# Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Arm Limited. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. language: sh os: linux dist: xenial env: global: - deps_url="https://mbed-os-ci.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/jenkins-ci/deps" - deps_dir="${HOME}/.cache/deps" cache: pip: true directories: - ${HOME}/.cache/deps before_install: - source tools/test/travis-ci/functions.sh - set_status "pending" "Test started." after_success: - set_status "success" "Success!" after_failure: - set_status "failure" "Test failed." matrix: include: ### Basic Tests ### - &basic-vm stage: "Basic" name: "file attributes" env: NAME=gitattributestest script: - git diff --exit-code - <<: *basic-vm name: "license check" env: NAME=licence_check language: python python: 3.6.8 # scancode-toolkit v3.1.1 requires v3.6.8 install: # workaround for https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/issues/13322 - pip install pdfminer.six==20200517 - pip install scancode-toolkit==3.1.1 before_script: - mkdir -p SCANCODE # Fetch remaining information needed for branch comparison - git fetch --all --unshallow --tags - git fetch origin "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" script: # scancode does not support list of files, only one file or directory # we use SCANCODE directory for all changed files (their copies with full tree) - >- git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d FETCH_HEAD..HEAD \ | ( grep '.\(c\|cpp\|h\|hpp\|py\)$' || true ) \ | ( grep -v '^tools/test/toolchains/api_test.py' || true ) \ | while read file; do cp --parents "${file}" SCANCODE; done - scancode -l --json-pp scancode.json SCANCODE - python ./tools/test/travis-ci/scancode-evaluate.py -f scancode.json || true after_success: - python ./tools/test/travis-ci/scancode-evaluate.py -f scancode.json - cat scancode-evaluate.log - COUNT=$(cat scancode-evaluate.log | grep 'File:' | wc -l) - | if [ $COUNT == 0 ]; then echo "License check OK"; STATUSM="All licenses OK"; set_status "success" "$STATUSM"; else echo "License check failed, please review license issues found"; STATUSM="Needs review, ${COUNT} license issues found"; set_status "success" "$STATUSM"; fi - <<: *basic-vm name: "include check" env: NAME=include_check script: - | ! git grep '^#include\s["'"']mbed.h['"'"]$' -- '*.c' '*.h' '*.cpp' '*.hpp' \ ':!*platform_mbed.h' ':!*TESTS/*' ':!TEST_APPS/' ':!UNITTESTS/' \ ':!*tests/*' ':!*targets/*' ':!*TARGET_*' ':!*unsupported/*' \ ':!*events/tests/*' ':!*drivers/tests/*' ### Docs Tests ### - &docs-vm stage: "Docs" name: "astyle" env: NAME=astyle install: - >- curl -L0 https://mbed-os.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/builds/deps/astyle_3.1_linux.tar.gz --output astyle.tar.gz; mkdir -p BUILD && tar xf astyle.tar.gz -C BUILD; cd BUILD/astyle/build/gcc; make; export PATH="${PWD}/bin:${PATH}"; cd - - astyle --version # Fetch remaining information needed for branch comparison - git fetch --all --unshallow --tags - git fetch origin "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" script: - >- git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d FETCH_HEAD..HEAD \ | ( grep '.*\.