""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2017 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from os.path import splitext, basename, join import shutil from tools.utils import mkdir from tools.export.gnuarmeclipse import GNUARMEclipse from tools.export.gnuarmeclipse import UID from tools.build_api import prepare_toolchain from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP from sys import flags, platform # Global random number generator instance. u = UID() class Sw4STM32(GNUARMEclipse): """ Sw4STM32 class """ NAME = 'Sw4STM32' TOOLCHAIN = 'GCC_ARM' BOARDS = { 'B96B_F446VE': { 'name': 'B96B-F446VE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F446VETx' }, 'DISCO_F051R8': { 'name': 'STM32F0DISCOVERY', 'mcuId': 'STM32F051R8Tx' }, 'DISCO_F303VC': { 'name': 'STM32F3DISCOVERY', 'mcuId': 'STM32F303VCTx' }, 'DISCO_F334C8': { 'name': 'STM32F3348DISCOVERY', 'mcuId': 'STM32F334C8Tx' }, 'DISCO_F401VC': { 'name': 'STM32F401C-DISCO', 'mcuId': 'STM32F401VCTx' }, 'DISCO_F407VG': { 'name': 'STM32F4DISCOVERY', 'mcuId': 'STM32F407VGTx' }, 'DISCO_F413ZH': { 'name': 'DISCO_F413', 'mcuId': 'STM32F413ZHTx' }, 'DISCO_F429ZI': { 'name': 'STM32F429I-DISCO', 'mcuId': 'STM32F429ZITx' }, 'DISCO_F469NI': { 'name': 'DISCO-F469NI', 'mcuId': 'STM32F469NIHx' }, 'DISCO_F746NG': { 'name': 'STM32F746G-DISCO', 'mcuId': 'STM32F746NGHx' }, 'DISCO_F769NI': { 'name': 'DISCO-F769NI', 'mcuId': 'STM32F769NIHx' }, 'DISCO_L053C8': { 'name': 'STM32L0538DISCOVERY', 'mcuId': 'STM32L053C8Tx' }, 'DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1': { 'name': 'DISCO-L072CZ-LRWAN1', 'mcuId': 'STM32L072CZTx' }, 'MTB_MURATA_ABZ': { 'name': 'MTB-MURATA-ABZ', 'mcuId': 'STM32L0x2xZ' }, 'DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A': { 'name': 'STM32L475G-DISCO', 'mcuId': 'STM32L475VGTx' }, 'DISCO_L476VG': { 'name': 'STM32L476G-DISCO', 'mcuId': 'STM32L476VGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F030R8': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F030R8', 'mcuId': 'STM32F030R8Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F031K6': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F031K6', 'mcuId': 'STM32F031K6Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F042K6': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F042K6', 'mcuId': 'STM32F042K6Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F070RB': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F070RB', 'mcuId': 'STM32F070RBTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F072RB': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F072RB', 'mcuId': 'STM32F072RBTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F091RC': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F091RC', 'mcuId': 'STM32F091RCTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F103RB': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F103RB', 'mcuId': 'STM32F103RBTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F207ZG': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F207ZG', 'mcuId': 'STM32F207ZGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F302R8': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F302R8', 'mcuId': 'STM32F302R8Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F303K8': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F303K8', 'mcuId': 'STM32F303K8Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F303RE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F303RE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F303RETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F303ZE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F303ZE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F303ZETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F334R8': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F334R8', 'mcuId': 'STM32F334R8Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_F401RE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F401RE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F401RETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F410RB': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F410RB', 'mcuId': 'STM32F410RBTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F411RE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F411RE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F411RETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F413ZH': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F413ZH', 'mcuId': 'STM32F413ZHTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F429ZI': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F429ZI', 'mcuId': 'STM32F429ZITx' }, 'NUCLEO_F446RE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F446RE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F446RETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F446ZE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F446ZE', 'mcuId': 'STM32F446ZETx' }, 'NUCLEO_F746ZG': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F746ZG', 'mcuId': 'STM32F746ZGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_F767ZI': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-F767ZI', 'mcuId': 'STM32F767ZITx' }, 'NUCLEO_L011K4': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L011K4', 'mcuId': 