/** ****************************************************************************** * @file adc_sar_map.h * @brief ADC HW register map * @internal * @author ON Semiconductor * $Rev: 3422 $ * $Date: 2015-06-09 11:01:43 +0530 (Tue, 09 Jun 2015) $ ****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2016 Semiconductor Components Industries LLC (d/b/a ON Semiconductor). * All rights reserved. This software and/or documentation is licensed by ON Semiconductor * under limited terms and conditions. The terms and conditions pertaining to the software * and/or documentation are available at http://www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/ONSEMI_T&C.pdf * (ON Semiconductor Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, Section 8 Software) and * if applicable the software license agreement. Do not use this software and/or * documentation unless you have carefully read and you agree to the limited terms and * conditions. By using this software and/or documentation, you agree to the limited * terms and conditions. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * ON SEMICONDUCTOR SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, * INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * @endinternal * * @ingroup adc_sar * * @details *
* ADC HW register map description *
* */ #ifndef ADC_MAP_H_ #define ADC_MAP_H_ #include "architecture.h" /* ADC Control HW Structure Overlay */ typedef struct { union { struct { __IO uint32_t MODE :1; /** 1= Continuous Conversion 0= Single Shot */ __IO uint32_t START_CONV :1; /** 1= Start Conversion 0= No effect*/ __IO uint32_t ABORT :1; /** 1= Aborts the Continuous Conversion mode 0=No effect */ __IO uint32_t MEASUREMENT_TYPE :1; /** 1= Absolute 0= Differential */ __IO uint32_t INPUT_SCALE :3; /** 000 1.0 001 0.6923 010 0.5294 011 0.4286 100 0.3600 101 0.3103 110 0.2728 111 0.2432 */ __I uint32_t BIT7:1; /** NA Always read backs 0*/ __IO uint32_t CONV_CH :3; /** Selects 1 or 8 channels to do a conversion on. 000 A[0] 000 A[1] 010 A[2] 011 A[3] 100 N/A 101 N/A 110 Temperature sensor 111 Battery */ __I uint32_t NA :1; /** NA */ __IO uint32_t REF_CH :3; /** Selects 1 to 8 channels for reference channel 000 A[0] 000 A[1] 010 A[2] 011 A[3] 100 N/A 101 N/A 110 Temperature sensor 111 Battery */ } BITS; __IO uint32_t WORD; } CONTROL; union { struct { __IO uint32_t SAMPLE_RATE :16; /** Sets the sample rate in units of PCLKperiod * (Prescale + 1). */ __IO uint32_t WARMUP_TIME :8; /** Sets the warm-up time in units of PCLKperiod * (Prescale + 1) */ __IO uint32_t SAMPLE_TIME :8; /** Sample Time. Sets the measure time in units of PCLKperiod * (Prescale + 1).*/ } BITS; __IO uint32_t WORD; } DELAY; __I uint32_t DATA; __IO uint32_t IR; union { struct { __IO uint32_t PRESC_VAL :8; /**Set the pre-scalar value. The SAR ADC nominally runs at 4MHz, so this value should be programmed to 32 Mhz/4mhz -1=7 */ __IO uint32_t PRESC_EN :1; /** 1= enables PreScalar 0= Disable Prescalar */ // __IO uint32_t PHASE_CTRL :1; /** 1 = Phase 2 is delayed two 32MHz clock from phase 1. 0= Phase 2 is delayed one 32MHz clock from phase 1. */ } BITS; __IO uint32_t WORD; } PRESCALE; __I uint32_t STATUS; } ADCReg_t,*AdcReg_pt; #endif /* ADC_MAP_H_ */