from xdg.BaseDirectory import save_data_path from pycurl import Curl from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from os.path import join, dirname from os import makedirs from errno import EEXIST from threading import Thread from Queue import Queue from re import compile, sub RootPackURL = "" class Cacher (Thread) : def __init__(self, queue, silent, func) : Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.curl = Curl() self.curl.setopt(self.curl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True) self.silent = silent self.func = func def run(self) : while True : url = self.queue.get() self.func(self.curl, url, self.silent) self.queue.task_done() protocol_matcher = compile("\w*://") def strip_protocol(url) : return sub(protocol_matcher, "", url) def cache_file (curl, url, silent=False) : if not silent : print("Caching {}...".format(url)) dest = join(save_data_path('arm-pack-manager'), strip_protocol(url)) try : makedirs(dirname(dest)) except OSError as exc : if exc.errno == EEXIST : pass else : raise with open(dest, "wb+") as fd : curl.setopt(curl.URL, url) curl.setopt(curl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True) curl.setopt(curl.WRITEDATA, fd) curl.setopt(curl.TIMEOUT, 5) try : curl.perform() except Exception: pass def largest_version(content) : return sorted([t['version'] for t in content.package.releases('release')], reverse=True)[0] def cache_pdsc_and_pack (curl, url, silent=False) : content = cache_and_parse(url) try : new_url = content.package.url.get_text() if not new_url.endswith("/") : new_url = new_url + "/" cache_file(curl, new_url + content.package.vendor.get_text() + "." + content.package.find('name').get_text() + "." + largest_version(content) + ".pack", silent) except AttributeError : print("[WARNING] {} does not appear to be a conforming .pdsc file".format(url)) def do_queue(function, interable, silent=False) : q = Queue() threads = [Cacher(q, silent, function) for each in range(10)] for each in threads : each.setDaemon(True) each.start() for thing in interable : q.put(thing) q.join() def cache_everything(silent=False) : urls = [join(pdsc.get('url'), pdsc.get('name')) for pdsc in cache_and_parse(RootPackURL,silent).find_all("pdsc")] do_queue(cache_pdsc_and_pack, urls, silent) def pull_from_cache(url) : dest = join(save_data_path('arm-pack-manager'), strip_protocol(url)) with open(dest, "r") as fd : return BeautifulSoup(fd, "html.parser") def gen_dict_from_cache() : pdsc_files = pull_from_cache(RootPackUrl) def cache_and_parse(url, silent=False) : cache_file(Curl(), url, silent) return pull_from_cache(url) if __name__ == "__main__" : cache_everything()