/** ****************************************************************************** * @file uart_16c550_map.h * @brief UART module hardware register map. * @internal * @author ON Semiconductor. * $Rev: 2615 $ * $Date: 2013-12-13 13:17:21 +0530 (Fri, 13 Dec 2013) $ ****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2016 Semiconductor Components Industries LLC (d/b/a “ON Semiconductor”). * All rights reserved. This software and/or documentation is licensed by ON Semiconductor * under limited terms and conditions. The terms and conditions pertaining to the software * and/or documentation are available at http://www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/ONSEMI_T&C.pdf * (“ON Semiconductor Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, Section 8 Software”) and * if applicable the software license agreement. Do not use this software and/or * documentation unless you have carefully read and you agree to the limited terms and * conditions. By using this software and/or documentation, you agree to the limited * terms and conditions. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * ON SEMICONDUCTOR SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, * INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * @endinternal * * @ingroup uart_16c550 * * @details *

Reference document(s)


* * IPC7202 APB UART Design Specification v1.4 *

*/ #ifndef UART_16C550_MAP_H_ #define UART_16C550_MAP_H_ #include "architecture.h" #if defined ( __CC_ARM ) #pragma anon_unions #endif #define DCTS (uint8_t)0x01 #define DDSR (uint8_t)0x02 #define TERI (uint8_t)0x04 #define DDCD (uint8_t)0x08 //#define CTS (uint8_t)0x10 #define DSR (uint8_t)0x20 #define RI (uint8_t)0x40 #define DCD (uint8_t)0x80 #define IER_PWRDNENACTIVE ((uint8_t)(1<<5)) #define IER_MSI ((uint8_t)(1<<3)) #define IER_RLSI ((uint8_t)(1<<2)) #define IER_THRI ((uint8_t)(1<<1)) #define IER_RDAI ((uint8_t)(1<<0)) #define FCR_RXFIFOTRIGGERLEVEL_1 ((uint8_t)(0x00)) #define FCR_RXFIFOTRIGGERLEVEL_4 ((uint8_t)(0x40)) #define FCR_RXFIFOTRIGGERLEVEL_8 ((uint8_t)(0x80)) #define FCR_RXFIFOTRIGGERLEVEL_14 ((uint8_t)(0xC0)) #define FCR_DMA_MODE_0 ((uint8_t)(0<<3)) #define FCR_DMA_MODE_1 ((uint8_t)(1<<3)) #define FCR_TXFIFO_RESET ((uint8_t)(1<<2)) #define FCR_RXFIFO_RESET ((uint8_t)(1<<1)) #define FCR_FIFO_ENABLE ((uint8_t)(1<<0)) /** UART HW Structure Overlay */ typedef struct { /** Base address + 0x0: Receive, transmit and divisor_LSB offset */ union { __I uint32_t RBR; /**< Received data (8 bits wide) / read only */ __O uint32_t THR; /**< Data to be transmitted (8 bits wide) / write only */ __IO uint32_t DLL; /**< If DLAB = 1. LS byte for input to baud rate generator */ }; /** Base address + 0x4: Interrupt enable and divisor_MSB offset */ union { union { struct { __IO uint32_t RX_DATA_INT :1; /**< Enables the received data interrupt, write 1 to enable */ __IO uint32_t TX_HOLD_INT :1; /**< Enables the transmitter holding interrupt, write 1 to enable */ __IO uint32_t RX_STATUS_INT :1; /**< Enables the receiver line status interrupt, write 1 to enable */ __IO uint32_t MODEM_STATUS_INT :1; /**< Enables the modem status interrupt, write 1 to enable */ __IO uint32_t PAD0 :1; __IO uint32_t PD_EN :1; /**< Power down enable active bit, write 1 to enable. Only enabled if PD_EN in MCR is set also */ __IO uint32_t PAD1 :2; } BITS; __IO uint32_t WORD; } IER; /** Interrupt enable offset 0x04 */ __IO uint32_t DLM; /**< If DLAB = 1. MS byte for input to baud rate generator */ }; /** Base address + 0x8: Interrupt status and fifo control