'STM32L011K4Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_L031K6': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L031K6', 'mcuId': 'STM32L031K6Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_L053R8': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L053R8', 'mcuId': 'STM32L053R8Tx' }, 'NUCLEO_L073RZ': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L073RZ', 'mcuId': 'STM32L073RZTx' }, 'NUCLEO_L152RE': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L152RE', 'mcuId': 'STM32L152RETx' }, 'NUCLEO_L432KC': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L432KC', 'mcuId': 'STM32L432KCUx' }, 'MTB_ADV_WISE_1510': { 'name': 'MTB-ADV-WISE-1510', 'mcuId': 'STM32L443xC' }, 'NUCLEO_L476RG': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L476RG', 'mcuId': 'STM32L476RGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_L486RG': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L486RG', 'mcuId': 'STM32L486RGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_L496ZG': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L496ZG', 'mcuId': 'STM32L496ZGTx' }, 'NUCLEO_L496ZG_P': { 'name': 'NUCLEO-L496ZG', 'mcuId': 'STM32L496ZGTx' }, } @classmethod def is_target_supported(cls, target_name): target = TARGET_MAP[target_name] target_supported = bool(set(target.resolution_order_names) .intersection(set(cls.BOARDS.keys()))) toolchain_supported = cls.TOOLCHAIN in target.supported_toolchains return target_supported and toolchain_supported def __gen_dir(self, dir_name): """ Method that creates directory """ settings = join(self.export_dir, dir_name) mkdir(settings) def get_fpu_hardware(self, fpu_unit): """ Convert fpu unit name into hardware name. """ hw = '' fpus = { 'fpv4spd16': 'fpv4-sp-d16', 'fpv5d16': 'fpv5-d16', 'fpv5spd16': 'fpv5-sp-d16' } if fpu_unit in fpus: hw = fpus[fpu_unit] return hw def process_sw_options(self, opts, flags_in): """ Process System Workbench specific options. System Workbench for STM32 has some compile options, which are not recognized by the GNUARMEclipse exporter. Those are handled in this method. """ opts['c']['preprocess'] = False if '-E' in flags_in['c_flags']: opts['c']['preprocess'] = True opts['cpp']['preprocess'] = False if '-E' in flags_in['cxx_flags']: opts['cpp']['preprocess'] = True opts['c']['slowflashdata'] = False if '-mslow-flash-data' in flags_in['c_flags']: opts['c']['slowflashdata'] = True opts['cpp']['slowflashdata'] = False if '-mslow-flash-data' in flags_in['cxx_flags']: opts['cpp']['slowflashdata'] = True if opts['common']['optimization.messagelength']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fmessage-length=0' if opts['common']['optimization.signedchar']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fsigned-char' if opts['common']['optimization.nocommon']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-common' if opts['common']['optimization.noinlinefunctions']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-inline-functions' if opts['common']['optimization.freestanding']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -ffreestanding' if opts['common']['optimization.nobuiltin']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-builtin' if opts['common']['optimization.spconstant']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fsingle-precision-constant' if opts['common']['optimization.nomoveloopinvariants']: opts['common']['optimization.other'] += ' -fno-move-loop-invariants' if opts['common']['warnings.unused']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wunused' if opts['common']['warnings.uninitialized']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wuninitialized' if opts['common']['warnings.missingdeclaration']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wmissing-declarations' if opts['common']['warnings.pointerarith']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wpointer-arith' if opts['common']['warnings.padded']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wpadded' if opts['common']['warnings.shadow']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wshadow' if opts['common']['warnings.logicalop']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wlogical-op' if opts['common']['warnings.agreggatereturn']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Waggregate-return' if opts['common']['warnings.floatequal']: opts['common']['warnings.other'] += ' -Wfloat-equal' opts['ld']['strip'] = False if '-s' in flags_in['ld_flags']: opts['ld']['strip'] = True opts['ld']['shared'] = False if '-shared' in flags_in['ld_flags']: opts['ld']['shared'] = True opts['ld']['soname'] = '' opts['ld']['implname'] = '' opts['ld']['defname'] = '' for item in flags_in['ld_flags']: if item.startswith('-Wl,-soname='): opts['ld']['soname'] = item[len('-Wl,-soname='):] if item.startswith('-Wl,--out-implib='): opts['ld']['implname'] = item[len('-Wl,--out-implib='):] if item.startswith('-Wl,--output-def='): opts['ld']['defname'] = item[len('-Wl,--output-def='):] opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.hardware'] = self.get_fpu_hardware( opts['common']['arm.target.fpu.unit']) opts['common']['debugging.codecov'] = False if '-fprofile-arcs' in flags_in['common_flags'] and '-ftest-coverage' in flags_in['common_flags']: opts['common']['debugging.codecov'] = True # Passing linker options to linker with '-Wl,'-prefix. for index in range(len(opts['ld']['flags'])): item = opts['ld']['flags'][index] if not item.startswith('-Wl,'): opts['ld']['flags'][index] = '-Wl,' + item # Strange System Workbench feature: If first parameter in Other flags is a # define (-D...), Other flags will be replaced by defines and other flags # are completely ignored. Moving -D parameters to defines. for compiler in ['c', 'cpp', 'as']: tmpList = opts[compiler]['other'].split(' ') otherList = [] for item in tmpList: if item.startswith('-D'): opts[compiler]['defines'].append(str(item[2:])) else: otherList.append(item) opts[compiler]['other'] = ' '.join(otherList) # Assembler options for as_def in opts['as']['defines']: if '=' in as_def: opts['as']['other'] += ' --defsym ' + as_def else: opts['as']['other'] += ' --defsym ' + as_def + '=1' def generate(self): """ Generate the .project and .cproject files. """ options = {} if not self.resources.linker_script: raise NotSupportedException("No linker script found.") print ('\nCreate a System Workbench for STM32 managed project') print ('Project name: {0}'.format(self.project_name)) print ('Target: {0}'.format(self.toolchain.target.name)) print ('Toolchain: {0}'.format(self.TOOLCHAIN) + '\n') self.resources.win_to_unix() config_header = self.filter_dot(self.toolchain.get_config_header()) libraries = [] for lib in self.resources.libraries: library, _ = splitext(basename(lib)) libraries.append(library[3:]) self.system_libraries = [ 'stdc++', 'supc++', 'm', 'c', 'gcc', 'nosys' ] profiles = self.get_all_profiles() self.as_defines = [s.replace('"', '"') for s in self.toolchain.get_symbols(True)] self.c_defines = [s.replace('"', '"') for s in self.toolchain.get_symbols()] self.cpp_defines = self.c_defines print 'Symbols: {0}'.format(len(self.c_defines)) self.include_path = [] for s in self.resources.inc_dirs: self.include_path.append("../" + self.filter_dot(s)) print ('Include folders: {0}'.format(len(self.include_path))) self.compute_exclusions() print ('Exclude folders: {0}'.format(len(self.excluded_folders))) ld_script = self.filter_dot(self.resources.linker_script) print ('Linker script: {0}'.format(ld_script)) lib_dirs = [self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.lib_dirs] preproc_cmd = basename(self.toolchain.preproc[0]) + " " + " ".join(self.toolchain.preproc[1:]) for id in ['debug', 'release']: opts = {} opts['common'] = {} opts['as'] = {} opts['c'] = {} opts['cpp'] = {} opts['ld'] = {} opts['id'] = id opts['name'] = opts['id'].capitalize() # TODO: Add prints to log or console in verbose mode. #print ('\nBuild configuration: {0}'.format(opts['name'])) profile = profiles[id] # A small hack, do not bother with src_path again, # pass an empty string to avoid crashing. src_paths = [''] toolchain = prepare_toolchain( src_paths, "", self.toolchain.target.name, self.TOOLCHAIN, build_profile=[profile]) # Hack to fill in build_dir toolchain.build_dir = self.toolchain.build_dir flags = self.toolchain_flags(toolchain) # TODO: Add prints to log or console in verbose mode. # print 'Common flags:', ' '.join(flags['common_flags']) # print 'C++ flags:', ' '.join(flags['cxx_flags']) # print 'C flags:', ' '.join(flags['c_flags']) # print 'ASM flags:', ' '.join(flags['asm_flags']) # print 'Linker flags:', ' '.join(flags['ld_flags']) # Most GNU ARM Eclipse options have a parent, # either debug or release. if '-O0' in flags['common_flags'] or '-Og' in flags['common_flags']: opts['parent_id'] = 'debug' else: opts['parent_id'] = 'release' self.process_options(opts, flags) opts['c']['defines'] = self.c_defines opts['cpp']['defines'] = self.cpp_defines opts['as']['defines'] = self.as_defines self.process_sw_options(opts, flags) opts['ld']['library_paths'] = [ self.filter_dot(s) for s in self.resources.lib_dirs] opts['ld']['user_libraries'] = libraries opts['ld']['system_libraries'] = self.system_libraries opts['ld']['script'] = "linker-script-" + id + ".ld" # Unique IDs used in multiple places. uid = {} uid['config'] = u.id uid['tool_c_compiler'] = u.id uid['tool_c_compiler_input'] = u.id uid['tool_cpp_compiler'] = u.id uid['tool_cpp_compiler_input'] = u.id opts['uid'] = uid options[id] = opts ctx = { 'name': self.project_name, 'platform': platform, 'include_paths': self.include_path, 'config_header': config_header, 'exclude_paths': '|'.join(self.excluded_folders), 'ld_script': ld_script, 'library_paths': lib_dirs, 'object_files': self.resources.objects, 'libraries': libraries, 'board_name': self.BOARDS[self.target.upper()]['name'], 'mcu_name': self.BOARDS[self.target.upper()]['mcuId'], 'cpp_cmd': preproc_cmd, 'options': options, # id property of 'u' will generate new random identifier every time # when called. 'u': u } self.__gen_dir('.settings') self.gen_file('sw4stm32/language_settings_commom.tmpl', ctx, '.settings/language.settings.xml') self.gen_file('sw4stm32/project_common.tmpl', ctx, '.project') self.gen_file('sw4stm32/cproject_common.tmpl', ctx, '.cproject') self.gen_file('sw4stm32/makefile.targets.tmpl', ctx, 'makefile.targets', trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) self.gen_file('sw4stm32/launch.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name + ' ' + options['debug']['name'] + '.launch') @staticmethod def clean(_): shutil.rmtree(".settings")