/**************************************************************************//** * @file adc.c * @version V1.00 * $Revision: 13 $ * $Date: 14/05/29 1:13p $ * @brief NUC472/NUC442 ADC driver source file * * @note * Copyright (C) 2013 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved. *****************************************************************************/ #include "NUC472_442.h" /** @addtogroup NUC472_442_Device_Driver NUC472/NUC442 Device Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup NUC472_442_ADC_Driver ADC Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup NUC472_442_ADC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS ADC Exported Functions @{ */ /** * @brief This API configures ADC module to be ready for convert the input from selected channel * @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module * @param[in] u32InputMode Input mode (single-end/differential). Valid values are: * - \ref ADC_INPUT_MODE_SINGLE_END * - \ref ADC_INPUT_MODE_DIFFERENTIAL * @param[in] u32OpMode Operation mode (single/single cycle/continuous). Valid values are: * - \ref ADC_OPERATION_MODE_SINGLE * - \ref ADC_OPERATION_MODE_SINGLE_CYCLE * - \ref ADC_OPERATION_MODE_CONTINUOUS * @param[in] u32ChMask Channel enable bit. Valid values are: * - \ref ADC_CH_0_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_1_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_2_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_3_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_4_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_5_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_6_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_7_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_8_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_9_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_10_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_11_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_TS_MASK * - \ref ADC_CH_BG_MASK * @return None * @note This API does not turn on ADC power nor does trigger ADC conversion */ void ADC_Open(ADC_T *adc, uint32_t u32InputMode, uint32_t u32OpMode, uint32_t u32ChMask) { ADC->CTL |= u32InputMode; ADC->CTL |= u32OpMode; ADC->CHEN = (ADC->CHEN & ~(ADC_CHEN_CHEN_Msk | ADC_CHEN_ADBGEN_Msk | ADC_CHEN_ADTSEN_Msk)) | u32ChMask; return; } /** * @brief Disable ADC module * @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module * @return None */ void ADC_Close(ADC_T *adc) { SYS->IPRST1 |= SYS_IPRST1_ADCRST_Msk; SYS->IPRST1 &= ~SYS_IPRST1_ADCRST_Msk; return; } /** * @brief Configure the hardware trigger condition and enable hardware trigger * @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module * @param[in] u32Source Decides the hardware trigger source. Valid values are: * - \ref ADC_TRIGGER_BY_EXT_PIN * - \ref ADC_TRIGGER_BY_PWM * @param[in] u32Param While ADC trigger by PWM, this parameter is used to set the delay between PWM * trigger and ADC conversion. Valid values are from 0 ~ 0xFF, and actual delay * time is (4 * u32Param * HCLK). While ADC trigger by external pin, this parameter * is used to set trigger condition. Valid values are: * - \ref ADC_LOW_LEVEL_TRIGGER * - \ref ADC_HIGH_LEVEL_TRIGGER * - \ref ADC_FALLING_EDGE_TRIGGER * - \ref ADC_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER * @return None */ void ADC_EnableHWTrigger(ADC_T *adc, uint32_t u32Source, uint32_t u32Param) { ADC->CTL &= ~(ADC_TRIGGER_BY_PWM | ADC_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER | ADC_CTL_HWTRGEN_Msk); if(u32Source == ADC_TRIGGER_BY_EXT_PIN) { ADC->CTL &= ~(ADC_CTL_HWTRGSEL_Msk | ADC_CTL_HWTRGCOND_Msk); ADC->CTL |= u32Source | u32Param | ADC_CTL_HWTRGEN_Msk; } else { ADC->CTL &= ~(ADC_CTL_HWTRGSEL_Msk | ADC_CTL_PWMTRGDLY_Msk); ADC->CTL |= u32Source | (u32Param << ADC_CTL_PWMTRGDLY_Pos) | ADC_CTL_HWTRGEN_Msk; } return; } /** * @brief Disable hardware trigger ADC function. * @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module * @return None */ void ADC_DisableHWTrigger(ADC_T *adc) { ADC->CTL &= ~(ADC_TRIGGER_BY_PWM | ADC_RISING_EDGE_TRIGGER | ADC_CTL_HWTRGEN_Msk); return; } /** * @brief Enable the interrupt(s) selected by u32Mask parameter. * @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module * @param[in] u32Mask The combination of interrupt status bits listed below. Each bit * corresponds to a interrupt status. This parameter decides which * interrupts will be enabled. * - \ref ADC_ADF_INT * - \ref ADC_CMP0_INT * - \ref ADC_CMP1_INT * @return None */ void ADC_EnableInt(ADC_T *adc, uint32_t u32Mask) { if(u32Mask & ADC_ADF_INT) ADC->CTL |= ADC_CTL_ADCIEN_Msk; if(u32Mask & ADC_CMP0_INT) ADC->CMP[0] |= ADC_CMP0_ADCMPIE_Msk; if(u32Mask & ADC_CMP1_INT) ADC->CMP[1] |= ADC_CMP1_ADCMPIE_Msk; return; } /** * @brief Disable the interrupt(s) selected by u32Mask parameter. * @param[in] adc Base address of ADC module * @param[in] u32Mask The combination of interrupt status bits listed below. Each bit * corresponds to a interrupt status. This parameter decides which * interrupts will be disabled. * - \ref ADC_ADF_INT * - \ref ADC_CMP0_INT * - \ref ADC_CMP1_INT * @return None */ void ADC_DisableInt(ADC_T *adc, uint32_t u32Mask) { if(u32Mask & ADC_ADF_INT) ADC->CTL &= ~ADC_CTL_ADCIEN_Msk; if(u32Mask & ADC_CMP0_INT) ADC->CMP[0] &= ~ADC_CMP0_ADCMPIE_Msk; if(u32Mask & ADC_CMP1_INT) ADC->CMP[1] &= ~ADC_CMP1_ADCMPIE_Msk; return; } /*@}*/ /* end of group NUC472_442_ADC_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */ /*@}*/ /* end of group NUC472_442_ADC_Driver */ /*@}*/ /* end of group NUC472_442_Device_Driver */ /*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2013 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/