#!/usr/bin/env python """ Travis-CI build script mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import os import sys ################################################################################ # Configure builds here # "libs" can contain "dsp", "rtos", "eth", "usb_host", "usb", "ublox", "fat" build_list = ( { "target": "LPC1768", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "eth", "usb_host", "usb", "ublox", "fat"] }, { "target": "LPC2368", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["fat"] }, { "target": "LPC11U24", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "OC_MBUINO", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["fat"] }, { "target": "LPC11U24_301", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["fat"] }, { "target": "NUCLEO_F103RB", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["fat"] }, { "target": "NUCLEO_L053R8", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "fat"] }, { "target": "NUCLEO_L152RE", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "fat"] }, { "target": "NUCLEO_F030R8", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "fat"] }, { "target": "NUCLEO_F072RB", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "fat"] }, { "target": "NUCLEO_F302R8", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "fat"] }, { "target": "NUCLEO_F334R8", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "NUCLEO_F401RE", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "NUCLEO_F411RE", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "MTS_MDOT_F405RG", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos"] }, # { "target": "DISCO_F407VG", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "DISCO_F334C8", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "LPC1114", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "LPC11U35_401", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "UBLOX_C027", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "LPC11U35_501", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "fat"] }, { "target": "LPC11U68", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "KL05Z", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "KL25Z", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "usb", "fat"] }, { "target": "KL43Z", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "usb", "fat"] }, { "target": "KL46Z", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "usb", "fat"] }, { "target": "K20D50M", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "fat"] }, { "target": "K64F", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "usb", "fat"] }, { "target": "LPC4088", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "usb", "fat"] }, { "target": "ARCH_PRO", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, { "target": "LPC1549", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "libs": ["dsp", "rtos", "fat"] }, ) ################################################################################ # Configure example test building (linking against external mbed SDK libraries liek fat or rtos) linking_list = [ {"target": "LPC1768", "toolchains": "GCC_ARM", "tests": {"" : ["MBED_2", "MBED_10", "MBED_11", "MBED_15", "MBED_16", "MBED_17"], "eth" : ["NET_1", "NET_2", "NET_3", "NET_4"], "fat" : ["MBED_A12", "MBED_19", "PERF_1", "PERF_2", "PERF_3"], "rtos" : ["RTOS_1", "RTOS_2", "RTOS_3"], "usb" : ["USB_1", "USB_2" ,"USB_3"], } } ] ################################################################################ # Driver def run_builds(dry_run): for build in build_list: toolchain_list = build["toolchains"] if type(toolchain_list) != type([]): toolchain_list = [toolchain_list] for toolchain in toolchain_list: cmdline = "python workspace_tools/build.py -m %s -t %s -j 4 -c --silent "% (build["target"], toolchain) libs = build.get("libs", []) if libs: cmdline = cmdline + " ".join(["--" + l for l in libs]) print "Executing: " + cmdline if not dry_run: if os.system(cmdline) != 0: sys.exit(1) def run_test_linking(dry_run): """ Function run make.py commands to build and link simple mbed SDK tests against few libraries to make sure there are no simple linking errors. """ for link in linking_list: toolchain_list = link["toolchains"] if type(toolchain_list) != type([]): toolchain_list = [toolchain_list] for toolchain in toolchain_list: tests = link["tests"] # Call make.py for each test group for particular library for test_lib in tests: test_names = tests[test_lib] test_lib_switch = "--" + test_lib if test_lib else "" cmdline = "python workspace_tools/make.py -m %s -t %s -c --silent %s -n %s " % (link["target"], toolchain, test_lib_switch, ",".join(test_names)) print "Executing: " + cmdline if not dry_run: if os.system(cmdline) != 0: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": run_builds("-s" in sys.argv) run_test_linking("-s" in sys.argv)