/* mbed Microcontroller Library * Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS #include #include #include "utest/utest.h" #include "unity/unity.h" #include "greentea-client/test_env.h" #include "mbed.h" #include "ticker_api.h" using namespace utest::v1; #define MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])) #define TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA_BITS(bits) ((uint64_t)(0x7 << ((bits) - 4))) #define TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA_BITS(32) struct ticker_interface_stub_t { ticker_interface_t interface; bool initialized; bool interrupt_flag; timestamp_t timestamp ; timestamp_t interrupt_timestamp; unsigned int init_call; unsigned int read_call; unsigned int disable_interrupt_call; unsigned int clear_interrupt_call; unsigned int set_interrupt_call; unsigned int fire_interrupt_call; unsigned int get_info_call; }; static ticker_interface_stub_t interface_stub = { 0 }; static ticker_info_t interface_info_stub = { 0 }; static void ticker_interface_stub_init() { ++interface_stub.init_call; interface_stub.initialized = true; } static uint32_t ticker_interface_stub_read() { ++interface_stub.read_call; return interface_stub.timestamp; } static void ticker_interface_stub_disable_interrupt() { ++interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call; } static void ticker_interface_stub_clear_interrupt() { ++interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call; interface_stub.interrupt_flag = false; } static void ticker_interface_stub_set_interrupt(timestamp_t timestamp) { ++interface_stub.set_interrupt_call; interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp = timestamp; } static void ticker_interface_stub_fire_interrupt() { ++interface_stub.fire_interrupt_call; } static const ticker_info_t *ticker_interface_stub_get_info() { ++interface_stub.get_info_call; return &interface_info_stub; } static void reset_ticker_interface_stub() { interface_stub.interface.init = ticker_interface_stub_init; interface_stub.interface.read = ticker_interface_stub_read; interface_stub.interface.disable_interrupt = ticker_interface_stub_disable_interrupt; interface_stub.interface.clear_interrupt = ticker_interface_stub_clear_interrupt; interface_stub.interface.set_interrupt =ticker_interface_stub_set_interrupt; interface_stub.interface.fire_interrupt = ticker_interface_stub_fire_interrupt; interface_stub.interface.get_info = ticker_interface_stub_get_info; interface_stub.initialized = false; interface_stub.interrupt_flag = false; interface_stub.timestamp = 0; interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp = 0; interface_stub.init_call = 0; interface_stub.read_call = 0; interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.fire_interrupt_call = 0; interface_info_stub.frequency = 1000000; interface_info_stub.bits = 32; } // stub of the event queue static ticker_event_queue_t queue_stub = { /* event handler */ NULL, /* head */ NULL, /* timestamp */ 0, /* initialized */ false }; static void reset_queue_stub() { queue_stub.event_handler = NULL; queue_stub.head = NULL, queue_stub.tick_last_read = 0; queue_stub.tick_remainder = 0; queue_stub.frequency = 0; queue_stub.bitmask = 0; queue_stub.max_delta = 0; queue_stub.max_delta_us = 0; queue_stub.present_time = 0; queue_stub.initialized = false; } // stub of the ticker static ticker_data_t ticker_stub = { /* interface */ &interface_stub.interface, /* queue */ &queue_stub }; static void reset_ticker_stub() { reset_queue_stub(); reset_ticker_interface_stub(); } const uint32_t test_frequencies[] = { 1, 32768, // 2^15 1000000, 0xFFFFFFFF // 2^32 - 1 }; const uint32_t test_bitwidths[] = { 32, 31, 16, 8 }; template < void (F)(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)> static void test_over_frequency_and_width(void) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(test_frequencies); i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(test_bitwidths); j++) { reset_ticker_stub(); interface_info_stub.frequency = test_frequencies[i]; interface_info_stub.bits = test_bitwidths[j]; F(test_frequencies[i], test_bitwidths[j]); } } } static utest::v1::status_t case_setup_handler( const Case *const source, const size_t index_of_case ) { utest::v1::status_t status = greentea_case_setup_handler(source, index_of_case); reset_ticker_stub(); return status; } static utest::v1::status_t case_teardown_handler( const Case *const source, const size_t passed, const size_t failed, const failure_t reason ) { reset_ticker_stub(); utest::v1::status_t status = greentea_case_teardown_handler( source, passed, failed, reason ); return status; } static utest::v1::status_t greentea_failure_handler( const Case *const source, const failure_t reason ) { utest::v1::status_t status = greentea_case_failure_abort_handler( source, reason ); return status; } #define MAKE_TEST_CASE(description, handler) \ { \ description, \ handler, \ NULL, \ NULL, \ case_setup_handler, \ case_teardown_handler, \ greentea_failure_handler \ } /** * Given an unitialized ticker_data instance. * When the ticker is initialized * Then: * - The ticker interface should be initialized * - The queue handler should be set to the handler provided in parameter * - The internal ticker timestamp should be zero * - interrupt should be scheduled in current timestamp + * TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA * - The queue should not contains any event */ static void test_ticker_initialization() { ticker_event_handler dummy_handler = (ticker_event_handler)0xDEADBEEF; // setup of the stub interface_stub.timestamp = 0xFEEDBABE; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, dummy_handler); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(interface_stub.initialized); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(dummy_handler, queue_stub.event_handler); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(0, queue_stub.present_time); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker_data instance. * When the ticker handler is set to a new value * Then: * - The ticker interface initialization function should not be called. * - The queue handler should be set to the new handler. * - The events in the queue should remains the same. */ static void test_ticker_re_initialization() { ticker_event_handler dummy_handler = (ticker_event_handler) 0xDEADBEEF; ticker_event_handler expected_handler = (ticker_event_handler) 0xFEEDDEAF; ticker_event_t first_event = { 0 }; ticker_event_t second_event = { 0 }; ticker_event_t third_event = { 0 }; first_event.next = &second_event; second_event.next = &third_event; // initialize the ticker and put few events in the queue. ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, dummy_handler); // simulate insertion, it shouldn't affect the queue behaviour for this test queue_stub.head = &first_event; interface_stub.init_call = 0; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, expected_handler); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(interface_stub.initialized); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.init_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected_handler, queue_stub.event_handler); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(&second_event, queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(&third_event, queue_stub.head->next->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(NULL, queue_stub.head->next->next->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker_data instance. * When the ticker is read * Then it should return the value present in the ticker interface */ static void test_ticker_read() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); timestamp_t timestamps[] = { 0xA, 0xAA, 0xAAA, 0xAAAA, 0xAAAAA, 0xAAAAAA, 0xAAAAAAA, 0xAAAAAAAA }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps); ++i) { interface_stub.timestamp = timestamps[i]; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamps[i], ticker_read(&ticker_stub)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(timestamps[i], ticker_read_us(&ticker_stub)); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker_data instance. * When the ticker is read and the value read is less than the previous * value read. * Then: * - ticker_read should return the value read in the ticker interface * - ticker_read_us should return a value where: * + lower 8 bytes should be equal to the value in the ticker interface * + upper 8 bytes should be equal to the previous value of upper 8 bytes * plus one. */ static void test_ticker_read_overflow() { const timestamp_t timestamps[] = { 0xAAAAAAAA, 0xAAAAAAA, 0xAAAAAA, 0xAAAAA, 0xAAAA, 0xAAA, 0xAA, 0xA }; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); uint32_t upper_bytes_begin = ticker_read_us(&ticker_stub) >> 32; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps); ++i) { interface_stub.timestamp = timestamps[i]; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamps[i], ticker_read(&ticker_stub)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamps[i], ticker_read_us(&ticker_stub)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64( upper_bytes_begin + i, ticker_read_us(&ticker_stub) >> 32 ); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker without user registered events. