/* mbed Microcontroller Library * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 ARM Limited * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ospi_test_utils.h" #include "utest/utest.h" #include "hal/ospi_api.h" #include "hal/us_ticker_api.h" #include "unity/unity.h" #include // for memset #include "flash_configs/flash_configs.h" #include "mbed.h" static ospi_status_t extended_enable(Ospi &ospi); static ospi_status_t extended_disable(Ospi &ospi); static ospi_status_t dual_enable(Ospi &ospi); static ospi_status_t dual_disable(Ospi &ospi); static ospi_status_t quad_enable(Ospi &ospi); static ospi_status_t quad_disable(Ospi &ospi); static ospi_status_t octa_enable(Ospi &ospi); static ospi_status_t octa_disable(Ospi &ospi); static ospi_status_t octa_dtr_enable(Ospi &ospi); static ospi_status_t octa_dtr_disable(Ospi &ospi); void OspiCommand::configure(ospi_bus_width_t inst_width, ospi_bus_width_t addr_width, ospi_bus_width_t data_width, ospi_bus_width_t alt_width, ospi_address_size_t addr_size, ospi_alt_size_t alt_size, int dummy_cycles) { memset(&_cmd, 0, sizeof(ospi_command_t)); _cmd.instruction.disabled = _cmd.address.disabled = _cmd.alt.disabled = true; _cmd.instruction.bus_width = inst_width; _cmd.address.bus_width = addr_width; _cmd.address.size = addr_size; _cmd.alt.bus_width = alt_width; _cmd.alt.size = alt_size; _cmd.data.bus_width = data_width; _cmd.dummy_count = dummy_cycles; } void OspiCommand::set_dummy_cycles(int dummy_cycles) { _cmd.dummy_count = dummy_cycles; } void OspiCommand::build(int instruction, int address, int alt) { _cmd.instruction.disabled = (instruction == -1); if (!_cmd.instruction.disabled) { _cmd.instruction.value = instruction; } _cmd.address.disabled = (address == OSPI_NONE); if (!_cmd.address.disabled) { _cmd.address.value = address; } _cmd.alt.disabled = (alt == OSPI_NONE); if (!_cmd.alt.disabled) { _cmd.alt.value = alt; } if ((_cmd.instruction.bus_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_OCTA) || (_cmd.instruction.bus_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_OCTA_DTR)) { if (instruction == STATUS_REG) { _cmd.address.disabled = 0; _cmd.address.value = 0; _cmd.dummy_count = 4; } else if (instruction == OSPI_CMD_RDCR2) { _cmd.dummy_count = 4; } else if ((instruction == OSPI_CMD_READ_OPI) || (instruction == OSPI_CMD_READ_DOPI)) { _cmd.dummy_count = 20; } else { _cmd.dummy_count = 0; } } } ospi_command_t *OspiCommand::get() { return &_cmd; } ospi_status_t read_register(uint32_t cmd, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size, Ospi &q) { q.cmd.build(cmd); return ospi_command_transfer(&q.handle, q.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, buf, size); } ospi_status_t write_register(uint32_t cmd, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size, Ospi &q) { q.cmd.build(cmd); return ospi_command_transfer(&q.handle, q.cmd.get(), buf, size, NULL, 0); } ospi_status_t read_config_register_2(uint32_t cmd, uint32_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size, Ospi &q) { q.cmd.build(cmd, addr); return ospi_command_transfer(&q.handle, q.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, buf, size); } ospi_status_t write_config_register_2(uint32_t cmd, uint32_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size, Ospi &q) { q.cmd.build(cmd, addr); return ospi_command_transfer(&q.handle, q.cmd.get(), buf, size, NULL, 0); } OspiStatus flash_wait_for(uint32_t time_us, Ospi &ospi) { uint8_t reg[OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE]; ospi_status_t ret; uint32_t curr_time; const ticker_data_t *const ticker = get_us_ticker_data(); const uint32_t start = ticker_read(ticker); memset(reg, 255, OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE); do { ret = read_register(STATUS_REG, reg, OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE, ospi); curr_time = ticker_read(ticker); } while (((reg[0] & STATUS_BIT_WIP) != 0) && ((curr_time - start) < time_us)); if (((reg[0] & STATUS_BIT_WIP) == 0) && (ret == OSPI_STATUS_OK)) { return sOK; } else if (ret != OSPI_STATUS_OK) { return sError; } else if ((curr_time - start) >= time_us) { return sTimeout; } return sUnknown; } void flash_init(Ospi &ospi) { uint8_t status[OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE]; ospi_status_t ret; ospi.cmd.build(OSPI_CMD_RDSR); ret = ospi_command_transfer(&ospi.handle, ospi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, status, OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(OSPI_STATUS_OK, ret); // Only do reset enable if device needs it if (OSPI_CMD_RSTEN != 0) { ospi.cmd.build(OSPI_CMD_RSTEN); ret = ospi_command_transfer(&ospi.handle, ospi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(OSPI_STATUS_OK, ret); WAIT_FOR(WRSR_MAX_TIME, ospi); } ospi.cmd.build(OSPI_CMD_RST); ret = ospi_command_transfer(&ospi.handle, ospi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(OSPI_STATUS_OK, ret); WAIT_FOR(WAIT_MAX_TIME, ospi); // Zero out status register to attempt to clear block protection bits uint8_t blanks[OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE] = {0}; ospi.cmd.build(OSPI_CMD_WREN); ret = ospi_command_transfer(&ospi.handle, ospi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(OSPI_STATUS_OK, ret); ospi.cmd.build(OSPI_CMD_WRSR); ret = ospi_command_transfer(&ospi.handle, ospi.cmd.get(), blanks, 1, NULL, 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(OSPI_STATUS_OK, ret); WAIT_FOR(WRSR_MAX_TIME, ospi); } ospi_status_t write_enable(Ospi &ospi) { uint8_t reg[OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE]; ospi.cmd.build(OSPI_CMD_WREN); if (ospi_command_transfer(&ospi.handle, ospi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0) != OSPI_STATUS_OK) { return OSPI_STATUS_ERROR; } WAIT_FOR(WRSR_MAX_TIME, ospi); memset(reg, 0, OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE); if (read_register(STATUS_REG, reg, OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE, ospi) != OSPI_STATUS_OK) { return OSPI_STATUS_ERROR; } return ((reg[0] & STATUS_BIT_WEL) != 0 ? OSPI_STATUS_OK : OSPI_STATUS_ERROR); } ospi_status_t write_disable(Ospi &ospi) { uint8_t reg[OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE]; ospi.cmd.build(OSPI_CMD_WRDI); if (ospi_command_transfer(&ospi.handle, ospi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0) != OSPI_STATUS_OK) { return OSPI_STATUS_ERROR; } WAIT_FOR(WRSR_MAX_TIME, ospi); memset(reg, 0, OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE); if (read_register(STATUS_REG, reg, OSPI_STATUS_REG_SIZE, ospi) != OSPI_STATUS_OK) { return OSPI_STATUS_ERROR; } return ((reg[0] & STATUS_BIT_WEL) == 0 ? OSPI_STATUS_OK : OSPI_STATUS_ERROR); } void log_register(uint32_t cmd, uint32_t reg_size, Ospi &ospi, const char *str) { ospi_status_t ret; static uint8_t reg[OSPI_MAX_REG_SIZE]; ret = read_register(cmd, reg, reg_size, ospi); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(OSPI_STATUS_OK, ret); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < reg_size; j++) { utest_printf("%s byte %u (MSB first): ", str != NULL ? str : "", j); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { utest_printf("%s ", ((reg[j] & (1 << (7 - i))) & 0xFF) == 0 ? "0" : "1"); } utest_printf("\r\n"); } } ospi_status_t erase(uint32_t erase_cmd, uint32_t flash_addr, Ospi &ospi) { ospi.cmd.build(erase_cmd, flash_addr); return ospi_command_transfer(&ospi.handle, ospi.cmd.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); } ospi_status_t mode_enable(Ospi &ospi, ospi_bus_width_t inst_width, ospi_bus_width_t addr_width, ospi_bus_width_t data_width) { if (is_extended_mode(inst_width, addr_width, data_width)) { return extended_enable(ospi); } else if (is_dual_mode(inst_width, addr_width, data_width)) { return dual_enable(ospi); } else if (is_quad_mode(inst_width, addr_width, data_width)) { return quad_enable(ospi); } else if (is_octa_mode(inst_width, addr_width, data_width)) { return octa_enable(ospi); } else if (is_octa_dtr_mode(inst_width, addr_width, data_width)) { return octa_dtr_enable(ospi); } else { return OSPI_STATUS_OK; } } ospi_status_t mode_disable(Ospi &ospi, ospi_bus_width_t inst_width, ospi_bus_width_t addr_width, ospi_bus_width_t