/** / _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| (C)2013 Semtech ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __| \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _| |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___| embedded.connectivity.solutions=============== Description: LoRaWAN stack layer that controls both MAC and PHY underneath License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project Maintainer: Miguel Luis ( Semtech ), Gregory Cristian ( Semtech ) and Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE ) Copyright (c) 2017, Arm Limited and affiliates. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include #include #include "platform/Callback.h" #include "events/EventQueue.h" #include "LoRaWANStack.h" #include "mbed-trace/mbed_trace.h" #define TRACE_GROUP "LSTK" #define INVALID_PORT 0xFF #define MAX_CONFIRMED_MSG_RETRIES 255 #define COMPLIANCE_TESTING_PORT 224 /** * Control flags for transient states */ #define IDLE_FLAG 0x00000000 #define RETRY_EXHAUSTED_FLAG 0x00000001 #define MSG_RECVD_FLAG 0x00000002 #define CONNECTED_FLAG 0x00000004 #define USING_OTAA_FLAG 0x00000008 #define TX_DONE_FLAG 0x00000010 #define CONN_IN_PROGRESS_FLAG 0x00000020 using namespace mbed; using namespace events; /** * Bit mask for message flags */ #define MSG_FLAG_MASK 0x0F /***************************************************************************** * Constructor * ****************************************************************************/ LoRaWANStack::LoRaWANStack() : _loramac(), _device_current_state(DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED), _lw_session(), _tx_msg(), _rx_msg(), _tx_metadata(), _rx_metadata(), _num_retry(1), _qos_cnt(1), _ctrl_flags(IDLE_FLAG), _app_port(INVALID_PORT), _link_check_requested(false), _automatic_uplink_ongoing(false), _queue(NULL) { _tx_metadata.stale = true; _rx_metadata.stale = true; core_util_atomic_flag_clear(&_rx_payload_in_use); #ifdef MBED_CONF_LORA_APP_PORT if (is_port_valid(MBED_CONF_LORA_APP_PORT)) { _app_port = MBED_CONF_LORA_APP_PORT; } else { tr_error("User defined port in .json is illegal."); } #endif } /***************************************************************************** * Public Methods * ****************************************************************************/ void LoRaWANStack::bind_phy_and_radio_driver(LoRaRadio &radio, LoRaPHY &phy) { radio_events.tx_done = mbed::callback(this, &LoRaWANStack::tx_interrupt_handler); radio_events.rx_done = mbed::callback(this, &LoRaWANStack::rx_interrupt_handler); radio_events.rx_error = mbed::callback(this, &LoRaWANStack::rx_error_interrupt_handler); radio_events.tx_timeout = mbed::callback(this, &LoRaWANStack::tx_timeout_interrupt_handler); radio_events.rx_timeout = mbed::callback(this, &LoRaWANStack::rx_timeout_interrupt_handler); phy.set_radio_instance(radio); _loramac.bind_phy(phy); radio.lock(); radio.init_radio(&radio_events); radio.unlock(); } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::initialize_mac_layer(EventQueue *queue) { if (!queue) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID; } tr_debug("Initializing MAC layer"); _queue = queue; return state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_IDLE); } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::set_lora_callbacks(const lorawan_app_callbacks_t *callbacks) { if (DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED == _device_current_state) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (!callbacks || !callbacks->events) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID; } _callbacks.events = callbacks->events; if (callbacks->link_check_resp) { _callbacks.link_check_resp = callbacks->link_check_resp; } if (callbacks->battery_level) { _callbacks.battery_level = callbacks->battery_level; _loramac.set_batterylevel_callback(callbacks->battery_level); } return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::connect() { if (DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED == _device_current_state) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (_ctrl_flags & CONN_IN_PROGRESS_FLAG) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_BUSY; } if (_ctrl_flags & CONNECTED_FLAG) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED; } lorawan_status_t status = _loramac.prepare_join(NULL, MBED_CONF_LORA_OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION); if (LORAWAN_STATUS_OK != status) { return status; } return handle_connect(MBED_CONF_LORA_OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION); } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::connect(const lorawan_connect_t &connect) { if (DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED == _device_current_state) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (_ctrl_flags & CONN_IN_PROGRESS_FLAG) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_BUSY; } if (_ctrl_flags & CONNECTED_FLAG) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED; } if (!