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event and the timestamp passed * in parameter is in range [ticker_timestamp : ticker_timestamp + * TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA[. * Then * - The event should be in the queue * - The interrupt timestamp should be equal to the timestamp of the event * - The timestamp of the event should reflect the timestamp requested. * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. */ static void test_legacy_insert_event_outside_overflow_range() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; // test the end of the range ticker_event_t last_event = { 0 }; const timestamp_t timestamp_last_event = interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA; const uint32_t id_last_event = 0xDEADDEAF; ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &last_event, timestamp_last_event, id_last_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&last_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamp_last_event, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamp_last_event, last_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(id_last_event, last_event.id); // test the beginning of the range ticker_event_t first_event = { 0 }; const timestamp_t timestamp_first_event = interface_stub.timestamp + 1; const uint32_t id_first_event = 0xAAAAAAAA; ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &first_event, timestamp_first_event, id_first_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamp_first_event, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&last_event, queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamp_first_event, first_event.timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(id_first_event, first_event.id); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker without user registered events. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event and a timestamp in the * range [ticker_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1 : * ticker_timestamp + UINT32MAX [ * Then * - The event should be in the queue * - The interrupt timestamp should be equal to * TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA * - The timestamp of the event should reflect the timestamp requested. * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. */ static void test_legacy_insert_event_in_overflow_range() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; // test the end of the range ticker_event_t last_event = { 0 }; const timestamp_t timestamp_last_event = interface_stub.timestamp + UINT32_MAX; const uint32_t id_last_event = 0xDEADDEAF; ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &last_event, timestamp_last_event, id_last_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&last_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamp_last_event, last_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(id_last_event, last_event.id); // test the beginning of the range ++interface_stub.timestamp; ticker_event_t first_event = { 0 }; const timestamp_t timestamp_first_event = interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1; const uint32_t id_first_event = 0xAAAAAAAA; ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &first_event, timestamp_first_event, id_first_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&last_event, queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamp_first_event, first_event.timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(id_first_event, first_event.id); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker without user registered events. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event and the timestamp in * parameter is less than the current timestamp value. * Then * - The event should be in the queue * - The timestamp of the event should reflect the timestamp requested: * + lower 8 bytes should be equal to the timestamp in input. * + upper 8 bytes should be equal to the upper of the upper 8 bytes of the * timestamp state stored in the queue plus one. * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. */ static void test_legacy_insert_event_overflow(){ ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = 0x20000000; ticker_read(&ticker_stub); ticker_event_t event = { 0 }; const timestamp_t expected_timestamp = interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1; const us_timestamp_t expected_us_timestamp = (((queue_stub.present_time >> 32) + 1) << 32) | expected_timestamp; const uint32_t expected_id = 0xDEADDEAF; ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &event, expected_timestamp, expected_id ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(expected_us_timestamp, event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(expected_id, event.id); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event and a timestamp less than * the one for the next scheduled timestamp. * Then * - The event inserted should be the first in the queue * - The interrupt timestamp should be equal to the timestamp of the event or * TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA if in the overflow range. * - The timestamp of the event should reflect the timestamp requested. * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. * - Events in the queue should remained ordered by timestamp. */ static void test_legacy_insert_event_head() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; const timestamp_t timestamps[] = { UINT32_MAX, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 2, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 4, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 8, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 16, }; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], i ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&events[i], queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(i + 1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); if (timestamps[i] < TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamps[i], interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamps[i], events[i].timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(i, events[i].id); ticker_event_t* e = &events[i]; while (e) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamps[e->id], e->timestamp); if (e->next) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->id > e->next->id); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->timestamp < e->next->timestamp); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(0, e->id); } e = e->next; } } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event and its timestamp is bigger * than the one of the last event in the queue. * Then * - The event inserted should be the last in the queue * - The interrupt timestamp should remains equal to the interrupt timestamp * of the head event . * - The timestamp of the event should reflect the timestamp requested. * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. * - Events in the queue should remained ordered by timestamp. */ static void test_legacy_insert_event_tail() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; const timestamp_t timestamps[] = { 0xA, 0xAA, 0xAAA, 0xAAAA, 0xAAAAA, 0xAAAAAA, 0xAAAAAAA, 0xAAAAAAAA, }; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], i ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&events[0], queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamps[0], interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamps[i], events[i].timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(i, events[i].id); ticker_event_t* e = queue_stub.head; while (e) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamps[e->id], e->timestamp); if (e->next) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->id < e->next->id); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->timestamp < e->next->timestamp); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(&events[i], e); } e = e->next; } } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event and a timestamp less * than the current timestamp in the