import sys from os.path import join, abspath, dirname, exists ROOT = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "..")) sys.path.append(ROOT) from workspace_tools.paths import * from workspace_tools.utils import mkdir, cmd, copy_file from workspace_tools.export import export from shutil import copytree EXPORT_DIR = join(BUILD_DIR, "export_test") USER_WORKSPACE = join(EXPORT_DIR, "user_workspace") USR_PRJ_NAME = "usr_prj" USER_PRJ = join(USER_WORKSPACE, USR_PRJ_NAME) USER_LIB = join(USER_PRJ, "lib") USER_SRC = join(USER_PRJ, "src") TEMP = join(USER_WORKSPACE, ".temp") def setup_test_user_prj(): if exists(USER_PRJ): print 'Test user project already generated...' return # Build project directory structure for d in [USER_LIB, USER_SRC]: mkdir(d) # Sources print 'Copying sources...' copy_file(join(TEST_DIR, "rtos", "mbed", "basic", "main.cpp"), join(USER_SRC, "main.cpp")) copytree(join(LIB_DIR, "rtos"), join(USER_LIB, "rtos")) # FAKE BUILD URL open(join(USER_SRC, "mbed.bld"), 'w').write("\n") def fake_build_url_resolver(url): # FAKE BUILD URL: Ignore the URL, always return the path to the mbed library return {'path':MBED_LIBRARIES, 'name':'mbed'} def test_export(toolchain, target, expected_error=None): if toolchain is None and target is None: base_dir = join(TEMP, "zip") else: base_dir = join(TEMP, toolchain, target) temp_dir = join(base_dir, "temp") mkdir(temp_dir) zip_path, report = export(USER_PRJ, USR_PRJ_NAME, toolchain, target, base_dir, temp_dir, False, fake_build_url_resolver) if report['success']: export_name = join(EXPORT_DIR, "" % (toolchain, target)) cmd(["mv", zip_path, export_name]) print "[OK]" else: if expected_error is None: print '[ERRROR] %s' % report['errormsg'] else: if (zip_path is None) and (expected_error in report['errormsg']): print '[OK]' else: print '[ERROR]' print ' zip:', zip_path print ' msg:', report['errormsg'] if __name__ == '__main__': setup_test_user_prj() for toolchain, target in [ ('uvision', 'LPC1768'), ('uvision', 'LPC11U24'), ('uvision', 'KL25Z'), ('uvision', 'LPC1114'), ('codered', 'LPC1768'), # Linux path: /home/emimon01/bin/gcc-cs/bin/ # Windows path: "C:/Program Files (x86)/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_CodeBench_Lite_for_ARM_EABI/bin/" ('codesourcery', 'LPC1768'), # Linux path: /home/emimon01/bin/gcc-arm/bin/ # Windows path: C:/arm-none-eabi-gcc-4_7/bin/ ('gcc_arm', 'LPC1768'), ('ds5_5', 'LPC1768'), ('ds5_5', 'LPC11U24'), ('iar', 'LPC1768'), (None, None) ]: print '\n=== Exporting to "%s::%s" ===' % (toolchain, target) test_export(toolchain, target) print "\n=== Test error messages ===" test_export('codered', 'LPC11U24', expected_error='codered')