(connect.connect_type == LORAWAN_CONNECTION_OTAA) && !(connect.connect_type == LORAWAN_CONNECTION_ABP)) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID; } bool is_otaa = (connect.connect_type == LORAWAN_CONNECTION_OTAA); lorawan_status_t status = _loramac.prepare_join(&connect, is_otaa); if (LORAWAN_STATUS_OK != status) { return status; } return handle_connect(is_otaa); } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::add_channels(const lorawan_channelplan_t &channel_plan) { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return _loramac.add_channel_plan(channel_plan); } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::remove_a_channel(uint8_t channel_id) { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return _loramac.remove_single_channel(channel_id); } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::drop_channel_list() { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return _loramac.remove_channel_plan(); } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::get_enabled_channels(lorawan_channelplan_t &channel_plan) { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return _loramac.get_channel_plan(channel_plan); } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::set_confirmed_msg_retry(uint8_t count) { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (count >= MAX_CONFIRMED_MSG_RETRIES) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID; } _num_retry = count; return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::set_channel_data_rate(uint8_t data_rate) { if (DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED == _device_current_state) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return _loramac.set_channel_data_rate(data_rate); } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::enable_adaptive_datarate(bool adr_enabled) { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } _loramac.enable_adaptive_datarate(adr_enabled); return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::stop_sending(void) { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } lorawan_status_t status = _loramac.clear_tx_pipe(); if (status == LORAWAN_STATUS_OK) { _ctrl_flags &= ~TX_DONE_FLAG; _loramac.set_tx_ongoing(false); _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_IDLE; return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } return status; } int16_t LoRaWANStack::handle_tx(const uint8_t port, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, uint8_t flags, bool null_allowed, bool allow_port_0) { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (!null_allowed && !data) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID; } if (!_lw_session.active) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NO_ACTIVE_SESSIONS; } if (_loramac.tx_ongoing()) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK; } // add a link check request with normal data, until the application // explicitly removes it. if (_link_check_requested) { _loramac.setup_link_check_request(); } _qos_cnt = 1; lorawan_status_t status; if (_loramac.nwk_joined() == false) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NO_NETWORK_JOINED; } status = set_application_port(port, allow_port_0); if (status != LORAWAN_STATUS_OK) { tr_error("Illegal application port definition."); return status; } // All the flags are mutually exclusive. In addition to that MSG_MULTICAST_FLAG cannot be // used for uplink. switch (flags & MSG_FLAG_MASK) { case MSG_UNCONFIRMED_FLAG: case MSG_CONFIRMED_FLAG: case MSG_PROPRIETARY_FLAG: break; default: tr_error("Invalid send flags"); return LORAWAN_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID; } int16_t len = _loramac.prepare_ongoing_tx(port, data, length, flags, _num_retry); status = state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_SCHEDULING); // send user the length of data which is scheduled now. // user should take care of the pending data. return (status == LORAWAN_STATUS_OK) ? len : (int16_t) status; } int16_t LoRaWANStack::handle_rx(uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, uint8_t &port, int &flags, bool validate_params) { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (!_lw_session.active) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NO_ACTIVE_SESSIONS; } // No messages to read. if (!