interface and less than the relative * timestamp of the next event to execute. * Then * - The event inserted should be after the head * - The interrupt timestamp should remains equal to the interrupt timestamp * of the head event . * - The timestamp of the event should reflect the timestamp requested (overflow) * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. * - Events in the queue should remained ordered by timestamp. */ static void test_legacy_insert_event_multiple_overflow() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; const timestamp_t timestamps[] = { 0xA, 0xAA, 0xAAA, 0xAAAA, 0xAAAAA, 0xAAAAAA, 0xAAAAAAA, 0xAAAAAAAA }; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; ticker_event_t ref_event; timestamp_t ref_event_timestamp = 0xCCCCCCCC; ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &ref_event, ref_event_timestamp, 0xDEADBEEF ); timestamp_t last_timestamp_to_insert = timestamps[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps) - 1]; interface_stub.timestamp = last_timestamp_to_insert + ((ref_event_timestamp - last_timestamp_to_insert) / 2); for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], i ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&ref_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&events[0], queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( ref_event_timestamp, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamps[i], events[i].timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(i, events[i].id); ticker_event_t* e = queue_stub.head->next; while (e) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamps[e->id], e->timestamp); if (e->next) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->id < e->next->id); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->timestamp < e->next->timestamp); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(&events[i], e); } e = e->next; } } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event. * Then * - The event inserted should be at the correct position in the queue * - The event queue should remain ordered by timestamp * - The interrupt timestamp should be equal to the interrupt timestamp * of the head event or TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA if the * timestamp is in the overflow range. * - The timestamp of the event should reflect the timestamp requested (overflow) * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. * - Events in the queue should remained ordered by timestamp. */ static void test_legacy_insert_event_multiple_random() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; const timestamp_t ref_timestamp = UINT32_MAX / 2; interface_stub.timestamp = ref_timestamp; // insert first event at the head of the queue ticker_event_t first_event; const timestamp_t first_event_timestamp = ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 100; ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &first_event, first_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &first_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(first_event_timestamp, first_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64( first_event.timestamp, first_event_timestamp + ((first_event_timestamp < ref_timestamp) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0) ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &first_event, first_event.id); // insert second event at the tail of the queue ticker_event_t second_event; const timestamp_t second_event_timestamp = first_event_timestamp + 1; ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &second_event, second_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &second_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&second_event, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, second_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(second_event_timestamp, second_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64( second_event.timestamp, second_event_timestamp + ((second_event_timestamp < ref_timestamp) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0) ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &second_event, second_event.id); // insert third event at the head of the queue out the overflow zone ticker_event_t third_event; const timestamp_t third_event_timestamp = ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA - 100; ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &third_event, third_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &third_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&third_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, third_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&second_event, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, second_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( third_event_timestamp, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(third_event_timestamp, third_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64( third_event.timestamp, third_event_timestamp + ((third_event_timestamp < ref_timestamp) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0) ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &third_event, third_event.id); // insert fourth event right after the third event ticker_event_t fourth_event; const timestamp_t fourth_event_timestamp = third_event_timestamp + 50; ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &fourth_event, fourth_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &fourth_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&third_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&fourth_event, third_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, fourth_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&second_event, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, second_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( third_event_timestamp, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(fourth_event_timestamp, fourth_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64( fourth_event.timestamp, fourth_event_timestamp + ((fourth_event_timestamp < ref_timestamp) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0) ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &fourth_event, fourth_event.id); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker without user registered events. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event_us and the timestamp passed * in parameter is in range [ticker_timestamp : ticker_timestamp + * TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA[. * Then * - The event should be in the queue * - The interrupt timestamp should be equal to the lower 8 bytes of the event. * - The timestamp of the event should be equal to the timestamp requested. * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. */ static void test_insert_event_us_outside_overflow_range() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = 0xAAAAAAAA; queue_stub.tick_last_read = interface_stub.timestamp; queue_stub.present_time = 10ULL << 32 | interface_stub.timestamp; // test the end of the range ticker_event_t last_event = { 0 }; const us_timestamp_t timestamp_last_event = queue_stub.present_time + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA; const uint32_t id_last_event = 0xDEADDEAF; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &last_event, timestamp_last_event, id_last_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&last_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamp_last_event, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(timestamp_last_event, last_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(id_last_event, last_event.id); // test the beginning of the range ticker_event_t first_event = { 0 }; const us_timestamp_t timestamp_first_event = queue_stub.present_time + 1; const uint32_t id_first_event = 0xAAAAAAAA; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &first_event, timestamp_first_event, id_first_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamp_first_event, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&last_event, queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64( timestamp_first_event, first_event.timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(id_first_event, first_event.id); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker without user registered events. