from os.path import join, exists, basename from shutil import copyfile, rmtree from copy import copy import json from types import ListType from workspace_tools.utils import mkdir from workspace_tools.toolchains import TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES, Resources """ src_path: the path of the source directory build_path: the path of the build directory target: ['LPC1768', 'LPC11U24', 'LPC2368'] toolchain: ['ARM', 'uARM', 'GCC_ARM', 'GCC_CS', 'GCC_CR'] library_paths: List of paths to additional libraries clean: Rebuild everything if True notify: Notify function for logs verbose: Write the actual tools command lines if True """ def build_library(src_paths, build_path, target, toolchain_name, libraries_paths=None, name=None, clean=False, notify=None, verbose=False): if type(src_paths) != ListType: src_paths = [src_paths] for src_path in src_paths: if not exists(src_path): raise Exception("The library source folder does not exist: %s", src_path) # Toolchain instance toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name](target, notify) toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose toolchain.build_all = clean # Options # By convention the first path should contain the build configuration main_src = src_paths[0] options_file = join(main_src, 'options.json') if exists(options_file): try: options = json.load(open(options_file)) except Exception, e: raise Exception("Error parsing option file: %s\n\t%s" % (options_file, e)) else: options = {} toolchain.set_options(options) # Library name can be set by: function parameter, option file, or directory name (in that order) if name is None: if 'lib_name' in options: name = options['lib_name'] else: name = basename(main_src)"\n>>> BUILD LIBRARY %s (%s, %s)" % (name.upper(),, toolchain_name)) # Scan Resources resources = [] for src_path in src_paths: resources.append(toolchain.scan_resources(src_path)) # Just for the include paths lib_resources = Resources() if libraries_paths is not None: for path in libraries_paths: lib_resources.add(toolchain.scan_resources(path)) # Create the desired build directory structure bin_path = join(build_path, toolchain.obj_path) mkdir(bin_path) tmp_path = join(build_path, '.temp', toolchain.obj_path) mkdir(tmp_path) # Copy Files for resource in resources: files_to_be_copied = resource.headers if resource.linker_script is not None: # Linker script files_to_be_copied.append(resource.linker_script) toolchain.copy_files(resource.base_path, build_path, files_to_be_copied) # Compile sources objects = [] for resource in resources: objects.extend(toolchain.compile_sources(resource, tmp_path, lib_resources.inc_dirs)) # Same objects need to remain stand alone if 'objects' in options: for object in copy(objects): filename = basename(object) if filename in options['objects']: objects.remove(object) target = join(bin_path, filename) if toolchain.need_update(target, [object]):"Copy: %s" % filename) copyfile(object, target) # Archive objects in a library if objects: toolchain.build_library(objects, bin_path, name) def build_project(src_path, build_path, target, toolchain_name, libraries_paths=None, clean=False, notify=None, verbose=False, name=None): # Toolchain instance toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[toolchain_name](target, notify) toolchain.VERBOSE = verbose toolchain.build_all = clean if name is None: name = basename(src_path)"\n>>> BUILD PROJECT: %s (%s, %s)" % (name.upper(),, toolchain_name)) # Scan src_path and libraries_paths for resources resources = toolchain.scan_resources(src_path) if libraries_paths is not None: for path in libraries_paths: resources.add(toolchain.scan_resources(path)) # Build Directory if clean: if exists(build_path): rmtree(build_path) mkdir(build_path) # Build Program return toolchain.build_program(resources, build_path, name) # Core mbed libraries from workspace_tools.libraries import Library def build_lib(lib_id, target, toolchain, verbose=False): lib = Library(lib_id) if lib.is_supported(target, toolchain): build_library(lib.source_dir, lib.build_dir, target, toolchain, lib.dependencies,, verbose=verbose) else: print '\n\nLibrary "%s" is not yet supported on target %s with toolchain %s' % (lib_id,, toolchain) def build_mbed_libs(target, toolchain, verbose=False): for lib_name in ["%s_cmsis" % target.vendor, "%s_mbed" % target.vendor]: build_lib(lib_name, target, toolchain, verbose=verbose)