_rx_msg.receive_ready) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK; } if (data == NULL || length == 0) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID; } int received_flags = convert_to_msg_flag(_rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.type); if (validate_params) { // Check received message port and flags match with the ones requested by user received_flags &= MSG_FLAG_MASK; if (_rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.port != port || !(flags & received_flags)) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK; } } // Report values back to user port = _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.port; flags = received_flags; const uint8_t *base_ptr = _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.buffer; uint16_t base_size = _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.buffer_size; bool read_complete = false; if (_rx_msg.pending_size == 0) { _rx_msg.pending_size = _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.buffer_size; _rx_msg.prev_read_size = 0; } // check the length of received message whether we can fit into user // buffer completely or not if (_rx_msg.prev_read_size == 0 && _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.buffer_size <= length) { memcpy(data, base_ptr, base_size); read_complete = true; } else if (_rx_msg.pending_size > length) { _rx_msg.pending_size = _rx_msg.pending_size - length; base_size = length; memcpy(data, base_ptr + _rx_msg.prev_read_size, base_size); _rx_msg.prev_read_size += base_size; } else { base_size = _rx_msg.pending_size; memcpy(data, base_ptr + _rx_msg.prev_read_size, base_size); read_complete = true; } if (read_complete) { _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.buffer = NULL; _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.buffer_size = 0; _rx_msg.pending_size = 0; _rx_msg.receive_ready = false; } return base_size; } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::set_link_check_request() { if (DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED == _device_current_state) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (!_callbacks.link_check_resp) { tr_error("Must assign a callback function for link check request. "); return LORAWAN_STATUS_PARAMETER_INVALID; } _link_check_requested = true; return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } void LoRaWANStack::remove_link_check_request() { _link_check_requested = false; } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::shutdown() { if (DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED == _device_current_state) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } return state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_SHUTDOWN); } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::set_device_class(const device_class_t &device_class) { if (DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED == _device_current_state) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (device_class == CLASS_B) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; } _loramac.set_device_class(device_class, mbed::callback(this, &LoRaWANStack::post_process_tx_no_reception)); return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::acquire_tx_metadata(lorawan_tx_metadata &tx_metadata) { if (DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED == _device_current_state) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (!_tx_metadata.stale) { tx_metadata = _tx_metadata; _tx_metadata.stale = true; return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } return LORAWAN_STATUS_METADATA_NOT_AVAILABLE; } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::acquire_rx_metadata(lorawan_rx_metadata &metadata) { if (DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED == _device_current_state) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (!_rx_metadata.stale) { metadata = _rx_metadata; _rx_metadata.stale = true; return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } return LORAWAN_STATUS_METADATA_NOT_AVAILABLE; } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::acquire_backoff_metadata(int &backoff) { if (DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED == _device_current_state) { return LORAWAN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; } int id = _loramac.get_backoff_timer_event_id(); if (_loramac.get_backoff_timer_event_id() > 0) { backoff = _queue->time_left(id); return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } backoff = -1; return