data_width) { if (is_extended_mode(inst_width, addr_width, data_width)) { return extended_disable(ospi); } else if (is_dual_mode(inst_width, addr_width, data_width)) { return dual_disable(ospi); } else if (is_quad_mode(inst_width, addr_width, data_width)) { return quad_disable(ospi); } else if (is_octa_mode(inst_width, addr_width, data_width)) { return octa_disable(ospi); } else if (is_octa_dtr_mode(inst_width, addr_width, data_width)) { return octa_dtr_disable(ospi); } else { return OSPI_STATUS_OK; } } static ospi_status_t extended_enable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef EXTENDED_SPI_ENABLE EXTENDED_SPI_ENABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } static ospi_status_t extended_disable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef EXTENDED_SPI_DISABLE EXTENDED_SPI_DISABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } static ospi_status_t dual_enable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef DUAL_ENABLE DUAL_ENABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } static ospi_status_t dual_disable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef DUAL_DISABLE DUAL_DISABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } static ospi_status_t quad_enable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef QUAD_ENABLE QUAD_ENABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } static ospi_status_t quad_disable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef QUAD_DISABLE QUAD_DISABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } static ospi_status_t octa_enable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef OCTA_ENABLE OCTA_ENABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } static ospi_status_t octa_disable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef OCTA_DISABLE OCTA_DISABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } static ospi_status_t octa_dtr_enable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef OCTA_DTR_ENABLE OCTA_DTR_ENABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } static ospi_status_t octa_dtr_disable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef OCTA_DTR_DISABLE OCTA_DTR_DISABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } ospi_status_t fast_mode_enable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef FAST_MODE_ENABLE FAST_MODE_ENABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } ospi_status_t fast_mode_disable(Ospi &ospi) { #ifdef FAST_MODE_DISABLE FAST_MODE_DISABLE(); #else return OSPI_STATUS_OK; #endif } bool is_extended_mode(ospi_bus_width_t inst_width, ospi_bus_width_t addr_width, ospi_bus_width_t data_width) { return (inst_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE) && ((addr_width != OSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE) || (data_width != OSPI_CFG_BUS_SINGLE)); } bool is_dual_mode(ospi_bus_width_t inst_width, ospi_bus_width_t addr_width, ospi_bus_width_t data_width) { return (inst_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_DUAL) && (addr_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_DUAL) && (data_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_DUAL); } bool is_quad_mode(ospi_bus_width_t inst_width, ospi_bus_width_t addr_width, ospi_bus_width_t data_width) { return (inst_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_QUAD) && (addr_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_QUAD) && (data_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_QUAD); } bool is_octa_mode(ospi_bus_width_t inst_width, ospi_bus_width_t addr_width, ospi_bus_width_t data_width) { return (inst_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_OCTA) && (addr_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_OCTA) && (data_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_OCTA); } bool is_octa_dtr_mode(ospi_bus_width_t inst_width, ospi_bus_width_t addr_width, ospi_bus_width_t data_width) { return (inst_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_OCTA_DTR) && (addr_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_OCTA_DTR) && (data_width == OSPI_CFG_BUS_OCTA_DTR); }