""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2019 ARM Limited SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import from builtins import str from os.path import splitext, basename, relpath, join, abspath, dirname,\ exists, normpath from os import remove import sys from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError, Popen, PIPE import shutil from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound from tools.resources import FileType from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, apply_supported_whitelist from tools.utils import NotSupportedException from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP SHELL_ESCAPE_TABLE = { "(": "\(", ")": "\)", } def shell_escape(string): return "".join(SHELL_ESCAPE_TABLE.get(char, char) for char in string) def _fix_include_asm_flag(flag, ctx): if flag.startswith('-I'): new_path = normpath(join(ctx['vpath'][0], flag[2:])) return "-I{}".format(new_path) elif flag.startswith('--preinclude='): new_path = normpath(join(ctx['vpath'][0], flag[13:])) return "--preinclude={}".format(new_path) else: return flag class Makefile(Exporter): """Generic Makefile template that mimics the behavior of the python build system """ DOT_IN_RELATIVE_PATH = True MBED_CONFIG_HEADER_SUPPORTED = True PREPROCESS_ASM = False POST_BINARY_WHITELIST = set([ "LPCTargetCode.lpc_patch", "PSOC6Code.complete" ]) @classmethod def is_target_supported(cls, target_name): target = TARGET_MAP[target_name] return apply_supported_whitelist( cls.TOOLCHAIN, cls.POST_BINARY_WHITELIST, target) def generate(self): """Generate the makefile Note: subclasses should not need to override this method """ if not self.resources.linker_script: raise NotSupportedException("No linker script found.") self.resources.win_to_unix() to_be_compiled = [splitext(src)[0] + ".o" for src in self.resources.s_sources + self.resources.c_sources + self.resources.cpp_sources] libraries = [self.prepare_lib(basename(lib)) for lib in self.libraries] sys_libs = [self.prepare_sys_lib(lib) for lib in self.toolchain.sys_libs] ctx = { 'name': self.project_name, 'to_be_compiled': to_be_compiled, 'object_files': self.resources.objects, 'include_paths': list(set(self.resources.inc_dirs)), 'library_paths': self.resources.lib_dirs, 'linker_script': self.resources.linker_script, 'libraries': libraries, 'ld_sys_libs': sys_libs, 'hex_files': self.hex_files, 'vpath': ([".."]), 'cc_cmd': basename(self.toolchain.cc[0]), 'cppc_cmd': basename(self.toolchain.cppc[0]), 'asm_cmd': basename(self.toolchain.asm[0]), 'ld_cmd': basename(self.toolchain.ld[0]), 'elf2bin_cmd': basename(self.toolchain.elf2bin), 'link_script_ext': self.toolchain.LINKER_EXT, 'link_script_option': self.LINK_SCRIPT_OPTION, 'user_library_flag': self.USER_LIBRARY_FLAG, 'needs_asm_preproc': self.PREPROCESS_ASM, 'shell_escape': shell_escape, 'response_option': self.RESPONSE_OPTION, } if hasattr(self.toolchain, "preproc"): ctx['pp_cmd'] = " ".join( [basename(self.toolchain.preproc[0])] + self.toolchain.preproc[1:] + self.toolchain.ld[1:] ) else: ctx['pp_cmd'] = None for key in ['include_paths', 'library_paths', 'linker_script', 'hex_files']: if isinstance(ctx[key], list): ctx[key] = [ctx['vpath'][0] + "/" + t for t in ctx[key]] else: ctx[key] = ctx['vpath'][0] + "/" + ctx[key] if "../." not in ctx["include_paths"]: ctx["include_paths"] += ['../.'] for key in ['include_paths', 'library_paths', 'hex_files', 'to_be_compiled']: ctx[key] = sorted(ctx[key]) ctx.update(self.format_flags()) ctx['asm_flags'].extend(self.toolchain.asm[1:]) ctx['c_flags'].extend(self.toolchain.cc[1:]) ctx['cxx_flags'].extend(self.toolchain.cppc[1:]) # Add the virtual path the the include option in the ASM flags new_asm_flags = [] for flag in ctx['asm_flags']: if flag.startswith('--cpreproc_opts='): sub_flags = flag.split(',') new_sub_flags = [] for sub_flag in sub_flags: new_sub_flags.append(_fix_include_asm_flag(sub_flag, ctx)) new_asm_flags.append(','.join(new_sub_flags)) else: new_asm_flags.append(_fix_include_asm_flag(flag, ctx)) ctx['asm_flags'] = new_asm_flags for templatefile in \ ['makefile/%s_%s.tmpl' % (self.TEMPLATE, self.target.lower())] + \ ['makefile/%s_%s.tmpl' % (self.TEMPLATE, label.lower()) for label in self.toolchain.target.extra_labels] +\ ['makefile/%s.tmpl' % self.TEMPLATE]: try: self.gen_file(templatefile, ctx, 'Makefile') break except TemplateNotFound: pass else: raise NotSupportedException("This make tool is in development") def format_flags(self): """Format toolchain flags for Makefile""" flags = {} for k, v in self.flags.items(): if k in ['c_flags', 'cxx_flags']: flags[k] = list(map(lambda x: x.replace('"', '\\"'), v)) else: flags[k] = v return flags @staticmethod def clean(_): remove("Makefile") # legacy .build directory cleaned if exists if exists('.build'): shutil.rmtree('.build') if exists('BUILD'): shutil.rmtree('BUILD') @staticmethod def build(project_name, log_name="build_log.txt", cleanup=True): """ Build Make project """ # > Make -j cmd = ["make", "-j"] # Build the project p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() ret_code = p.returncode out_string = "=" * 10 + "STDOUT" + "=" * 10 + "\n" out_string += out out_string += "=" * 10 + "STDERR" + "=" * 10 + "\n" out_string += err if ret_code == 0: out_string += "SUCCESS" else: out_string += "FAILURE" print(out_string) if log_name: # Write the output to the log file with open(log_name, 'w+') as f: f.write(out_string) # Cleanup the exported and built files if cleanup: remove(log_name) Makefile.clean(project_name) if ret_code != 0: # Seems like something went wrong. return -1 else: return 0 class GccArm(Makefile): """GCC ARM specific makefile target""" NAME = 'Make-GCC-ARM' TEMPLATE = 'make-gcc-arm' TOOLCHAIN = "GCC_ARM" LINK_SCRIPT_OPTION = "-T" USER_LIBRARY_FLAG = "-L" RESPONSE_OPTION = "@" @staticmethod def prepare_lib(libname): if "lib" == libname[:3]: libname = libname[3:-2] return "-l" + libname @staticmethod def prepare_sys_lib(libname): return "-l" + libname class Arm(Makefile): """ARM Compiler generic makefile target""" LINK_SCRIPT_OPTION = "--scatter" USER_LIBRARY_FLAG = "--userlibpath " TEMPLATE = 'make-arm' RESPONSE_OPTION = "--via " @staticmethod def prepare_lib(libname): return libname @staticmethod def prepare_sys_lib(libname): return libname def generate(self): if self.resources.linker_script: sct_file = self.resources.get_file_refs(FileType.LD_SCRIPT)[-1] new_script = self.toolchain.correct_scatter_shebang( sct_file, join("..", dirname(sct_file.name)) ) if new_script is not sct_file: self.resources.add_file_ref( FileType.LD_SCRIPT, new_script.name, new_script.path ) return super(Arm, self).generate() class Armc5(Arm): """ARM Compiler 5 (armcc) specific makefile target""" NAME = 'Make-ARMc5' TOOLCHAIN = "ARM" PREPROCESS_ASM = True @classmethod def is_target_supported(cls, target_name): target = TARGET_MAP[target_name] if not target.is_TFM_target: if int(target.build_tools_metadata["version"]) > 0: # Although toolchain name is set to ARM above we should check for ARMC5 for 5.12/onwards if "ARMC5" not in target.supported_toolchains: return False arm_res = apply_supported_whitelist( "ARM", cls.POST_BINARY_WHITELIST, target ) armc5_res = apply_supported_whitelist( "ARMC5", cls.POST_BINARY_WHITELIST, target ) return arm_res or armc5_res else: return False class Armc6(Arm): """ARM Compiler 6 (armclang) specific generic makefile target""" NAME = 'Make-ARMc6' TOOLCHAIN = "ARMC6" @classmethod def is_target_supported(cls, target_name): target = TARGET_MAP[target_name] if not target.is_TFM_target: if int(target.build_tools_metadata["version"]) > 0: if not (len(set(target.supported_toolchains).intersection( set(["ARM", "ARMC6"]))) > 0): return False if not apply_supported_whitelist( cls.TOOLCHAIN, cls.POST_BINARY_WHITELIST, target): # ARMC6 is not in the list, but also check for ARM as ARM represents ARMC6 for 5.12/onwards # and still keep cls.TOOLCHAIN as ARMC6 as thats the toolchain we want to use return apply_supported_whitelist( "ARM", cls.POST_BINARY_WHITELIST, target) else: return True else: return apply_supported_whitelist( cls.TOOLCHAIN, cls.POST_BINARY_WHITELIST, target) else: return class IAR(Makefile): """IAR specific makefile target""" NAME = 'Make-IAR' TEMPLATE = 'make-iar' TOOLCHAIN = "IAR" LINK_SCRIPT_OPTION = "--config" USER_LIBRARY_FLAG = "-L" RESPONSE_OPTION = "-f " @staticmethod def prepare_lib(libname): if "lib" == libname[:3]: libname = libname[3:] return "-l" + splitext(libname)[0] @staticmethod def prepare_sys_lib(libname): if "lib" == libname[:3]: libname = libname[3:] return "-l" + splitext(libname)[0]