LORAWAN_STATUS_METADATA_NOT_AVAILABLE; } /***************************************************************************** * Interrupt handlers * ****************************************************************************/ void LoRaWANStack::tx_interrupt_handler(void) { _tx_timestamp = _loramac.get_current_time(); const int ret = _queue->call(this, &LoRaWANStack::process_transmission); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void)ret; } void LoRaWANStack::rx_interrupt_handler(const uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr) { if (size > sizeof _rx_payload || core_util_atomic_flag_test_and_set(&_rx_payload_in_use)) { return; } memcpy(_rx_payload, payload, size); const uint8_t *ptr = _rx_payload; const int ret = _queue->call(this, &LoRaWANStack::process_reception, ptr, size, rssi, snr); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void)ret; } void LoRaWANStack::rx_error_interrupt_handler(void) { const int ret = _queue->call(this, &LoRaWANStack::process_reception_timeout, false); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void)ret; } void LoRaWANStack::tx_timeout_interrupt_handler(void) { const int ret = _queue->call(this, &LoRaWANStack::process_transmission_timeout); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void)ret; } void LoRaWANStack::rx_timeout_interrupt_handler(void) { const int ret = _queue->call(this, &LoRaWANStack::process_reception_timeout, true); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void)ret; } /***************************************************************************** * Processors for deferred interrupts * ****************************************************************************/ void LoRaWANStack::process_transmission_timeout() { // this is a fatal error and should not happen tr_debug("TX Timeout"); _loramac.on_radio_tx_timeout(); _ctrl_flags &= ~TX_DONE_FLAG; if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_JOINING) { mlme_confirm_handler(); } else { state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_STATUS_CHECK); } state_machine_run_to_completion(); } void LoRaWANStack::process_transmission(void) { tr_debug("Transmission completed"); if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_JOINING) { _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_AWAITING_JOIN_ACCEPT; } if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_SENDING) { if (_loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->req_type == MCPS_CONFIRMED) { tr_debug("Awaiting ACK"); _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_AWAITING_ACK; } } _loramac.on_radio_tx_done(_tx_timestamp); } void LoRaWANStack::post_process_tx_with_reception() { if (_loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->req_type == MCPS_CONFIRMED) { // if ack was not received, we will try retransmission after // ACK_TIMEOUT. handle_data_frame() already disables ACK_TIMEOUT timer // if ack was received. Otherwise, following method will be called in // LoRaMac.cpp, on_ack_timeout_timer_event(). if (_loramac.get_mcps_indication()->is_ack_recvd) { _ctrl_flags |= TX_DONE_FLAG; _ctrl_flags &= ~RETRY_EXHAUSTED_FLAG; tr_debug("Ack=OK, NbTrials=%d", _loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->nb_retries); _loramac.post_process_mcps_req(); make_tx_metadata_available(); state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_STATUS_CHECK); } else { if (!_loramac.continue_sending_process() && _loramac.get_current_slot() != RX_SLOT_WIN_1) { tr_error("Retries exhausted for Class %s device", _loramac.get_device_class() == CLASS_A ? "A" : "C"); _ctrl_flags &= ~TX_DONE_FLAG; _ctrl_flags |= RETRY_EXHAUSTED_FLAG; _loramac.post_process_mcps_req(); make_tx_metadata_available(); state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_STATUS_CHECK); } } } else { // handle UNCONFIRMED case here, RX slots were turned off due to // valid packet reception. uint8_t prev_QOS_level = _loramac.get_prev_QOS_level(); uint8_t QOS_level = _loramac.get_QOS_level(); // We will not apply QOS on the post-processing of the previous // outgoing message as we would have received QOS instruction in response // to that particular message if (QOS_level > LORAWAN_DEFAULT_QOS && _qos_cnt < QOS_level && (prev_QOS_level == QOS_level)) { _ctrl_flags &= ~TX_DONE_FLAG; const int ret = _queue->call(this, &LoRaWANStack::state_controller, DEVICE_STATE_SCHEDULING); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void) ret; _qos_cnt++; tr_info("QOS: repeated transmission #%d queued", _qos_cnt); } else { _loramac.post_process_mcps_req(); _ctrl_flags |= TX_DONE_FLAG; make_tx_metadata_available(); state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_STATUS_CHECK); } } } void