""" Copyright 2018 ARM Limited SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import re import time from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime from icetea_lib.Plugin.PluginBase import PluginBase class IpTestParsers(PluginBase): # constructor def __init__(self): super(IpTestParsers, self).__init__() def get_parsers(self): return { 'ifconfig': self.__ifconfigParser, 'ifup': self.__ifconfigParser, 'ethup': self.__ifconfigParser, 'dut1': self.__ifconfigParser, 'dut2': self.__ifconfigParser, 'dut3': self.__ifconfigParser, 'dut4': self.__ifconfigParser, 'dut5': self.__ifconfigParser, 'dut6': self.__ifconfigParser, 'socket': self.__mbedossocketParser, 'ticker': self.__ticker_parser } # socket command for mbedos def __mbedossocketParser(self, response): results = {'socket_id': None, 'data_type': None, 'data': "", 'printed_bytes': None, 'sent_bytes': None, 'received_bytes': None, 'address': None, 'port': None, 'loop_id': None } respLines = response.lines part = None for line in respLines: ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, ".*sid: ([0-9]+)") if ret is not False: results['socket_id'] = ret ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, ".*(hex|string) data, printing .* bytes:") if ret is not False: results['data_type'] = ret ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, ".*data, printing (.*) bytes:") if ret is not False: part = "data" ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, "^Printed (.*) bytes$") if ret is not False: results['printed_bytes'] = int(ret) part = None if part == "data": ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, "^\d{4}: (.*)$") if ret is not False: results['data'] = results['data'] + ret ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, ".*sent: ([0-9]+) bytes") if ret is not False: results['sent_bytes'] = int(ret) ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, ".*received: ([0-9]+) bytes") if ret is not False: results['received_bytes'] = int(ret) ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, ".*address: ([0-9a-fxA-F:.]+)") if ret is not False: results['address'] = ret ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, ".*port: ([0-9]+)") if ret is not False: results['port'] = ret ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, ".*lid: ([0-9]+)") if ret is not False: results['loop_id'] = ret return results # response parser for ifup def __ifconfigParser(self, response): results = {} lines = response.traces part = None results['address'] = { 'll': '', 'globals': [], 'ipv4': None, 'ipv6': [] } for line in lines: # print "ifcfgparser: %s" % line match = re.search('IPv6 if addr', line) if match: part = "address" match = re.search('IPv4 if addr', line) if match: part = "address" match = re.search('MAC-48\:[\W]{1,}(.*)', line) if match: mac48 = match.group(1) # Validate the MAC-48 syntax as well match = re.search("([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:??){5}([0-9a-fA-F]{2})", mac48) if match: results['MAC'] = mac48 if part == "address": match = re.search('.*\[(\d)\]:\W([abcdefg\d\:]{5,})', line) if match: addr = match.group(2) if re.search('^fe80\:\:', addr): results['address']['ll'] = addr else: results['address']["globals"].append(addr) match = re.search('\[(\d)\]:\W([a-fA-F\d\:]{5,})', line) if match: results['address']['ipv6'].append(match.group(2)) match = re.search('(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$', line) if match: results['address']['ipv4'] = match.group(1) return results def __ticker_parser(self, response): results = {} respLines = response.lines for line in respLines: ret = PluginBase.find_one(line, 'Ticker id: ([0-9]+)') if ret is not False: results['ticker_id'] = ret return results