_read=NULL -Duser_provided_block_device_prog=NULL -Duser_provided_block_device_erase=NULL -Duser_provided_block_device_sync=NULL -include stdio.h -Werror' make all size # run tests - make test QUIET=1 # run tests with a few different configurations - CFLAGS="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=1 -DLFS_PROG_SIZE=1" make test QUIET=1 - CFLAGS="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=512 -DLFS_PROG_SIZE=512" make test QUIET=1 - CFLAGS="-DLFS_BLOCK_COUNT=1023" make test QUIET=1 - CFLAGS="-DLFS_LOOKAHEAD=2048" make test QUIET=1 # self-host with littlefs-fuse for fuzz test - make -C littlefs-fuse - littlefs-fuse/lfs --format /dev/loop0 - littlefs-fuse/lfs /dev/loop0 mount - ls mount - mkdir mount/littlefs - cp -r $(git ls-tree --name-only HEAD) mount/littlefs - cd mount/littlefs - ls - make -B test_dirs QUIET=1 before_install: - fusermount -V - gcc --version install: - sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev - git clone --depth 1 before_script: - rm -rf littlefs-fuse/littlefs/* - cp -r $(git ls-tree --name-only HEAD) littlefs-fuse/littlefs - mkdir mount - sudo chmod a+rw /dev/loop0 - dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=2048 of=disk - losetup /dev/loop0 disk