LoRaWANStack::post_process_tx_no_reception() { if (_loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->req_type == MCPS_CONFIRMED) { if (_loramac.continue_sending_process()) { _ctrl_flags &= ~TX_DONE_FLAG; _ctrl_flags &= ~RETRY_EXHAUSTED_FLAG; return; } tr_error("Retries exhausted for Class %s device", _loramac.get_device_class() == CLASS_A ? "A" : "C"); _ctrl_flags &= ~TX_DONE_FLAG; _ctrl_flags |= RETRY_EXHAUSTED_FLAG; } else { _ctrl_flags |= TX_DONE_FLAG; uint8_t prev_QOS_level = _loramac.get_prev_QOS_level(); uint8_t QOS_level = _loramac.get_QOS_level(); if (QOS_level > LORAWAN_DEFAULT_QOS && (prev_QOS_level == QOS_level)) { if (_qos_cnt < QOS_level) { const int ret = _queue->call(this, &LoRaWANStack::state_controller, DEVICE_STATE_SCHEDULING); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void)ret; _qos_cnt++; tr_info("QOS: repeated transmission #%d queued", _qos_cnt); state_machine_run_to_completion(); return; } } } _loramac.post_process_mcps_req(); make_tx_metadata_available(); state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_STATUS_CHECK); state_machine_run_to_completion(); } void LoRaWANStack::handle_scheduling_failure(void) { tr_error("Failed to schedule transmission"); state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_STATUS_CHECK); state_machine_run_to_completion(); } void LoRaWANStack::process_reception(const uint8_t *const payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr) { _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_RECEIVING; _ctrl_flags &= ~MSG_RECVD_FLAG; _ctrl_flags &= ~TX_DONE_FLAG; _ctrl_flags &= ~RETRY_EXHAUSTED_FLAG; _loramac.on_radio_rx_done(payload, size, rssi, snr); if (_loramac.get_mlme_confirmation()->pending) { _loramac.post_process_mlme_request(); mlme_confirm_handler(); if (_loramac.get_mlme_confirmation()->req_type == MLME_JOIN) { core_util_atomic_flag_clear(&_rx_payload_in_use); return; } } if (!_loramac.nwk_joined()) { core_util_atomic_flag_clear(&_rx_payload_in_use); return; } make_rx_metadata_available(); // Post process transmission in response to the reception post_process_tx_with_reception(); // handle any pending MCPS indication if (_loramac.get_mcps_indication()->pending) { _loramac.post_process_mcps_ind(); _ctrl_flags |= MSG_RECVD_FLAG; state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_STATUS_CHECK); } // complete the cycle only if TX_DONE_FLAG is set if (_ctrl_flags & TX_DONE_FLAG) { state_machine_run_to_completion(); } // suppress auto uplink if another auto-uplink is in AWAITING_ACK state if (_loramac.get_mlme_indication()->pending && !_automatic_uplink_ongoing) { tr_debug("MLME Indication pending"); _loramac.post_process_mlme_ind(); tr_debug("Immediate Uplink requested"); mlme_indication_handler(); } core_util_atomic_flag_clear(&_rx_payload_in_use); } void LoRaWANStack::process_reception_timeout(bool is_timeout) { rx_slot_t slot = _loramac.get_current_slot(); // when is_timeout == false, a CRC error took place in the received frame // we treat that erroneous frame as no frame received at all, hence handle // it exactly as we would handle timeout _loramac.on_radio_rx_timeout(is_timeout); if (slot == RX_SLOT_WIN_2 && !_loramac.nwk_joined()) { state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_JOINING); return; } /** * LoRaWAN Specification 1.0.2. Section 3.3.6 * Main point: * We indicate successful transmission * of UNCONFIRMED message after RX windows are done with. * For a CONFIRMED message, it means that we have not received * ack (actually nothing was received), and we should retransmit if we can. * * NOTE: This code block doesn't get hit for Class C as in Class C, RX2 timeout * never occurs. */ if (slot == RX_SLOT_WIN_2) { post_process_tx_no_reception(); } } /***************************************************************************** * Private methods * ****************************************************************************/ void LoRaWANStack::make_tx_metadata_available(void) { _tx_metadata.stale = false; _tx_metadata.channel = _loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->channel; _tx_metadata.data_rate = _loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->data_rate; _tx_metadata.tx_power = _loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->tx_power; _tx_metadata.tx_toa = _loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->tx_toa; _tx_metadata.nb_retries = _loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->nb_retries; } void LoRaWANStack::make_rx_metadata_available(void) { _rx_metadata.stale = false; _rx_metadata.rx_datarate = _loramac.get_mcps_indication()->rx_datarate; _rx_metadata.rssi = _loramac.get_mcps_indication()->rssi; _rx_metadata.snr = _loramac.get_mcps_indication()->snr; _rx_metadata.channel = _loramac.get_mcps_indication()->channel; _rx_metadata.rx_toa = _loramac.get_mcps_indication()->rx_toa; } bool LoRaWANStack::is_port_valid(const uint8_t port, bool allow_port_0) { //Application should not use reserved and illegal port numbers. if (port == 0) { return allow_port_0; } else if (port == COMPLIANCE_TESTING_PORT) { #if !defined(LORAWAN_COMPLIANCE_TEST) return false; #endif } else { return true; } // fallback for compliance testing port if LORAWAN_COMPLIANCE_TEST // was defined return true; } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::set_application_port(const uint8_t port, bool allow_port_0) { if (is_port_valid(port, allow_port_0)) { _app_port = port; return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } return LORAWAN_STATUS_PORT_INVALID; } void LoRaWANStack::state_machine_run_to_completion() { if (_loramac.get_device_class() == CLASS_C) { _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_RECEIVING; return; } _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_IDLE; } void LoRaWANStack::send_event_to_application(const lorawan_event_t event) const { if (_callbacks.events) { const int ret = _queue->call(_callbacks.events, event); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void)ret; } } void LoRaWANStack::send_automatic_uplink_message(const uint8_t port) { // we will silently ignore the automatic uplink event if the user is already // sending something const int16_t ret = handle_tx(port, NULL, 0, MSG_CONFIRMED_FLAG, true, true); if (ret == LORAWAN_STATUS_WOULD_BLOCK) { _automatic_uplink_ongoing = false; } else if (ret < 0) { tr_debug("Failed to generate AUTOMATIC UPLINK, error code = %d", ret); send_event_to_application(AUTOMATIC_UPLINK_ERROR); } } int LoRaWANStack::convert_to_msg_flag(const mcps_type_t type) { int msg_flag = MSG_UNCONFIRMED_FLAG; switch (type) { case MCPS_UNCONFIRMED: msg_flag = MSG_UNCONFIRMED_FLAG; break; case MCPS_CONFIRMED: msg_flag = MSG_CONFIRMED_FLAG; break; case MCPS_MULTICAST: msg_flag = MSG_MULTICAST_FLAG; break; case MCPS_PROPRIETARY: msg_flag = MSG_PROPRIETARY_FLAG; break; default: tr_error("Unknown message type!"); MBED_ASSERT(0); } return msg_flag; } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::handle_connect(bool is_otaa) { _ctrl_flags |= CONN_IN_PROGRESS_FLAG; if (is_otaa) { tr_debug("Initiating OTAA"); // In 1.0.2 spec, counters are always set to zero for new connection. // This section is common for both normal and // connection restore at this moment. Will change in future with 1.1 support. _lw_session.downlink_counter = 0; _lw_session.uplink_counter = 0; _ctrl_flags |= USING_OTAA_FLAG; } else { // If current state is SHUTDOWN, device may be trying to re-establish // communication. In case of ABP specification is meddled about frame counters. // It says to reset counters to zero but there is no mechanism to tell the // network server that the device was disconnected or restarted. // At the moment, this implementation does not support a non-volatile // memory storage. //_lw_session.downlink_counter; //Get from NVM //_lw_session.uplink_counter; //Get from NVM tr_debug("Initiating ABP"); tr_debug("Frame Counters. UpCnt=%lu, DownCnt=%lu", _lw_session.uplink_counter, _lw_session.downlink_counter); _ctrl_flags &= ~USING_OTAA_FLAG; } return state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_CONNECTING); } void LoRaWANStack::mlme_indication_handler() { if (_loramac.get_mlme_indication()->indication_type == MLME_SCHEDULE_UPLINK) { // The MAC signals that we shall provide an uplink as soon as possible #if MBED_CONF_LORA_AUTOMATIC_UPLINK_MESSAGE _automatic_uplink_ongoing = true; tr_debug("mlme indication: sending empty uplink to port 0 to acknowledge MAC commands..."); const uint8_t port = 0; const int ret = _queue->call(this, &LoRaWANStack::send_automatic_uplink_message, port); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void)ret; #else send_event_to_application(UPLINK_REQUIRED); #endif return; } tr_error("Unknown MLME Indication type."); } void LoRaWANStack::mlme_confirm_handler() { if (_loramac.get_mlme_confirmation()->req_type == MLME_LINK_CHECK) { if (_loramac.get_mlme_confirmation()->status == LORAMAC_EVENT_INFO_STATUS_OK) { if (_callbacks.link_check_resp) { const int ret = _queue->call( _callbacks.link_check_resp, _loramac.get_mlme_confirmation()->demod_margin, _loramac.get_mlme_confirmation()->nb_gateways); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void) ret; } } } if (_loramac.get_mlme_confirmation()->req_type == MLME_JOIN) { switch (_loramac.get_mlme_confirmation()->status) { case LORAMAC_EVENT_INFO_STATUS_OK: state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_CONNECTED); break; case LORAMAC_EVENT_INFO_STATUS_CRYPTO_FAIL: // fatal error _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_IDLE; tr_error("Joining abandoned: CRYPTO_ERROR"); send_event_to_application(CRYPTO_ERROR); break; case LORAMAC_EVENT_INFO_STATUS_TX_TIMEOUT: // fatal error _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_IDLE; tr_error("Joining abandoned: Radio failed to transmit"); send_event_to_application(TX_TIMEOUT); break; default: // non-fatal, retry if possible _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_AWAITING_JOIN_ACCEPT; state_controller(DEVICE_STATE_JOINING); } } } void LoRaWANStack::mcps_confirm_handler() { switch (_loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->status) { case LORAMAC_EVENT_INFO_STATUS_OK: _lw_session.uplink_counter = _loramac.get_mcps_confirmation()->ul_frame_counter; send_event_to_application(TX_DONE); break; case LORAMAC_EVENT_INFO_STATUS_TX_TIMEOUT: tr_error("Fatal Error, Radio failed to transmit"); send_event_to_application(TX_TIMEOUT); break; case LORAMAC_EVENT_INFO_STATUS_TX_DR_PAYLOAD_SIZE_ERROR: send_event_to_application(TX_SCHEDULING_ERROR); break; default: // if no ack was received after enough retries, send TX_ERROR send_event_to_application(TX_ERROR); } } void LoRaWANStack::mcps_indication_handler() { const loramac_mcps_indication_t *mcps_indication = _loramac.get_mcps_indication(); if (mcps_indication->status != LORAMAC_EVENT_INFO_STATUS_OK) { tr_error("RX_ERROR: mcps_indication status = %d", mcps_indication->status); send_event_to_application(RX_ERROR); return; } _lw_session.downlink_counter = mcps_indication->dl_frame_counter; /** * Check port, if it's compliance testing port and the compliance testing is * not enabled, give up silently */ if (mcps_indication->port == COMPLIANCE_TESTING_PORT) { #if !defined(LORAWAN_COMPLIANCE_TEST) return; #endif } if (mcps_indication->is_data_recvd) { // Valid message arrived. _rx_msg.type = LORAMAC_RX_MCPS_INDICATION; _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.buffer_size = mcps_indication->buffer_size; _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.port = mcps_indication->port; _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.buffer = mcps_indication->buffer; _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.type = mcps_indication->type; // Notify application about received frame.. tr_debug("Packet Received %d bytes, Port=%d", _rx_msg.msg.mcps_indication.buffer_size, mcps_indication->port); _rx_msg.receive_ready = true; send_event_to_application(RX_DONE); } /* * If fPending bit is set we try to generate an empty packet * with CONFIRMED flag set. We always set a CONFIRMED flag so * that we could retry a certain number of times if the uplink * failed for some reason * or * Class C and node received a confirmed message so we need to * send an empty packet to acknowledge the message. * This scenario is unspecified by LoRaWAN 1.0.2 specification, * but version 1.1.0 says that network SHALL not send any new * confirmed messages until ack has been sent */ if ((_loramac.get_device_class() != CLASS_C && mcps_indication->fpending_status) || (_loramac.get_device_class() == CLASS_C && mcps_indication->type == MCPS_CONFIRMED)) { #if (MBED_CONF_LORA_AUTOMATIC_UPLINK_MESSAGE) // Do not queue an automatic uplink of there is one already outgoing // This means we have not received an ack for the previous automatic uplink if (!_automatic_uplink_ongoing) { tr_debug("Sending empty uplink message..."); _automatic_uplink_ongoing = true; const int ret = _queue->call(this, &LoRaWANStack::send_automatic_uplink_message, mcps_indication->port); MBED_ASSERT(ret != 0); (void)ret; } #else send_event_to_application(UPLINK_REQUIRED); #endif } } lorawan_status_t LoRaWANStack::state_controller(device_states_t new_state) { lorawan_status_t status = LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; switch (new_state) { case DEVICE_STATE_IDLE: process_idle_state(status); break; case DEVICE_STATE_CONNECTING: process_connecting_state(status); break; case DEVICE_STATE_JOINING: process_joining_state(status); break; case DEVICE_STATE_CONNECTED: process_connected_state(); break; case DEVICE_STATE_SCHEDULING: process_scheduling_state(status); break; case DEVICE_STATE_STATUS_CHECK: process_status_check_state(); break; case DEVICE_STATE_SHUTDOWN: process_shutdown_state(status); break; default: //Because this is internal