/** ****************************************************************************** * @file us_ticker_api.h * @brief Implementation of a Timer driver * @internal * @author ON Semiconductor * $Rev: $ * $Date: 2015-11-15 $ ****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2016 Semiconductor Components Industries LLC (d/b/a “ON Semiconductor”). * All rights reserved. This software and/or documentation is licensed by ON Semiconductor * under limited terms and conditions. The terms and conditions pertaining to the software * and/or documentation are available at http://www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/ONSEMI_T&C.pdf * (“ON Semiconductor Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, Section 8 Software”) and * if applicable the software license agreement. Do not use this software and/or * documentation unless you have carefully read and you agree to the limited terms and * conditions. By using this software and/or documentation, you agree to the limited * terms and conditions. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * ON SEMICONDUCTOR SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, * INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * @endinternal * * @ingroup timer */ #include #include "timer_ncs36510.h" #define US_TIMER TIMER0 #define US_TICKER TIMER1 static int us_ticker_inited = 0; static void us_timer_init(void); static uint32_t us_ticker_target = 0; static volatile uint16_t msb_counter = 0; void us_ticker_init(void) { if (!us_ticker_inited) { us_timer_init(); } } /******************************************************************************* * Timer for us timing reference * * Uptime counter for scheduling reference. It uses TIMER0. * The NCS36510 does not have a 32 bit timer nor the option to chain timers, * which is why a software timer is required to get 32-bit word length. ******************************************************************************/ /* TODO - Need some sort of load value/prescale calculation for non-32MHz clock */ /* TODO - How is overflow handled? */ /* Timer 0 for free running time */ extern void us_timer_isr(void) { TIM0REG->CLEAR = 0; msb_counter++; } /* Initializing TIMER 0(TImer) and TIMER 1(Ticker) */ static void us_timer_init(void) { /* Enable the timer0 periphery clock */ CLOCK_ENABLE(CLOCK_TIMER0); /* Enable the timer0 periphery clock */ CLOCK_ENABLE(CLOCK_TIMER1); /* Timer init */ /* load timer value */ TIM0REG->LOAD = 0xFFFF; /* set timer prescale 32 (1 us), mode & enable */ TIM0REG->CONTROL.WORD = ((CLK_DIVIDER_32 << TIMER_PRESCALE_BIT_POS) | (TIME_MODE_PERIODIC << TIMER_MODE_BIT_POS) | (TIMER_ENABLE_BIT << TIMER_ENABLE_BIT_POS)); /* Ticker init */ /* load timer value */ TIM1REG->LOAD = 0xFFFF; /* set timer prescale 32 (1 us), mode & enable */ TIM1REG->CONTROL.WORD = ((CLK_DIVIDER_32 << TIMER_PRESCALE_BIT_POS) | (TIME_MODE_PERIODIC << TIMER_MODE_BIT_POS)); /* Register & enable interrupt associated with the timer */ NVIC_SetVector(Tim0_IRQn,(uint32_t)us_timer_isr); NVIC_SetVector(Tim1_IRQn,(uint32_t)us_ticker_isr); /* Clear pending irqs */ NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(Tim0_IRQn); NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(Tim1_IRQn); /* Setup NVIC for timer */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(Tim0_IRQn); NVIC_EnableIRQ(Tim1_IRQn); us_ticker_inited = 1; } /* Reads 32 bit timer's current value (16 bit s/w timer | 16 bit h/w timer) */ uint32_t us_ticker_read() { if (!us_ticker_inited) { us_timer_init(); } NVIC_DisableIRQ(Tim0_IRQn); uint32_t retval, tim0cval; /* Get the current tick from the hw and sw timers */ tim0cval = TIM0REG->VALUE; /* read current time */ retval = (0xFFFF - tim0cval); /* subtract down count */ if (TIM0REG->CONTROL.BITS.INT) { us_timer_isr(); /* handle ISR again */ NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(Tim0_IRQn); retval = (0xFFFF - TIM0REG->VALUE); } retval |= msb_counter << 16; /* add software bits */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(Tim0_IRQn); return retval; } void us_ticker_fire_interrupt(void) { us_ticker_target = 0; NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(Tim1_IRQn); } /******************************************************************************* * Event Timer * * Schedules interrupts at given (32bit)us interval of time. It uses TIMER1. * The NCS36510 does not have a 32 bit timer nor the option to chain timers, * which is why a software timer is required to get 32-bit word length. *******************************************************************************/ /* TODO - Need some sort of load value/prescale calculation for non-32MHz clock */ /* TImer 1 disbale interrupt */ void us_ticker_disable_interrupt(void) { /* Disable the TIMER1 interrupt */ TIM1REG->CONTROL.BITS.ENABLE = 0x0; } /* TImer 1 clear interrupt */ void us_ticker_clear_interrupt(void) { /* Clear the Ticker (TIMER1) interrupt */ TIM1REG->CLEAR = 0; } /* Setting TImer 1 (ticker) */ inline static void ticker_set(uint32_t count) { /* Disable TIMER1, load the new value, and re-enable */ TIM1REG->CONTROL.BITS.ENABLE = 0; TIM1REG->LOAD = count; TIM1REG->CONTROL.BITS.ENABLE = 1; } /* TImer 1 - ticker ISR */ extern void us_ticker_isr(void) { /* Clear IRQ flag */ TIM1REG->CLEAR = 0; if (us_ticker_target > 0) { --us_ticker_target; ticker_set(0xFFFF); } else { us_ticker_irq_handler(); } } /* Set timer 1 ticker interrupt */ void us_ticker_set_interrupt(timestamp_t timestamp) { int32_t delta = timestamp - us_ticker_read(); // we got 16 bit timer, use upper 16bit as a simple counter how many times // we need to schedule full range ticker count us_ticker_target = (uint32_t)delta >> 16; if (delta <= 0) { /* This event was in the past */ //us_ticker_irq_handler(); // This event was in the past. // Set the interrupt as pending, but don't process it here. // This prevents a recurive loop under heavy load // which can lead to a stack overflow. NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(Tim1_IRQn); return; } // we set the full reminder of 16 bit, the next ISR will do the upper part ticker_set(delta & 0xFFFF); }