/* mbed Microcontroller Library * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Nuvoton * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "can_api.h" #include "nuc472_gpio.h" #include "nuc472_can.h" #if DEVICE_CAN #include #include "cmsis.h" #include "pinmap.h" #include "PeripheralPins.h" #include "nu_modutil.h" #include "nu_miscutil.h" #include "nu_bitutil.h" #include "mbed_critical.h" #define NU_CAN_DEBUG 0 #define CAN_NUM 2 static uint32_t can_irq_ids[CAN_NUM] = {0}; static can_irq_handler can0_irq_handler; static can_irq_handler can1_irq_handler; static const struct nu_modinit_s can_modinit_tab[] = { {CAN_0, CAN0_MODULE, 0, 0, CAN0_RST, CAN0_IRQn, NULL}, {CAN_1, CAN1_MODULE, 0, 0, CAN1_RST, CAN1_IRQn, NULL}, {NC, 0, 0, 0, 0, (IRQn_Type) 0, NULL} }; void can_init_freq(can_t *obj, PinName rd, PinName td, int hz) { uint32_t can_td = (CANName)pinmap_peripheral(td, PinMap_CAN_TD); uint32_t can_rd = (CANName)pinmap_peripheral(rd, PinMap_CAN_RD); obj->can = (CANName)pinmap_merge(can_td, can_rd); MBED_ASSERT((int)obj->can != NC); const struct nu_modinit_s *modinit = get_modinit(obj->can, can_modinit_tab); MBED_ASSERT(modinit != NULL); MBED_ASSERT(modinit->modname == obj->can); obj->pin_rd = rd; obj->pin_td = td; pinmap_pinout(td, PinMap_CAN_TD); pinmap_pinout(rd, PinMap_CAN_RD); // Enable IP clock CLK_EnableModuleClock(modinit->clkidx); // Reset this module SYS_ResetModule(modinit->rsetidx); if(obj->can == CAN_1) { obj->index = 1; } else obj->index = 0; /* For NCU 472 mbed Board Transmitter Setting (RS Pin) */ GPIO_SetMode(PA, BIT2| BIT3, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT); PA2 = 0x00; PA3 = 0x00; CAN_Open((CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(obj->can), hz, CAN_NORMAL_MODE); can_filter(obj, 0, 0, CANStandard, 0); } void can_init(can_t *obj, PinName rd, PinName td) { can_init_freq(obj, rd, td, 500000); } void can_free(can_t *obj) { const struct nu_modinit_s *modinit = get_modinit(obj->can, can_modinit_tab); MBED_ASSERT(modinit != NULL); MBED_ASSERT(modinit->modname == obj->can); // Reset this module SYS_ResetModule(modinit->rsetidx); CLK_DisableModuleClock(modinit->clkidx); /* Free up pins */ gpio_set(obj->pin_rd); gpio_set(obj->pin_td); obj->pin_rd = NC; obj->pin_td = NC; } int can_frequency(can_t *obj, int hz) { CAN_SetBaudRate((CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(obj->can), hz); return CAN_GetCANBitRate((CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(obj->can)); } static void can_irq(CANName name, int id) { CAN_T *can = (CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(name); uint32_t u8IIDRstatus; u8IIDRstatus = can->IIDR; if(u8IIDRstatus == 0x00008000) { /* Check Status Interrupt Flag (Error status Int and Status change Int) */ /**************************/ /* Status Change interrupt*/ /**************************/ if(can->STATUS & CAN_STATUS_RXOK_Msk) { can->STATUS &= ~CAN_STATUS_RXOK_Msk; /* Clear Rx Ok status*/ if(id) can1_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id] , IRQ_RX); else can0_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id], IRQ_RX); } if(can->STATUS & CAN_STATUS_TXOK_Msk) { can->STATUS &= ~CAN_STATUS_TXOK_Msk; /* Clear Tx Ok status*/ if(id) can1_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id] , IRQ_TX); else can0_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id], IRQ_TX); } /**************************/ /* Error Status interrupt */ /**************************/ if(can->STATUS & CAN_STATUS_EWARN_Msk) { if(id) can1_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id] , IRQ_ERROR); else can0_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id], IRQ_ERROR); } if(can->STATUS & CAN_STATUS_BOFF_Msk) { if(id) can1_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id] , IRQ_BUS); else can0_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id], IRQ_BUS); } } else if (u8IIDRstatus!