{ "name": "nsapi", "config": { "present": 1, "default-stack": "LWIP", "default-wifi-ssid": null, "default-wifi-password": null, "default-wifi-security": "NONE", "default-cellular-apn": null, "default-cellular-username": null, "default-cellular-password": null, "default-mesh-type": "THREAD", "dns-response-wait-time": { "help": "How long the DNS translator waits for a reply from a server in milliseconds", "value": 5000 }, "dns-total-attempts": { "help": "Number of total DNS query attempts that the DNS translator makes", "value": 3 }, "dns-retries": { "help": "Number of DNS query retries that the DNS translator makes per server, before moving on to the next server. Total retries/attempts is always limited by dns-total-attempts.", "value": 0 }, "dns-cache-size": { "help": "Number of cached host name resolutions", "value": 3 } } }