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event_us and a timestamp in the * range [ticker_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1 : UINT64_MAX [ * Then * - The event should be in the queue * - The interrupt timestamp should be equal to TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA * - The timestamp of the event should be equal to the timestamp in parameter. * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. */ static void test_insert_event_us_in_overflow_range() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = 0xAAAAAAAA; queue_stub.tick_last_read = interface_stub.timestamp; queue_stub.present_time = 10ULL << 32 | interface_stub.timestamp; // test the end of the range ticker_event_t last_event = { 0 }; const us_timestamp_t timestamp_last_event = UINT64_MAX; const uint32_t id_last_event = 0xDEADDEAF; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &last_event, timestamp_last_event, id_last_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&last_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(timestamp_last_event, last_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(id_last_event, last_event.id); // test the beginning of the range ++interface_stub.timestamp; ++queue_stub.present_time; ticker_event_t first_event = { 0 }; const us_timestamp_t timestamp_first_event = queue_stub.present_time + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1; uint32_t id_first_event = 0xAAAAAAAA; ticker_insert_event_us(&ticker_stub, &first_event, timestamp_first_event, id_first_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&last_event, queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(timestamp_first_event, first_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(id_first_event, first_event.id); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker without user registered events. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event_us and a timestamp less * than timestamp value in the ticker interface. * Then * - The event should be in the queue * - The interrupt timestamp should be set to interface_stub.timestamp so it * is scheduled immediately. */ static void test_insert_event_us_underflow() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = 0xAAAAAAAA; queue_stub.tick_last_read = interface_stub.timestamp; queue_stub.present_time = 10ULL << 32 | interface_stub.timestamp; // test the end of the range ticker_event_t event = { 0 }; const timestamp_t expected_timestamp = queue_stub.present_time - 1; const uint32_t expected_id = 0xDEADDEAF; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &event, expected_timestamp, expected_id ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.fire_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event_us and a timestamp less * than the one for the next scheduled timestamp. * Then * - The event inserted should be the first in the queue * - The interrupt timestamp should be equal to the timestamp of the event or * TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA if in the overflow range. * - The timestamp of the event should be equal to the timestamp in parameter. * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. * - Events in the queue should remained ordered by timestamp. */ static void test_insert_event_us_head() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = 0xAAAAAAAA; queue_stub.tick_last_read = interface_stub.timestamp; queue_stub.present_time = 10ULL << 32 | interface_stub.timestamp; const us_timestamp_t timestamps[] = { UINT64_MAX, queue_stub.present_time + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1, queue_stub.present_time + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, queue_stub.present_time + (TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 2), queue_stub.present_time + (TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 4), queue_stub.present_time + (TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 8), queue_stub.present_time + (TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 16), }; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], i ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&events[i], queue_stub.head); if ((timestamps[i] - queue_stub.present_time) < TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamps[i], interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( queue_stub.present_time + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(timestamps[i], events[i].timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(i, events[i].id); ticker_event_t* e = &events[i]; while (e) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamps[e->id], e->timestamp); if (e->next) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->id > e->next->id); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->timestamp < e->next->timestamp); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(0, e->id); } e = e->next; } } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event_us and its timestamp is * bigger than the one of the last event in the queue. * Then * - The event inserted should be the last in the queue * - The interrupt timestamp should remains equal to the interrupt timestamp * of the head event . * - The timestamp of the event should reflect the timestamp requested. * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. * - Events in the queue should remained ordered by timestamp. */ static void test_insert_event_us_tail() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; const us_timestamp_t timestamps[] = { 0xA, (1ULL << 32), (2ULL << 32), (4ULL << 32), (8ULL << 32), (16ULL << 32), (32ULL << 32), (64ULL << 32), }; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], i ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&events[0], queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamps[0], interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(timestamps[i], events[i].timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(i, events[i].id); ticker_event_t* e = queue_stub.head; while (e) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(timestamps[e->id], e->timestamp); if (e->next) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->id < e->next->id); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->timestamp < e->next->timestamp); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(&events[i], e); } e = e->next; } } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker. * When an event is inserted with ticker_insert_event_us. * Then * - The event inserted should be at the correct position in the queue * - The event queue should remain ordered by timestamp * - The interrupt timestamp should be equal to the interrupt timestamp * of the head event or TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA if the * timestamp is in the overflow range. * - The timestamp of the event should be equal to the timestamp parameter. * - The id of the event should be equal to the id passed in parameter. * - Events in the queue should remained ordered by timestamp. */ static void test_insert_event_us_multiple_random() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; const timestamp_t ref_timestamp = UINT32_MAX / 2; interface_stub.timestamp = ref_timestamp; // insert first event at the head of the queue ticker_event_t first_event; const us_timestamp_t first_event_timestamp = ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 100; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &first_event, first_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &first_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(first_event.timestamp, first_event_timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &first_event, first_event.id); // insert second event at the tail of the queue ticker_event_t second_event; const us_timestamp_t second_event_timestamp = first_event_timestamp + 1; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &second_event, second_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &second_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&second_event, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, second_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(second_event_timestamp, second_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &second_event, second_event.id); // insert third event at the head of the queue out the overflow zone ticker_event_t third_event; const us_timestamp_t third_event_timestamp = ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA - 100; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &third_event, third_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &third_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&third_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, third_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&second_event, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, second_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( third_event_timestamp, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(third_event_timestamp, third_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &third_event, third_event.id); // insert