#! /usr/bin/env python2 """ Copyright 2018 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import sys import os import re from os.path import abspath, join, dirname, relpath, sep import json import traceback from fnmatch import translate from argparse import ArgumentParser ROOT = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), '..')) sys.path.insert(0, ROOT) from tools.config import ConfigException from tools.utils import cmd, run_cmd plugins_path = abspath(join(ROOT, 'TEST_APPS', 'icetea_plugins', 'plugins_to_load.py')) def find_build_from_build_data(build_data, id, target, toolchain): if 'builds' not in build_data: raise Exception("build data is in wrong format, does not include builds object") for build in build_data['builds']: if 'id' in build.keys() \ and id.upper() in build['id'].upper() \ and 'target_name' in build.keys() \ and target.upper() == build['target_name'].upper() \ and 'toolchain_name' in build.keys() \ and toolchain.upper() == build['toolchain_name'].upper() \ and 'result' in build.keys() \ and "OK" == build['result']: return build return None def create_test_suite(target, tool, icetea_json_output, build_data, tests_by_name): """ Create test suite content :param target: :param tool: :param icetea_json_output: :param build_data: :return: """ test_suite = dict() test_suite['testcases'] = list() for test in icetea_json_output: skip = False for dut in test['requirements']['duts'].values(): # Set binary path based on application name if 'application' in dut.keys() and 'name' in dut['application'].keys(): build = find_build_from_build_data( build_data=build_data, id=dut['application']['name'], target=target, toolchain=tool) if build: try: dut['application']['bin'] = build['bin_fullpath'] except KeyError: raise Exception('Full path is missing from build: {}'.format(build)) else: skip = True if not tests_by_name or is_test_in_test_by_name(test['name'], tests_by_name): test_case = { 'name': test['name'], 'config': { 'requirements': set_allowed_platform(test['requirements'], target) } } # Skip test if not binary path if skip: test_case['config']['execution'] = { 'skip': { 'value': True, 'reason': "Test requiring application binary not build" } } test_suite['testcases'].append(test_case) return test_suite def set_allowed_platform(requirements, target): """ Allowed platform restrict icetea to run tests on specific board This targets tests to the right board in case that user has multiple ones connected same time """ if '*' not in requirements['duts'].keys(): requirements['duts']['*'] = dict() requirements['duts']['*']['allowed_platforms'] = [target] return requirements def get_applications(test): ret = list() for dut in test['requirements']['duts'].values(): if 'application' in dut.keys() and 'name' in dut['application'].keys(): ret.append(dut['application']['name']) return ret def filter_test_by_build_data(icetea_json_output, build_data, target, toolchain): if not build_data: return icetea_json_output ret = list() for test in icetea_json_output: for dut in test['requirements']['duts'].values(): if 'application' in dut.keys() and 'name' in dut['application'].keys(): id = dut['application']['name'] if find_build_from_build_data(build_data, id, target, toolchain): # Test requiring build found ret.append(test) return ret def filter_test_by_name(icetea_json_output, test_by_name): if not test_by_name: return icetea_json_output ret = list() for test_temp in icetea_json_output: if is_test_in_test_by_name(test_temp['name'], test_by_name) and test_temp not in ret: ret.append(test_temp) return ret def get_applications_from_test(test): ret = list() if u'requirements' in test.keys() and u'duts' in test[u'requirements']: for name, dut in test[u'requirements'][u'duts'].items(): if u'application' in dut.keys() and u'name' in dut[u'application']: ret.append(dut[u'application'][u'name']) return ret def get_application_list(icetea_json_output, tests_by_name): """ Return comma separated list of application which are used in tests """ ret = list() for test in filter_test_by_name(icetea_json_output, tests_by_name): ret.extend(get_applications_from_test(test)) # Remove duplicates return list(set(ret)) def icetea_tests(target, tcdir, verbose): if not os.path.exists(tcdir): raise Exception("Icetea run error: No TEST_APPS folder in {}".format(os.path.curdir)) command = ['icetea', '--tcdir', tcdir, '--list', '--json', '--platform_filter', target] \ + (['-v'] if verbose else []) stdout, stderr, returncode = run_cmd(command) if returncode != 0: additional_information = "\ncwd:{} \nCommand:'{}' \noutput:{}".format(os.getcwd(), ' '.join(command), stderr.decode()) raise Exception("Error when running icetea. {}".format(additional_information)) return json.loads(stdout) def is_test_in_test_by_name(test_name, test_by_name): for tbn_temp in test_by_name: if re.search(translate(tbn_temp), test_name): return True return False def check_tests(icetea_json_output): """ Check that all tests have all necessary information :return: """ for test in icetea_json_output: if not get_applications_from_test(test): raise Exception('Test {} does not have application with correct name'.format(test['name'])) def load_build_data(build_data_path): """ :return: build_data.json content as dict and None if build data is not available """ if not os.path.isfile(build_data_path): return None return json.load(open(build_data_path)) if __name__ == '__main__': try: # Parse Options parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-m', '--mcu', dest='target', default=None, help='Test target MCU', required=True) parser.add_argument('-t', '--toolchain', dest='toolchain', default=None, help='Toolchain', required=True) parser.add_argument('--build-data', dest='build_data', default=None, help='Detail data from build') parser.add_argument('--test-suite', dest='test_suite', default=None, help='Path used for test suite file') parser.add_argument('-n', '--tests-by-name', dest='tests_by_name', default=None, help='Limit the tests to a list (ex. test1,test2,test3)') parser.add_argument('--tcdir', dest='tcdir', default='TEST_APPS', help='Test case directory', required=False) parser.add_argument('--compile-list', action='store_true', dest='compile_list', default=False, help='List tests, which applications can be compiled') parser.add_argument('--run-list', action='store_true', dest='run_list', default=False, help='List tests, which applications are compiled and ready for run') parser.add_argument('--application-list', action='store_true', dest='application_list', default=False, help='List applications that need to be build') parser.add_argument('--ignore-checks', action='store_true', dest='ignore_checks', default=False, help='Ignore data validation checks') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False, help='Verbose diagnostic output') options = parser.parse_args() icetea_json_output = icetea_tests(options.target, options.tcdir, options.verbose) tests_by_name = options.tests_by_name.split(',') if options.tests_by_name else None build_data = load_build_data(options.build_data) if options.build_data else None if not options.ignore_checks: check_tests(icetea_json_output) if options.compile_list: print('Available icetea tests for build \'{}-{}\', location \'{}\''.format( options.target, options.toolchain, options.tcdir)) for test in icetea_json_output: print( 'Test Case:\n Name: {name}\n Path: .{sep}{filepath}\n Test applications: .{sep}{apps}'.format( name=test['name'], sep=sep, filepath=relpath(test['filepath'], ROOT), apps=''.join(get_applications(test)).replace('-', os.path.sep))) elif options.run_list: print('Available icetea tests for build \'{}-{}\', location \'{}\''.format( options.target, options.toolchain, options.tcdir)) # Filters tests = filter_test_by_name(icetea_json_output, tests_by_name) if build_data: tests = filter_test_by_build_data(tests, build_data, options.target, options.toolchain) for test in tests: print(' test \'{name}\''.format(name=test['name'])) elif options.application_list: print(','.join(get_application_list(icetea_json_output, tests_by_name))) else: if not build_data: raise Exception("Build data file does not exist: {}".format(options.build_data)) test_suite = create_test_suite(options.target, options.toolchain, icetea_json_output, build_data, tests_by_name) if not test_suite['testcases']: raise Exception("Test suite is empty. Check that --tcdir and --tests-by-name have correct values") if not options.test_suite: raise Exception('--test-suite is required when running tests') with open(options.test_suite, 'w') as f: json.dump(test_suite, f, indent=2) # List just for debug if options.verbose: cmd(['icetea', '--tcdir', options.tcdir, '--list'] + (['-v'] if options.verbose else [])) cmd(['icetea', '--tcdir', options.tcdir, '--suite', options.test_suite, '--clean', '--plugin_path', plugins_path] + (['-v'] if options.verbose else [])) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print('\n[CTRL+c] exit') except ConfigException as e: # Catching ConfigException here to prevent a traceback print('[ERROR] {}'.format(e)) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) print('[ERROR] {}'.format(e)) sys.exit(1)