""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2014-2017 ARM Limited Copyright (c) 2018 ON Semiconductor Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import copy import stat import os from os.path import splitext, basename, dirname, abspath from os import remove from shutil import rmtree, copyfile from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP from tools.export.exporters import Exporter from tools.export.makefile import GccArm class CodeBlocks(GccArm): NAME = 'Code::Blocks' DOT_IN_RELATIVE_PATH = True MBED_CONFIG_HEADER_SUPPORTED = True PREPROCESS_ASM = False POST_BINARY_WHITELIST = set([ "NCS36510TargetCode.ncs36510_addfib" ]) @staticmethod def filter_dot(str_in): """ Remove the './' prefix, if present. This function assumes that resources.win_to_unix() replaced all windows backslashes with slashes. """ if str_in is None: return None if str_in[:2] == './': return str_in[2:] return str_in @staticmethod def prepare_lib(libname): if "lib" == libname[:3]: libname = libname[3:-2] return "-l" + libname @staticmethod def prepare_sys_lib(libname): return "-l" + libname def generate(self): self.resources.win_to_unix() comp_flags = [] debug_flags = [] release_flags = [ '-Os', '-g1' ] next_is_include = False for f in self.flags['c_flags'] + self.flags['cxx_flags'] + self.flags['common_flags']: f = f.strip() if f == "-include": next_is_include = True continue if f == '-c': continue if next_is_include: f = '-include ' + f next_is_include = False if f.startswith('-O') or f.startswith('-g'): debug_flags.append(f) else: comp_flags.append(f) comp_flags = sorted(list(set(comp_flags))) inc_dirs = [self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.inc_dirs]; inc_dirs = [x for x in inc_dirs if (x is not None and x != '' and x != '.' and not x.startswith('bin') and not x.startswith('obj'))]; c_sources = sorted([self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.c_sources]) libraries = [self.prepare_lib(basename(lib)) for lib in self.resources.libraries] sys_libs = [self.prepare_sys_lib(lib) for lib in self.toolchain.sys_libs] ctx = { 'project_name': self.project_name, 'debug_flags': debug_flags, 'release_flags': release_flags, 'comp_flags': comp_flags, 'ld_flags': self.flags['ld_flags'], 'headers': sorted(list(set([self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.headers]))), 'c_sources': c_sources, 's_sources': sorted([self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.s_sources]), 'cpp_sources': sorted([self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.cpp_sources]), 'include_paths': inc_dirs, 'linker_script': self.filter_dot(self.resources.linker_script), 'libraries': libraries, 'sys_libs': sys_libs, 'openocdboard': '' } openocd_board = { 'NCS36510': 'board/ncs36510_axdbg.cfg', 'DISCO_F429ZI': 'board/stm32f429discovery.cfg', 'DISCO_F469NI': 'board/stm32f469discovery.cfg', 'DISCO_L053C8': 'board/stm32l0discovery.cfg', 'DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1': 'board/stm32l0discovery.cfg', 'DISCO_F769NI': 'board/stm32f7discovery.cfg', 'DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A': 'board/stm32l4discovery.cfg', 'DISCO_L476VG': 'board/stm32l4discovery.cfg', 'NRF51822': 'board/nordic_nrf51822_mkit.cfg', 'NRF51822_BOOT': 'board/nordic_nrf51822_mkit.cfg', 'NRF51822_OTA': 'board/nordic_nrf51822_mkit.cfg', 'NRF51_DK_LEGACY': 'board/nordic_nrf51_dk.cfg', 'NRF51_DK_BOOT': 'board/nordic_nrf51_dk.cfg', 'NRF51_DK_OTA': 'board/nordic_nrf51_dk.cfg', 'NRF51_DK': 'board/nordic_nrf51_dk.cfg' } if self.target in openocd_board: ctx['openocdboard'] = openocd_board[self.target] self.gen_file('codeblocks/cbp.tmpl', ctx, "%s.%s" % (self.project_name, 'cbp')) # finally, generate the project file super(CodeBlocks, self).generate() @staticmethod def clean(project_name): for ext in ['cbp', 'depend', 'layout']: remove("%s.%s" % (project_name, ext)) for f in ['openocd.log']: remove(f) for d in ['bin', 'obj']: rmtree(d, ignore_errors=True)