offset*/ union { union { struct { __I uint32_t INT_PEND :1; /**< Interrupt is pending if 1 */ __I uint32_t INT_ID :3; /**< Interrupt identification: 011-RX Line, 010-Rx Data, 110-char TO, 001-TX empty, 000-Modem status*/ __I uint32_t PAD0 :2; __I uint32_t FIFO_EN :2; /**< Fifos enabled: 00-disabled, 01/10-undefined, 11-enabled */ } BITS; __I uint32_t WORD; } IIR; /** Interrupt status and fifo status offset 0x08 */ union { struct { __O uint32_t FIFO_EN :1; /**< FIFO enable, write 1 to enable */ __O uint32_t RX_FIFO_RST :1; /**< RX FIFO reset, write 1 to reset */ __O uint32_t TX_FIFO_RST :1; /**< TX FIFO reset, write 1 to reset */ __O uint32_t DMA_SEL :1; /**< DMA mode select */ __O uint32_t PAD0 :2; __O uint32_t RX_FIFO_TRIG :2; /**< Receiver FIFO trigger level:00-1byte, 01-4bytes, 10-8bytes, 11-14bytes */ } BITS; __O uint32_t WORD; } FCR; /** Fifo control offset 0x08 */ }; /** Base address + 0xC: Line control offset */ union { struct { __IO uint32_t CHAR_LEN :2; /**< Number of bits per character: 00-5bits, 01-6bits, 10:7bits, 11:8bits */ __IO uint32_t NUM_STOP :1; /**< Number of stop bits: 0-1bit, 1-2bits */ __IO uint32_t PARITY :3; /**< Parity: xx0-disable, 001-odd, 011-even, 101-stick generated/checked as 1, 111-stick generated/checked as 0 */ __IO uint32_t BREAK :1; /**< Set to 1 to force output to 0, set to 0 to return to normal operation */ __IO uint32_t DLAB :1; /**< Set to 1 to enable the DLL, DLM registers at 0x00 and 0x04 */ } BITS; __IO uint32_t WORD; } LCR; /** Line control offset 0x0C */ /** Base address + 0x10: Modem control offset */ union { struct { __IO uint32_t DTR :1; /**< Data terminal ready. Write 1 to set DTR high (de-asserted), or read DTR */ __IO uint32_t RTS :1; /**< Request to send. Write 1 to set RTS high (de-asserted), or read RTS */ __IO uint32_t OUTN_CTRL :2; /**< Direct control of out2N and out1N */ __IO uint32_t LOOPBACK :1; /**< Write 1 to enable loop back */ __IO uint32_t PAD0 :3; __IO uint32_t PD_EN :1; /**< Power down enable active bit, write 1 to enable. Only enabled if PD_EN in IER is set also */ } BITS; __IO uint32_t WORD; } MCR; /**< Modem control offset 0x10 */ /** Base address + 0x14: Line status offset */ union { struct { __O uint32_t READY :1; /**< Rx data available */ __O uint32_t OVERRUN_ERR :1; /**< Overrun error */ __O uint32_t PARITY_ERR :1; /**< Parity error */ __O uint32_t FRAME_ERR :1; /**< Framing error */ __O uint32_t BREAK_INT :1; /**< Break interrupt is set when output is kept to 0 for more than 1 bit time */ __O uint32_t TX_HOLD_EMPTY :1; /**< Transmit holding register empty */ __O uint32_t TX_EMPTY :1; /**< Transmitter empty */ __O uint32_t FIFO_ERR :1; /**< Receive fifo error */ } BITS; __O uint32_t WORD; } LSR; /**< Line status offset 0x14 */ /** Base address + 0x18: Modem status offset */ union { struct { __O uint32_t CHG_CTSN :1; /**< CTS change since last MSR read */ __O uint32_t CHG_DSRN :1; /**< DSR change since last MSR read */ __O uint32_t CHG_RIN :1; /**< RI change since last MSR read */ __O uint32_t CHG_DCDN :1; /**< DCD change since last MSR read */ __O uint32_t CURR_CTSN :1; /**< CTS current state, 0 = asserted, 1 = de-asserted */ __O uint32_t CURR_DSRN :1; /**< DSR current state */ __O uint32_t CURR_RIN :1; /**< RI current state */ __O uint32_t CURR_DCDN :1; /**< DCD current state */ } BITS; __O uint32_t WORD; } MSR; /**< Modem status offset 0x18 */ /** Base address + 0x1C: Scratch offset*/ __IO uint32_t SCR; /**< Scratch pad register */ } Uart16C550Reg_t, *Uart16C550Reg_pt; #endif /* UART_16C550_MAP_H_ */