\(c\|cpp\|h\|hpp\)$' || true ) \ | ( grep -v -f .astyleignore || true ) \ | while read file; do astyle -n --options=.astylerc "${file}"; done - git diff --exit-code --diff-filter=d --color - <<: *docs-vm name: "spellcheck" env: NAME=doxy-spellcheck install: - source_pkg aspell script: - ./tools/test/travis-ci/doxy-spellchecker/spell.sh drivers - ./tools/test/travis-ci/doxy-spellchecker/spell.sh platform - ./tools/test/travis-ci/doxy-spellchecker/spell.sh events - ./tools/test/travis-ci/doxy-spellchecker/spell.sh rtos - ./tools/test/travis-ci/doxy-spellchecker/spell.sh connectivity/netsocket - <<: *docs-vm name: "doxygen" env: NAME=docs install: # Build doxygen - > (git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch Release_1_8_14 https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen; cd doxygen; mkdir build; cd build; cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..; make; sudo make install) # Create BUILD directory for tests - mkdir BUILD script: # Assert that the Doxygen build produced no warnings. # The strange command below asserts that the Doxygen command had an # output of zero length - doxygen doxyfile_options 2>&1 # Once Mbed OS has been fixed, enable the full test by replacing the top line with this: # - ( ! doxygen doxyfile_options 2>&1 | grep . ) # Assert that all binary libraries are named correctly # The strange command below asserts that there are exactly 0 libraries # that do not start with lib - > find "(" -name "*.a" -or -name "*.ar" ")" -and -not -name "lib*" | tee BUILD/badlibs | sed -e "s/^/Bad library name found: /" && [ ! -s BUILD/badlibs ] # Assert that all assebler files are named correctly # The strange command below asserts that there are exactly 0 libraries # that do end with .s - > find -name "*.s" | tee BUILD/badasm | sed -e "s/^/Bad Assembler file name found: /" && [ ! -s BUILD/badasm ] ### Python Tests ### - &pytools-vm stage: "Pytest" name: "tools-py27" env: NAME=tools-py2.7 language: python python: 2.7 install: # Install gcc - source_pkg gcc - arm-none-eabi-gcc --version # Install additional python modules - python --version - |- tr -d ' ' >> requirements.txt <<< " mock==2.0.0 pytest==3.3.0 pylint>=1.9,<2 hypothesis>=3,<4 coverage>=4.5,<5 " - python -m pip install --upgrade pip==18.1 - python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools==40.4.3 - pip install -r requirements.txt - pip list --verbose script: # Run local testing on tools - PYTHONPATH=. coverage run -a -m pytest tools/test - python tools/test/pylint.py - coverage run -a tools/project.py -S | sed -n '/^Total/p' - coverage html - <<: *pytools-vm name: "tools-py35" env: NAME=tools-py3.5 python: 3.5 - <<: *pytools-vm name: "tools-py36" env: NAME=tools-py3.6 python: 3.6 - <<: *pytools-vm name: "tools-py37" env: NAME=tools-py3.7 python: 3.7 ### Extended Tests ### - &extended-vm stage: "Extended" name: "events" env: NAME=events EVENTS=events language: python python: 3.7 install: # Install gcc - source_pkg gcc - arm-none-eabi-gcc --version # Install python modules - python -m pip install --upgrade pip==18.1 - python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools==40.4.3 - pip install -r requirements.txt - pip list --verbose script: # Check that example compiles - sed -n '/``` cpp/,/```/{/```$/Q;/```/d;p;}' ${EVENTS}/README.md > main.cpp - python tools/make.py -t GCC_ARM -m K64F --source=. --build=BUILD/K64F/GCC_ARM -j0 # Check that example compiles without rtos - sed -n '/``` cpp/,/```/{/```$/Q;/```/d;p;}' ${EVENTS}/README.md > main.cpp - | rm -r rtos/source/TARGET_CORTEX drivers/source/usb connectivity/cellular connectivity/drivers/cellular \ connectivity/libraries/ppp connectivity/netsocket features/nanostack connectivity/lwipstack features/frameworks/greentea-client \ features/frameworks/utest features/frameworks/unity components BUILD - python tools/make.py -t GCC_ARM -m NUCLEO_F103RB --source=. --build=BUILD/NUCLEO_F103RB/GCC_ARM -j0 # Run profiling tests - make -C ${EVENTS}/tests/unit prof | tee prof after_success: # Update status, comparing with master if possible. - | CURR=$(grep -o '[0-9]\+ cycles' prof | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}') PREV=$(curl -u "${MBED_BOT}" https://api.github.com/repos/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/status/master \ | jq -re "select(.sha != \"${TRAVIS_COMMIT}\") | .statuses[] | select(.context == \"travis-ci/${NAME}\").description | capture(\"runtime is (?