{ "name": "nsapi", "config": { "present": 1, "default-stack": { "help" : "Default stack to be used, valid values: LWIP, NANOSTACK.", "value" : "LWIP" }, "default-wifi-ssid" : { "help" : "Default Wi-Fi SSID.", "value": null }, "default-wifi-password" : { "help" : "Password for the default Wi-Fi network.", "value": null }, "default-wifi-security" : { "help" : "Wi-Fi security protocol, valid values are WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA/WPA2.", "value" : "NONE" }, "default-cellular-plmn" : { "help" : "Default Public Land Mobile Network for cellular connection.", "value": null }, "default-cellular-sim-pin" : { "help" : "PIN for the default SIM card.", "value": null }, "default-cellular-apn" : { "help" : "Default cellular Access Point Name.", "value": null }, "default-cellular-username" : { "help" : "Username for the default cellular network.", "value": null }, "default-cellular-password" : { "help" : "Password for the default cellular network.", "value": null }, "default-mesh-type": { "help": "Configuration type for MeshInterface::get_default_instance(). [LOWPAN/THREAD]", "value": "THREAD" }, "dns-response-wait-time": { "help": "How long the DNS translator waits for a reply from a server in milliseconds", "value": 5000 }, "dns-total-attempts": { "help": "Number of total DNS query attempts that the DNS translator makes", "value": 3 }, "dns-retries": { "help": "Number of DNS query retries that the DNS translator makes per server, before moving on to the next server. Total retries/attempts is always limited by dns-total-attempts.", "value": 0 }, "dns-cache-size": { "help": "Number of cached host name resolutions", "value": 3 }, "socket-stats-enabled": { "help": "Enable network socket statistics", "value": false }, "socket-stats-max-count": { "help": "Maximum number of socket statistics cached", "value": 10 } }, "target_overrides": { "KW24D": { "nsapi.default-mesh-type": "LOWPAN" }, "NCS36510": { "nsapi.default-mesh-type": "LOWPAN" }, "TB_SENSE_12": { "nsapi.default-mesh-type": "LOWPAN" } } }