""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2014 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Author: Przemyslaw Wirkus """ import re import MySQLdb as mdb # Imports from TEST API from workspace_tools.test_api import BaseDBAccess class MySQLDBAccess(BaseDBAccess): """ Wrapper for MySQL DB access for common test suite interface """ def __init__(self): BaseDBAccess.__init__(self) def parse_db_connection_string(self, str): """ Parsing SQL DB connection string. String should contain: - DB Name, user name, password, URL (DB host), name Function should return tuple with parsed (host, user, passwd, db) or None if error E.g. connection string: 'mysql://username:password@' """ result = BaseDBAccess.parse_db_connection_string(str) if result is not None and result[0] != 'mysql': result = None return result def is_connected(self): """ Returns True if we are connected to database """ return self.db_object is not None def connect(self, host, user, passwd, db): """ Connects to DB and returns DB object """ try: self.db_object = mdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db) except mdb.Error, e: print "Error %d: %s"% (e.args[0], e.args[1]) self.db_object = None def disconnect(self): """ Close DB connection """ if self.db_object: self.db_object.close() def escape_string(self, str): """ Escapes string so it can be put in SQL query between quotes """ con = self.db_object result = con.escape_string(str) return result if result else '' def select_all(self, query): """ Execute SELECT query and get all results """ con = self.db_object cur = con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor) cur.execute(query) rows = cur.fetchall() return rows def insert(self, query, commit=True): """ Execute INSERT query, define if you want to commit """ con = self.db_object cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(query) if commit: con.commit() return cur.lastrowid def get_next_build_id(self, name, desc=''): """ Insert new build_id (DB unique build like ID number to send all test results) """ query = """INSERT INTO `%s` (%s_name, %s_desc) VALUES ('%s', '%s')"""% (self.TABLE_BUILD_ID, self.TABLE_BUILD_ID, self.TABLE_BUILD_ID, self.escape_string(name), self.escape_string(desc)) index = self.insert(query) # Provide inserted record PK return index def get_table_entry_pk(self, table, column, value, update_db=True): """ Checks for entries in tables with two columns (_pk, ) If update_db is True updates table entry if value in specified column doesn't exist """ # TODO: table buffering result = None table_pk = '%s_pk'% table query = """SELECT `%s` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s`='%s'"""% (table_pk, table, column, self.escape_string(value)) rows = self.select_all(query) if len(rows) == 1: result = rows[0][table_pk] elif len(rows) == 0 and update_db: # Update DB with new value result = self.update_table_entry(table, column, value) return result def update_table_entry(self, table, column, value): """ Updates table entry if value in specified column doesn't exist Locks table to perform atomic read + update """ result = None con = self.db_object cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("LOCK TABLES `%s` WRITE"% table) table_pk = '%s_pk'% table query = """SELECT `%s` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s`='%s'"""% (table_pk, table, column, self.escape_string(value)) cur.execute(query) rows = cur.fetchall() if len(rows) == 0: query = """INSERT INTO `%s` (%s) VALUES ('%s')"""% (table, column, self.escape_string(value)) cur.execute(query) result = cur.lastrowid con.commit() cur.execute("UNLOCK TABLES") return result def insert_test_entry(self, next_build_id, target, toolchain, test_type, test_id, test_result, test_time, test_timeout, test_loop, test_extra=''): """ Inserts test result entry to database. All checks regarding existing toolchain names in DB are performed. If some data is missing DB will be updated """ # Get all table FK and if entry is new try to insert new value target_fk = self.get_table_entry_pk(self.TABLE_TARGET, self.TABLE_TARGET + '_name', target) toolchain_fk = self.get_table_entry_pk(self.TABLE_TOOLCHAIN, self.TABLE_TOOLCHAIN + '_name', toolchain) test_type_fk = self.get_table_entry_pk(self.TABLE_TEST_TYPE, self.TABLE_TEST_TYPE + '_name', test_type) test_id_fk = self.get_table_entry_pk(self.TABLE_TEST_ID, self.TABLE_TEST_ID + '_name', test_id) test_result_fk = self.get_table_entry_pk(self.TABLE_TEST_RESULT, self.TABLE_TEST_RESULT + '_name', test_result) con = self.db_object cur = con.cursor() query = """ INSERT INTO `%s` (`mtest_build_id_fk`, `mtest_target_fk`, `mtest_toolchain_fk`, `mtest_test_type_fk`, `mtest_test_id_fk`, `mtest_test_result_fk`, `mtest_test_time`, `mtest_test_timeout`, `mtest_test_loop_no`, `mtest_test_result_extra`) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %.2f, %.2f, %d, '%s')"""% (self.TABLE_TEST_ENTRY, next_build_id, target_fk, toolchain_fk, test_type_fk, test_id_fk, test_result_fk, test_time, test_timeout, test_loop, self.escape_string(test_extra)) cur.execute(query) con.commit()