function only coding error causes this tr_error("Unknown state: %d:", new_state); MBED_ASSERT(false); } return status; } void LoRaWANStack::process_shutdown_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status) { /** * Remove channels * Radio will be put to sleep by the APIs underneath */ drop_channel_list(); _loramac.disconnect(); _lw_session.active = false; _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_SHUTDOWN; op_status = LORAWAN_STATUS_DEVICE_OFF; _ctrl_flags = 0; send_event_to_application(DISCONNECTED); } void LoRaWANStack::process_status_check_state() { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_SENDING || _device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_AWAITING_ACK) { // If there was a successful transmission, this block gets a kick after // RX2 slot is exhausted. We may or may not have a successful UNCONFIRMED transmission // here. In CONFIRMED case this block is invoked only // when the MAX number of retries are exhausted, i.e., only error // case will fall here. Moreover, it will happen for Class A only. // Another possibility is the case when the stack fails to schedule a // deferred transmission and a scheduling failure handler is invoked. _ctrl_flags &= ~TX_DONE_FLAG; _loramac.set_tx_ongoing(false); _loramac.reset_ongoing_tx(); mcps_confirm_handler(); } else if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_RECEIVING) { if ((_ctrl_flags & TX_DONE_FLAG) || (_ctrl_flags & RETRY_EXHAUSTED_FLAG)) { _ctrl_flags &= ~TX_DONE_FLAG; _ctrl_flags &= ~RETRY_EXHAUSTED_FLAG; _loramac.set_tx_ongoing(false); _loramac.reset_ongoing_tx(); // if an automatic uplink is ongoing, we should not send a TX_DONE // event to application if (_automatic_uplink_ongoing) { _automatic_uplink_ongoing = false; } else { mcps_confirm_handler(); } } // handle any received data and send event accordingly if (_ctrl_flags & MSG_RECVD_FLAG) { _ctrl_flags &= ~MSG_RECVD_FLAG; mcps_indication_handler(); } } } void LoRaWANStack::process_scheduling_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status) { if (_device_current_state != DEVICE_STATE_IDLE) { if (_device_current_state != DEVICE_STATE_RECEIVING && _loramac.get_device_class() != CLASS_C) { op_status = LORAWAN_STATUS_BUSY; return; } } op_status = _loramac.send_ongoing_tx(); if (op_status == LORAWAN_STATUS_OK) { _ctrl_flags &= ~TX_DONE_FLAG; _loramac.set_tx_ongoing(true); _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_SENDING; } } void LoRaWANStack::process_joining_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status) { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_CONNECTING) { _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_JOINING; tr_debug("Sending Join Request ..."); op_status = _loramac.join(true); return; } if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_AWAITING_JOIN_ACCEPT && _loramac.get_current_slot() != RX_SLOT_WIN_1) { _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_JOINING; // retry join bool can_continue = _loramac.continue_joining_process(); if (!can_continue) { _ctrl_flags &= ~CONN_IN_PROGRESS_FLAG; send_event_to_application(JOIN_FAILURE); _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_IDLE; return; } } } void LoRaWANStack::process_connected_state() { _ctrl_flags |= CONNECTED_FLAG; _ctrl_flags &= ~CONN_IN_PROGRESS_FLAG; if (_ctrl_flags & USING_OTAA_FLAG) { tr_debug("OTAA Connection OK!"); } _lw_session.active = true; send_event_to_application(CONNECTED); _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_IDLE; } void LoRaWANStack::process_connecting_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status) { MBED_ASSERT(_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_IDLE || _device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_SHUTDOWN); _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_CONNECTING; if (_ctrl_flags & USING_OTAA_FLAG) { process_joining_state(op_status); return; } op_status = _loramac.join(false); tr_debug("ABP connection OK."); process_connected_state(); } void LoRaWANStack::process_idle_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status) { if (_device_current_state == DEVICE_STATE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_IDLE; process_uninitialized_state(op_status); return; } _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_IDLE; op_status = LORAWAN_STATUS_OK; } void LoRaWANStack::process_uninitialized_state(lorawan_status_t &op_status) { op_status = _loramac.initialize(_queue, mbed::callback(this, &LoRaWANStack::handle_scheduling_failure)); if (op_status == LORAWAN_STATUS_OK) { _device_current_state = DEVICE_STATE_IDLE; } }