fourth event right after the third event ticker_event_t fourth_event; const us_timestamp_t fourth_event_timestamp = third_event_timestamp + 50; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &fourth_event, fourth_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &fourth_event ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&third_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&fourth_event, third_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, fourth_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&second_event, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, second_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( third_event_timestamp, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(fourth_event_timestamp, fourth_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &fourth_event, fourth_event.id); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with multiple events registered. * When the event at the tail of the queue is removed from the queue. * Then: * - The event should not be in the queue. * - The events in the queue should remain ordered * - The interrupt timestamp should be unchanged. */ static void test_remove_event_tail() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); const us_timestamp_t timestamps[] = { 0xA, (1ULL << 32), (2ULL << 32), (4ULL << 32), (8ULL << 32), (16ULL << 32), (32ULL << 32), (64ULL << 32), }; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], i ); } for (ssize_t i = MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ticker_remove_event(&ticker_stub, &events[i]); ticker_event_t* e = queue_stub.head; size_t event_count = 0; while (e) { TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(e, &events[i]); if (e->next) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->timestamp <= e->next->timestamp); } e = e->next; ++event_count; } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(i, event_count); if (i != 0 ) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( timestamps[0], interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); } } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with multiple events registered. * When the event at the head of the queue is removed from the queue. * Then: * - The event should not be in the queue. * - The event at the head of the queue should be the equal to the one * after the event removed. * - The interrupt timestamp should be equal to the interrupt timestamp * of the head event or TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA if the * timestamp is in the overflow range. */ static void test_remove_event_head() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); const us_timestamp_t timestamps[] = { TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 8, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 4, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 2, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA - 1, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1, (1ULL << 32) | TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, UINT64_MAX }; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us(&ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], i ); } for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_remove_event(&ticker_stub, &events[i]); ticker_event_t* e = queue_stub.head; size_t event_count = 0; while (e) { TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(e, &events[i]); if (e->next) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(e->timestamp <= e->next->timestamp); } e = e->next; ++event_count; } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events) - i - 1, event_count); if (event_count) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( std::min( timestamps[i + 1], interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA ), interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); } else { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); } } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with multiple events registered. * When an event not in the queue is attempted to be removed. * Then the queue should remains identical as before. */ static void test_remove_event_invalid() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); const us_timestamp_t timestamps[] = { TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 8, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 4, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / 2, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA - 1, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1, (1ULL << 32) | TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, UINT64_MAX }; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], i ); } ticker_event_t invalid_event; ticker_remove_event(&ticker_stub, &invalid_event); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(&events[0], queue_stub.head); ticker_event_t* e = queue_stub.head; size_t event_count = 0; while (e) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(e, &events[event_count]); e = e->next; ++event_count; } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events), event_count); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with multiple events inserted. * When an event is remoced * Then: * - the event should not be in the queue * - the queue should remain ordered * - the interrupt timestamp should be set to either head->timestamp or * TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA depending on the distance between the current time * ans the timestamp of the event at the head of the queue. */ static void test_remove_random() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; const timestamp_t ref_timestamp = UINT32_MAX / 2; interface_stub.timestamp = ref_timestamp; // insert all events ticker_event_t first_event; const us_timestamp_t first_event_timestamp = ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 100; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &first_event, first_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &first_event ); ticker_event_t second_event; const us_timestamp_t second_event_timestamp = first_event_timestamp + 1; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &second_event, second_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &second_event ); ticker_event_t third_event; const us_timestamp_t third_event_timestamp = ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA - 100; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &third_event, third_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &third_event ); ticker_event_t fourth_event; const us_timestamp_t fourth_event_timestamp = third_event_timestamp + 50; ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &fourth_event, fourth_event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &fourth_event ); // test that the queue is in the correct state TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&third_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&fourth_event, third_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, fourth_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&second_event, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, second_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( third_event_timestamp, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(fourth_event_timestamp, fourth_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &fourth_event, fourth_event.id); // remove fourth event ticker_remove_event(&ticker_stub, &fourth_event); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&third_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, third_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&second_event, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, second_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( third_event_timestamp, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(third_event_timestamp, third_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &third_event, third_event.id); // remove third event ticker_remove_event(&ticker_stub, &third_event); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&second_event, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, second_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(second_event_timestamp, second_event.timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &second_event, second_event.id); // remove second event