/* * Copyright (c) 2018, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "mbed.h" #include "greentea-client/test_env.h" #include "unity.h" #include "utest.h" #include "emac_tests.h" #include "emac_util.h" #include "emac_ctp.h" using namespace utest::v1; void test_emac_memory_cb(int opt) { static bool send_request = true; static bool memory = true; static int no_response_cnt = 0; static int retries = 0; static int msg_len = 0; static int test_step = 0; static bool next_step = true; static int options = CTP_OPT_NON_ALIGNED; // Defines test step if (next_step) { next_step = false; switch (test_step) { case 0: printf("STEP 0: memory available\r\n\r\n"); emac_if_set_output_memory(true); emac_if_set_input_memory(true); memory = true; break; case 1: printf("STEP 1: no input memory buffer memory available\r\n\r\n"); emac_if_set_output_memory(true); emac_if_set_input_memory(false); memory = false; break; case 2: printf("STEP 2: memory available\r\n\r\n"); emac_if_set_output_memory(true); emac_if_set_input_memory(true); memory = true; break; case 3: printf("STEP 3: no output memory buffer memory available\r\n\r\n"); emac_if_set_output_memory(false); emac_if_set_input_memory(true); memory = false; break; case 4: printf("STEP 4: memory available\r\n\r\n"); emac_if_set_output_memory(true); emac_if_set_input_memory(true); memory = true; break; case 5: printf("STEP 5: no output or input memory buffer memory available\r\n\r\n"); emac_if_set_output_memory(false); emac_if_set_input_memory(false); memory = false; break; case 6: printf("STEP 6: memory available\r\n\r\n"); emac_if_set_output_memory(true); emac_if_set_input_memory(true); memory = true; break; case 7: printf("STEP 7: memory available, alloc from heap\r\n\r\n"); emac_if_set_output_memory(true); emac_if_set_input_memory(true); options |= CTP_OPT_HEAP; memory = true; break; case 8: // Test ended END_TEST_LOOP; } } bool next_len = false; // Timeout if (opt == TIMEOUT && send_request) { CTP_MSG_SEND(msg_len, emac_if_get_echo_server_addr(0), emac_if_get_own_addr(), emac_if_get_own_addr(), options); send_request = false; no_response_cnt = 0; } else if (opt == TIMEOUT) { if (++no_response_cnt > 5) { if (++retries > 3) { // If echo replies should be received fails the test case if (memory) { printf("too many retries\r\n\r\n"); SET_ERROR_FLAGS(TEST_FAILED); END_TEST_LOOP; // Otherwise continues test } else { RESET_OUTGOING_MSG_DATA; next_len = true; } } else { printf("retry count %i\r\n\r\n", retries); send_request = true; } } } // Echo response received or retry count exceeded for memory buffers are not available if (opt == INPUT || next_len) { if (msg_len == ETH_MAX_LEN) { msg_len = 0; test_step++; next_step = true; } else if (msg_len + 50 >= ETH_MAX_LEN) { msg_len = ETH_MAX_LEN; } else { msg_len += 50; } printf("message length %i\r\n\r\n", msg_len); retries = 0; send_request = true; } } void test_emac_memory() { RESET_ALL_ERROR_FLAGS; SET_TRACE_LEVEL(TRACE_SEND | TRACE_SUCCESS | TRACE_FAILURE); if (ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS_KNOWN) { START_TEST_LOOP(test_emac_memory_cb, 100); } PRINT_ERROR_FLAGS; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(ERROR_FLAGS); RESET_OUTGOING_MSG_DATA; }