[0-9]+)\").runtime" \ || echo 0) delta="" [ "${PREV}" -ne 0 ] && delta="($(printf "%+d" "$(( ${CURR} - ${PREV} ))" cycles)" set_status "success" "Success! Runtime is ${CURR} cycles. ${delta}" - <<: *extended-vm name: "littlefs" env: NAME=littlefs LITTLEFS=storage/filesystem/littlefs install: # Install gcc - source_pkg gcc - arm-none-eabi-gcc --version # Install python modules - python -m pip install --upgrade pip==18.1 - python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools==40.4.3 - pip install -r requirements.txt - pip list --verbose # Install test-specific packages - source_pkg fuse - source_pkg libfuse-dev - fusermount --version before_script: # Setup and patch littlefs-fuse - git clone https://github.com/armmbed/littlefs-fuse littlefs_fuse - git -C littlefs_fuse checkout 3f1ed6e37799e49e3710830dc6abb926d5503cf2 - echo '*' > littlefs_fuse/.mbedignore - rm -rf littlefs_fuse/littlefs/* - cp -r $(git ls-tree --name-only HEAD ${LITTLEFS}/littlefs/) littlefs_fuse/littlefs # Create file-backed disk - mkdir MOUNT - sudo chmod a+rw /dev/loop0 - dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 count=2048 of=DISK - losetup /dev/loop0 DISK - CFLAGS="-Werror -Wno-format" script: # Check that example compiles - export CFLAGS="-Werror -Wno-format" - sed -n '/``` c++/,/```/{/```/d;p;}' ${LITTLEFS}/README.md > main.cpp - python tools/make.py -t GCC_ARM -m K82F --source=. --build=BUILD/K82F/GCC_ARM -j0 # Run local littlefs tests - make -C${LITTLEFS}/littlefs test QUIET=1 # Run local littlefs tests with set of variations - make -C${LITTLEFS}/littlefs test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=64 -DLFS_PROG_SIZE=64" - make -C${LITTLEFS}/littlefs test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=1 -DLFS_PROG_SIZE=1" - make -C${LITTLEFS}/littlefs test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_READ_SIZE=512 -DLFS_PROG_SIZE=512" - make -C${LITTLEFS}/littlefs test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_BLOCK_COUNT=1023 -DLFS_LOOKAHEAD=2048" - make -C${LITTLEFS}/littlefs clean test QUIET=1 CFLAGS+="-DLFS_NO_INTRINSICS" # Self-hosting littlefs fuzz test with littlefs-fuse - make -Clittlefs_fuse - littlefs_fuse/lfs --format /dev/loop0 - littlefs_fuse/lfs /dev/loop0 MOUNT - ls MOUNT - mkdir MOUNT/littlefs - cp -r $(git ls-tree --name-only HEAD ${LITTLEFS}/littlefs/) MOUNT/littlefs - ls MOUNT/littlefs - CFLAGS="-Wno-format" make -CMOUNT/littlefs -B test_dirs test_files QUIET=1 # Compile and find the code size with smallest configuration - cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/${LITTLEFS}/littlefs - make clean size CC='arm-none-eabi-gcc -mthumb' OBJ="$(ls lfs*.o | tr '\n' ' ')" CFLAGS+="-DLFS_NO_ASSERT -DLFS_NO_DEBUG -DLFS_NO_WARN -DLFS_NO_ERROR" | tee sizes after_success: # Update status, comparing with master if possible. - | CURR=$(tail -n1 sizes | awk '{print $1}') PREV=$(curl -u "${MBED_BOT}" https://api.github.com/repos/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/status/master \ | jq -re "select(.sha != \"${TRAVIS_COMMIT}\") | .statuses[] | select(.context == \"travis-ci/${NAME}\").description | capture(\"code size is (?[0-9]+)\").size" \ || echo 0) delta="" [ "${PREV}" -ne 0 ] && delta="($(printf "%+0.2f%%" "$(<<< "100 * ((${CURR} - ${PREV})/${PREV})" bc -l)"))" set_status "success" "Success! Code size is ${CURR}B. ${delta}"