ticker_remove_event(&ticker_stub, &second_event); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&first_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(first_event.timestamp, first_event_timestamp); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32((uint32_t) &first_event, first_event.id); // remove first event ticker_remove_event(&ticker_stub, &first_event); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, first_event.next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( ref_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker without user registered events and a ticker * interface timestamp equal or bigger than the one registered by the overflow * event. * When the interrupt handler is called. * Then: * - The interrupt timestamp should be updated to the timestamp of the ticker * interface plus TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA. * - The irq handler registered should not be called. */ static void test_overflow_event_update() { static uint32_t handler_call = 0; struct irq_handler_stub_t { static void event_handler(uint32_t id) { ++handler_call; } }; handler_call = 0; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, irq_handler_stub_t::event_handler); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { us_timestamp_t previous_timestamp = queue_stub.present_time; timestamp_t interface_timestamp = previous_timestamp + (TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + i * 100); interface_stub.timestamp = interface_timestamp; ticker_irq_handler(&ticker_stub); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(i + 1, interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(i + 1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( interface_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, handler_call); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker without user registered events and a ticker * interface timestamp less than the one registered to handle overflow. * When the interrupt handler is called. * Then: * - The interrupt timestamp should be updated to the timestamp of the ticker * interface plus TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA. * - The irq handler registered should not be called. */ static void test_overflow_event_update_when_spurious_interrupt() { static uint32_t handler_call = 0; struct irq_handler_stub_t { static void event_handler(uint32_t id) { ++handler_call; } }; handler_call = 0; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, irq_handler_stub_t::event_handler); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { us_timestamp_t previous_timestamp = queue_stub.present_time; timestamp_t interface_timestamp = previous_timestamp + (TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA / (2 + i)); interface_stub.timestamp = interface_timestamp; ticker_irq_handler(&ticker_stub); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(i + 1, interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(i + 1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( interface_timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, handler_call); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with a single ticker event inserted and a ticker * interface timestamp bigger than the one set for interrupt. * When ticker_irq_handler is called. * Then: * - The IRQ handler should be called with the id of the event at the head of * the queue. * - The event at the head of the queue should be replaced by the next event. * - The interrupt timestamp in the ticker interface should be set to the * value of the interface timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA */ static void test_irq_handler_single_event() { static const timestamp_t event_timestamp = 0xAAAAAAAA; static const timestamp_t interface_timestamp_after_irq = event_timestamp + 100; uint32_t handler_call = 0; struct irq_handler_stub_t { static void event_handler(uint32_t id) { ++ (*((uint32_t*) id)); interface_stub.timestamp = interface_timestamp_after_irq; } }; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, irq_handler_stub_t::event_handler); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; ticker_event_t e; ticker_insert_event(&ticker_stub, &e, event_timestamp, (uint32_t) &handler_call); interface_stub.timestamp = event_timestamp; interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; ticker_irq_handler(&ticker_stub); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, handler_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( interface_timestamp_after_irq + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with at least a ticker event inserted and a ticker * interface timestamp less than the one set for interrupt. * When ticker_irq_handler is called. * Then: * - The IRQ handler should not be called. * - The event at the head of the queue should remains the same. * - The interrupt timestamp in the ticker interface should be set to the * value of the event timestamp */ static void test_irq_handler_single_event_spurious() { struct irq_handler_stub_t { static void event_handler(uint32_t id) { TEST_FAIL(); } }; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, irq_handler_stub_t::event_handler); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; const us_timestamp_t timestamps [] = { UINT32_MAX, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA - 1 }; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], timestamps[i] ); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call = 0; ticker_irq_handler(&ticker_stub); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( std::min(timestamps[i], TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA), interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with multiple ticker event inserted, its * interface timestamp at greater than the timestamp of the next schedule event * and all event execution time taking at least the time befor ethe next event. * When ticker_irq_handler is called. * Then: * - The IRQ handler should have been called for every event. * - The head of the queue should be set to NULL. * - The interrupt timestamp in the ticker interface should be scheduled in * TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTAs */ static void test_irq_handler_multiple_event_multiple_dequeue() { const us_timestamp_t timestamps [] = { 10, 10 + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA - 1, 10 + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, 10 + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1, UINT32_MAX }; static size_t handler_called = 0; struct irq_handler_stub_t { static void event_handler(uint32_t id) { ++handler_called; ticker_event_t* e = (ticker_event_t*) id; if (e->next) { interface_stub.timestamp = e->next->timestamp; } } }; handler_called = 0; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, irq_handler_stub_t::event_handler); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], (uint32_t) &events[i] ); } interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = timestamps[0]; ticker_irq_handler(&ticker_stub); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps), handler_called); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamps[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps) - 1] + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with two ticker event inserted scheduled from more * than TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA from one another. The interface * timestamp is equal to the timestamp of the first event. * When ticker_irq_handler is called. * Then: * - The IRQ handler should have been called for the first event. * - The head of the queue should be set to the event after the first event. * - The interrupt timestamp in the ticker interface should be scheduled in * TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA. */ static void test_irq_handler_multiple_event_single_dequeue_overflow() { const us_timestamp_t timestamps [] = { 10, 10 + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA + 1 }; size_t handler_called = 0; struct irq_handler_stub_t { static void event_handler(uint32_t id) { ++ (*((size_t*) id)); } }; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, irq_handler_stub_t::event_handler); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], (uint32_t) &handler_called ); } interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = timestamps[0]; ticker_irq_handler(&ticker_stub); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(1, handler_called); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamps[0] + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&events[1], queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with two ticker event inserted scheduled from less * than TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA from one