=0) { if(id) can1_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id] , IRQ_OVERRUN); else can0_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id], IRQ_OVERRUN); CAN_CLR_INT_PENDING_BIT(can, ((can->IIDR) -1)); /* Clear Interrupt Pending */ } else if(can->WU_STATUS == 1) { can->WU_STATUS = 0; /* Write '0' to clear */ if(id) can1_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id] , IRQ_WAKEUP); else can0_irq_handler(can_irq_ids[id], IRQ_WAKEUP); } } void CAN0_IRQHandler(void) { can_irq(CAN_0, 0); } void CAN1_IRQHandler(void) { can_irq(CAN_1, 1); } void can_irq_init(can_t *obj, can_irq_handler handler, uint32_t id) { if(obj->index) can1_irq_handler = handler; else can0_irq_handler = handler; can_irq_ids[obj->index] = id; } void can_irq_free(can_t *obj) { CAN_DisableInt((CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(obj->can), (CAN_CON_IE_Msk|CAN_CON_SIE_Msk|CAN_CON_EIE_Msk)); can_irq_ids[obj->index] = 0; if(!obj->index) NVIC_DisableIRQ(CAN0_IRQn); else NVIC_DisableIRQ(CAN1_IRQn); } void can_irq_set(can_t *obj, CanIrqType irq, uint32_t enable) { CAN_T *can_base = (CAN_T *) NU_MODBASE(obj->can); CAN_EnterInitMode((CAN_T*)can_base); ((CAN_T *)can_base)->CON = (((CAN_T *)can_base)->CON ) | ((enable != 0 )? CAN_CON_IE_Msk :0); switch (irq) { case IRQ_ERROR: case IRQ_BUS: case IRQ_PASSIVE: can_base->CON = can_base->CON |CAN_CON_EIE_Msk; can_base->CON = can_base->CON |CAN_CON_SIE_Msk; break; case IRQ_RX: case IRQ_TX: case IRQ_OVERRUN: case IRQ_WAKEUP: can_base->CON = can_base->CON |CAN_CON_SIE_Msk; break; default: break; } CAN_LeaveInitMode(can_base); if(!obj->index) { NVIC_SetVector(CAN0_IRQn, (uint32_t)&CAN0_IRQHandler); NVIC_EnableIRQ(CAN0_IRQn); } else { NVIC_SetVector(CAN1_IRQn, (uint32_t)&CAN1_IRQHandler); NVIC_EnableIRQ(CAN1_IRQn); } } int can_write(can_t *obj, CAN_Message msg, int cc) { STR_CANMSG_T CMsg; CMsg.IdType = (uint32_t)msg.format; CMsg.FrameType = (uint32_t)!msg.type; CMsg.Id = msg.id; CMsg.DLC = msg.len; memcpy((void *)&CMsg.Data[0],(const void *)&msg.data[0], (unsigned int)8); return CAN_Transmit((CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(obj->can), cc, &CMsg); } int can_read(can_t *obj, CAN_Message *msg, int handle) { STR_CANMSG_T CMsg; if(!CAN_Receive((CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(obj->can), handle, &CMsg)) return 0; msg->format = (CANFormat)CMsg.IdType; msg->type = (CANType)!CMsg.FrameType; msg->id = CMsg.Id; msg->len = CMsg.DLC; memcpy(&msg->data[0], &CMsg.Data[0], 8); return 1; } int can_mode(can_t *obj, CanMode mode) { CAN_T *can_base = (CAN_T *) NU_MODBASE(obj->can); int success = 0; switch (mode) { case MODE_RESET: CAN_LeaveTestMode(can_base); success = 1; break; case MODE_NORMAL: CAN_EnterTestMode(can_base, CAN_TEST_BASIC_Msk); success = 1; break; case MODE_SILENT: CAN_EnterTestMode(can_base, CAN_TEST_SILENT_Msk); success = 1; break; case MODE_TEST_LOCAL: case MODE_TEST_GLOBAL: CAN_EnterTestMode(can_base, CAN_TEST_LBACK_Msk); success = 1; break; case MODE_TEST_SILENT: CAN_EnterTestMode(can_base, CAN_TEST_SILENT_Msk | CAN_TEST_LBACK_Msk); success = 1; break; default: success = 0; break; } return success; } int can_filter(can_t *obj, uint32_t id, uint32_t mask, CANFormat format, int32_t handle) { return CAN_SetRxMsg((CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(obj->can), handle , (uint32_t)format, id); } void can_reset(can_t *obj) { const struct nu_modinit_s *modinit = get_modinit(obj->can, can_modinit_tab); MBED_ASSERT(modinit != NULL); MBED_ASSERT(modinit->modname == obj->can); // Reset this module SYS_ResetModule(modinit->rsetidx); } unsigned char can_rderror(can_t *obj) { CAN_T *can = (CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(obj->can); return ((can->ERR>>8)&0xFF); } unsigned char can_tderror(can_t *obj) { CAN_T *can = (CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(obj->can); return ((can->ERR)&0xFF); } void can_monitor(can_t *obj, int silent) { CAN_EnterTestMode((CAN_T *)NU_MODBASE(obj->can), CAN_TEST_SILENT_Msk); } const PinMap *can_rd_pinmap() { return PinMap_CAN_TD; } const PinMap *can_td_pinmap() { return PinMap_CAN_RD; } #endif // DEVICE_CAN