another. The interface * timestamp is equal to the timestamp of the first event. * When ticker_irq_handler is called. * Then: * - The IRQ handler should have been called for the first event. * - The head of the queue should be set to second event. * - The interrupt timestamp in the ticker interface should be equal to the * timestamp of the second event. */ static void test_irq_handler_multiple_event_single_dequeue() { const us_timestamp_t timestamps [] = { 10, 10 + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA - 1 }; size_t handler_called = 0; struct irq_handler_stub_t { static void event_handler(uint32_t id) { ++ (*((size_t*) id)); } }; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, irq_handler_stub_t::event_handler); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], (uint32_t) &handler_called ); } interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = timestamps[0]; ticker_irq_handler(&ticker_stub); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(1, handler_called); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamps[1], interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&events[1], queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with multiple ticker event inserted and the * interface timestamp is equal to the timestamp of the first event. The first * event to execute will insert an events in the ticker which have to be executed * immediately. * When ticker_irq_handler is called. * Then: * - The IRQ handler should have been called for the first event and the event * inserted during irq. * - The head of the queue should be set correctly. * - The interrupt timestamp in the ticker interface should be equal to * timestamp of the head event. */ static void test_irq_handler_insert_immediate_in_irq() { static const us_timestamp_t timestamps [] = { 10, 10 + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA - 1 }; static const us_timestamp_t expected_timestamp = ((timestamps[1] - timestamps[0]) / 2) + timestamps[0]; struct ctrl_block_t { bool irq_event_called; ticker_event_t immediate_event; size_t handler_called; }; ctrl_block_t ctrl_block = { 0 }; struct irq_handler_stub_t { static void event_handler(uint32_t id) { ctrl_block_t* ctrl_block = (ctrl_block_t*) id; if (ctrl_block->handler_called == 0) { ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &ctrl_block->immediate_event, expected_timestamp, id ); interface_stub.timestamp = expected_timestamp; } else if (ctrl_block->handler_called > 1) { TEST_FAIL(); } ++ctrl_block->handler_called; } }; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, irq_handler_stub_t::event_handler); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], (uint32_t) &ctrl_block ); } interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = timestamps[0]; ticker_irq_handler(&ticker_stub); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(2, ctrl_block.handler_called); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( timestamps[1], interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&events[1], queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } /** * Given an initialized ticker with multiple ticker event inserted and the * interface timestamp is equal to the timestamp of the first event. The first * event to execute will insert an events in the ticker which does not have to * be executed immediately. * When ticker_irq_handler is called. * Then: * - The IRQ handler should have been called for the first event. * - The head of the queue should be set to the event inserted in IRQ. * - The interrupt timestamp in the ticker interface should be equal to * timestamp of the head event. */ static void test_irq_handler_insert_non_immediate_in_irq() { static const us_timestamp_t timestamps [] = { 10, 10 + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA - 1 }; static const us_timestamp_t expected_timestamp = ((timestamps[1] - timestamps[0]) / 2) + timestamps[0]; struct ctrl_block_t { bool irq_event_called; ticker_event_t non_immediate_event; size_t handler_called; }; ctrl_block_t ctrl_block = { 0 }; struct irq_handler_stub_t { static void event_handler(uint32_t id) { ctrl_block_t* ctrl_block = (ctrl_block_t*) id; if (ctrl_block->handler_called == 0) { ticker_insert_event( &ticker_stub, &ctrl_block->non_immediate_event, expected_timestamp, id ); } else { TEST_FAIL(); } ++ctrl_block->handler_called; } }; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, irq_handler_stub_t::event_handler); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; ticker_event_t events[MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(timestamps)] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(events); ++i) { ticker_insert_event_us( &ticker_stub, &events[i], timestamps[i], (uint32_t) &ctrl_block ); } interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = timestamps[0]; ticker_irq_handler(&ticker_stub); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.clear_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(1, ctrl_block.handler_called); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( expected_timestamp, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&ctrl_block.non_immediate_event, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(&events[1], queue_stub.head->next); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } static uint32_t ticker_interface_stub_read_interrupt_time() { ++interface_stub.read_call; // only if set interrupt call, to test the condition afterwards if (interface_stub.set_interrupt_call) { return interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp; } else { return interface_stub.timestamp; } } /** * Test to insert an event that is already in the past, the fire_interrupt should * be invoked, instead of set_interrupt */ static void test_set_interrupt_past_time() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.fire_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = 0xFF; // This tests fire now functinality when next_event_timestamp <= present ticker_event_t event = { 0 }; const timestamp_t event_timestamp = interface_stub.timestamp; const uint32_t id_last_event = 0xDEADDEAF; ticker_insert_event(&ticker_stub, &event, event_timestamp, id_last_event); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.fire_interrupt_call); } /** * Test to insert an event that is being delayed, set_interrupt is set * but then event is already in the past, thus fire_interrupt should be invoked right-away */ static void test_set_interrupt_past_time_with_delay() { ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); interface_stub.set_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.fire_interrupt_call = 0; interface_stub.timestamp = 0xFF; // This tests fire now functionality when present time >= new_match_time interface_stub.interface.read = ticker_interface_stub_read_interrupt_time; ticker_event_t event = { 0 }; const timestamp_t event_timestamp = interface_stub.timestamp + 5; const uint32_t id_last_event = 0xDEADDEAF; ticker_insert_event(&ticker_stub, &event, event_timestamp, id_last_event); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.fire_interrupt_call); } /** * Convert ticks at a given frequency to time in microseconds * * Assert if there is a 64-bit overflow */ static uint64_t convert_to_us(uint64_t ticks, uint32_t frequency) { uint64_t scaled_ticks = ticks * 1000000; // Assert that there was not an overflow TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ticks, scaled_ticks / 1000000); return scaled_ticks / frequency; } /** * Given an uninitialized ticker instance and an interface of a * certain frequency and bit width. * Then the time returned the ticker should match the cumulative time. */ void test_frequencies_and_masks(uint32_t frequency, uint32_t bits) { const uint32_t bitmask = ((uint64_t)1 << bits) - 1; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); uint64_t ticks = 0; // Single tick ticks += 1; interface_stub.timestamp = ticks & bitmask; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(convert_to_us(ticks, frequency), ticker_read(&ticker_stub)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(convert_to_us(ticks, frequency), ticker_read_us(&ticker_stub)); // Run until the loop before 64-bit overflow (worst case with frequency=1hz, bits=32) for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 4294; k++) { // Largest value possible tick ticks += ((uint64_t)1 << bits) - 1; interface_stub.timestamp = ticks & bitmask; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32(convert_to_us(ticks, frequency), ticker_read(&ticker_stub)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(convert_to_us(ticks, frequency), ticker_read_us(&ticker_stub)); } } /** * Given an uninitialized ticker_data instance. * When the ticker is initialized * Then: * - The internal ticker timestamp should be zero * - interrupt should be scheduled in current (timestamp + * TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA_BITS(bitwidth)) % modval * - The queue should not contains any event */ static void test_ticker_max_value() { for (int bitwidth = 8; bitwidth <= 32; bitwidth++) { const uint64_t modval = 1ULL << bitwidth; // setup of the stub reset_ticker_stub(); interface_info_stub.bits = bitwidth; interface_stub.timestamp = 0xBA; ticker_set_handler(&ticker_stub, NULL); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT64(0, queue_stub.present_time); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, interface_stub.set_interrupt_call); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_UINT32( (interface_stub.timestamp + TIMESTAMP_MAX_DELTA_BITS(bitwidth)) % modval, interface_stub.interrupt_timestamp ); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR(NULL, queue_stub.head); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, interface_stub.disable_interrupt_call); } } /** * Check that _ticker_match_interval_passed correctly detects matches * * Brute force test that _ticker_match_interval_passed returns the correct match value * for all cominations of values within a small range. */ static void test_match_interval_passed() { for (int modval = 1; modval <= 5; modval++) { for (int prev = 0; prev < modval; prev++) { for (int cur = 0; cur < modval; cur++) { for (int match = 0; match < modval; match++) { uint32_t delta = (cur - prev) % modval; uint32_t delta_to_match = (match - prev) % modval; bool match_expected = false; if (delta_to_match) { match_expected = delta >= delta_to_match; } // Sanity checks if (prev == cur) { // No time has passed TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, match_expected); } else if (match == prev) { // Match can't occur without an overflow occurring TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, match_expected); } else if (cur == match) { // All other cases where cur == match a match should be expected TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, match_expected); } // Actual test TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(match_expected, _ticker_match_interval_passed(prev, cur, match)); } } } } } typedef struct { timestamp_t prev; timestamp_t cur; timestamp_t match; bool result; } match_interval_entry_t; /** * Check that _ticker_match_interval_passed correctly detects matches * * Use a table of pre-computed values to check that _ticker_match_interval_passed * returns the correct match value. */ static void test_match_interval_passed_table() { static const match_interval_entry_t test_values[] = { /* prev, cur, match, result */ {0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, false}, {0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, false}, {0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, false}, {0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, false}, {0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, false}, {0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, true}, {0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, true}, {0x00005555, 0x00005555, 0x00005555, false}, {0x00005555, 0x00005555, 0x00005554, false}, {0x00005555, 0x00005555, 0x00005556, false}, {0x00005555, 0x00005554, 0x00005555, false}, {0x00005555, 0x00005556, 0x00005555, false}, {0x00005554, 0x00005555, 0x00005555, true}, {0x00005556, 0x00005555, 0x00005555, true}, {0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, false}, {0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xfffffffe, false}, {0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, false}, {0xffffffff, 0xfffffffe, 0xffffffff, false}, {0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, false}, {0xfffffffe, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, true}, {0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, true}, }; for (int i = 0; i < MBED_ARRAY_SIZE(test_values); i++) { const uint32_t prev = test_values[i].prev; const uint32_t cur = test_values[i].cur; const uint32_t match = test_values[i].match; const uint32_t result = test_values[i].result; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(result, _ticker_match_interval_passed(prev, cur, match)); } } static const case_t cases[] = { MAKE_TEST_CASE("ticker initialization", test_ticker_initialization), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "ticker multiple initialization", test_ticker_re_initialization ), MAKE_TEST_CASE("ticker read", test_ticker_read), MAKE_TEST_CASE("ticker read overflow", test_ticker_read_overflow), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "legacy insert event outside overflow range", test_legacy_insert_event_outside_overflow_range ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "legacy insert event in overflow range", test_legacy_insert_event_in_overflow_range ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "legacy insert event overflow", test_legacy_insert_event_overflow ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "legacy insert event head", test_legacy_insert_event_head ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "legacy insert event tail", test_legacy_insert_event_tail ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "legacy insert event multiple overflow", test_legacy_insert_event_multiple_overflow ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_legacy_insert_event_multiple_random", test_legacy_insert_event_multiple_random ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_insert_event_us_outside_overflow_range", test_insert_event_us_outside_overflow_range ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_insert_event_us_in_overflow_range", test_insert_event_us_in_overflow_range ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_insert_event_us_underflow", test_insert_event_us_underflow ), MAKE_TEST_CASE("test_insert_event_us_head", test_insert_event_us_head), MAKE_TEST_CASE("test_insert_event_us_tail", test_insert_event_us_tail), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_insert_event_us_multiple_random", test_insert_event_us_multiple_random ), MAKE_TEST_CASE("test_remove_event_tail", test_remove_event_tail), MAKE_TEST_CASE("test_remove_event_head", test_remove_event_head), MAKE_TEST_CASE("test_remove_event_invalid", test_remove_event_invalid), MAKE_TEST_CASE("test_remove_random", test_remove_random), MAKE_TEST_CASE("update overflow guard", test_overflow_event_update), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "update overflow guard in case of spurious interrupt", test_overflow_event_update_when_spurious_interrupt ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_irq_handler_single_event", test_irq_handler_single_event ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_irq_handler_single_event_spurious", test_irq_handler_single_event_spurious ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_irq_handler_multiple_event_multiple_dequeue", test_irq_handler_multiple_event_multiple_dequeue ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_irq_handler_multiple_event_single_dequeue_overflow", test_irq_handler_multiple_event_single_dequeue_overflow ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_irq_handler_multiple_event_single_dequeue", test_irq_handler_multiple_event_single_dequeue ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_irq_handler_insert_immediate_in_irq", test_irq_handler_insert_immediate_in_irq ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_irq_handler_insert_non_immediate_in_irq", test_irq_handler_insert_non_immediate_in_irq ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_set_interrupt_past_time", test_set_interrupt_past_time ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_set_interrupt_past_time_with_delay", test_set_interrupt_past_time_with_delay ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_frequencies_and_masks", test_over_frequency_and_width ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_ticker_max_value", test_ticker_max_value ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_match_interval_passed", test_match_interval_passed ), MAKE_TEST_CASE( "test_match_interval_passed_table", test_match_interval_passed_table ) }; static utest::v1::status_t greentea_test_setup(const size_t number_of_cases) { GREENTEA_SETUP(60, "default_auto"); return verbose_test_setup_handler(number_of_cases); } int main() { Specification specification(greentea_test_setup, cases, greentea_test_teardown_handler); return !Harness::run(specification); }